The New Holocaust Project

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The holocaust

What is the holocaust?

The holocaust is known as the killing of 17million people by the Nazi group.
The holocaust was led by the dictator Adolf Hitler and the Nazis who were
known as “his children”.
The 17 million who were killed weren’t just the Jews but other groups like
the gypsies who were targeted because the Nazis believed their ancestors were
criminals and so the gypsies were seen as criminals or mixed blood, people with
disabilities seen as useless, some Slavic people and blacks were judged for
political reasons.
It’s important to know that the holocaust didn’t just jus occur in one event it
all took place in a series of tragic events which brought harm and discrimination
to the groups that were persecuted.
The first stage of the holocaust was the Nazis tried to classify the groups into
different categories for those who they couldn’t tell their origin like the gypsies,
whom the Nazis experimented on and classed them as mixed blood who they
believed were criminals.
In the second stage the Nazis gave specific names to different groups like
gypsis, or on the passports they will mark a letter to show which group a person
came from for examples on passports that belonged to the Jews they were
marked J.
In the third stage of the holocaust the Nazis used laws that would deny the Jews
of their rights.
Later Adolf Hitler realised who couldn’t really get rid of the Jews through
immigration, so he planned genocide which is known as the mass killing of a
Then they organised camps which were used to kill people, some were killed
with guns while others were asked to take “showers” but unfortunately for them
those showers were filled with toxic gas which killed them. Some of these
camps were called belzec, Treblinka and Auschwitz.
To hide all the evidence they dug up graves and buried the bodies and tried
to intimidate the witnesses.
How it relates to ww2
Before the genocide happened another terrible event occurred that led to
the death of about 6 million Jews which was World War 2, Hitler wanted to win
the war and at the same time get rid of the existing Jews and in the course of
ww2 Germany conquered a part of Poland where some polish Jews lived and he
took the captive and put millions of them in the camps where they eventually
The holocaust was terrible time and we should remember it so it should never
happen again.
What happened in the end?
In the end as the allies made their way through the areas controlled by the
Nazis they found the camps and realised the extent of the holocaust. Some
Nazis have been persecuted for their crimes but others can’t be found or died
since and Hitler the ended up committing suicide before the end of the war. The
truth is justice can’t always be completely served but we should remember and
honour those who have died and never ever forget the holocaust.
By Emma laurels

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