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Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

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Research article

Foreign direct investment and education as determinants of environmental

quality: The importance of post Paris Agreement (COP21)
Muhammad Wasif Zafar a, b, Quande Qin a, *, Muhammad Nasir malik c, Syed Anees Haider Zaidi d
College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, 518060, China
COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan
UCP Business School, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus, Pakistan


Keywords: This study investigates the effect of foreign direct investment and education on environmental quality for Asian
Foreign direct investment countries by controlling income, energy consumption, and urbanization for the period of 1990–2018. We have
Education applied panel cointegration techniques to probe for long-run associations among the variables. The empirical
results indicate the existence of cointegration between the variables. Dynamic ordinary least square and fully
modified least square methods are applied to estimate long-run elasticities. The empirical results confirm that
environmental quality is sensitive to foreign direct investment, education, and urbanization. Income and energy
consumption deteriorate environmental quality by increasing CO2 emissions. In the long-run, bidirectional causal
associations are found for emissions- foreign direct investment, emissions-energy use, income- emissions, foreign
direct investment -income, and energy-income nexus. Furthermore, there is a unidirectional causality running
from education and urbanization to emissions, foreign direct investment, income, and energy use. Policymakers
in Asian economies are encouraged to establish policies that increase the education budget, promote the use of
green energy, attract foreign direct investment with green technology, and expand cities to limit the urbanization
effects on environmental quality.

1. Introduction emissions rose by 5.5% while only EU’s emissions declined by 1.3% in
2018. With these GHG emission trends, the global temperatures will
Paris Agreement – ratified by EU and 186 countries and negotiated likely exceed well beyond 3 � C above the pre-industrial level in this
by 197 members of UNFCCC at the 21st Conference of the Parties century that can have cataclysmic implications for life through ozone
(COP21) – has prescribed the overarching global climate goal of limiting depletion, glacial melting, extreme weathers and loss of biodiversity.
the increase in average temperature to well below 2 � C above the pre- In terms of regional emissions, Asia Pacific is the largest emitter
industrial level. In this perspective, the members came up with their contributing about 50% of the global CO2 emissions leaving South Asia
intended Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that included and South East Asia among the most vulnerable regions to climate
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets, among other intentional ac­ change. While GHG emission growth in high-income countries has sta­
tions. While the Agreement requires the NDCs to be ambitious and bilized, it is likely to be mammoth in low- and middle-income devel­
progressive, the goals remain voluntary and non-binding. According to oping countries as they rely heavily on fossil fuels to meet growing
UNEP, the annual global emission reduction of 7.6% is required during energy demands. These rapidly growing yet financially and technolog­
the next decade to limit temperature rise to 1.5 � C. However, USA – one ically constrained Asian economies have a substantial renewable energy
of the top global emitters (15% of global GHG emission in 2017 and potential and posit a significant challenge as well as an opportunity for
2.5% increase in 2018) – has already initiated the process for with­ global efforts on climate change through full decarbonization of energy
drawal from the agreement that will become effective in November systems.
2020. Among other top emitters, China’s emissions rose by 1.6%, India’s In this backdrop, not only the role of COP21 needs to be reviewed in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.W. Zafar), (Q. Qin), (M.N. malik),
(S.A.H. Zaidi).
Received 18 December 2019; Received in revised form 11 May 2020; Accepted 23 May 2020
Available online 11 June 2020
0301-4797/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

determining the effectiveness of NDCs, but equally importantly, aca­ brings a higher level of environmental awareness leading to decreased
demic research should focus on exogenous and endogenous variables emissions. High education levels also provide support for environment
that affect environmental quality. In this context, the role of foreign friendly technologies that further reduce carbon emissions.
direct investment (FDI) and education can be particularly significant. Another internal challenge faced by the Asian region is ‘increasing
FDI, as an exogenous variable, serves as a route for importing techno­ urbanization.’ People from rural areas are migrating to urban areas for
logical innovations for driving economic growth (Shahbaz et al., 2018), improved access to education, employment, and health facilities which
while a rise in educational attainment fosters innovation in an endoge­ increases the burden on urban governments. The Asian region is expe­
nous manner (Bano et al., 2018). Policymakers in developing countries riencing rapid urbanization with an almost doubling (32.5%–61.4%) of
tend to favor rapid economic growth even at the expense of environ­ the urbanization rate between 1990 and 2018 (Shahbaz et al., 2019).
mental quality. In these countries, economic growth is fueled through The growing urban population requires large amounts of energy in the
non-green technologies brought via the FDI route, and the educational form of electricity, coal, and natural gas to enable uninterrupted work
attainment is not entirely aimed at achieving efficiency in fossil and living. Besides, due to the enhanced income level, urban residents
fuel-driven energy production. Therefore, the role of FDI and education are more likely to purchase personal automobiles and other electric
on the sustenance of environmental quality needs to be assessed for the home appliances. This significantly increases fossil fuel consumption
case of emerging economies, so that the economic growth is not ach­ and results in higher emission levels (Mi et al., 2016). As urbanization
ieved at the cost of ecological balance. uplifts economic activities, it is a driver of economic growth but also
Farhani et al. (2014) proposed that the rise in income and causes increased energy consumption and higher carbon emissions.
improvement in environmental quality can be implemented at the same Therefore, urbanization is a crucial element to study concerning carbon
time. For this purpose, macroeconomic variables need to be studied for emissions and economic growth.
yielding a significant impact on environmental quality and economic The Asian region provides a unique opportunity to study the causal
growth. In this context, this work assessed the effect of FDI, education, link between these variables as the area holds nearly half of the world’s
and urbanization on ecological improvement in selected Asian coun­ population and is experiencing significant economic growth. Asian
tries. Previous studies have generally evaluated environmental quality growth remained steady at 5.4% during 2018, maintaining the region’s
using measurements of carbon emissions (Akadiri et al., 2019; Long and status as a global growth leader with China growing at 6.2%, Japan at
Ji, 2019). Carbon emissions are a prime reason behind environmental 1.2%, Bangladesh at 6.9%, India at 6.8%, Malaysia at 4.2%, the
degradation and are a significant threat to environmental quality (Zaidi Philippines at 6.8%, Indonesia at 5%, and South Korea at 2.7% growth
et al., 2018b). Therefore, controlling carbon emissions without rate. In general, Asian countries are experiencing high economic growth
compromising economic growth has become a primary concern for and increased exports but also a decline in environmental quality that
policymakers. The rising flow of FDI has been considered a hallmark of has become a significant challenge.
economic growth in a globalized economy, driving economic develop­ According to the Yale Environmental Performance Index in 2018,
ment, employment opportunities, and modernization for developing and India and Bangladesh have the lowest performance, with Nepal at 176,
emerging economies alike. However, these inflows are also an essential Pakistan at 169, China at 120, Thailand at 121, Vietnam at 132,
driving determinant of environmental pollution because of their latent Indonesia at 133, and Cambodia at 150. Besides, the human capital
contribution (Shahbaz et al., 2015). development gap remains high as the global average stands at 62%
The effects of FDI on ecology remain under discussion worldwide meaning 38% of the human capital remains neglected. For South Asia,
because of the different results seen to date. One school of thought this gap is wider than the global average, and 46% of the region’s human
concerning the FDI-environmental quality nexus argues that multina­ capital is ignored which is just ahead of Sub Sahara Africa. Human
tional organizations relocate carbon-emitting industries from high- capital is a fundamental component of productivity and the functioning
income to low-income countries because conservational directives are of society and its institutions. In comparison, global human capital index
not as stringent in developing countries (Cole and Neumayer, 2004). ranking for India stands at 103, Bangladesh at 111, Pakistan at 125,
These developing countries welcome this relocation to achieve growth Nepal at 98, and Sri Lanka at 70 marginally outperforming its neighbors.
at the cost of ecological balance. This strand of research supports the The GHCI ranking for China stands at 34, Japan stands at 17, and South
pollution Haven hypothesis. Another school of thought argues that FDI Korea stands at 27, with high scoring on the capacity sub-index of GHCI
increases energy efficiency and improves environmental quality through due to the educational achievements of older generations. Thailand is at
technology transfers and innovative production systems (Eskeland and 40 and Malaysia is at 33 with a high score on Know-how sub-index of
Harrison, 2003). This strand of research supports the pollution halo GHCI.
hypothesis which states that the role of FDI inflows should be considered Given the importance of emerging and developing Asian economies,
in pollution reductions in a host economy. the present article assesses the consequence of FDI and education on
Ulucak and Bilgili (2018) argue that environmental problems are due environmental quality in Asian countries. This study also evaluated
to the absence of education in societies. As such, the role of education is economic growth, energy consumption and urbanization as moderators
significant in achieving a sustainable environment and it is the main of this association. The rapid growth of the Asian region is making issues
ingredient for human capital in globalized economies. More specifically, related to economic growth, FDI, urbanization, and environmental
the significance of education in the human development process of so­ degradation increasingly severe.
ciety is undeniable, primarily when energy efficiency and environ­ Existing literature has mainly discussed the linear relationship be­
mental awareness concepts are involved (Dias et al., 2006). tween FDI and urbanization concerning environmental quality while the
Pablo-romero and S� anchez-braza (2015) found an association between non-linear aspect has not been considered. This research article fills
human capital and energy utilization and argued that energy con­ another research gap as the role of education has not been found in
sumption might be reduced via human capital in the production process. previous studies related to Asian countries and have not considered the
Similarly, Pîrlogea (2012) noted that countries possessing high human FDI-environmental quality nexus. The non-linear effect (Environment
capital also consume low energy per capita. Bano et al. (2018) proposed Kuznets Curve) of economic growth, FDI, and human capital provide
that human capital provides the necessary knowledge to understand the useful insights for policymakers, economists, and researchers, informing
environmental and energy security issues. the development of effective policies for Asian countries. Some of the
Further, carbon emission reduction targets can be achieved with the Asian countries have successfully attracted ample foreign direct in­
help of human capital through an increase in energy efficiency (Kwon, vestment but ignoring environmental quality. Similarly, these countries
2009). Balaguer and Cantavella (2018) suggested that improvements in have focused on education to provide better human capital to foreign
education improve environmental quality. An increase in education investors, but education regarding environmental quality is not

