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 The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts environment and

market in the field of carpentry, particularly in one’s town/municipality.


 The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of the
potential carpentry market within the locality/town.


LO 1. Develop a product/ service in Carpentry

1.1 Identify what is of “Value” to the customer
1.2 Identify the customer
1.3 Explain what makes a product unique and competitive
1.4 Apply creative and innovative techniques to develop marketable product
1.5 Employ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the product/service



After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

 describe the importance of a SWOT analysis;
 identify the key components of a SWOT analysis;
 construct and utilize a SWOT analysis.

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about this lesson. Take this test.

Direction: Read and study the following questions then answer the question by writing the
letter of your choice in your assignment notebook or in the provided answer sheet

1. Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?
A. Strengths and Weaknesses
B. Opportunities and Threats
C. Strengths and Opportunities
D. Weaknesses and Threats
2. Which of the following is false regarding why a SWOT Analysis is used?
A. To build on the strengths of a business
B. To minimize the weaknesses of a business
C. To reduce opportunities available to a business
D. To counteract threats to a business
3. How often should a SWOT Analysis be performed?
A. Only when specific issues need to be addressed
B. At least once per year
C. Only when the business starts
D. Every 3-5 years
4. Which of the following could be a strength?
A. Weather
B. A new international market
C. A price that is too high
D. The location of a business

5. Which of the following could be a weakness?

A. A developing market such as the Internet
B. Competitors with access to better channels of distribution
C. Poor quality of goods and services
D. Special marketing expertise


6. Which of the following could be an opportunity?

A. Having quality processes and procedures
B. Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits
C. Damaged reputation
D. A new competitor in your home market
7. Which of the following could be a threat?
A. Changes in technology
B. A market vacated by an ineffective competitor
C. Location of your business
D. Lack of marketing expertise
8. Which of the following is true about preparing a SWOT Analysis?
A. It should focus on where the organization is today, not where it could be in the
B. A SWOT Analysis is objective
C. It should be specific and avoid grey areas
D. It should analyze the organization only and ignore the performance of competitors.
9. Who usually conducts a SWOT Analysis for a business?
A. Financial Institutions/Banks
B. Lawyers
C. Employees
D. Manager
10. Which of the following is a managerial tool used to assess the environment to gather
important information used for strategic planning?
A. Environmental scanning
B. WOTS analysis
C. SWOT analysis
D. Survey analysis

What Do You Need to Know?

After setting your own personal goals and targets to achieve the objectives of this module,
you will have the opportunity to read and learn more about SWOT Analysis. You too, will be
given a chance to do practical exercises and activities to deepen your understanding of the

A SWOT analysis evaluates the internal strengths and weaknesses, and the external
opportunities and threats in an organization’s environment. It is an incredibly simple, yet
powerful tool to help you develop your business strategy, whether you’re building a startup
or guiding an existing company. Furthermore, SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an
organization and its environment it is the first stage of planning which helps marketers to
focus on key issues.

Who Uses It & How?

Specifically business manager used SWOT analysis to: build on strengths, minimize
weaknesses, seize opportunities, counteract threats. Furthermore, they used it to focus on
turning weaknesses into strengths, and our threats into opportunities (feeds into marketing
objectives) and to match internal strengths with external opportunities.

Why Use It?

•The main purpose of a SWOT analysis is to add value to products and services


•Doing this can help a business recruit new customers, retain loyal customers, and
extend products and services to customer segments over the long-term.

When to Use It?

You can do SWOT analysis at least once per year or when individual issues need to be
addressed such as the following:
 staffing issues
 business culture and image
 organizational structure
 advertising
 financial resources
 operational efficiency

What does SWOT analysis stand for?

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and
weaknesses are internal to your company—things that you have some control over and can
change. Examples include who is on your team, your patents and intellectual property, and
your location. Opportunities and threats are external—things that are going on outside your
company, in the larger market. You can take advantage of opportunities and protect against
threats, but you can’t change them. Examples include competitors, prices of raw materials,
and customer shopping trends.

