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Name: Ulep, Chuck Daniel N Section Code: PCED-02-301A

Traditional literature is the body of the ancient stories and poems that grew out of the
oral tradition of storytelling before eventually written down, because of the unidentifiable
author most of the stories that have been written on that time was named to the entire
groups of people or culture. Some of the traditional stories come from fantasies. Traditional
literature provides insights and underlying values and beliefs of a particular cultural group.
Most of the traditional literature is imaginative and talks about human nature and cultural

There are several ways and techniques that have been discussed to select and
evaluate best and appropriate traditional literature for students. First is traditional tale should
preserve the narrative, Second is it should preserve the culture, speech patterns, foreing
terms or proper names. Illustrated versions of the text and illustrations must be of high
quality, illustrations, illustrations should match the time, capture the essence of the culture's
origin. Traditional tales must have a rich literary style and have a characteristic of masterful
storytelling. Lastly, in evaluating a traditional literature,consider the numbers and variety of
tales and the quality of the reference aid. There is also a lot of traditional literature, Epics,
Myths, Legends & Tall tales, Fables, and Folktales

The ways to teach traditional literature in the classroom is by story telling given that
the traditional literature is rooted in oral tradition, so that storytelling in the classroom
provides an effective and powerful means for engaging children with this literature. Second
is find stories that fit for story telling and find stories that tie together all threads of the story.
Stories should not take longer than ten minutes as you develop your storytelling. Prepare for
the telling of the stories that you’ve picked. Use cards as key points. Be familiarized first on
the story that you have to discuss so that you could easily tell the story naturally.
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