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Journal Pre-proof

Investigation of agro-byproduct pellet properties and improvement in pellet quality

through mixing

Sunyong Park, Seok Jun Kim, Kwang Cheol Oh, Lahoon Cho, Min Jun Kim, In
Seon Jeong, Chung Geon Lee, DaeHyun Lee

PII: S0360-5442(19)32075-4
Reference: EGY 116380

To appear in: Energy

Received Date: 21 March 2019

Accepted Date: 15 October 2019

Please cite this article as: Sunyong Park, Seok Jun Kim, Kwang Cheol Oh, Lahoon Cho, Min Jun
Kim, In Seon Jeong, Chung Geon Lee, DaeHyun Lee, Investigation of agro-byproduct pellet
properties and improvement in pellet quality through mixing, Energy (2019),

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Journal Pre-proof

Investigation of agro-byproduct pellet properties and improvement in

pellet quality through mixing
Sunyong Parka, Seok Jun Kima, Kwang Cheol Ohb, Lahoon Choa, Min Jun Kima,
In Seon Jeonga, Chung Geon Leea, DaeHyun Leea*
a Department of Biosystems Engineering, Kangwon National University, Hyoja 2 Dong
192-1, Chuncheon-si Republic of Korea
bGreen Materials & Processes R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology,
55, Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan, 44413, Republic of Korea

*Corresponding author. Tel.:82)33-250-6496; Fax: 82)33-259-5561


In this study, pellets made from agricultural byproducts were evaluated and the possibility of their conversion
into fuel was investigated. Conventional wood pellets were used as the control, and pepper, perilla, rice chaff, and
spent coffee ground were molded into pellets and evaluated based on various parameters such as size, bulk density,
and calorific value following the standard for "non-wood pellets" and "resource conservation and recycling
promotion laws." The perilla or rice chaff pellets were determined as bio-solid refused fuel (Bio-SRF) grade
because of low durability. Agricultural byproduct (pepper, perilla, and rice chaff) pellets were mixed with spent
coffee ground to improve their properties. They were molded into pellets and evaluated based on the above
standards. Pepper + coffee (PCP) pellets had lower chlorine content than pepper pellets but copper content was
higher. Rice chaff + coffee (CCP) pellets had slightly higher durability, but the bulk density was decreased.
Therefore, CCP was determined as Bio-SRF. Perilla + coffee pellets (PRCP) were determined as A grade owing
to higher durability. Thus, it was confirmed that agricultural byproducts could be used as viable energy sources
by mixing them.
1. Introduction

Industrial development and increased energy demand have resulted in increased consumption of fossil fuels.
Consequently, environmental pollution has become a serious problem. Countries are making a global attempt to
reduce environmental pollution through international agreements. With renewable energy, electricity production
increased from 18.91% in 2008 to 25.60% in 2018 [1]. However, the emission of CO2 for generation also increased
from 28,605MCO2 in 2008 to 32,915MCO2 in 2018 [2]. As a result, each country has set goals for renewable
energy development. China aims to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy to 15% by 2020 and set renewable
energy generation capacity to 680GW, power generation to 1,900TWh. Germany aims to decrease 1st energy
demand 50% compared 2008 by 2050 through increasing energy efficiency. California has legislation that will
cover 100% of California's electricity by renewable energy (including carbon zero energy sources) by 2045. [3]
The Republic of Korea (R.O.K) has set the reducing goal by 30% from business as usual (BAU) by 2020. In ROK,
approximately 94% of the domestic total power generation was generated by thermal or nuclear plants as of 2018,
and the dependence on imported energy was 94.7% [4]. Import of energy sources to maintain them have great
impact on the energy security and the environment. To address this problem, the government has implemented
policies such as de-coal and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standards). Coal fired thermal power plants have been
replaced with biomass combustion plants that usually use wood pellets, which are pulverized and compression-
molded wood-based biomass. However, the domestic production of wood pellets was 67,000 ton in 2017, whereas
its import was 2,431,000 ton [5]. To overcome this shortage, it is necessary to identify a substitute for wood
pellets. In previous studies, the annual potential of agro-byproducts was estimated at approximately 4,018
thousand TOE/year in ROK [6]. Some of those agro-byproducts were used to remedy the soil, burnt, or used as
compost or livestock feed, but most of the agro-byproducts were being disposed as waste. Studies have been
performed to evaluate non-woody biomass as an energy source and to improve their properties. Toscano et al.
Journal Pre-proof

