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After I have finished the exam, I will have a few free days. So I planned and decided to
go out with my friends. We will travel in the country, it is in Sapa. Sapa is famous for
the terraced fields, Muong Hoa valley, and Silver Falls, ... I must search online and book
a hotel before coming. We will arrive in Sapa by plane. Air tickets will be ordered by my
friend. Next week we will go buy some necessities. In Sapa, the weather is quite cold so I
will buy some warm clothes. We will climb Ham Rong Mountain, so I need new shoes. I
should search on the internet for some information such as places to eat, drink and
entertainment to avoid being surprised. Some other necessities such as camera, power
bank, suitcase should be prepared for the upcoming trip. I hope it will be a great trip.

Dear Lisa,

It is me, Khánh Vân. I heard Rose say that you're going on a trip to Vietnam. I'm really
excited to see you soon. But you haven't come here yet so I'm quite worried. So, I give
you some advice. You should bring some warm clothes. Furniture, suitcases, bags, you
should keep carefully to avoid losing. Especially you must always carry your passport
and tourist visa with you. If you want to buy anything, you must ask for the price first.
The culinary culture in Vietnam is very diverse, you can try some famous dishes such as
Pho, pancakes, spring rolls, fresh seafood, .... Accommodation, I think you should stay in
the hotel. If it's too hard, tell me, I'll find help. Where will you go when you come to
Vietnam? If I go to Ho Chi Minh City, I will be your tour guide. If you go somewhere
else, you should look online for some information that gives a rough idea. Have you
prepared your luggage? Traveling in Vietnam is great. When you come, please message
me. Have a nice trip!

your friend

Khanh Van


I will have a busy weekend with lots of things to do. I will tidy my room. I don't
remember when I last cleaned it up. I should bring pillows, blankets to wash and sun dry
them, they smell moldy. My bookshelf is probably the most messy place. I think I have to
remove some unnecessary things from that old bookshelf. It will take a long time. After
finishing cleaning my room, I will move to the garden. The garden is full of grass, the
surrounding fence is also broken. I have to ask Dad to make a new fence. In order to the
grass not to grow back, I will plant flowers and trees there. I also really want to cook
dinner, but maybe after cleaning everything I won't be able to go to the market .
Therefore, I will add it to the next plan.


Recently, I have started to practice playing badminton. I was a very lazy person and was
very bad at sports. That's why I feel my health is not as good as everyone. I decide to
follow friend to play badminton and the result was amazing. I feel my health is better,
I’m always full of life. My friend also show me healthy food. I should eat more fresh
fruits and vegetables and less fried foods. Oily fried foods are not good for health, it is
easy to cause weight gain. I try to keep playing badminton with a reasonable diet. My
friend said I looked energetic. I will try to change my habit of staying up late to have a
good night's sleep. Although I don't know if I can do it or not, I'll try it.

The movie "Skyscraper" was the movie I was looking forward to watching. I always
thought it would be an excellent movie. But I was disappointed after watching the whole
movie. Although there was my favorite actor, Dwayne Johnson, I was disappointed. The
content of the movie weren’t appeal to me. Except for dangerous scenes, the rest of the
scenes made me sleepy and bored. Critics also said that the film had similar content to
American-made Die Hard in 1988. That made me felt very bad. Dwayne Johnson's acting
in the film wasn’t impressive. The points I liked in this movie were probably the special
effects, they were really awesome. The dangerous footage was inserted sound very
suitable. However, there weren’t many dangerous scenes. It's just my own feeling, there
are many conflicting opinions about this movie.


Train to Busan is the only horror movie I like. The main content was about the Zombie
pandemic, everyone must flee it. The movie's content was very appealing to viewers, it
made viewers feel scared as well as the characters in the movie. The makeup of the
characters was amazing. The acting of the actors was great, they conveyed their
character's feelings honestly. The author had incorporated both horror and sentiment,
which made it doubly valuable. The film made me realize that my father loves me the
most, he will be willing to sacrifice everything to save his children. And one of my
favorite points was the soundtrack. The script was very clear and emotional. Train to
Busan had unexpected ending. I hope the second part of it is equally excellent.

