Exam in Civic Education - XB Done

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Exam in Civic Education

Grade: XB
Name: Daniel Baloch
Date: 10/22/2020

1. Write down the definitions: (9 points)

a. Property Law – A law that governs over property/ owning, buying, dispostion of the
property and law regulations regarding property.

b. Real Property – Same as real estate/ land, everything on the land, airspace above,
and the minerals below.

c. Life Estate – its when the ownership is limited to the owners death, owner dies
property finishes or goes to the government.

d. Conveyance - The moving of title from one person to another

e. Statute of Frauds – law which says several contracts and file storings and all that of
real property and so to be stored for a period of time, to make it easier to keep track
and make it harder to commit fraud.

f. Attorney – a lawyer that does both pre trial and trial work (usa)

g. Counsel – a group of lawyers or legal bodies.

h. Order – judgement by the judge/ the decision of the court in regards to matters in
the court

i. Trial - when parties come together to resolve disputes in front of a tribunal.

2. Fill the gaps with an appropriate word: (4points)

In the Uk, the majority of ___pre trial work_____________________ is carried out by a
____solicitor____________ before the case passed on to a __barrister________________,
who will represent either the claimant or the defendant during
___court_________________ or a trial.

3. Match the phases of litigation with the descriptions: (4 points)

a. Pre-trial phase (4)
b. Enforcement (3)
c. Hearing (2)
d. Discovery phase (1)

1) One or both parties gathers evidence about the dispute by taking the testimony of
witnesses, examining documents or physical evidence, or requesting evidence from
the other side
2) The facts of the case are heard by a judge, or by a jury.
3) When the parties cannot reach an agreement, formal action may be started and suit
is filled.
4) The losing party may file post-trial motions to convince the judge to amend the

4. Write down what do these words have in common or difference: (4points)

Fee Simple and Estate pur autre vie -

They both fall under freehold property. Fee simple is the absolute ownership of property.
While estate pur autre vie is when the grantees stay on the property is limited by the life of
another person.

5. Decide which of the nouns in the box collocate with the adjectives listed below. Some of
the nouns go with more than one adjective. (7 points)

Agreement, consent, estate, possession, property

a. Real Property/estate
b. Prior consent
c. Mutual agreement
d. Exclusive possession

6. Match the sentence halves to complete these definitions:

1. A lease is an instrument which a) title to a property from one owner to
grants (c) another;
2. A license is an instrument which b) property, and rents it out or leases it
gives (f) to others for money;
3. A deed is an instrument which c) temporary possession of a property
transfers (a) without conferring ownership
4. a tenant is someone who leases d) the right to use property for a certain
or rents (h) purpose without conferring either
5. a landlord is someone who owns possession or ownership;
(b) e) part of all of a deceased person’s
6. An heir is someone who is estate;
entitled to inherit (e) f) an interest in property from another
7. A grantor is someone who by deed or other written instrument
conveys ( d
8. A grantee is someone who g) an interest in real property to another;
acquires (i) h) property from a landlord;
9. A licensee is someone who i) permission to enter another person’s
receives (g) property temporarily;

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