investigated the wood pellet quality and Table 1. Specifications of pelletizer

the relationship between the ash content
and the chemical elements (chlorine, Required power 7.5 HP(5.5KW)
sulfur, and metallic elements) [7].
Miranda et al. (2015) examined the pellets Pellet hole ∅2 ~ ∅10
from different sources such as forest
wastes (Pyrenean oak, Pyrenean Output (Based on feed) 10kg~300Kg/hr
sylvestris), wastes from wood industry
(granulometric separation powder from Size 1131(L) x 600(B)x 1207(H)
cork industries, pine sawdust), woody
agricultural wastes (vine shoots, olive branches), herbaceous agricultural biomass (barley straw, wheat straw),
and agro-industrial waste (olive pomace, grape pomace) [8]. Artemio et al. analyzed the physical, mechanical,
and energy characteristics of wood pellets from three common tropical species (Acacia wrightii, Ebenopsis ebano,
Havardia pallens) [9]. Lajili et al. reported on the physico-chemical properties and thermal degradation
characteristics of olive mill sawdust blends [10]. In this study, we focused on the efficient use of agro-byproducts.
Pellets were produced from unused agro-byproducts and evaluated based on standards. Pepper stem, perilla stem,
rice chaff, and spent coffee grounds were used to produce the pellets, which were evaluated based on the ‘Non-
woody biomass’ standards of Korea Energy Appliances Industry Association (KEAA) [11]. In addition, to
improve the characteristics of these pellets, spent coffee grounds, which has high calorific value but low durability,
was mixed with pepper stem, perilla stem, and rice chaff separately, and the resulting pellets were re-evaluated.

2. Materials

In this study, pepper stem, perilla stem, rice chaff, and coffee waste were pelletized. Natural dried pepper stem
and perilla stem were collected from Chuncheon-si in Gangwon Province. Rice chaff was purchased from a farm
in Seosan-si in Chungcheongbuk province. The spent coffee grounds were procured from a café in Kangwon
National University, Korea. After gathering coffee waste, natural-dry was conducted in order to its high moisture

3. Method

3.1. Production of pellets

Pelletizer (SP-75, GeumgangENG, KOREA) was used to pelletize the collected agro-byproduct (Fig.1).
specifications of pelletizer were expressed in Table.1. Single-material pellet was pelletized with only a single
material, and mixed pellets were produced by combining agro-byproducts (pepper stem, perilla stem, rice chaff)
with 50% spent coffee grounds. Moisture content materials before pelletizing was set 15~17%.

Figure 1. Pelletizer

3.2. Evaluation of pellets

The pellets were evaluated according to the KEAA standards. The evaluation indicators were size, bulk density,
moisture content, ash content, fine particle, durability, gross calorific value, chlorine, sulfur, nitrogen, and 8 kinds
of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Zn).

A) Size

The length and diameter of the pellets were measured using a Vernier caliper.
Journal Pre-proof

B) Bulk density

The prepared pellets were poured in a 5-L container to a height of approximately 200~300 mm from the top of
the defined height-ratio container. After that the cylinder will be dropped three times from a height of 150 mm
onto a hard surface in order to consolidate the wood pellets, following which the pellets that remained on the
container were removed with a flat object and weighed. This process was repeated twice. The bulk density,
expressed in kg/m3, was calculated using the following Eq. (1) and the resulting value was rounded off to the first
𝑚𝑝𝑐 ― 𝑚𝑐
𝐵𝐷𝑎𝑟 = 𝑉 (1)

BDar: Pellet bulk density on wet basis [kg m-3]

mpc: Weight of container with pellet [kg]
mc: Weight of empty container [kg]
V: Volume of empty container [m3]