Strengths are internal, positive attributes of your company. These are things that are
within your control.
A SWOT strength could be:
 Special marketing (or other) expertise
 A new, innovative product or service
 Location of a business
 Being a market leader
 Quality processes and procedures
 Any other aspect of a business that adds value to the product or service

Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from your strengths. These are things that
you might need to improve on to be competitive.
A SWOT weakness could be:
 Lack of marketing (or other) expertise
 Undifferentiated products or services (i.e. in relation to your competitors)
 Location of your business
 Poor quality goods or services
 Price that is too high
 Damaged reputation

Opportunities are external factors in your business environment that are likely to
contribute to your success.
A SWOT opportunity could be:
 A developing market such as the Internet
 Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances
 Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits
 A new international market
 A market vacated by an ineffective competitor
 Technology


Threats are external factors that you have no control over. You may want to consider
putting in place contingency plans for dealing them if they occur.
A SWOT threat could be:
 A new competitor in your home market
 Price wars with competitors
 A competitor has a new, innovative product or service
 Competitors with superior access to channels of distribution
 Taxation is introduced on your product or service
 Changes in technology
 Weather
 Regulation & deregulation

Simple Rules for a Successful SWOT Analysis

 Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your organization.
 It should distinguish between where your organization is today, and where it could
be in the future.
 Be specific--avoid grey areas.
 Always apply SWOT in relation to your competition (i.e. better than or worse than
your competition).
 KISS! Keep it short and simple --avoid complexity and over analysis
 SWOT analysis is subjective.

SWOT Analysis Examples

How Much Have You Learned?

ACTIVITY 1: Direction: Stanley Furniture Company has hired you to help them with their
marketing decision making. Perform a SWOT analysis on Stanley Furniture Company,
based upon the following issues: Write S if the issue is Strength, W if the issue is Weakness,
O if the issue is Opportunity T if the issue is Threath.

________1. It has a strong base of reliable supplier of raw material thus enabling the
company to overcome any supply chain bottlenecks.

________2. Successful track record of developing new products – product innovation.

________3. Press releases have just been issued to confirm that Stanley Furniture Company
is the first center in the area to be awarded quality assurance standard BS EN
ISO 9002.
________4. Need more investment in new technologies. Given the scale of expansion and
different geographies the company is planning to expand into, Stanley Furniture
Company, Inc.
________5. Not very good at product demand forecasting leading to higher rate of missed
opportunities compare to its competitors.

________6. Decreasing cost of transportation because of lower shipping prices can also bring
down the cost of Stanley Furniture Company products thus providing an
opportunity to the company - either to boost its profitability or pass on the
benefits to the customers to gain market share.


________7. The new taxation policy can significantly impact the way of doing business and
can open new opportunity for established players such as Stanley Furniture
Company, Inc. to increase its profitability.

________8. New technologies developed by the competitor or market disruptor could be a

serious threat to the industry in medium to long term future.
________9. Growing strengths of local distributors also presents a threat in some markets as
the competition is paying higher margins to the local distributors.

________10. Changing consumer buying behavior from online channel could be a threat to
the existing physical infrastructure driven supply chain model.

ACTIVITY 2: Direction: Below is a list of factors that could affect a project. Imagine this is
your own project and, for each factor, indicate whether you think it is internal (something
you can control or manage), or if it is more likely to be external (something outside of your
_____________1. Society _____________6. Economic climate
_____________2. Pricing _____________7. Legislation

_____________3. Reputation _____________8. Product quality

_____________4. Competitor activity _____________9. Technology

_____________5. Value for money _____________10. Team members skills

Activity 3: Direction: Creat a SWOT analysis of your personal life, use the following
question below as a guide.

What do you do well? What could you improve?
What unique resources can you draw on? Where do you have fewer resources than others?
What do others see as your strengths? What are others likely to see as weaknesses?


What opportunities are open to you? What threats could harm you?
What trends could you take advantage of? What is your competition doing?
How can you turn your strengths into What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?




After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

 describe the importance of branding;
 create brand according to specification.

