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Any system is composed of subjects, objects, properties and events (SOPE).

An economy is a
market system with an environment. From a systems perspective, an environment is SOPE outside
you that impact you while your SOPE cannot impact. If and when you impact and control, then that
part of the environment becomes your SOPE or internal environment.

All products and services offered in that market economy are systems. A business corporation or
organization that offers such products and services is a system. A market that absorbs these products
and services is a social or economic system. Any of these systems could be at unrest at a given time.
That is, there are economic, market, business and environmental problems. Governments, politics,
laws and legislatures, economy, culture, religion, civilization, historical eras and epochs are systems
in the world. When they are at unrest, there are market turbulent problems. A business system at
unrest, accordingly, may be unclear in its vision and mission, its goals and objectives, its policies and
procedures, in its strategies and tactics, and, hence, fails to realize expected goals and objectives. This
is a business problem in some form of turbulence.

Stakeholders are those in the environment of a system whom the company impacts and, in turn,
gets impacted and affected (Freeman, 1984). Corporate deliberation, choices, decisions, strategies and
implementations affect company stakeholders as subjects, objects, properties and events. Under
subjects a company should include all its major stakeholders such as customers, employees,
shareholders, suppliers, distributors and vendors, banks and creditors, governments and media, local
and global communities, and even competition.

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