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

pertinent. This study is essential in this regard to highlight the need for 2009. They used fully modified least square (FMOLS) and noted that FDI
clean FDI and improved education in Asian countries to attain higher has a negative and significant impact on pollution, i.e., rejection of the
growth rates without losing environmental quality. Being the largest PHH.
emitters of carbon, Asian countries are required to modify their eco­ Kivyiro and Arminen (2014) examined the long-term relationship
nomic policies in respect of foreign direct investment, education, energy between FDI and pollution emissions, by applying the EKC hypothesis
consumption patterns, and environmental regulations. This study is for Sub-Saharan countries. Their empirical outcomes provided evidence
helpful in this regard. that FDI is associated with increased pollution emissions in Kenya and
The remaining sections of this article are structured as per the Zimbabwe. However, FDI improved environmental quality in Congo.
following: Section-2 presents the discussion on relevant literature; Tang and Tan (2015) studied the role of inward-facing FDI with carbon
Section-3 elaborates the empirical model and statistical tests; Section-4 emissions in Vietnam from 1976 to 2009. Their results demonstrated
reports the study outcomes with discussion, and Section-5 concludes the that inward-facing FDI is associated with reduced carbon emissions.
study by discussing suitable policy designs. Similarly, Shahbaz et al. (2015) inspected the link between FDI and
environmental quality under a multivariate framework, using the period
2. Literature review of 1975–2012 for low-middle-high income countries. Their findings
suggested that there is an intensification in pollution emissions with a
This article examines the effects of FDI, education, and urbanization surge in FDI for middle income and full sample countries. However,
on environmental quality in Asian countries. Grounded on the previous environmental quality improves with an increase in FDI in low- and
studies on the EKC estimation for carbon emissions, we classified the middle-income countries.
review into three categories: FDI-Environmental Quality Nexus, For Tunisia and Morocco, Hakimi and Hamdi (2016) used time series
Education-Environmental Quality Nexus, and Urbanization- and panel techniques to observe the impact of FDI inflows, trade liber­
Environmental Quality Nexus. alization, and economic development on environmental degradation.
They demonstrated that carbon emissions diminished as a result of
2.1. Foreign direct investment-environmental quality nexus economic growth and inward-facing FDI, but increased with trade
liberalization. Jiang et al. (2018) scrutinized the consequence of
In literature, studies have inspected the FDI-environmental quality inward-facing FDI on ecological deterioration, using city-level data from
association for single and cross-country data; however, previous studies China, and found that FDI was associated with reduced carbon emis­
have led to conflicting results and no consensus has emerged about the sions. Moreover, they supported the Pollution Halo Hypothesis, by
relationship between FDI and environmental quality using different arguing that foreign firms export environment-friendly know-how to
econometric methods. emerging economies. This helps in reducing pollution in host countries.
This study divided the past research on FDI and environmental Shahbaz et al. (2019) reinvestigated the link between FDI and envi­
quality into two groups. The first group of studies found that FDI de­ ronmental quality for Vietnam and reported similar results by using the
teriorates environmental quality while the second group of studies ARDL method. By using city-level data for Korea, Hille et al. (2019)
revealed that FDI improves the environment. Using a simultaneous found the same results in the Simultaneous equation modeling.
equation model, He (2006) investigated the impact of FDI on pollution Recently, Bildirici and Gokmenoglu (2020) probed the link between FDI,
in China and found that an augmentation in FDI stock results in the rise terrorism, and polluting emissions for selected Asian countries, and they
in industrial CO2 emissions. Al-mulali (2012) used data for twelve reported a positive relationship between FDI and emissions. On the
Middle Eastern nations to determine the factors impacting carbon contrary (Xie and Sun, 2020), suggested that PM2.5 emissions were
emissions by integrating FDI, energy consumption, trade openness, and decreased with the increase in FDI in emerging economies. Another
GDP growth in an augmented function of carbon emissions. The study study conducted by (Omri et al., 2020) on 23 developing countries, and
outcomes revealed an inverse association between FDI and environ­ they also reported similar results by using GMM application.
mental quality. Sbia et al. (2014) also found an analogous outcome for
the United Arab Emirates by adopting the ARDL approach. Using carbon 2.2. Education-environmental quality nexus
emissions, Seker et al. (2015) studied the linkages between FDI and
environmental quality under the EKC hypothesis for Turkey during Key factors behind sustainable development comprise of: (a) the role
1974–2010. Their results indicated that FDI was positively and signifi­ of education in endorsing sustainable development; (b) the part of an
cantly associated with environmental quality. Baek (2016) explored the educated workforce in production processes; and (c) the preference of
linkages among FDI, income, energy consumption, and environmental educated household for efficient energy use (Mirza and Uddin, 2014; Liu
quality for 5 ASEAN countries, using the pooled mean group method et al., 2017). The economic growth literature suggests that human
during 1980–2010. The empirical results confirmed that FDI inflow capital is a fundamental element of economic development. Different
increased environmental pollution. Solarin et al. (2017) found a similar factors drive human development, including education, skilled labor,
outcome for Ghana from 1980 to 2012. Validating the Pollution Haven knowledge, and innovation. However, education is the only source that
Hypothesis (PHH), Sapkota and Bastola (2017a,b) analyzed 14 South equips us to comprehend the reality of things. Technology adaptation
American countries from 1990 to 2014, finding that carbon emissions and implementation costs are significantly reduced with the help of
increase with an increase in FDI inflows. Similarly, Shahbaz et al. (2019) human development (Kim and Lee, 2009). Hartman and Kwon (2005)
found support for PHH for MENA countries by using the system GMM found that environmental costs are lower for firms that have a large
method. count of educated employees. Desha et al. (2015) argued that environ­
The second group of researchers argues that FDI improves environ­ mental knowledge through education helps to increase the proportion of
mental quality by reducing carbon emissions. For example, Tamazian renewable energy leading to reduced CO2 emissions.
and Rao (2010) explored the linkage between economic growth and Few studies have empirically examined the association between
environmental quality by including financial development and institu­ education and environmental quality for single country and panel data.
tional quality as additional variables using the GMM approach For example, using a panel estimation technique for the period
throughout 1993–2004 for 24 transitional economies. Their results 1991–2003, Managi and Jena (2008) explored the Environmental Kuz­
indicated that FDI and institutional quality improve environmental nets Curve (EKC) hypothesis utilizing various ecological measures,
quality, while the EKC hypothesis is also validated. Al-mulali and Foon including an education index, population density, and urbanization as
(2013) applied the non-stationary panel approach to scrutinize the PHH additional variables using state-level industries data. Their results
in the multivariate framework for GCC countries between 1980 and concluded that education helps to reduce SO2. However, results also