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about generating ideas for
business. Take this test
Identify the following statement choose your answer on the box below. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before each number.
A. Color
B. Font
C. Brand
D. Slogan
E. Logo

__________ 1. It conveys the feeling you want to communicate and help you make it
consistent across everything you do.

__________ 2. It is a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its

__________ 3. These are set of type of one particular face and size.

__________ 4. It is a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.

__________ 5. It is a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a

particular name.


What Do You Need to Know?

Read lesson 2 very well then find out how much you can remember and how much you
learned by doing the activities below.

Branding is a marketing practice of creating name, symbol, or design that

identifies and differentiates a product or services from other products and services. It is
also a promise to your customers. It tells them what they can expect from your product
or services, and it differentiate your offerings from other competitors. Your brand is
derived from who you are, who you want to be, and who people perceive you to be.

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. An effective brand
strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets.

Branding, by definition, is a marketing practice in which a company creates a

name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. This
helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services. Branding
is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers
but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It
is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you
offer that makes you the better choice. Your brand is built to be a true representation
of who you are as a business, and how you wish to be perceived

The features of a good product brand are as follows:

1. Delivers the message clearly;

2. Confirms your credibility;
3. Connects your target prospects emotionally;
4. Motivates the buyer; and
5. Concretizes user loyalty.

Why Is Branding Important?

Branding is absolutely critical to a business because of the overall impact it makes on

your company. Branding can change how people perceive your brand, it can drive new
business and increase brand awareness.

Branding Gets Recognition

The most important reason branding is important to a business is because it is how a
company gets recognition and becomes known to the consumers. The logo is the most
important element of branding, especially where this factor is concerned, as it is
essentially the face of the company. This is why a professional logo design should be
powerful and easily memorable, making an impression on a person at first glance.
Printed promotional products are a way of getting this across.


Branding Increases Business Value

Branding is important when trying to generate future business, and a strongly

established brand can increase a business’ value by giving the company more leverage
in the industry. This makes it a more appealing investment opportunity because of its
firmly established place in the marketplace.
Branding Generates New Customers

A good brand will have no trouble drumming up referral business. Strong branding
generally means there is a positive impression of the company amongst consumers,
and they are likely to do business with you because of the familiarity and assumed
dependability of using a name they can trust. Once a brand has been well-established,
word of mouth will be the company’s best and most effective advertising technique.
Improves Employee Pride And Satisfaction

When an employee works for a strongly branded company and truly stands behind the
brand, they will be more satisfied with their job and have a higher degree of pride in
the work that they do. Working for a brand that is reputable and help in high regard
amongst the public makes working for that company more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Having a branded office, which can often help employees feel more satisfied and have a
sense of belonging to the company, can be achieved through using promotional
merchandise for your desktop.

Creates Trust Within The Marketplace

A professional appearance and well-strategised branding will help the company build
trust with consumers, potential clients and customers. People are more likely to do
business with a company that has a polished and professional portrayal. Being
properly branded gives the impression of being industry experts and makes the public
feel as though they can trust your company, the products and services it offers and
the way it handles its business.
Branding Supports Advertising

Advertising is another component to branding, and advertising strategies will directly

reflect the brand and its desired portrayal. Advertising techniques such as the use of
promotional products from trusted companies such as Outstanding Branding make it
easy to create a cohesive and appealing advertising strategy that plays well into your
branding goals.
How to build a brand

1. Research your target audience and your competitors

Before you start making any decisions about your brand, you need to understand the
current market, i.e., who your potential customers and current competitors are.
As you go about your research, make a note of:


 Who your “lowest hanging fruit” customers are—the ones you could most
easily sell to.
 Who your top-of-mind competitors are—the brands that are established and
known in the market.
 How your customers speak and what they talk about—the interests they
have and the language they express them in.

It’s important to have a handle on this before moving forward, as it will inform what
your brand should focus on and how it can position itself apart from competitors.
2. Pick your focus and personality

Your brand can’t be everything to everyone, especially at the start. It’s important to
find your focus and let that inform all the other parts of your brand as you build it.
Here are some questions and branding exercises to get you thinking about the focus
and tone of your brand.

