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Activity 3

Answer the following in descriptive format, then turn it in in the assignment bar of MS
Teams in Nutrition and Diet Therapy Laboratory
1. Describe the process of digestion.
2. Describe the absorption of Nutrients.
3. Explain the differences between energy value and energy requirements.


Janessa is a 32-year-old African American factory worker who has been hyperactive all
her life. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 201 pounds. Janessa will admit that prior
to her divorce 15 years ago, she was the smallest she had ever been, 123 pounds. After
her divorce she was still an overachiever, but she began putting weight on. Since she
has not stopped being active, she now believes she has a glandular problem. Janessa
has always eaten very fast; in fact, some of her friends say she inhales food. She finds
that she has frequent bouts of nausea and oftentimes is in the bathroom while others
are out having a good time. She believes she has a nervous stomach. Janessa comes
to the Employee Health Service for assistance. She is referred to a dietitian.
Questions below refers to the Case on Point Above.
1. Identify the significant data in this case
2. Figure Janessa’s REE using the Harris Benedict, and her calorie guidelines.
3. What changes can Janessa implement to help reduce her weight?
4. Set two measurable realistic goals for Janessa during this process to prevent
further weight gain.
5. How could you help Janessa slow down when eating?
6. What should be the Desirable Body Weight for Janessa? Compute her IBW using
the Tannhauser method.

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