Electrostatics: Opposes

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Electrostatic s: Electrostati c Potential: ·Capacitance :
- is the study of the behavior of stat ic electricity - Is the fo1-ce required or accumulated In staring a - is the property of tl1e circuit w~1ich opposes any
( electr ic charge wh,ch ,s at res t ) charge eledron Into an accumulating plates . change in the amou r.t of voltage, also defined as
Electrostalt1c potential is directly proportional to the the charge required to create a unit potentla I
Coulombs Law: charge an,j inversely proportional to distance between d ifference between rts two plates .
t he plates .
F = kQ,Q2 C
d2 = g_ in farad
V = kg_ V
where : d where :
MKS system where: Q = charges in coulomb
F = force in Newton MKS system V = voltages in Volt
Q 1 & Qz = charges in coulombs V = electrostatic potential In volts
k =9 X 10 9 k = 9 >: 10 9 1. Capacitance of Isolated Sphere:
d = distance between two charge in meter Q = charges in coulombs
d = distance between plates in meter C = 4m, e;,r in farad
CGS system CGS system
V = electrostatic potential in statvolts where :
F = force in dynes
Eo permitivity
= absolute
Q 1 & Qz = charge in statcoulombs k = 1
Q = charges in statcoulombs 10- 12 f/m
= 8 .85 X
k = 1
Er = relative perrnitivity
d = distance between two charge in cm d = distance between plates in cm
r = radius of sphere
Electric Field intensity ; Conve.si1:>n of units:
1 vo!t = 1 joule/coulom b 2. Capacitance ot' Concent,..i,::: Sphe;e:
- is the field strength of diel~ctric is directly
proportional to the charge c:: nd inv_e rsely 1 volt = 1. llx 10 3 ergs/statcoul ornb
proportional to the square of the distance . 1 volt/meter= 1 newton/coulo mb a _ Outer Sphere Earthed
lstat volt/cm = 1 dynes/statco ulomb
1 volt/meter = 1.11 x 10-5 dynes/statC ab .
E=k_g_ C = 4=ae, - - in @Had
!coulomb = 9 x 10 9 statcoulomb b- a
where :
where :
Electric Flux Density: Eo = absolute perrnitivity
MKS system
E = electric field intensity In f'J/C, V/m
= 8 .85 X 10-12 f/m
"-r = relative permitivity
Q = charge In coulombs g_ r
D = A = e: a e E in C/m 2
k = 9 X 10 9 a = radius of inner sphere
d = distance of the point from the test b = rad ius of outer sphere
charge in meter where :
Q = charge in coulomb
CGS system A= area in m 2 b . Inner Sphere Earthed
E = electric field intensity in dynes/statC, Eo = alt:Jsolute perrnitiv1ty

Volts/ cm = 8 .85 X 10-12 f/m b~

C = 4:n:e: 0 1:, -- in fa irad
Q = charge in statcoulombs Er = r-elat1ve permittivity b a
k = 1 E = ele'.ctrlc field intensity where :
d = distance of the point from the test Ea = absolute permitlVlty
charge in cm 8 .85 X 10- l l f/m
Er = relative pe r m itivity
a = radius of inner sphere
, 1, ,,.:- - ~ -
,I ~ {~ ·} .