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

indicated that an increase in educational level leads to an increase in For G-20 countries, Arvin et al. (2015) assessed the
NO2 and suspended particulates. urbanization-carbon emissions association using a panel data approach
Examining Middle East, North Africa, and the European Union na­ and suggested that urbanization escalates the concentration of CO2
tions, Abid (2017) explored the influence of economic, financial, and emissions. Also, using a parallel method, Wang et al. (2016) explored the
institutional development on environmental quality, using the EKC hy­ direct association between carbon emissions and urbanization. Later,
pothesis applied with a dynamic Generalized Method of Moments Saidi and Mbarek (2017) studied the link between urbanization, finan­
(GMM) model for 1990–2011. The results indicated that the ecological cial development, trade, income, and CO2 emissions for emerging
balance recovers with the rise in education level. By using random and economies, using the GMM approach. Their results found that urbani­
fixed effect panel data techniques, Sapkota and Bastola (2017a,b) zation leads to an increase in environmental quality. Embarking on the
studied the influence of FDI, GDP, human capital, energy consumption, ARDL route, H.S. Ali et al. (2017) explored the link between urbaniza­
capital, and unemployment on environmental pollution, focusing on 14 tion, trade openness, output, and carbon emissions for Singapore and
Latin American countries from 1980 to 2010. They divided the esti­ concluded that urbanization helps reduce CO2 emissions. Applying a
mated data into two categories based on the level of income, and similar approach to study Malaysia, Aung et al. (2017) found that ur­
educational attainment was used as a measure for human capital. They banization harms environmental quality.
concluded that environmental degradation increases with the increase Within the context of N-11 countries, Sinha et al. (2017) utilized
in educational attainment for the full sample and for high-income GMM to probe the association between urbanization and environmental
countries. However, educational attainment improves environmental degradation, while controlling other factors and found that the urbani­
quality in low-income countries. zation process worsens environmental quality. Liu and Bae (2018)
More recently, Balaguer and Cantavella (2018) scrutinized the investigated the connection between the process of industrialization,
EKC-oriented associative framework between education and carbon urbanization, and carbon emissions for China, employing the ARDL
emissions from 1950 to 2014 for Australia using the Auto-Regressive bounds test. Study outcomes showed that carbon emissions increase
Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach. Numbers of graduate and with urbanization growth. For East Asia and the Pacific, Hanif (2018)
post-graduate students were used as proxy to measure education. An examined the link between urban sprawl and CO2 emissions through a
educational variable was added to extend the EKC hypothesis. The panel data approach, finding that urban sprawl is associated with
empirical results confirmed the EKC hypothesis, suggesting that edu­ increased emissions. Using province-level data of China, Wang and Li
cation initially increases CO2 emissions; however, after reaching a (2018) assessed the consequence of urbanization on environmental
threshold educational level, education tends to reduce carbon emissions. quality. Using a panel model, they found that environmental quality
Considering the context of Pakistan, Wang et al. (2018) found that declines as urbanization increases in China. Pata (2018) used the
human development index Granger causes carbon emissions in the short Gregory-Hansen method to cover structure breaks in data to assess the
run; however, in the long-run carbon emissions, Granger creates human urbanization-carbon emissions association for the Turkish economy.
development index. Similarly, Bano et al. (2018) inspected the influence They reported that urbanization positively and significantly impacts
of human development on CO2 emissions utilizing the ARDL method carbon emissions.
over 1971–2014. They measured human capital using four proxies: (i) In a subsequent study, Salahuddin et al. (2019) assessed the conse­
secondary school enrollment, (ii) secondary school enrollment for quence of globalization and urbanization on CO2 emissions in
vocational education, (iii) total secondary school enrollment, and (iv) Sub-Saharan African countries. Westerlund method is utilized to deter­
average year school of education. Their results suggested that all proxies mine the long-run cointegration among the model parameters. Their
used for human capital were associated with reductions in carbon results indicated that urbanization leads to increased carbon emissions.
emissions. Using the EKC hypothesis framework, Ulucak and Bilgili By using the ARDL approach, Ali et al. (2019) presented similar findings
(2018) examined the association between ecological footprint (EF) and for Pakistan (Wang et al., 2020). used Dynamic Unrelated Seemingly
human capital index for different income level countries for the period Regression (DUSR) for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
1961–2013. They applied Continuously Updated Fully Modified countries to probe the association between urbanization and the level of
(CUP-FM) methods to resolve the issue of panel heterogeneity, and their emissions. Their results indicated that urbanization increases the level of
results indicated that human capital reduces environmental degradation pollution. Similar results were reported by Asongu et al. (2020) for Af­
for all groups of countries. Zafar et al. (2019) probed the relationship rica by using the panel methodology.
between human capital and ecological footprint. They used human
capital as a proxy of education and environmental footprint as a proxy 3. Theoretical framework and data
for environmental quality. The author reported that environmental
quality is increased with an increase in human capital. By controlling the This article investigates the effects of FDI, education, and urbaniza­
heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence among the cross-sections tion on the environmental quality of selected Asian countries while
(Ahmed et al., 2020), found a negative link between human capital and controlling for the variables of income and energy consumption for the
environmental quality for G-7 countries. period of 1990–2018. The Asian countries studied are Bangladesh,
Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, South
2.3. Urbanization-environmental quality nexus Korea Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippine, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Other Asian countries have been
The link between urbanization and environmental quality using time excluded due to a lack of data. Per capita carbon emission is measured in
series and panel data has been explored in the existing literature. metric tons, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is estimated in
However, researchers have not reached a consensus about whether ur­ constant 2010 US Dollars, net FDI inflows per capita is measured in
banization increases environmental quality or not. For example, Cole constant 2010 US Dollars.
and Neumayer (2004) studied the relationship between urbanization Previous researches have used different proxies to measure educa­
and air pollution using the EKC framework for 86 countries with data tion including the number of graduate and postgraduate students in the
from 1975 to 1998. Their results indicate that urbanization is associated country ((Balaguer and Cantavella, 2018), population enrolled in
with increased air pollution. Li and Lin (2015) assessed the association schools (Managi and Jena, 2008), and the percentage of the population
among urban population growth, industrialization, and CO2 emissions that has attended secondary school (Ehrhardt-Martinez et al., 2002).
for 73 economies, divided by income levels. They used a panel estima­ This study used gross secondary school enrollment as a proxy for edu­
tion approach and noted that urbanization is associated with increased cation, consistent with Bano et al. (2018). Urbanization is measured
emissions for all groups of countries. through the urban population as a share of the total population, and per