C) Moisture content

According to ISO 18134-2:2017 [12], the pellets were dried under 105 ℃ for 3 h and then the weight difference
was measured to calculate the moisture content using Eq. (2).
(𝑀𝑜 ― 𝑀𝑑𝑏)
𝑀𝐶 = 𝑀𝑜 (2)

MC: Moisture content of pellet [%]

MO: Weight of pellet before drying [kg]
Mdb: Weight of pellet after drying [kg]

D) Proximate analysis

Proximate analysis was conducted with ISO solid biofuel [13] standards using a proximate analyzer (PrepASH229,
Precisa, Switzerland). The moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash were measured through the
analysis. Volatile matter and ash content were determined by the mass change at 900 ℃ for 7 min in nitrogen
atmosphere and that at 550 ℃ for 120 min in air respectively. Fixed carbon was measured by subtracting the
mass of the moisture content, volatile matter, and ash from the total mass.

E) Fine particles

A fine particle is defined as a particle less than 3.15 mm in diameter [10]. In accordance with ISO 18846 [14],
pellets of 50 g or more were selected and weighted to two decimal digits. The pellets were placed in a metal sieve
with mesh size of 3.15 mm, mounted on a shaker and filtered, and then the mass of the pellet remaining in the
sieve was measured twice. It was expressed in % of the weight of the fines passed through the sieve relative to
the total non-wood pellet weight as Eq. (3).
𝑚𝑒 ― 𝑚𝑜
𝐹= 𝑚𝑒 × 100 (3)

F: Fine particle [%]

ma: Pellet weight before sieving [g]
mo: Pellet weight after sieving [g]

F) Durability

According to ISO 17831-1 [15], 500±50 g of pellets was poured into a durability tester and 500 rotation tests were
conducted at the rate of 50±2 rev/min. After the test, the pellets were filtered using a sieve of mesh size 3.15 mm
and then the weight of the pellet remaining in the sieve was measured twice. It was calculated as Eq. (4).
𝐷𝑈 = 𝑚𝑑𝑢𝑏 × 100 (4)

DU: Durability [%]

Journal Pre-proof

mdua: Pellet weight post sieving after durability test [g]

mdub: Pellet weight prior to sieving before durability test [g]

G) Calorific value

The calorific value was measured by combustion using an auto calorimeter (6400, Parr, USA). The calorimeter
was calibrated by using a standard substance (benzoic acid). The pellets were dried in a dryer and their calorific
value was measured three times.

H) Elemental analysis

According to the quality test method for solid fuel products stipulated by the Ministry of Environment [14],
elemental analysis was conducted for confirming the composition of the elements (C, H, N, O, S).

I) Sulfur and chlorine

Sulfur and chlorine were measured by ASTM D7359 with combustion ion chromatography (AQF-2100H,
Mitsubishi Chemical Analytech Co., LTD., Japan).

J) Heavy metals

The mercury (Hg) content was measured by a mercury analyzer (Hydra II C, Teledyne Leeman Labs, USA). The
other metals were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES;
OPTIMA 7300 DV, PerkinElmer, USA) after pretreatment with microwave heating. The ICP-OES was calibrated
by using a standard substance SCP28AES.

4. Results

4.1. Single-material pellet

Agro-byproduct pellets were produced as described in section 3.1. The coffee pellet was darker in color than the
other pellets. Especially, rice chaff produced more fine dust than the other agro-byproducts (Fig.2).


Fig. 2. Photographs of single-material agro-byproduct pellets.
WP: Wood pellet PEP: Pepper stem pellet PRP: Perilla stem pellet CHP: rice Chaff pellet CFP: Spent coffee grounds pellet

4.2. Evaluation of pellets

The pellets were classified as A-grade or B-grade “non-wood pellets” of Korea Energy Appliances Industry
Association and as Bio-SRF grade according to the “Act on the promotion of saving and recycling of resources”
of the Ministry of Environment (Table 2) [16]. The criteria for A-grade and B-grade non-wood pellets were more
extensive than the Bio-SRF standards specified by the Ministry of Environment. Therefore, in this study, the grade
of the pellets was categorized in the order of A, B, Bio-SRF.

Table 2. Standards for A, B grade pellets and Bio-SRF.