b = radius of outer sphere 6. Capacitance of Multiple Plate Sample Problems

3. Capacitance Uniform Medium: 1. Two obJects attracts each other with a force F.
C = (n - 1) l'-u~f~J If the changes o-n both objects are doubled
A with no changes in separation, the force
C = <'oE:, d In farad where: between them becomes .
n a. F b 4F
w here: = number of parallel plates
c. 2F d . F/4
Eo = absolute perm1tivity
2. Three charges are located at the corners of an
= 8 .85 X 10" 12 f/m
equilateral triangle. Q 1 = +3 .5-µC and is
Er = relati ve perm ittivity
loca tted on the top of the tr iangle and Q2 =
A = area of the plates Capacitance in Series
+5-pC and Q 3 = -5-µC are located on the
d = distance between plates horizontal base of the triangle . What is the
-1ota I Capac1·t a nee
: - 1 = - 1 + - 1 + .... ..... + - 1 net .electric force on Q 1 ? The side of the
4. Composite Dielectric Medium: triangle is 0 .Sm long .
CT cl C, en
a. 0 N b . 0 .63 N
E.OA . fa d Voltages : VT = VJ + vl + .... .... . .. .... + c. 1.26 N d . 0 .92 N
C vn
=~+ d, + ..... + dn ,n ra 3. Consider two point charges of +q and +4Q
E~ ;;,
which are separated by a distance of 3
Charges '. QT = Q, = Q2 ".° " .. ..... ... .. • = Qn met,ers . At what point, on the line joining he
where :
two charges, is the electric field equal to zero .
E0 = abs..')lute perm iti v ity
a. 1 m from the +q charge
= 8 .85x10-u. r;m Capacitarrce in Parallel _b . 1 m frnrn_the_+~q charge
Er = relative perm it;,., ity
c. ¼ m from the +q charge
d1, d 2 , dn = thickness of dielectric medium d. ¼ m from the +4q charge
Total Capacitance: CT = ½ + ½ + .. ...... .. .. .. .. + en
4. Three .+2_ 0 -µC clharges are placed along a
stra nght line succ essive charges being 2 m
5. Dielectric Medium Party: Voltages : VT = vi = v, = ... ..... .... .. .. = vn apart. Calculate the force on the charge on
the 1right end .
E,A Charges : QT = QI + Q, + .... .... .. . .. .. .. + Qn a . 0.225 N b . 1.125 N
C - farad c. 0 .90 N di. 2 . 225 N
5. The energy stored in a 3 .6-µF capacitor with
E, J
r-d Jl:_' jl ,
an applied voltage of 15 volts is.
Energy Stored in Capacitor:
a . 405-mJ b . 810-µJ
where : 2
1 2 c. 405-µJ di . 810-mJ
· 't' E0= absolute permitivity w = -CV = -Q = -1 QV tn JOU
. Ies
2 2C 2 6. An 18-µF capacitor is connected in series to a
= 8.85 x 10· 12 f/mE, = relative permitivity paraillel connected of a 5-µF & 7-µF
d = distance at the aIrgap capacitors . What is the equivalent capacitance
t = thickness of dielectric of Uie combination?
a . 7 2- µF t, . 9-µF
• c. 6-µF d . 8 . 2-µF
7. When small charge body us hung 3 .0 cm
above a concentrated charge of + 100 stat-
coul ., its apparent weight is increased by 49
/fl ~· ,,.-:..;;:-.