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

capita, energy consumption is measured as kg of oil equivalent. All data

is collected from the World Bank Indicators (World Bank, 2017). lnCO2;it ¼ β0 þ β1 lnFDIit þ β2 lnEDUit þ β3 lnUit þ β4 lnGDPit þ β5 lnENit
þ εit
3.1. Model development (2)
In this expression, CO2 represents carbon emissions; i represents
Asian countries are characterized by high growth potential, and to
cross-sections (1 … 17), and t denotes the period from 1990 to 2018.
realize this potential, the policymakers routinely put less emphasis on
Also, β0 explains the intercept term of the model, and β1 ; β2 ; β3 ; β4 ; and β5
sustainable development. The economic growth in these nations is
represent the coefficients of the independent variables; εit is the error
majorly driven by industrialization for which the FDI acts as a fuel.
Industrialization peaks due to FDI inflows and this growth is accompa­
For analyzing different effects of FDI inflows, urbanization, and ed­
nied by the increase in vocational opportunities followed by the rise in
ucation on CO2 emissions, it is necessary to evaluate the pertinence of
the level of per capita income. The surge in vocational opportunities
the EKC hypothesis (Sinha et al., 2017). These effects can be classified
attracts more people from the semi-urban and rural areas; thereby, these
into composition, scale, and technique effects. Based on the specification
nations experience a rise in urbanization. The industrial growth and
given by Panayotou (1993), we explored the impact of the explanatory
increase in the urban population are followed by degradation in envi­
variables using an EKC quadratic specification. Equation-1 depicts the
ronmental quality in several forms, including deforestation and land
effect of explanatory variables on carbon emissions in linear-form.
contamination. Therefore, in preliminary phases of economic growth,
However, different results are expected in quadratic specifications.
environmental degradation rises with the rise in the inflow of FDI,
Under the EKC framework, growth in the linear form of all the explan­
educational attainment, and income. With the graduation of time, the
atory variables, including FDI, education, and income, are expected to
increase of industrialization further erodes the ecological balance by
increase environmental degradation. However, beyond a certain
creating ambient air pollution. This is caused by majorly utilizing the
threshold level, these explanatory variables (in a non-linear form) are
consumption of fossil fuel-based energy solutions, which is considered to
expected to improve ecological balance.
be the prime driver of industrialization. Alongside this scenario, with the
During the beginning phases of economic development, countries
rise in living standards, demand for energy rises at the household level,
primarily focus on economic growth and do not consider the environ­
and to fulfill this additional demand of power, these nations experience
ment. In these periods, countries try their best to increase educational
a surge in fossil fuel consumption (Zafar et al., 2019). This gradual rise in
levels and vocational opportunities, attract more FDI, and encourage
the ambient air pollution might harm the state of wellbeing of the labor
urbanization. In these conditions, energy demands continue to expand
force, and this negative impact of the industrialization pattern might
and environmental pollution rises. The rise in educational attainment
hinder the economic growth pattern itself.
improves human resources and skills, and raises income. Education
Once the level of ambient pollution reaches a threshold level, the
brings social and environmental awareness in society, facilitating a
technique effect takes over the scale effect by gradually reducing the
decline in environmental pollution. This stage further boosts the econ­
level of pollution. At this stage, the rising level of educational attainment
omy when more FDI enters the host countries while incurring minimal
and ambient air pollution compels the citizens to substitute the polluting
environmental damage. Keeping in mind this background of the
technologies and fossil fuel-based energy solutions with cleaner pro­
explanatory variables, the linkages were explored under the EKC
duction technologies and green energy solutions (Sinha et al., 2017).
framework. The quadratic EKC model is as follows:
Therefore, policymakers start restricting, allowing international corpo­
rations to bring backdated technologies, and they start looking for lnCO2;it ¼ β0 þ β1 lnFDIit þ β2 lnFDI2 þ β3 lnEDUit þ β4 lnEDU2 þ β5 lnUit
technologically advanced solutions employing the FDI route. In this
þβ6 lnGDPit þ β7 lnGDP2 þ β8 lnENit þ eit (3)
way, the technique effect exerted by FDI starts allowing the level of
environmental degradation to come down. For institutionalizing the
4. Empirical results and discussion
sustainable development paradigm, policymakers try to revise the
educational curriculums for raising the awareness about ecological
The results in Table-1 show the yearly mean growth rate of model
balance and sustaining environmental quality. Therefore, the technique
parameters from 1990 to 2018. There was a positive trend in economic
effect is exerted by educational attainment. As a whole, the economic
growth for sample nations. The reported findings indicated that China
growth pattern uses the technique effect on ambient air pollution. This
achieved the highest economic growth (9.2685%), followed by
entire phenomenon can be explicated in terms of the EKC hypothesis
Myanmar (8.1146%) and Cambodia (5.6087%), while Japan (0.8695%)
(Muhammad and Avik, 2019). Based on this framework, we have carried
and Pakistan (1.7144%) occupied the lowest positions. Vietnam
out the empirical analysis in the present study.
(7.7464%), Myanmar (7.2105%), and China (5.4912%) had the highest
To explore the influence of FDI, education, and urbanization on
carbon emissions growth; however, the lowest growth rate was seen for
environmental quality in the panel data framework, we used the
Pakistan (1.4965%) and Japan (0.3503%). The FDI growth rate was
following CO2 model:
positive for all sample countries, Nepal (329.9283) and Malaysia
CO2 ¼ f ðFDI; EDU; U; GDP; ENÞ (1) (321.4774) received the highest levels of FDI, while Pakistan (10.1189)
and Vietnam (6.9832) gained the least amount of FDI. The education
In this expression, carbon emissions are a function of inward foreign
growth rate was positive for all sample countries. Similarly, urbaniza­
direct investment (FDI), education (EDU), urbanization (U), income
tion was also positive for all countries, except Philippine ( 0.3666) and
(GDP), and energy consumption (EN). Model parameters are log-
Sri-Lanka ( 0.0555). The highest energy consumption per capita levels
transformed to diminish the sharpness and for achieving better distri­
were recorded for China (4.6469) and Thailand (4.2453), whereas Japan
butional properties in the panel data. Natural-log convergent data ad­
( 0.0532) and the Philippine (0.1604) consumed the lowest amount of
dresses different dynamic features and remove heteroscedasticity
related issues. In comparison with linear conversion, outcomes are more
Using the correct econometric techniques is critical for developing
reliable and robust in case of log-linear transformation (for more details,
accurate empirical estimates. Before examining the integrating nature of
see (Paramati et al., 2016; Shahbaz et al., 2015):
the parameters, we first tested the correlation and endogeneity among
study variables which are reported in table-1 and table-2 respectively in
Supplementary Material. Then we investigated their cross-sectional
dependence through the application of a cross-sectional dependence