Properties Unit A-grade pellet* B-grade pellet* Bio-SRF**
Length Mm ≤ 40 ≤ 50 ≤ 100
Diameter Mm 6 – 10 ≤ 25 ≤ 50
Bulk density kg m-3 ≥ 600 ≥ 600 -
Journal Pre-proof

Moisture content % ≤ 12 ≤ 15 ≤ 10
Ash Content % ≤ 15.0 ≤ 15.0 ≤ 15.0
Fine particle % ≤ 2.0 ≤ 3.0 -
Durability % ≥ 97.5 ≥ 96.0 -
Gross MJ kg-1 ≥ 16.5 ≥ 16.5 ≥ 12.56
Calorific value (kcal kg-1) (≥ 3,940) (≥ 3,940) (≥ 3,000)
Chlorine % ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.5
Sulfur % ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.6
Biomass % - - ≥ 95
Nitrogen % ≤ 1.5 ≤ 2.0 -
Arsenic mg kg-1 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 5.0
Cadmium mg kg-1 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 5.0
Chromium mg kg-1 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 70.0
Copper mg kg-1 ≤ 20 ≤ 20 -
Lead mg kg-1 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 100
Mercury mg kg-1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.6
Nickel mg kg-1 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 -
Zinc mg kg-1 ≤ 100 ≤ 100 -
*A- and B-grade: Criteria according to quality standards for non-wood pellets
**Bio-SRF: Based on the Bio-SRF standard for molding according to Article 10 of Annex 1 of the Enforcement Regulation of the Act
on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources

A) Size

All pellets were of 6-mm diameter and met the A-grade standard. CFP was shorter than the other pellets. But all
pellets satisfied the length criterion for A grade pellets (40 mm or less). Figure 3 shows the length and diameter
of each type of pellet along with the standard error bar.

Fig. 3. Average and standard errors in length and diameter of single-material pellets.

B) Bulk density

The bulk density of PEP was higher than that of WP. On the other hand, the bulk densities of PRP and CHP
were lower than that of WP, but both met the criterion of ≥600 kg m-3. However, CFP had bulk density of 560
kg m-3 and therefore did not satisfy the A-and B-grade criterion.

C) Moisture content
Journal Pre-proof

The control pellet, WP, had the lowest MC of 9.0%. PRP and CHP had similar MC, whereas PEP and CFP had
higher MC. Nevertheless, they did not exceed the 12% criterion for A-grade pellets.

D) Proximate analysis

The content of volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash were examined through proximate analysis. There were no
specific standards for volatile matter and fixed carbon. However, PRP and CFP had similar or higher volatile
matter than WP, whereas the others had lower volatile matter than WP. All pellets showed lower fixed carbon
content than WP; especially, the fixed carbon content of CFP was the lowest. All pellets had less than 15% ash
content, which met the A-grade standard. The ash content of CFP was the highest

Fig. 4. Proximate analysis and bulk density of single-material pellets.

E) Fine particles

PEP and PRP had fine particle content of less than 2.0%. Therefore, they satisfied the A-grade criterion. CHP
was determined as B-grade because its fine particle content was 3.0%. However, CFP had fine particle content
of 9.1%, which did not meet any of the standards in Table 2.

F) Durability

Except for PEP, the durability of the other pellets was less than 96.0%, which did not meet any of the standards
in Table 2.

G) Gross calorific value

All pellets had gross calorific value higher than the standard for non-wood pellets. The gross calorific value of
CFP was much higher than that of WP.

H) Nitrogen content

The nitrogen contents of PEP, PRP, and CHP were less than the standard for A-grade pellets. Therefore, they
satisfied the A-grade criterion. However, CFP satisfied the B-grade criterion.

I) Sulfur and chlorine content

Journal Pre-proof

All pellets showed lesser sulfur content than the standard but their sulfur content was higher than that of WP.
All pellets showed higher chlorine content than WP and all, except for PEP, satisfied the standard. PEP had high
chlorine content, which exceeded the regulation for Bio-SRF specified by the Ministry of Environment.

