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Written Part Combined 3 Bank- (SO)-2018-(Written)

Bankers Selection Committee (BSC)-Combined Exam

Post name : Senior Officer (3Banks) Exam date: 17-08-2018
Exam taker: Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST).

1. A train 300m long, overtakes a man walking along the line (in the same direction of the
train) at the speed of 4 km per hour and passed him in 30 sec. The train reached the
station in 15 minutes after it has passed the man. In what time did the man reach the
station? [BSC-Combined exam-(SO-3Banks)-2018-(Written)]
A_©: 300 wgUvi j¤^v GKwU †Uªb GKB w`‡K 4 wKwg/N›Uv †e‡M Pjgvb GKRb e¨w³‡K 30 †m‡K‡Û AwZµg K‡i|
†UªbwU gvbylwU‡K AwZµg Kivi 15 wgwbU ci †÷k‡b †cŠ‡Q| KLb gvbylwU †÷k‡b †cŠQv‡e?
‡Uªb = 300wg. 15 wgwb‡Ui iv¯Ív •
• ‡÷kb

e¨vL¨v: gv‡Si ‡h iv¯Ív †Uª‡bwU 15wgwb‡U hvq, Zv gvbylwU‡K †h‡Z KZ mgq jvM‡e? Zv †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
In 30 sec the train goes = 300m
∴ ‘’ 1 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = m
300 × 3600
∴ ‘’ 3600 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ =
= 36000m or 36000÷1000 = 36km/hr. [Since, 1000m = 1km]
(GB 36wKwg ïay †Uªb ev ïay gvby‡li MwZ‡eM bv| KviY ‡Uªb I gvbyl GKcv‡k hvIqvi Kvi‡Y MwZ‡eM we‡qvM K‡i 36
n‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j we‡qvM Kivi Av‡M wQj, 36+4 = 40 hv †Uª‡bi MwZ| )
Let, Train’s speed = x
x- 4 = 36 (‡h‡nZz GKB w`‡K †M‡j MwZ‡eM we‡qvM Ki‡j Relative speed ‡ei nq|)
So, x = 40km/hr (GUv †Uª‡bi MwZ‡eM)
Now, in 1hr or 60min the train goes = 40km
∴ in 1min ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = km
40 × 15
∴ in 15min‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = km = 10km (A_©vr gv‡Si duvKv RvqMvUv 10wKwg)
[‡Uª‡bi hvIqv 10 wKwg iv¯ÍvB gvbylUv‡K AwZµg Ki‡Z †h mgq jvM‡e †mUvB DËi| ]
Now,The man goes 4km in = 1 hr.
∴ ’’ ‘’ ‘’ 1 ‘’ ‘’ = hr.
∴ ’’ ‘’ ‘’ 10 ‘’ ‘’ = hr.= 2.5 hrs. Ans: 2.5hrs
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2. Two boats on opposite banks of a river start moving towards each other. They first pass
each other 1400 meters from one bank. They each continue to the opposite bank,
immediately turn around and start back to the other bank. When they pass each other a
second time, they are 600 meters from the other bank. We assume that each boat travels
at a constant speed all along the journey. What's the width of the river? [BSC-Combined

A_©: GKwU b`xi `y Zxi †_‡K `ywU †bŠKv GKwU AciwUi w`‡K PjwQj| ‡bŠKv `ywU cÖ_g Zxi †_‡K 1400 wgUvi `~‡i
cÖ_gevi wgwjZ nq| Gfv‡e Zx‡i †cŠQvi ci Avevi hvÎvi‡¤¢i ¯’v‡b wd‡i Avmvvi mgq Zviv Aci Zxi †_‡K 600wgUvi
`~‡i wØZxqev‡ii gZ wgwjZ nq| m¤ú~Y© hvÎvc‡_ ‡bŠKv`ywU GKB MwZ‡Z Pj‡Z _v‡K| b`xwUi cÖ¯^¯’ KZUyKz?
Solution: (cÖkœwU fv‡jvfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨ wb‡Pi wPÎwU †`Lyb|)
Let the width of the river be ‘w’ meters.
Speed of first boat = x m and speed of second boat = y
According to the 1st condition,
1400 w − 1400 Dis tan ce
= -------- (i) ( = Time Ges mvÿv‡Zi mgq `yRb B mgvb mgq ‡j‡M‡Q)
x y Speed
According to the 2nd condition,
w + 600 2 w − 600
= -------- (ii) (cÖ_g †bŠKv b`xi G cvk †_‡K Icv‡k wM‡q Avevi 600 wd‡i Avmvi mgq
x y
2q †bŠKvwUI m¤ú~Y© c_ wM‡q wØZxqevi ïiæi RvqMvq wd‡i Avm‡Z 600 wg Av‡MB †`Lv n‡q‡Q)
By, (ii) ÷ (i) we get,
w + 600 1400 2 w − 600 w − 1400
÷ = ÷ (‡hvM we‡qvM Ki‡j (x,y) ev` hv‡e bv, ZvB fvM Ki‡Z n‡e)
x x y y
w + 600 x 2w − 600 y
⇒ × = ×
x 1400 y w − 1400
w + 600 2 w − 600
⇒ =
1400 w − 1400
⇒ w2 -1400w+600w-840000 = 2800w-840000
⇒ w2 -800w = 2800w (By adding 840000 in both side)
⇒ w2 = 3600w
∴w = 3600 (Dividing by w)
So, width of the river = 3600 m. cÖkœwU Kíbvq †`L‡Z wVK Ggb
1400m 1 meeting w-1400m
1st boat 2nd boat