~ dynes . What Is t.he sign and the magn it ude of charges on a third charge of 4 = 3 .3 x 10· 8 c, :,, b . 476 V
the charge?
which is located at : x = O 24 m on the x ax is . c . 446 V , d . 426 V
a. -4.41 stat-co ul b . +13 .23 stat-coul a . 0 .134 mN b . 0 .134 mN 22 . A parallel plate capacitor has plates with an
c. -13 .23 stat-coµ! d. -13 .32 stat-coul c. 0.212 mN d . 0.343 mN area of 71 m 2 • The plates are separated by a
8 . Two small balls have masses of 50-mg and 15 . A charge of 1.25 x 10· 1 c is at a distance of distance of 0 .63 mm and the capacitor is Filled
100-mg are 5-cm apart . If the c1re given equal 0 .38 m from a second charge of -5 .3 x 10·1 . with a dielectric of dielectric constant of k =
charges of 40 esu and !50 esu, respectively , What is the field do these charges produce at 2 .6 . A voltage of 34 V is applied to the plates
what initial acceleration wrn the smalle r ball
a point mid-way between these two charges' of the capacitor . Calculate the energy density
acquire if the bigger ba ll is not free to move ,
,",, 1J hi, •'1 ' ' -, b. 0 .172 M\//m within the capacitor_ ·
a . 12 .5 m/s 2 b . 19 .2 m/s 2 c. 0 .181 MV/m d . 0 .190 MV/m =c ::;:-, 5 1, ,]1,T <' -: b. 35 .4 mJ/m 3
c. 9.6 rn/s 2 d . 24 .3 m/s 2 16 A proton near the surface of the earth Is in
9 . Two charges of q 1 = +5-µC and q 2 == -3-µC c. 37 .3 mJ/m 3 :.. d . 39.1 mJ/m 3
equilibrium under the for ce of gravity and the 23. A potential difference of 25 V Is maintained
are separated by a distance of l.·O m . Find the force of an electric field. What electric Field is across the pates of a parallel plate air-
spot along the line joi ning the charges where required7 - capacitor. The plates have an area of 43 m 2
the net electric field is zero . a. ':"1 1•2 2 µ1/ 1 ,,1 b. 0.112 µV/m and are separated by 1.56 mm . How m~ch
a . 3.4 /n_from qJ b. 0 .6m from q 1 C. 0 .122 .µV/m d . 0 .1 32 µV/m work is qone when the dielectric of constant of
· c. 0 .6 ni from q 2 d. 2 .3 m from Q2 17 . A sphere of radius_0 .055 rTl is uniformly · 1.9 Is inserted between the plate_s 7
10. Two similar conductors have chargers of +25 charge<;! at a density of 7 .3 x 10-6 C/m 3 • What a . 66-µJ b . 6 8 -µJ
· and -10 stat-coul. , respectively They are is the total charge Q on the sphere 7 c . 69-µJ . d . 71-µJ
placed in contact and then separated until a . 8 .39 nC b . 7 .29 nC 24 . A capacitor has an area of 91 m 2 and the _
their centers are 8 cm . apart. What is the c. 6.19 nC d-. 5.09 nC plates are separated by 0 .86mm. We want the
fo,-02 between th~:n &t this pos ition ? 1e . A charge of 1. 75 x 10·6 C is placed at the capacitor to have a capacitance of 25 µF.
a . 3.51-dynes - . b . 3.9-dynes origin. Another charge of -8.6 x 10· 1 • C is 'vi/h at must be the d :electric cons_tant of the
c. 0 .88-dynes d. 4. 78-dynes placed at x = 0.75 m . What is the potential at material fill ing the capacitor to give this
11. Two equally charged pith bulls are 3-cm apart a point halfway the charges? capacitance?
in air and repel each other wit ha force of 40 - a. 20.5 kV b 21. "- k\/ a . 22.7 b . 24 .7
µN . What is the charge on each ball? c . 22 .3 kV d. 23.2 kV c. 26. 7 ' d . 28.7
a. ±2-nC b .±4-nC 19 . An electron the positive to the negative of a 9 25 . Two charged parallel plates are 1-.5 cm apart .
c. ±5-nC d.±1 .2-nC V battery . How much potential energy did it ~ The magn itude of the electric field between
12 . Four equal pint charges of +3-µC each , are gain or lose? the plates is 1800 N/C. What work is required
placed at the four corners of a squ are that Is a . 1 .22 x 10· 18 J b . 1.33 x 10· 15 J to move a proton from the negative plate to
40 cm on a side . Find the force acting on any C. 1 .4 4 X 10'- J d . 1.55 X 10· 18 J the positive plate? -
one of the charges. 20 . A, parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of l -+ j ·•. 1,} ·t 3 ; b . 5.4 X 10· 15 J
a. 0.82-N b . 0 . 39-N 2.5 µF and an area of 156 m 2 . If one applies a C. 3 .2 X 10· 18 J d . 6 .-1 X 10- 18 J
c. 089 - N d. 0 .97-N volta~e of 75 V to the capacitor how much
13. A 3-C charge and a 5-C charge are 10 m charge is collected on each plate? Take Home Problems
- apart. A 7-C charge is placed on a 11re joining a. 182-µC ·b. 168 -' µC
the two .charges , x meters away from the 3-C C. 138-µC , I 1 98 - 'I 1. What Is the energy stored in a 3 .6 uF
charge . If the 7-C charge Is in equ1l1bnum, 21. A parallel plate capacitor is built from plates capacitor with an appl ied voltage of 15 volts 7
find the value of x . with area of 888 m 2 ea ch and a separation of .a . 397-µJ b . 402-µJ
a. 3 .87-m b . 5 .0 -m 1. 6 x 10· 4 m . The ma xi mum electric 'field that - .'./,,=: -111 d . 412-µJ
c. 4 .36-m ·d . 6 .13-m can exist in the capacitor before the air 2 . Calculate the posi tion of the point in the
14 . Two charges are located on the x axi s with q 1 ionizes causing sparking Is 3 .1 MV/m. What Is neighborhoo d of two poi nt charges of +50 and
= 2.3 x 10·° C at the origin, and with Q2 = - the maximum voltage that can be applied to - 18 statcoulombs , si tuated 40 cm apart
5 .6 x 10· 8 Cat x = 1.30 m . Find the by these this capacitor ? where a third charge would experience no
,.,. ~ ~"'·'.