Hello Lisa, it's me. I heard the teacher say you're sick so you can't go to school. I visited
you at noon but you were not at home. The neighbor said you went to the hospital. I
brought some notebooks for you to copy. Coming soon to check, you try to copy all. If
there's anything you don't understand, you can phone me, I explain it. Oh, and the teacher
returned the test last week. I put it in the mailbox in front of your door. Yesterday you
asked me to get a book for you. I met your brother when I got home, he gave it to me too.
I also put it in the mailbox. Tomorrow I'll help you. You don't need to worry. That's it,
wish you get well soon.


Last week I had a trip to Seoul, South Korea. I stayed there for about a week to visit
around Seoul. I had many interesting experiences. I went to Namsan Seoul Tower, which
appeared in many Korean films. I went to see cherry blossoms in Yeouido Park. It was
really wonderful and very romantic. I learned about traditional Korean culture in the old
town of Insadong. Finally, I visited Gyeongbokgung Palace, which was built in 1395. It
still retains its unique and architectural features. The trip was really fun and interesting.
But I'm still not very satisfied with this holiday. When I first arrived, I caught a cold
because the weather was colder than Vietnam . I tried Korean food. Some things I can't
eat like raw seafood. It smelled fishy. Prices here are also expensive. Maybe next time, I
should learn some Korean before coming to Korea.

I always look forward to traveling in Seoul, South Korea. I want to go to Namsan Seoul
Tower, which appeared in many Korean films. I love going to see cherry blossoms in
Yeouido Park. I want to learn about traditional Korean culture in the old town of
Insadong. I will buy some souvenirs here. Finally, I really want to visit Gyeongbokgung
Palace, which was built in 1395. It still retains its unique and architectural features. The
food there is very attractive. Spicy rice cakes, fish cakes, cold noodles, kimchi, ... and
many other dishes. And there are many other interesting things in Korea that I want to

When I eat and drink, I always choose things that are good for me. Because there are
things that are delicious but have a negative effect on health. I like to cook, so I cook at
home rather than eating out. I usually eat foods like fish, meat, beans to provide protein.
One day two servings of fish or meat 100gram for me is fine. I eat more fruits and
vegetables. Not only does it provide vitamins and fiber, it also helps me prevent diseases
like cancer. I provide fat for my body by eating nuts like peanuts, snails, almonds. I limit
eating fast food, fried foods, or foods that are too spicy, which is bad for the stomach.
The energy I need to get each day is 2000 calories. Sometimes I don't use them all, they
are redundant. Over time, I will become obese if I don’t exercise to consume all the
energy. Therefore, i should have a reasonable diet and exercise regularly to stay healthy.


Write predictions about how technology may change in your lifetime

Someday, maybe very soon, technology will help us save our environment. For example,
solar panels won’t just be large things on rooftops, but they will be very thin and
transparent so the windows of homes, buildings and cars will produce energy.
Technology will change medicine as well, with robots, computers and wireless
communication helping surgeons and doctors do surgeries and tests remotely. Speaking
of tests, I think someday smart phones will be used as microscopes so lab tests can be
done anywhere and help people in the poorest places. Computer screens will become a
thing of the past. In the future, they will be made of soft, foldable and stretchable
material. Privacy and protection of personal information will still be an issue, though,
especially as more and more people gain access to the Internet and wireless technologies.
Today's technology devices help us a lot. I have a smartphone. I can video call for you,
my family, whenever I want. A smartphone can replace things like a camera, a music
player, a dictionary, a calendar, a calculator, etc. When I do not understand something, I
will look it up online. However, anything that is used too much is not good. The same
goes for smartphones. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, or games can make users addicted.
If you use a smartphone for too long, it will affect health such as headaches, bad effects
on eyes and sleep. If one day smartphone disappeared, surely things would be difficult
and a bit boring. But that is probably also good. Instead of sitting in a chair holding my
phone, I can read books, play sports or go out with friends or meet people.


I am going to have a vacation in Korea next week. So, this week I have a lot of work to
do. I have prepared everything for my travel day: passport, tourist visa, ... I have yet to
choose a satisfied hotel. I bought a new suitcase bigger than the old one, it will hold more
things. I just bought some warm clothes. Tomorrow I have to go to the bank to change
Vietnamese currency into Korean money. A few more days I have to find someone to
send my dog to, I can't bring it with me. This afternoon I had to go to the supermarket to
buy some odd things like toothbrushes, sunscreen, and personal belongings. Our group
will have a presentation by the middle of next week. I have to submit the report to the
leader before this weekend. There is so much to do before this week ends

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