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

Annual Average growth rate.

Bangladesh 5.0073 90.4342 4.9485 2.2157 3.5552 2.6343

Cambodia 5.1085 17.8288 3.4118 1.1643 5.6087 2.6617
China 5.4912 9.5025 3.9761 3.0527 9.2685 4.6469
Hong-Kong 1.5240 20.8626 0.9646 0.0201 2.8839 1.5490
India 3.8220 29.0343 2.1941 0.9908 4.8127 2.5300
Indonesia 4.0873 51.6056 2.4719 2.3205 3.3497 2.0992
Iran 3.4985 72.8617 2.1720 1.0778 2.1044 3.9017
Japan 0.3503 236.1468 0.2619 0.7742 0.8695 0.0532
S-Korea 3.1201 11.7660 0.2782 0.4565 4.5523 3.8866
Malaysia 4.3693 321.4774 1.5772 1.6662 3.5947 3.9869
Myanmar 7.2105 68.5036 4.2195 1.3071 8.1146 1.5530
Nepal 10.6612 329.9283 3.1194 3.0636 2.7026 1.2481
Pakistan 1.4965 10.1189 2.8775 0.9433 1.7144 0.8371
Philippine 2.0301 29.2355 0.9221 0.3666 2.1175 0.1604
Sri-Lanka 5.1012 16.8682 1.3748 0.0555 4.5658 2.0861
Thailand 4.6590 20.2365 6.8246 2.1714 3.4802 4.2453
Vietnam 7.7464 6.9832 4.6714 2.0484 5.4609 3.8433

Note: the rate of growth is determined through the use of original data; CO2 denotes carbon emissions; FDI explains foreign direct investment; EDU is education; U is
urbanization; GDP is per capita gross domestic product and ENG explains energy consumption.

Table-2 Table-3
Cross-sectional dependence. Unit roots test.
Veriables Statistic Prob. Level First-difference
lnCO2 0.496341 0.6197 LLC IPS LLC IPS
lnFDI 0.530834 0.5955
lnCO2 0.321 0.693 (0.755) 12.465*** 12.444***
lnFDIS 1.288085 0.1977
(0.374) (0.000) (0.000)
lnEDU 0.929220 0.3528
lnFDI 8.663 (1.000) 6.785 15.5027*** 15.277***
lnEDUS 0.018094 0.9856
(0.216) (0.000) (0.000)
lnU 0.605609 0.5448
lnFDIS 21.354*** 13.018*** 23.670*** 23.288***
lnGDP 1.257297 0.2086
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDPS 1.835062* 0.0665
lnEDU 2.217 (0.983) 0.710 (0.761) 26.999*** 12.625***
lnENG 0.236887 0.8127
(0.000) (0.000)
Note: *, ** and *** show significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. lnEDUS 0.67334 0.24505 12.186*** 5.073***
(0.749) (0.403) (0.000) (0.000)
lnU 0.496 (0.690) 0.894 4.637*** 9.967***
(CD) test introduced by Pesaran (2004). The CD test results helped to (0.185) (0.000) (0.000)
determine which generation unit root test was needed: either lnGDP 1.307 0.081 9.642*** 8.253***
first-generation or second-generation. Table-2 reveals the respective test (0.095) (0.467) (0.000) (0.000)
lnGDPS 0.5394(0.705) 3.102 9.328*** 7.883***
(0.999) (0.000) (0.000)
Test outcomes indicated the absence of cross-sectional dependence lnENG 1.176 0.236 (0.593) 12.065*** 11.726***
among variables, and the use of first-generation unit root test was rec­ (0.119) (0.0000) (0.000)
ommended. Over time different kinds of unit root tests have been
Note: *, ** and *** show significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively.
introduced to examine unit root properties. This study uses the Levin-
Using constant and trend variables the unit root tests are calculated.
Lin-Chu test (LLC) test (Levin et al., 2002) and Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS)
test (Im et al., 2003). The second step was to investigate the integrating
levels of the analyzed variables. Table-3 reports the respective test Table-4
outcomes. Pedroni cointegration.
The LLC and IPS unit root test results indicated that all variables are Within dimension (panel statistic) Weighted Statistics
non-stationary (unit root) at level but they are converted into stationary Test Statistics Prob. Statistics Prob.
by taking the first difference. After determining the stationary levels of
Panel v-statistic 4.428 0.923 3.340 0.999
the series, we subsequently found the cointegration among the vari­ Panel rho-statistic 2.872 0.998 3.198 0.999
ables. This study applied the Pedroni cointegration technique intro­ Panel PP-statistic 4.624*** 0.000 5.162*** 0.000
duced by Pedroni (2004, 1999). Pedroni (2004) proposed different Panel ADF-statistic 8.268*** 0.000 8.695*** 0.000
Between dimension (individual statistic)
cointegration residual-based tests. The Pedroni cointegration test con­
Test Statistics Prob.
tains two groups, “within dimension” and “group dimension” tests, to
examine cointegration among the variables. The first group of tests takes Group rho-statistic 3.963 1.000
Group PP-statistic 7.109*** 0.000
an average of the results in an individual country while the second group
Group ADF-statistic 7.128*** 0.000
of tests pools the statistics along with the within-dimension. We accept
the null hypothesis for the case of no cointegration and reject the null Note: *, ** and *** show significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively.
Individual interception and individual trend to estimate cointegration among
hypothesis if there was cointegration. Table-4 reveals the test outcomes.
variables are selected.
Pedroni test outcomes showed that 6 out of 11 statistics rejected the
null hypothesis. This indicates that there is cointegration between car­
bon emissions, FDI, education, urbanization, income, and energy con­ Different approaches have been introduced to measure long-run
sumption. This study also applied Kao’s cointegration test for robustness elasticity in energy economics literature. It is vital to apply a suitable
and verified the cointegration results. Table-5 shows the Kao’s findings, estimation approach, driven by the nature of the data. Many studies
which explain the existence of cointegration among the variables. have used ordinary least square (OLS) to conduct long-run estimation.

