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Full Name :


Lecturer : Ms. Leliana Putriani (Nana)

Day & Date : Tuesday, 10th November 2020

Time : 09am – 11am (2 hours)

How do you say these following Numbers in words? (10 points).

250 = two hundred (and) fifty

1. 25,750,000 = __________________________________________

2. 31st = __________________________________________

3. 0.25 = __________________________________________

4. 6.99 = __________________________________________

5. 2 ¼ = __________________________________________

How do you say these Years in words?

6. 1973 = __________________________________________

7. 2021 = __________________________________________

How do you say the following Time in words?

8. 5:15 = __________________________________________

9. 5:25 = __________________________________________

10. 5:45 = __________________________________________

Complete the sentences with do, does, am, is, are, (-) (15 points).
A: What is that? What _____ you looking at?
B: It _____ a very rare and valuable book.
A: ______ it yours?

B: No. 14. It ______ not belong to me. 15.

It ______ belongs to my cousin.
He _______ collects old books.

A: 17. That ______ an interesting hobby. 18.

_______ you a collector, too? 19.
_______ you collect old
B: I ______ have the interest but not the money. Rare old books 21. _______ expensive to collect.
22. 23.
I ______ becoming interested in stamps, though. Stamps _______ not as expensive as rare
I ______ want to collect stamps from the 1800s.
A: I am thinking about collecting stamps, too. _______ you want to get together sometime and talk
about it?

B: Yes. Let’s do that.

Complete the sentences either with Subject Pronouns (I, You, We, They, He,
She, It), Object Pronouns (me, you, us, them, him, her), Possessive Pronouns
(mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers), Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourself,
ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself) or Possessive Adjectives (my,
your, our, their, his, her, its) that refer to words in Bold and Italics (5 points).
Did you see Mark? He was waiting in your office to talk to you.

Sarah asked her mother for permission to go to a movie.

I don’t need to borrow your bicycle. Sara loaned me hers.

Jack introduced himself.

26. Ted and I are roommates. _______ apartment is small.

27. Brian and Louie have a huge apartment, but we don’t. _______ is small.

28. You can find _______ keys in the top drawer of the desk.
29. The keys in the drawer belong to you. I have _______ in 30. _______ pocket.

Read the paragraph. Then complete the paragraph about Sam’s day in Simple
Present Tense using He in place of I. You will need to Change the Verbs (10

I leave my apartment at 8:00 every morning. I walk to the bus stop and catch the 8:10 bus. It
takes me downtown. Then I transfer to another bus, and it takes me to my part-time job. I arrive at
work at 8:50. I stay until 1:00, and then I leave for school. I attend classes until 5:00. I usually study in
the library and try to finish my homework. Then I go home around 8:00. I have a long day.

Sam leaves his apartment at 8:00. He walks to the bus stop and 31 ________ the 8:10 bus. It
takes him downtown. Then 32. _______________ to another bus, and it takes him to his part-time job.
_____________ at work at 8:50. 34. _______________ until 1:00, and then 35. ______________ for
school. 36. ______________ classes until 5:00. He usually 37. __________ in the library and 38.
__________ to finish his homework. Then 39. _______________ home around 8:00. 40. _____________ a
long day.

Put the sentences into Simple Past Tense (5 points).

We buy a new car. We didn’t buy a new car (-).

41. She has to wash it. She ____________ to wash it (-).

42. I close the window. ______________ the window (?)

43. She wins the money. She _____ the money (+)

44. She runs to school. She ______ to school (+)

45. They leave the party. _______________ the party (?)

Create WH or Yes/No Questions (5 points).

- Does Jean eat lunch at the cafeteria every day? Yes, she does. She eats lunch at the cafeteria
every day.

- Where does Jean eat lunch every day? At the cafeteria. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria
every day.

46. ____________________________________ Yes, English is fun.

47. ____________________________________ No, she doesn’t. She speaks English.

48. ____________________________________ Yes, I go to campus every day.

49. ____________________________________ No, they aren’t. They aren’t my classmates.

50. ____________________________________ We study English on Tuesdays.

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