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BY :
1. Lasma Enita Siahaan
2. Octaviani Damayanti Naibaho



1. Definition the Universe, the Galaxy, and the Solar System

Understanding the universe includes the microcosm and macrocosm. Microcosm are
objects that have very small sizes, for example atoms, electrons, cells, amoebae, and so on.
While the macrocosm is objects that have very large sizes, for example stars, planets and
The concept of human thought about the center of the universe is very radical. Initially
scientists and astronomers determined that man was the center, which was given the name
egocentric theory. After that they determined the earth to be the center which was pointed out
by Cladius Ptolemy. This theory is known as geocentric. But after that Nicolas Copernicus
revealed a new theory in which the sun was made the center of the universe, heliocentric.
However, at this time they realized that the theory is more suitable for hanging in the solar
system. And the solar system is just a part of galaxies, and galaxies are a collection of stars
from many collections of stars in the universe.

The sky was dotted with countless stars, which could be observed with both the naked eye
and the binoculars. The stars gather in clusters, even though the stars are far apart in the sky.
From this explanation we can say that a galaxy is like a group of chicks that are impossible to
separate from its mother. Wherever a chicks are, there must be a mother. Just like the stars in
the sky there, they cannot sparkle alone without being matched by other stars.
The galaxy that we often hear about is the Milky Way. If we look at it, the name Milky
Way is a bit strange because from space objects it is compared to milk. However, from this
oddity there is a uniqueness, namely the stars scattered in the sky at night like milk scattered
in the sky. Our galaxy is a spiral, we can liken it to a circle of insect repellent when viewed
from above and like a top when viewed from the side. Our galaxy is not as round as a circle
but is in the shape of an ellipse. This is evidenced by its size which is about 100 light years
long and 10 light years wide and our solar system is 30 light years from the center of the
Apart from the Milky Way galaxy we can also see several galaxies with the naked eye or
with tools. What scientists have revealed is the Andromeda galaxy, the Large Megallianic
Cloud and the Small Megallanic Cloud. The Andromeda Galaxy is bigger than the Milky

Solar system
The solar system consists of the sun, nine planets and various celestial bodies such as
satellites, comets and asteroids. The solar system is nothing more than a small cluster of
celestial bodies and a single star. The solar system is a small part of the galaxy.
We are familiar with nine planets, maybe when we were in elementary school, of the nine
planets divided into two parts, namely the inner planet and the outer planet. Inner planets are
planets close to the sun which consist of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Meanwhile,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - which are now eliminated - are among the outer

2. The theory of the origin of the universe

A. The Theory of Fog by Imanuel Kant (1724-1804) in 1755 and Piere Simon
LaPlace (1749-1827) in 1796
The fog theory was put forward by two scientists, namely Imanuel Kant (1724-1804)
a German philosopher and Piere Simon LaPlace (1749-1827) a French astronomer. Kant put
forward his theory in 1755, while LaPlace put forward in 1796 with the name Nebular
According to Kant, originally the universe was a cloud of fog (nebula) containing dust
and gas, especially helium and hydrogen gases. Fog moves and rotates at a very slow speed
so that over time its temperature decreases and its mass becomes concentrated. Then the
rotation becomes faster so that it forms a disk with a mass concentrated in the center of the
disc. The accelerated rotation causes a ring or rings of gas to form which separate from the
outside of the disc to form a disc that contains a slight mist in the center and several layers of
rings around it. The rings then condense and freeze to form planets, while the mass at the
center freezes to form the sun.
According to LaPlace, the solar system originated from a hot fog that spiraled into a
large ball. Then there is a cooling and shrinking process so that the ball shrinks to form a disk
that rotates faster. Furthermore, some of the gas mass on the outside of the disk moves away
from the core mass and forms rings. This ring then forms a solid clump, forming planets-
plenets and satellites, while the portion of the gas mass left at the center of the disc at the core
forms the sun.
At the end of the 19th century, the fog theory was refuted by some experts such as
James Clerk-Maxwell who gave the conclusion that, if the planet-forming material distributed
around the sun to form a disk or a disc, the force caused by the difference in rotation (angular
velocity) would prevent the occurrence of planet freezing. In the 20th century experiments
were carried out to prove the formation of the LaPlace rings, showing that the magnetic field
and the electric field of the sun had damaged the freezing process of rocks. So there is no
good reason to suggest that gas rings can freeze to form planets.