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

Table-5 environmental deterioration and industrial illness. Similar results were

Kao’s cointegration test. reported by Arvin et al. (2015) for G-20 economies and Salahuddin et al.
T-statistics Probability (2019) for Sub Saharan African economies.
Economic growth had a significant and positive influence on carbon
ADF 6.237*** 0.0000
Residual Variance 0.0055 emissions. When the GDP was boosted by 1%, there was a 0.188% in­
HAC Variance 0.0049 crease in carbon emissions. Asian countries primarily rely on fossil fuels
to energize their different sectors. When there was a rise in economic
Note: *** shows the 1% significance level.
activities, fossil fuel use increased rapidly, causing environmental
pollution. Although these countries are working hard to improve their
However, this study used Dynamic Ordinary least square (DOLS)
environmental standards, several years are needed to control environ­
introduced by Mark and Sul (2003), and Fully Modified Ordinary least
mental problems. Similar results were presented by (Ali et al., 2016;
square (FMOLS) developed by Pedroni (2000, 2001) to estimate the
Sulaiman and Abdul-Rahim, 2017; Zaidi et al., 2018a).
long-run elasticity between the variables. Recent studies have given
The relationship between energy consumption and carbon emissions
preference to the DOLS and FMOLS over OLS estimator because the
is positive and significant. When energy consumption rose by 1%, then
endogeneity and auto-correlation issues are solved using the FMOLS
carbon emissions also increased by 0.66%. The estimated coefficient of
estimator (non-parametric approach). In contrast, other problems are
energy consumption is significantly higher than other variable factors.
solved using the DOLS estimator (parametric method). Table-6 repre­
This means that energy consumption was the main driver in the
sents the long-run elasticity results estimated through DOLS and FMOLS
degrading environment quality by raising the emissions level in selected
Asian countries. The empirical results, however, are not truly as
The relationship between inward FDI and carbon emissions is posi­
devastating as developing economies speed to their economic growth
tive and significant in Asian countries. These results support the
mostly by burning fossil fuel to maintain the energy supply to meet high
“pollution haven hypothesis” for the selected Asian countries. A 1% rise
energy demand. The economic challenges for Asian economies are
in inward FDI accelerates carbon emissions by 0.016%. FDI is considered
similar to other developing economies trying to improve the quality of
an essential driver of economic growth in developing economies; how­
life of their growing population and trying to provide better living
ever, these economies should focus on FDI inflows that provide clean
standards. Increased consumption of fossil fuels in the pursuit of these
and energy-efficient solutions to industrialization, and that helps to
economic and social goals has polluted the Asian countries. There has
improve the environment. Green and clean FDI boost economic growth
also been a side-effect of burning these fuels in the form of increased CO2
in developing countries and protects habitat from any negative impact of
emissions and other toxic gases. At the disaggregated level, Asian
economic expansion. These countries should focus on introducing clean
countries are responsible for more CO2 emissions from fossil fuels than
FDI and energy-efficient technology to reduce pollution in the host
any other region. This is mainly because less energy-efficient and oil-
countries. Our findings align with results reported by Seker et al. (2015)
based technologies are used at an industrial level. This produces less
for Turkey, Baek (2016) for ASEAN countries, and Sapkota and Bastola
output and consumes more fuel energy posing more environmental and
(2017a,b) for Latin American economies.
health hazards in the region along with many other socio-economic
Further, the link between education and carbon emissions was sig­
challenges. Similar results were reported by (Sapkota and Bastola,
nificant and positive. This link indicated that if education was increased
2017a) for Latin American countries and by Abdulrashid et al. (2018) for
by 1%, then carbon emissions increase by 0.406%. In Asian countries,
GCC countries.
when education increases, vocational opportunities are also increased.
This study also investigated the nonlinear relationship between the
These opportunities increase energy demand in these countries. More­
variables. Table-7 provides nonlinear results.
over, education improves income and living standards, also increasing
The linear term and square term (non-linear) of FDI had significantly
the demand for energy-based products. Primary energy sources of Asian
positive and negative effects on carbon emissions, respectively. These
countries include fossil fuels, which cause environmental deterioration
results confirmed the validity of the EKC hypothesis in assessing the
(Hill and Magnani, 2002). Similar findings were reported by (Managi
relationship between emissions and FDI. Most Asian countries are listed
and Jena, 2008; Sapkota and Bastola, 2017b), i.e., education is posi­
as emerging and under-developing. In the initial stage of economic
tively related to carbon emissions.
development, countries welcome pollutant-linked FDI from other
The assessed coefficient of urbanization is positive and significant
countries to maintain economic growth at the cost of environmental
concerning environmental quality. A 1% increase in urbanization raises
pollution. Therefore, FDI in these countries played positively in the
carbon emissions by 0.209%. These results confirm that urbanization is
earlier stages of economic growth; however, they played negatively in
not favorable from an environmental quality viewpoint. East Asia and
the later stages of growth. Appropriate policies are needed to control the
the Pacific region have had the highest levels of urbanization growth in
negative impact of FDI in such nations. These results align with results
the world. Migration towards cities creates many problems related to the
by Shahbaz et al. (2018) for France, but do not align with research by
environment including health issues, traffic problems, infrastructure
Pazienza (2015) for selected OECD countries and Jiang (2015) for
issues, pollution, and waste problems. On the other hand, urbanization
boosts economic growth and improves living standards. If urbanization
is not managed correctly, then Asian economies are expected to face Table-7
Non-linear relationship.