river Zxi-2

2w-600 2nd meeting 600m

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♦Alternative solution: (eyS‡Z cvi‡j Kg wj‡L mgvavb Kivi Rb¨ GB wbqgwU mnR)
Let the width of the river be ‘w’ meters.
At the time of first meeting first boat travelled = 1400m and 2nd boat travelled w-1400 m,
At the time of 2nd meeting first boat travelled = w+600m and 2nd boat travelled 2w-600m.
According to the question,
1400 : w-1400 = w+600 : 2w-600 (‡h‡nZz MwZ‡eM Dfq‡ÿ‡Î Constant wQj ZvB c‡_i AbycvZ mgvb n‡e)
1400 w + 600
⇒ =
w − 1400 2 w − 600
⇒ w2 -1400w + 600w - 840000 = 2800w - 840000
⇒ w2 -800w = 2800w
⇒ w2 = 3600w
∴w = 3600 (Dividing by w)
So, width of the river = 3600 m. Ans: 3600 meters

3. In a mixture of milk and water, their ratio is 4:5 in the first container and the same
mixture has 5:1 in the 2nd container. In what ratio should be extracted from each
container and poured into the 3rd container, so that the ratio of milk and water comes
to 5:4 in the 3rd container? [BSC-Combined exam-(SO-3Banks)-2018-(Written)]

A_©: `ywU cv‡Î `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 4:5 Ges 5:1| Dfq cvÎ †_‡K KZ Abycv‡Z `ya I cvwb Zz‡j 3q GKwU
cv‡Î ivL‡j ‡mLv‡b `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 5:4 n‡e?

Solution: (eyS‡Z mgm¨v n‡j mgvav‡bi †k‡li evsjv e¨vL¨wU co–b )

Let, x liter of mixture taken from 1st container and poured into 3rd container
and y liter of mixture taken from 2nd container and poured into 3rd container.
Ratio of milk and water in 1st container is 4:5 sum of ratio = 4+5 = 9
4 4x
So, amount of milk extracted from 1st container = x × = (KviY x Gi g‡a¨ `ya : cvwb = 4:5)
9 9
5 5x
∴Amount of water extracted from 1st container = x × = (KviY x G `ya ev‡` evKxUv cvwb)
9 9
Ratio of milk and water in 2nd container is 5:1 sum of ratio = 5+1 = 6
5 5y
So, amount of milk extracted from 2nd container = y × = (KviY y Gi g‡a¨ `ya : cvwb = 5:1)
6 6
1 y
∴Amount of water extracted from 1st container = y × = (KviY y ‡Z `ya ev‡` evKxUv cvwb))
6 6
4 x 5 y 8 x + 15 y
Total milk in 3rd container = + = (cÖ_g I 2q cvÎ †_‡K ‡bqv `y‡ai †hvMdj)
9 6 18
5x y 10x + 3y
Total Water in 3rd container = + = (cÖ_g I 2q cvÎ †_‡K ‡bqv cvwbi †hvMdj)
9 6 18
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According to the question,
8x + 15 y 10x + 3y
: = 5:4 (Z…Zxq cv‡Î `ya I cvwbi cwigv‡Yi AbycvZ = 5:4 )
18 18
8x + 15y †evSvi Rb¨ e¨vL¨:
18 5 cÖ _ g cvÎ †_‡K †h x GKK ‡bqv n‡q‡Q Zv‡Z `y‡ai cwigvY KZ? cvwbi cwigvb
⇒ = KZ? GUv †ei Kivi Rb¨ cÖ_g cv‡Îi `ya:cvwb = 4:5 Gi mvnvh¨ †bqv n‡q‡Q:
10x + 3y 4
18 GKB fv‡e 2q cvÎ ‡bqv y ‡Z KZUzKz `ya Ges cvwb Av‡Q Zv †ei Kiv n‡q‡Q
32x + 60 y 50x + 15y Ges †k‡l `yB cvÎ †_‡K †bqv `ya I cvwbi ‡gvU cwigv‡Yi AbycvZ = 5:4
⇒ =
18 18
⇒32x-50x = 15y-60y (Dividing both side by 18 )
⇒ -18x = -45y
x − 45 5
⇒ = = (AbycvZ †ei Ki‡Z ejv n‡j Gfv‡e Dc‡i wb‡P wj‡L cÖ_‡g fMœvsk mvRv‡Z nq|)
y − 18 2
∴x:y = 5:2 Ans: 5:2
Confusion clear: x= `ya Ges y = cvwb fve‡jB Dëvcvëv jvM‡e| A_P welqUv Ggb †h: aiæb cÖ_g cv‡Î 5x
cwigvY wgkÖY Av‡Q (`ya+cvwb), †mLvb †_‡K me¸‡jvB bv wb‡q eis gvÎ x wjUvi `ªeY Z…Zxq cv‡Î ivLv n‡jv| GLb GB x
wjUv‡ii meB wK `ya? Aek¨B bv| KviY cÖ_g cv‡Îi †gvU `ªe‡Y †hgb `ya I cvwb GK‡Î wQj x Gi g‡a¨I wVK `ya I cvwb
Df‡q Av‡Q| †KvbUv KZUzKz Av‡Q? 4:5 Abycv‡Z `ya I cvwb Av‡Q| Gfv‡e †mB x Gi `ya I 2q cvÎ †_‡K †bqv y Gi
g‡a¨ `y‡ai cwigvY †ei K‡i Zv †hvM Ki‡j 3q cv‡Î `ya KZUzKz Av‡Q Zv †ei n‡e GKBfv‡e cvwb I †ei n‡e| Gici
AbycvZ mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