What’s your positioning statement? A positioning statement is one or two lines that
stake your claim in the market. This isn’t necessarily something you put on your
website or business card—it’s just to help you answer the right questions about your
brand and aids in creating your brand’s tagline.
What words would you associate with your brand? One way to look at brand building
is to imagine your brand as a person. What would he or she be like? What kind of
personality would your customers be attracted to?This will help inform your voice on
social media and the tone of all your creative, both visual and written.
What metaphors or concepts describe your brand? Thinking about your brand as a
metaphor, or personifying it, can help you identify the individual qualities you want it
to have. This can be a vehicle, an animal, a celebrity, a sports team, anything—as long
as it has a prominent reputation in your mind that summons the sort of vibe you want
your brand to give off.
3. Choose your business name
What’s in a name? Depending on the kind of business you want to start, you
can make the case that your name matters very little or it matters a lot. A brand is so
much more than a name. The personality, actions, and reputation of your brand are
really what give the name meaning in the market. But as a small business owner, your
company’s name is probably one of the first big commitments you have to make. It’ll
impact your logo, your domain, your marketing, and your trademark registration, if
you decide to go that route

You can use our business name generator to brainstorm some names, or try one
(or a combination) of the following approaches:
 Make up a word, like Pepsi.
 Reframe an unrelated word,likeApple for computers.
 Use a suggestive word or metaphor, likeBuffer.


 Describe it literally (caution: easy to imitate),like The Shoe Company.

 Alter a word by removing letters, adding letters, or using Latin
endings, likeTumblr (Tumbler) or Activia.
 Create an acronym from a longer name,like HBO (Home Box Office).
 Combine two words: Pinterest (pin + interest) or Snapple (snappy + apple)
4. Write a slogan

A catchy slogan is a nice-to-have asset—something brief and descriptive you

can use as a tagline in your social media bios, website header, business card, and
anywhere else where you’ve got very few words to make a big impact. Keep in mind
that you can always change your slogan as you find new angles for marketing—Pepsi
has gone through over 30 slogans in the past few decades.
A good slogan is short, catchy, and makes a strong impression. Here are some
ways to approach writing a slogan of your own:

 Stake your claim. Death Wish Coffee: “The World’s Strongest Coffee”
 Make it a Metaphor. Redbull: “Redbull gives you wings.”
 Adopt your customers’ attitude. Nike: “Just do it.”
 Leverage labels. Cards Against Humanity: “A party game for horrible people.”
 Write a rhyme. Folgers Coffee: “The best part of waking up is Folgers in your
 Describe it literally. Aritzia: “Women’s fashion boutique.”
5. Choose the look of your brand (colors and font)

Once you’ve got a name down, you’ll need to think about how you’ll visually
represent your brand, namely your colors and typography. This will come in handy
when you start to make your own website.

 Choosing your colors

Colors don’t just define the look of your brand, they also convey the feeling you want
to communicate and help you make it consistent across everything you do. You'll want
to choose colors that differentiate you from direct competitors to avoid confusing
consumers. Color psychology isn’t an exact science, but it does help to inform the
choices you make, especially when it comes to the color you pick for your logo.

 Choosing your fonts

At this point, it’s also good to look at fonts you might want to use on your website.
Pick two fonts at most to avoid confusing visitors: one for headings and one for body
text (this doesn’t include the font you might use in your logo). You can use Font Pair
to browse from a wide selection of fonts that go well together.

6. Design your logo

A company logo design is probably one of the first things that comes to mind when
you think about building a brand. And for good reason: it’s the face of your company
after all and could potentially be everywhere that your brand exists. Ideally, you’ll


want a logo that’s unique, identifiable, and scalable to work at all sizes (something
often overlooked). Consider all the places where your brand’s logo needs to exist, from
your website to your Facebook page’s profile picture to even the little “favicons” you
see in your current browser tab.

7. Apply your branding across your business

Applying your branding across your business gives it a cohesive brand story. A brand
story represents who your business is and what it stands for. It sets the stage for
every interaction customers have with your brand, in-store and online.