Table-6 Variables FMOLS DOLS

FMOLS and DOLS results. Coefficient t-statistics Coefficient t-statistics
Variables FMOLS DOLS LnFDI 0.0109*** 3.932060 0.0150** 2.066608
lnFDI^2 0.0067* 1.862542 0.0013*** 2.957934
Coefficient t-statistics Coefficient t-statistics
lnEDU 0.5032*** 5.458650 0.8387** 2.188364
LnFDI 0.016*** 4.252 0.015** 2.127 lnEDU^2 0.1090*** 8.050852 0.1000** 2.340709
lnEDU 0.406*** 13.042 0.382*** 5.200 lnU 0.1185** 2.212480 0.2586* 1.803624
lnU 0.209*** 3.593 0.362*** 9.5100 lnGDP 1.2247*** 21.02166 1.1516*** 8.642526
lnGDP 0.188*** 7.783 0.192*** 3.342 lnGDP^2 0.0740*** 21.35193 0.0682*** 8.304001
lnENG 0.661*** 17.096 0.611*** 7.190 lnENG 0.8487*** 32.58980 0.7821*** 12.62981

Note: *, ** and *** show significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. Note: *, ** and *** show significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively.
Using SBC criteria, optimum lag length 1 was selected to estimate the results. Optimum lag length 1 was selected by using SBC to estimate the results.

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

China. impacted carbon emissions. This means that FDI, as assessed using
Similarly, education positively affects CO2 emissions in the linear Granger causality, causes carbon emissions. Comparable outcomes are
term at a 1% significance level; however, when education is in the reported by Linh and Lin (2014) for Vietnam and by Salahuddin et al.
nonlinear form, there is a negative and significant effect on carbon (2018) for Kuwait. One-way causality is also identified linking income to
emissions at a 5% significance level. These results show an inverted U- carbon emissions. These results are consistent with Al-mulali and Foon
shaped link between education and carbon emissions which can be (2013) for GCC countries and with Salahuddin et al. (2018) for Kuwait.
referred to as an Education Kuznets Curve. When education rises in a Similarly, energy consumption, also assessed using the Granger causal­
country, it creates vocational opportunities; as such, there is an increase ity, causes CO2 emissions. This finding is supported by the findings of W.
in energy consumption via nonrenewable sources. The rise in energy Ali et al. (2017) for Malaysia and Saboori et al. (2017) for South Korea.
consumption degrades environmental quality. However, once a specific The relationship between FDI and economic growth is bidirectional
education level is achieved in a country, ecological knowledge and meaning that they can both impact each other in the same way. The
awareness also increase. People and industries start using environmen­ same conclusion is reached by Al-mulali (2012) in the context of the
tally friendly technology and reduce the use of nonrenewable energy. As Middle East nations and by Lau et al. (2014) for Malaysia.
a result, CO2 emissions start declining, advancing sustainable develop­ This result indicated that economic growth, assessed using the
ment in that country. This study aligns with research by Balaguer and Granger causality, impacted education; however, education did not
Cantavella (2018) for Australia. impact income in return. Bano et al. (2018) also reported bidirectional
The results show that the EKC hypothesis between education and causality between education and income for Pakistan. Similarly, energy
CO2 emissions was valid for Asian countries. Economic growth is posi­ consumption, assessed using the Granger causality, impacts education.
tively associated with carbon emissions; in contrast, the square of eco­ Our results differed from Bano et al. (2018) for Pakistan, in terms of the
nomic growth is negatively associated. This validates the presence of bidirectional energy-growth nexus. Our test outcomes verified the hy­
EKC in these countries. The EKC appears when the decisive role of pothesis that feedback occurred between income and energy consump­
economic growth in reducing the pollution level begins. For example, tion. This segment of the outcomes falls in line with the findings of Mirza
this may occur when energy-efficient technology solutions are adopted and Kanwal (2017) for Pakistan, and Salahuddin et al. (2018) for
into production, and the reliance on fossils fuels decreases. Moreover, Kuwait.
economic growth increases, living standards improve due to rising in In the long-run, bidirectional causal associations are found for CO2-
income per capita and education per capita. The rise in the awareness FDI, CO2-energy, and income-CO2 nexus. Zafar et al. (2019) and Tang
level of the general population enhanced the demand for cleaner tech­ and Tan (2015) reported a similar relationship between the USA and
nologies, promoting cross-border partnerships. We agree with the ar­ Vietnam, respectively. However, Lau et al. (2014) showed the opposite
guments of Dinda (2004): education and higher income levels enable a direction of results between CO2-FDI and income-CO2 nexus for
clean and green economy; however, it takes time for savings to complete Malaysia. The feedback causality is also found between FDI and eco­
the transformation between phases. Therefore, reaching a specific eco­ nomic growth; and between energy consumption and economic growth.
nomic growth threshold point is very important to attain sustainable Similar results are reported by Zafar et al. (2019) and Salahuddin et al.
development goals. Our empirical results are consistent with Shahbaz (2018) for the USA and Kuwait, respectively. On the other hand, the
et al. (2018) for France; Sinha and Shahbaz (2018) for India; and unidirectional link between FDI and income is reported by Hakimi and
Tamazian et al. (2009) for Brazil-Russia-India-China-and South Africa Hamdi (2016) for Morocco and Tunisia. Furthermore, there is a unidi­
(BRICS) countries. rectional causality running from education and urbanization to the
remaining model parameters. The similar results found by Liu and Bae
4.1. Panel granger causality (2018) for China and contradictory results probed by Bano et al. (2018)
for Pakistan.
We employed the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and
Granger causality approaches to assess the association between carbon 5. Conclusions
emissions, FDI, education, urbanization, income, and energy consump­
tion. The methodological steps to arrive at the causal inferences are The primary objective of the Paris Agreement was to control global
described by Engle and Granger (1987). Firstly, we estimated the warming within a 1.5–2 � C increase from pre-industrial level. The
long-run coefficients in the equation to attain the residuals. Subse­ member countries agreed to sign and expressed their willingness to
quently, we determined short-run causality by considering the estimated support the global agenda and achieving sustainable development goals.
residuals, generated by the first step. The VECM Granger causality is All the endeavors were undertaken to work toward social, economic,
described as follows: and environmental improvements. Still, the withdrawal of the US and
non-binding nature of NDCs posit a question for the effectiveness of this

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
ΔlnCO2;it δ1 θ11p θ12p θ13p θ14p θ15p θ16p ΔlnCO2;t p α1 μ1it
6 ΔlnFDIt 7 6 δ2 7 6 θ21p θ22p θ23p θ24p θ25p θ26p 7 6 ΔlnFDIt p 7
7 6 6 α2 7 6 μ2it 7
6 7 6 7 q 6 7 6 7 6 7
6 ΔlnEDUit 7 6 δ3 7 X 6 θ31p θ36p 7 6 7 6 7 6 μ3it 7
6 7¼6 7þ 6 θ32p θ33p θ34p θ35p 7 � 6 ΔlnEDUt p 7 þ 6 α3 7ECTit 6
1 þ6
7 (4)
6 ΔlnUit 7 6 δ4 7 6 7 6 7 6 α4 7 7
6 7 6 7 p 1 6 θ41p θ42p θ43p θ44p θ45p θ46p 7 6 ΔlnUt p 7 6 7 6 μ4it 7
4 ΔlnGDPit 5 4 δ5 5 4 θ51p θ52p θ53p θ54p θ55p θ56p 5 4 ΔlnGDPt p 5 4 α5 5 4μ 5
ΔlnENit δ6 θ61p θ62p θ63p θ64p θ65p θ66p ΔlnENt p α6 μ6it

forum. In such a scenario, the present study investigated the effects of

In his expression Δ is used to denote the first difference and p shows foreign direct investment and education on carbon emissions in the
the lag length. We applied SIC to find the optimal lag length of 1. Test presence of utilization of commercial energy, urbanization, and afflu­
outcomes are explained in Table-8. ence for selected Asian countries. This study also assessed the non-linear
During short-run, unidirectional causality originated from FDI impact of FDI, income, and economic growth on environmental quality

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

Table 8
Panel Granger causality.