Fig. 5. Chlorine, sulfur, and nitrogen content along with gross heating value of single-material pellets.
J) Heavy metal

Arsenic and cadmium were not detected in the pellets, and all pellets satisfied the A-grade criteria for all metals
except copper. PEP was found to contain 20 mg kg-1 of copper, which met the A-grade criterion, but the copper
content of CFP exceeded the standard.

K) Evaluation summary

Table 3 shows the evaluation results of the pellets. PEP was considered out of grade owing to high chlorine
content. PRP and CHP were A-grade in all evaluations except for durability and chlorine content. They were
classified as B-grade for their high chlorine content. Their durability met the standard for Bio-SRF. However,
when evaluated based on the standards excluding durability, PRP and CHP were classified as B-grade. CFP was
evaluated as A-grade except for bulk density, fine particle content, durability, and copper and nitrogen content,
for which it did not satisfy A- or B-grade standards. In addition, in the case of Bio-SRF, there were no standards
for bulk density, fine particle content, durability, and copper and nitrogen content. Therefore, it was determined
that all pellets except for PEP could be used as fuel. High chlorine content in PEP was determined to be derived

Table 3. Evaluation of single-material agro-byproduct pellets.

Properties Unit WP PEP PRP CHP CFP
16.0 17.2 14.7 12.4 7.8
Length mm
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Diameter mm
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
from the soil. The low durability of PRP and CHP were caused by particle size and lack of adhesiveness. High
chlorine content can be improved by exposing the material to ambient atmosphere. Higher durability can be
achieved by making the particle size smaller or by introducing additional adhesiveness.
Journal Pre-proof

Bulk 667 672 636 616 560

kg m-3
density (1st*) (A) (A) (A) (Bio-SRF**)

Moisture 9.0 10.6 9.7 9.3 11.1

content (1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)

% 71.72 67.35 71.19 62.76 74.57

% 17.29 16.31 15.21 16.89 14.49

Ash 0.4 5.6 5.8 12.6 1.8

content (1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)

Fine 0.1 < 0.1 0.6 0.3 9.1

particle (1st*) (A) (A) (A) (Bio-SRF**)

98.9 98.6 85.5 92.0 85.9

Durability %
(1st*) (A) (Bio-SRF**) (Bio-SRF**) (Bio-SRF**)
Gross 20.13 18.59 18.55 17.20 23.03
MJ kg-1
calorific (4,810) (4,440) (4,430) (4,110) (5,500)
(kcal kg-1)
value (1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
0.01 0.67 0.19 0.19 < 0.01
Chlorine %
(1st*) (OUT) (B) (B) (A)

0.02 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.05

Sulfur %
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)

0.1 1.3 0.6 0.5 2.0

Nitrogen %
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (B)
N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D N.D.
As mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A). (A)
0.2 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.
Cd mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 2 3 9 <1
Cr mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
4 20 15 5 31
Cu mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (Bio-SRF**)
1 1 2 <1 <1
Pb mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
N.D. 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Hg mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 2 2 2 1
Ni mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
6 25 56 36 16
Zn mg kg-1
(1st*) (A) (A) (A) (A)
Bio-SRF** Bio-SRF** Bio-SRF**
Grade 1st* OUT
((B grade)) ((B grade)) ((B grade))
OUT: Out of grade
* Grade according to quality standard for wood pellets, specified by Korea Forest Service
** Grade according to 'Solid Fuel Quality Standards' specified by Ministry of Environment
(( )) Grade according to 'non-wood pellet' except durability

4.3. Mixed-material pellets for enhanced combustion properties

All pellets could not be graded as A or B. Especially, CFP could not be graded according to most of the
standards despite its high calorific value. Therefore, spent coffee ground was mixed with the other byproducts to
enhance its properties. Moreover, spent coffee grounds has fine particles as well as low chlorine content and
Journal Pre-proof

high calorific value. These advantages could improve the properties of other pellets. Hence, each byproduct was
mixed with 50% spent coffee grounds and pelletized. In comparison with the previous pellets, all three types of
pellets were darker in color (Fig. 6).


Fig. 6. Photographs of mixed-material agro-byproduct pellets.

4.4. Evaluation of mixed-material pellets

Mixed-material pellets were evaluated similar to the previous pellets and the results are summarized in Table 4.