4. The number of girls in a school is 160 more than 1/3 of the total enrollment in the
school. The number of boys is 280 more than 1/7 of the total enrollment in the school.
How many pupils in the school are girls? [BSC-Combined exam-(SO-3Banks)-2018-(Written)]
A_©: GKwU K¬v‡mi †gvU QvÎx‡`i msL¨v me©‡gvU QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i 1/3 As‡ki †_‡KI 160 Rb †ewk| Avevi Qv·`i msL¨v
†gvU QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i 1/7 Ask †_‡KI 280 †ewk| H ¯‹z‡j ‡gvU KZRb QvÎx Av‡Q ?
Let, total number of pupils in the school = x
x x
So, total girls = + 160, and total number of boys = +280
3 7
According to the question,
x x
+ 160+ +280 = x (QvÎ-QvÎx wg‡j me©‡gvU = x Rb|)
3 7
x x
⇒ x = + + 440 cÖgvY †`‡L wbb: AvZ¥wek¦vm evo‡e|
3 7 me©‡gvU QvÎ-QvÎx 840 Gi g‡a¨ QvÎx 440
x x Ges 840 Gi 1/3 Ask = 280| Zvn‡j 440-280 = 160
⇒ x - - = 440 Avevi QvÎ = 840-440 = 400, GLb, 840 Gi 1/7 =120
3 7
21x − 7 x − 3x Zvn‡j 400-120 = 280 hv cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë K¬z¸‡jvi mv‡_ wg‡j hvq|
⇒ = 440
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⇒ = 440
⇒ 11x- 440×21
440 × 21
⇒ x=
∴ x= 840
So, Number of girls = + 160 = 280 + 160 = 440 Ans: 440

5. A can do a piece of work in 120 days and B can do it in 150 days. They work together
for 20 days then B leaves and A continues the work alone. 12 days after C joins in place
of B and the work is completed in 48 days more. In how many days can C do it if he
works alone? [BSC-Combined exam-(SO-3Banks)-2018-(Written)]

A_©: A GKwU KvR 120 w`‡b Ges B H KvRwU 150 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| Zviv GK‡Î 20 w`b KvR Kivi ci B P‡j
†Mj Ges A GKvKx KvR Ki‡Z _vK‡jv| A 12 w`b KvR Kivi ci H KvRwU‡Z B Gi ¯’v‡b C Zvi mv‡_ †hvM w`j|
Ges Av‡iv 48 w`‡b m¤ú~Y© KvRwU †kl n‡jv| m¤ú~Y© KvRwU C GKvKx KZw`‡b †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡e?