ΔlnCO2 – 3.9667** (0.01973) 1.0702 (0.3439) 1.5418 (0.2153) 3.4324** (0.0333) 7.2805*** (0.0008) 0.021** [2.594]
ΔlnFDI 0.1451 (0.8649) – 1.7683 (0.1720) 0.1858 (0.8305) 3.8918** (0.0212) 0.7318 (0.4817) 0.070*** [-3.383]
ΔlnEDU 0.9943 (0.3709) 0.3897 (0.6775) 0.2138 (0.8076) 4.2325** (0.0152) 3.2128** (0.0413) 0.002 [-0.849]
ΔlnU 1.7425 (0.1764) 0.9734 (0.3787) 0.1101 (0.8957) – 0.3982 (0.6718) 0.2502 (0.7788) 0.000 [-0.811]
ΔlnGDP 1.4316 (0.2402) 4.3426** (0.0137) 1.1793 (0.3086) 0.8669 (0.4211) – 4.3271** (0.0139) 0.008*** [2.668]
ΔlnENG 0.7413 (0.4771) 0.7698 (0.4638) 0.1426 (0.8671) 1.4493 (0.2360) 2.6603** (0.0712) – 0.010** [-2.261]

Note: Δ denotes first difference operator; ***, ** and * represent significance levels of 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. Parenthesis contains P-values whereas brackets
represent t-values.

over 1990–2018. First, a cross-sectional dependence test was conducted; urbanization and carbon emissions. However, policies are needed to
then, LLC and IPS unit root methods were used to check unit-roots. The manage urbanization appropriately. The increasing level of urbaniza­
Pedroni panel cointegration technique was used to check long-term tion creates many hurdles for economic growth and environmental
cointegration among study variables. The long-run elasticities were quality. The governments should develop smart cities to increase envi­
investigated using DOLS and FMOLS methods. ronmental quality. First, the government should also develop suburban
The results of FMOLS and DOLS methods indicated that FDI and areas by providing urban resources to meet basic needs to rural areas to
education are associated with an increase in carbon emissions intensity. attain environmental quality. If all facilities are available in suburban
Similarly, urbanization significantly positively impacts carbon emis­ areas then the government should levy some taxes on migration to urban
sions. Income and energy consumption stimulate carbon emissions. The areas. New colleges and universities should be planned in rural areas to
nonlinear results confirm the validity of the EKC hypothesis with respect discourage migration to cities. Asian country governments could also
to FDI, education, and income. Granger causality results indicate the shift some industries from major cities to rural areas. This step would
presence of a bidirectional association between carbon emissions, FDI, also slow migration from rural areas to big cities.
utilization of commercial energy, and income in the long-run at 1% and The results also suggest that energy consumption from fossils fuels is
5% significance levels. A unidirectional relationship is found running mainly responsible for environmental degradation, highlighting the
from education and urbanization to emissions, FDI, income, and energy need for Asian countries to invest in green infrastructure. Besides, a
consumption. change in attitudes towards energy consumption is needed, and poli­
The results indicated that FDI is also responsible for increasing cymakers in these countries should introduce policies that increase en­
environmental pollution. Policies should focus on attracting clean and ergy efficiency. Asian countries should increase the share of renewable
energy-efficient technologies through FDIs. Policymakers should be energy as a proportion of total energy, even though most Asian countries
interested in attracting investments that will contribute largely to sus­ currently depend on fossil fuel energy. Green energy could play a sig­
tainable development. Similarly, policymakers should be keen at nificant part in mitigating ambient air pollutions and could also help
encouraging FDI inflows into technology-intensive and environment- protect economic growth from the unpredictability of crude oil prices.
friendly industries. Doing this has the potential to improve environ­ The non-linear impact of income is negative and significant, indicating
mental wellbeing while promoting economic growth. Bold steps would that if income reaches a specific point, it may mitigate environmental
include stopping industries that generate high levels of pollutants, such emissions. The policymakers should focus on all indicators of economic
as cement and gypsum. Monitoring mechanisms also need government growth which cause environmental degradation. Appropriate policies
attention. Polluting firms should be regularly checked to ensure they regarding FDI, education and urbanization should be introduced to in­
meet environmental standards. Strong performers should be provided crease the speed of economic development with minimal environmental
incentives and high emitters should be penalized. New investment damage.
proposals should also include social costs related to the environment. This study focused on exploring the effects of FDI, education, and
Moreover, the Asian governments should provide financial incentives to urbanization on environmental quality in Asian countries. Future
multinational organizations that bring modern technology that miti­ studies could account for the institutional qualities of these Asian
gates environmental emissions and protects the host country’s envi­ countries, particularly those hindering the educational system and
ronment. Carbon taxes could be applied to high emitters. Asian environmental regulations in these countries.
governments should also encourage more FDI to strengthen their
economies, keeping environmental regulations intact and competitive. CRediT authorship contribution statement
The results also indicate that education may increase carbon emis­
sions in a linear form; however, the nonlinear education effect is nega­ Muhammad Wasif Zafar: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
tive. Data for the last decade showed that global emissions have Writing - original draft. Quande Qin: Conceptualization, Writing - re­
decreased due to increased education and awareness programs. Educa­ view & editing, Supervision. Muhammad Nasir malik: Formal analysis,
tion helps countries prosper in economic terms and is vital to achieving a Writing - original draft. Syed Anees Haider Zaidi: Writing - review &
sustainable environment. Education establishes a good stock of human editing.
capital, allowing the country to address problems innovatively. The
policymakers of Asian economies should increase the education budget Acknowledgments
in country-level annual budgets. Environmental topics should also be
included in syllabi in schools and colleges. Public awareness programs The financial supports of this study are from the National Natural
should be launched to keep the environment safe. Education is the best Science Foundation of China (71871146), and the Ministry of Education
way to combat the continuously increasing level of CO2 emissions in the of Humanities and Social Science project of China (Nos. 18YJA630090).
environment. Education helps sustain the pattern of development and
improves ecological value utilizing energy efficiency. Education also Appendix A. Supplementary data
impacts environmental quality indirectly, such as improved education
brings technology adoption and innovation in the country which can Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
reduce the level of environmental pollution. org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110827.
The outcomes also indicate a direct association between

M.W. Zafar et al. Journal of Environmental Management 270 (2020) 110827

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