A) Size

As in the case of the previous pellets, the pellet molding die was of 6-mm diameter. Therefore, the diameter of
all three types of pellets was the same (6 mm). The mean length of PCP was longer than that of the other pellets
(Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Average and standard errors in length and diameter of mixed-material pellets.
Journal Pre-proof

B) Bulk density

Pellets mixed with spent coffee grounds and rice chaff or perilla had lower bulk density than single-material
pellets. But pellet mixed with spent coffee grounds and pepper stem showed higher bulk density than single-
material pellet. PCP and PRCP met the standard for bulk density, but the bulk density of CCP was found to be
below the standard. It was determined that the bulk density of CHP was lower than that of PEP or PRP.

C) Moisture content

The MC was relatively higher in the mixed-material pellets than in the single-material pellets. To prevent dust
formation, extra water was added during pelletization but the water did not dry up during the process. However,
all pellets satisfied the specified standards.

D) Proximate analysis

Volatile matter content was the highest in PRCP, but it had less fixed carbon content. Both PRP and CFP had
high volatile matter content, but the mixed-material pellets had low volatile matter owing to higher moisture
content. PCP and PRCP showed slight decrease in the ash content. The ash content of CCP sharply decreased
when compared with PRP (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Proximate analysis and bulk density of mixed-material pellets.

E) Fine particle

All three pellets met the specified standard. The fine particle content of CCP was highest among the pellets, but
fine particle content of PCP and PRCP were shown as 0.2. It was determined that spent coffee grounds played a
role in filling the pores of the perilla.

F) Durability

The pellets, except CCP, met the standard for A-grade. The durability of PCP was slightly lower than that of
PEP. It was considered that there was less bonding between the spent coffee ground and pepper stem. However,
PRCP had higher durability than PRP. PRCP met the standard whereas PRP did not. CCP was evaluated as out
Journal Pre-proof

of grade. However, its durability was slightly increased when compared with that of CHP. It was considered that
the spent coffee grounds filled in the pores acted as glue.

G) Gross calorific value

The three types of mixed-material pellets showed higher calorific values than the single-material pellets because
of the effect of mixing with the spent coffee grounds. It was observed that the calorific values of the three types
of pellets were significantly increased. The calorific values of PCP and PRCP were 4,860 kcal kg-1 and 4,950
kcal kg-1 respectively, which were higher than that of WP (4,810 kcal kg-1). However, CCP had a lower calorific
value than WP. It seemed to be the effect of the low calorific value of rice chaff.

H) Nitrogen

Spent coffee ground has high nitrogen content. Therefore, it was determined that the nitrogen content of the
pellets was increased. However, it satisfied the A-grade standard.

I) Sulfur and chlorine

Compared with single-material pellets, the sulfur content of the mixed-material pellets was slightly increased.
However, it was less than 0.2%, which met the A-grade criteria. However, PCP was out of A-grade for chlorine
content, as it contained 0.22% of chlorine; therefore, it met the criterion for B-grade. The other two
pellets(PRCP, CCP) were classified as A-grade. On the other hand, the single-material pellets (PRP, CHP) were
classified as B-grade.

Fig. 9. Nitrogen, sulfur, and chlorine content and gross heating values of mixed-material pellets.
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J) Heavy metal

Except for copper, the pellets were assigned A-grade for other heavy metals, but PCP was classified as Bio-SRF
owing to high copper content of both pepper stem and spent coffee ground.

K) Evaluation summary

The results of the above evaluations are summarized in Table 4. Overall, the pellets mixed with spent coffee
ground were found to be better than the single-material pellets. Although there was slight decrease in the bulk
density, it was observed that there were improvements in various evaluation items including the calorific value
and fine particle content. PCP was shown high copper content. Especially, with regard to the chlorine content,
PEP could not be assigned a grade, but PCP met the B-grade criterion. It was also observed that the durability of
PRCP was improved when compared with PRP. The ash content of CCP was decreased by 4.5% when
compared with that of CHP. Therefore, mixed-material pellets can be considered to result in an improvement
with regard to the ash content, which is continuously highlighted as a flaw of herbaceous biomass.