Building a brand doesn’t stop with creating a logo or slogan, or even with your
brand launch. Your brand needs to exist and remain consistent wherever your
customers interact with you, from the theme you choose for your website, the
marketing materials you produce, all the way to how you package and ship your
You’ll continue to shape and evolve your brand as you expose more customers
to it and learn more about who your customers are and how to speak to them. It’s
important to appreciate that you will never have 100% control over how people
perceive your brand.

You can tug customers in the right direction, make a great first impression, and
manage your reputation, but you can’t control the individual perceptions that exist in
each person’s mind (say, if they had a bad customer service experience).All you can do
is put your best foot forward at every turn and try to resonate with your core audience.
But hopefully, at this point, you have the tools, knowledge, and resources to start.

How Much Have You Learned?

Activity 1: TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statemet is correct while write False if
the statement is incorrect.

_________1. Your brand can be everything to everyone, especially at the start. It is not
necessary to find your motivation and let that inform all the other parts
of your brand as you build it.

_________2. In making any decisions about your brand, you don’r need to comprehend
the current market.


_________3. The most significant reason branding is important to a business is

because it is how a company gets recognition and becomes known to the

_________4. A good brand will have trouble drumming up referral business.

_________5. A professional appearance and well-strategised branding will help the

company build trust with consumers, potential clients and customers

_________6. Your brand can’t be everything to everyone, especially at the start.

_________7. The personality, actions, and reputation of your brand are really what give
the name meaning in the market.

_________8. Keep in mind that you can always change your slogan as you find new
angles for marketing
_________9. Building a brand means only creating a logo or slogan.

_________10. Colors and fonts has nothing to do in advertising your product.

Activity 2: Direction: Create a clear appealing product brand with logo and tagline
which is related to carpentry/furniture business. Below is the rubrics for correction

Insufficient Insufficient Developing Proficient Above Average

5 pts 5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 20 pts
Brand Name and -It was unclear what -Your rationale It was very clear what
Rationale your rationale was. -Your rationale was completely your rationale was.
Did you use effectively -No information was was not developed -You connected well with
name your sports or providing regarding completely -Sufficient your reasons and
entertainment brand? your rationale. developed. information was provided a convincing
Did you provide the -Very little providing argument as to why you
rationale (reason) for information was regarding your selected your rationale.
this identity for your provided regarding rationale.
business? your rationale.
What does your brand No identification The identification The identification The identification of
represent? was provided. of the product or was good, but can product and services
Identify any products service was be better. was very effective in
or services that your provided but described
brand represents below average
(musician, clothing, effort was
team, etc…) provided.
Creativity of logo There was no Creativity in Creativity was There was above average
Is there creativity creativity in the brand/logo average, relating creativity and thought
involved in the production of the creation was to the brand/logo put into the brand/logo.
creation of the brand/logo. minimal. creation.
Target Market & 2 or less details Three details were Four details were 5 or more details were
Placement were provided about provided about provided about provided about target
Provide details of your target market and target market and target market and market and an above
target market. Must lacked information very little a sufficient average amount of
give 5 details of your regarding location. information amount information regarding
target market. Identify regarding location. information location.
your location and regarding location.
reason why you
selected this location.



Congratulations for completing this



 Grade 10 module in Carpentry

 https://veinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Brenda-Bechtol-
 https://www.liveplan.com/blog/what-is-a-swot-analysis-and-how-to-do-it-
 https://veinternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Brenda-Bechtol-
 https://study.com/academy/practice/quiz-worksheet-swot-analysis.html
 https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/pluginfile.php/169836/mod_ouconten
 http://www.michelbeauregard.com/mplanning_tools.pdf
 https://www.mindtools.com/worksheets/Personal_SWOT_Analysis_Worksheet.
 http://fernfortuniversity.com/term-papers/swot/nyse/838-stanley-furniture-
 https://www.brandingmag.com/2015/10/14/what-is-branding-and-
 https://www.shopify.com.ph/blog/how-to-build-a-brand
 https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=NX6W627&sp=yes&


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