B. The Twin Star Theory by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) in 1956

According to the twin star theory, initially there were two stars close together (twin stars),
one of these stars exploded and blew apart. As a result of the gravitational influence of the
second star, these pieces move around the star and turn into planets. Meanwhile, the star that
does not explode is the sun. This theory has a weakness because based on mathematical
analysis conducted by experts, it shows that the angular momentum in the current solar
system cannot possibly be generated by the collision of two stars.

C. The Big Bang Theory of George Gamow, Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman in
In the early 21st century, through a number of experiments, observations, and
calculations, modern physics has reached the conclusion that the entire universe, along with
its dimensions of matter and time, came into being as a result of a giant explosion that
occurred in an instant.
Nature at that time was not yet a material, but at one point it turned into a very small
and dense matter, its mass was very heavy and the pressure was great, due to the reaction of
the nucleus and then a great explosion. The mass then scattered and expanded very rapidly
away from the center of the explosion and formed groups of smaller density and then moved,
away from the center point.
The big bang occurs when all the matter in the cosmos comes out with a very large
density and very high temperature from a very small volume. The universe was born from a
physical singularity with extreme states. This Big Bang theory further strengthens the notion
that the universe originally did not exist but then about 12 billion years ago was created from
This event, known as the "Big Bang", formed the entire universe about 15 billion
years ago. The universe was created from nothingness as a result of a single point explosion.
Originally the universe was one massive mass. This extra-dense mass can be considered as
one gigantic atom with a very small size which then undergoes a radioactive reaction and
eventually produces an all-powerful explosion.
In 1948, Gerge Gamow came up with the idea of the Big Bang. He said that after the
formation of the universe by means of a giant explosion, the residual radiation left by this
explosion must have existed in nature. In addition, this radiation must be evenly distributed in
all corners of the universe. This "should have" evidence was eventually found. In 1965, two
researchers named Arno Penziaz and Robert Wilson discovered these waves by accident.
This radiation, called "cosmic background radiation", does not appear to be emitting from
one particular source, but covers the entire space. Thus, it is known that this radiation is
leftover radiation from the early stages of the Big Bang event. Penzias and Wilson were
awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery.
In 1989, NASA sent the COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) satellite. COBE into
space to conduct research on cosmic background radiation. It took only 8 minutes for COBE
to prove Penziaz and Wilson's calculations. COBE has found the remains of a giant explosion
that occurred early in the formation of the universe. Claimed to be the greatest astronomical
discovery of all time, this discovery clearly proves the Big Bang theory.
Another important piece of evidence for the Big Bang is the amount of hydrogen and
helium in space. In various studies, it is known that the hydrogen-helium concentration in the
universe corresponds to theoretical calculations of the hydrogen-helium concentration left
over from the Big Bang. If the universe had no beginning and if it had existed a long time
ago, then this elemental hydrogen would have completely exhausted itself and turned into
Modern scientists agree that the Big Bang is the only plausible and demonstrable
explanation for the origin of the universe and how it came into being. Before the Big Bang,
there was no such thing as matter. From a state of nothing, where matter, energy, and even
time did not yet exist, and which could only be interpreted metaphysically, matter, energy
and time were created.
All this convincing evidence led to the Big Bang theory being accepted by the
scientific community. The Big Bang Model is the last point that science has reached the
origin of the universe. Thus, this universe has been created by Allah Almighty perfectly

Djamaluddin, T. 2008. Proses Penciptaan Alam Semesta dalam Enam Masa. (online) surya-2/

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