Table 4. Evaluation of mixed-byproduct pellets.

Properties Unit PCP CCP PRCP
14.3 10.2 10.2
Length mm
(A) (A) (A)
6 6 6
Diameter mm
(A) (A) (A)
688 582 633
Bulk density kg m-3
(A) (Bio-SRF) (A)

Moisture 11.6 11.2 10.9

content (A) (A) (A)

Volatile matter % 67.4 64.8 69.8

Fixed carbon % 16.2 15.9 15.2

4.8 8.1 4.0

Ash content %
(A) (A) (A)

0.2 0.3 0.2

Fine particle %
(A) (B) (A)

98.6 93.8 98.1

Durability %
(A) (Bio-SRF) (A)
20.35 19.93 20.72
Gross MJ kg-1
(4,860) (4,760) (4,950)
calorific value (kcal kg-1)
(A) (A) (A)
0.22 0.08 0.08
Chlorine %
(B) (A) (A)

0.14 0.11 0.10

Sulfur %
(A) (A) (A)

1.4 1.1 1.1

Nitrogen %
(A) (A) (A)
N.D. N.D. N.D.
As %
(A) (A) (A)
N.D. N.D. N.D.
Cd %
(A) (A) (A)
Cr % 4 6 1
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(A) (A) (A)

27 13 17
Cu %
(Bio-SRF) (A) (A)
<0.01 <0.01 1
Pb %
(A) (A) (A)
< 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Hg %
(A) (A) (A)
1 1 1
Ni %
(A) (A) (A)
20 20 30
Zn %
(A) (A) (A)
Grade Bio-SRF Bio-SRF A-grade

5. Conclusion

This study was conducted with the objective of using agro-byproduct biomass more efficiently. Pelletization
was used in this study, for which the agro-byproduct pellets were produced and evaluated against standards.
PEP in this study had higher chlorine content and copper content, whereas PRP and CHP had unsatisfactory
durability. CFP had several drawbacks such as with durability and fine particle content. The chlorine and copper
content in PEP were determined to be effected by the soil components. According to a previous study, the
chlorine content can be reduced by exposing the pellets to rainfall and sunlight [21],[22] but chlorine emission
may cause air pollution and destroy the ozone layer [23],[24]. Also torrefaction, one of thermochemical
pretrement, can reduce chlorine in biomass by decomposing and flying away with volatile matter [25].
Electrochemical removal can be one of method for reduce chlorine [26]. In addition, the low durability of PRP
and CHP can be addressed by using finer particles than that used in this study. CFP cannot be used individually.
It was determined that an adhesive component was needed for bonding with the spent coffee ground particles. In
this study, PEP was determined as out-of-grade; PRP, CHP, and CFP were classified as Bio-SRF. Except for
durability, PRP and CHP were assigned B-grade. In the case of mixed-material pellets, PCP partly solved the
problem of high chlorine content. However, the spent coffee ground resulted in high copper content. When the
spent coffee ground was mixed with perilla or rice chaff, it played the role of an adhesive, which slightly
improved the drawbacks of PRCP and CCP. Nevertheless, CCP did not meet the standard because of its particle
size. In this study, PCP and CCP were classified as Bio-SRF, whereas PRCP was classified as A-grade. In future
studies, it is necessary to select the appropriate granularity of the byproduct pellets to resolve issues with
durability and fine particle content as well as employ methods such as dechlorination and copper leaching to
address issues related to high chlorine and copper content.


Funding: Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries (IPET) through Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Research Center Support Program, funded by
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) (717001-07).

Declarations of interest: none

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Journal Pre-proof

Investigation of agro-byproduct pellet properties and improvement in pellet

quality through mixing


 This study evaluated the properties of pellets produced from agro-byproducts.

 Coffee waste, chaff, perilla stem, and pepper stem pellets were considered.
 Each pellet was evaluated as Grade-A/B or Bio-SRF as per KEAA standards.
 Chaff, perilla, and pepper stem were mixed with 50% coffee waste and evaluated.
 The mixed pellets (except coffee+chaff) were superior to the individual pellets.

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