Solution: (GB wbqgUv eo g‡b n‡jI GUv Ki‡Z Kg mgq jvM‡e, KviY GUv cÖPwjZ wbqg)
In, 120 days A can do = 1 part
∴ ‘’ 1 day A ‘’ ‘’ = part.
In, 150 days B can do = 1 part
∴ ‘’ 1 day B ‘’ ‘’ = part.
1 1 5+ 4 9 3
So, in 1 day A and B together can do = + = = = part.
120 150 600 600 200
3 × 20 3
∴ ‘’ 20 days A and B ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = = part.
200 10
12 1
Again, In, 12 days A can do = = = part.
120 10
3 1 3 +1 4 2
In first 20+10 = 30 days total work done = + = = = part,
10 10 10 10 5
2 5−2 3
Work left after 30days = 1 − = = part.
5 5 5
Now, Part is done by A and C = 48 days,
So, 1 ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ A and C = 48 × = 80 days

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In, 80 days A and C can do = 1 part.
∴ ‘’ 1 day A and C ‘’ ‘’ = part. (GLvb †_‡K C Gi jvMv w`b‡K x a‡iI mvRv‡bv hvq)
1 1 3−2 1
In 1 day C can do = {(A+C)’s 1 day’s work - A’s 1 day’s work} = − = =
80 120 240 240
part is done by C in = 1 day

∴ 1 part is done by C in = 240 days.

Alternative solution: (Kv‡Ri †gvU cwigvY‡K BDwbU a‡i)

Suppose, Total Work be 600 units [LCM of 120 and 150]
So, 1 day work of A = = 5 units
And, 1 day work of B = = 4 units
Again, Let 1 day work of C = C units
According to the question,
20×(5+4) + (12×5) + 48×(5+C) = 600
⇒48×(5+C) = 600 - 240
⇒ C = 7.5 - 5 = 2.5
So, C alone can complete the work in = 240 days Ans: 240 days

6. A manufacturing company uses two machines A and B with different production

capacities. Where working alone machine A can produce a production lot in 5 hours
and machine B can produce the same lot in x hours.when the two machine operate
simultaneously to fill the same production lot, it takes them 2 hours to complete the many hours will the machine B take to produce the production lot alone? [BSC-
Combined exam-(SO-3Banks)-2018-(Written)]

A_©: Drc`vbKvix GKwU cÖwZôv‡bi `ywU ‡gwkb A Ges B Gi wfbœ wfbœ Drcv`b ÿgZv i‡q‡Q| †gwkb A, 5 N›Uvq hv
Drcv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i †gwkb B, †K GKB cwigvY cY¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z x N›Uv mgq jv‡M| hLb `ywU ‡gwkb GK‡Î KvR
K‡i ZLb GKB cY¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z 2 N›Uv mgq jv‡M| ‡gwkb B GKvKx KvR Ki‡j Zv Drcv`b Ki‡Z me©‡gvU KZ
N›Uv mgq jvM‡e?

Solution: ( cÖPwjZ wbq‡g mnR mgvavb)

In, 5hours machine A can produce = 1 part
∴ ‘’ 1 hr ‘’ A ‘’ ‘’ = part.

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In, x hours machine B can produce = 1 part
∴ ‘’ 1 hr ‘’ B ‘’ ‘’ = part.
In, 2hours machine A and B together can produce = 1 part
∴ ‘’ 1 hr ‘’ A and B ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = part.
According to the question,
1 1 1 1
+ = (A Ges B Gi 1 N›Uvq Kiv †gvU Drcv`‡bi cwigv‡bvi †hvMdj = †gvU Drcv`‡bi Ask)
5 x 2 2
1 1 1
⇒ = −
x 2 5
1 5−2
⇒ =
x 10
1 3
⇒ =
x 10
10 10 1
⇒3x = 10 ∴x = So, B alone takes = hrs or 3.33hrs or 3 hr or 3hrs 20mins
3 3 3
Ans: 3hr 20 min

Alternate Solution: (‡gvU Kv‡Ri cwigvY‡K BDwbU a‡i|)

Let, the total work be = 10 units. [LCM of 5 and 2]
So, in 1 hr, A can produce = = 2 units.
And, in 1 hr, A & B together can produce = = 5 units
Then, in 1 hr, B can produce = (5-2) = 3 units (`yR‡bi †_‡K 1 R‡bi Uv ev` w`‡j Ab¨ R‡biUv †ei n‡e)
10 1
So, B alone can produce the lot in hr or 3 hr or 3hr. 20 min Ans: 3hr 20 min
3 3

‡`‡L ivLyb Ab¨ A‡bK As‡K Kv‡R w`‡e|

hr wKfv‡e 3 N›Uv 20 wgwbU n‡q †Mj?
hr×60 =200 wgwbU (‡h †Kvb N›Uv‡K 60 w`‡q ¸Y Ki‡j wgwbU nq)= 180+20 wg= 3N›Uv 20 wgwbU|
10 1 1
or hr = 3 hr = 3hr + ×60min = 3hr 20min
3 3 3

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