forc e . The thre e char ges
honz onca Jly . are loca ted ELE CTR OST ATI CS
b. 0 .95 N
C. 0 .89 N d . 0 .83 N
b . 35 cm fro m the sma ller char d . 55 .3 state
ge 10. The dista nce betw een conc
entr ated char ges of 16 . A para llel plate capa citor
has the follo wing
c. 60 011 from the bigg er char ge 125 stat e and 150 stat e is valu es : k = 80 , thick ness is
d . 35 cm fro m the bigg er char chan ged from 75 2
0 .022 inch , area
ge cm to 25 cm . How muc h work
is done 7
= 6 . 25 in . Wha t is the capa citan ce of the
3 . A 20 u F cap acito r ,s char ged a~ 450 ergs capa citor 7
to a vo ltage of . '.C,(j' =- a '
1 2 00 v olts . It Is conn ecte d term inal to c. 520 ergs a . 4,98 9.5 pF
d. 630 ergs b . 5,24 3 .7 pf
term in al to an unch arge d
30 uF capa citor . 11. Two unlik e poin t char ges
each of stre ngth 300 c. 5, 143 .2 pf - ::.
W hat iS the resu lting v olta stat e are plac ed 40 crn apa 17 . Two simi lar char ges
ge acro ss the rt In air . Wha t Is of 250 stat e are
cap aoto r? the elec tric field at a poin t situa ted on sma ll sphe res 15
midw ay betw een cm apar t . Wha t
a . 465 V b. 470 V the char ges7 is the elec tric field betw een the
sphe res?
c. 475 V a . 0.48 7 dyne /stat .C o ,_, ~1/ C b . 3 N/C
4. An 18 uF cap acito r ,s conn ecte b. 0.42 3 dyne /sta te c .4 N/C
d in serie s to a d . 81\1/e
para llel conn ecti on of a c. 0.38 7 dyne /sta te 18 . Thre e char ges are loca ted
5 uF and 7 uF alon g a stra ight line
capa citor s . Wha t is d. IJ .375 d >• r12,. sto ' '~ q 1 = + 7 .5 ue, q 2 = -4 uC loca
the equ ivale nt ted 0.4 m from
capa citan ce of the com bina tion 12 . Two simi lar cond ucto rs q 1 and q3 = +9 uC and is loca ted
? have char ges of +25 1.0 m from
a . 6-7 uF b . 7 .0uF and -10 stat e resp ectiv ely .
The y are plac ed
q 1 . Wha t is the net elec tric force
on char ge
= in cont act and then sepa Q2?
d. T S uF rate d until thei r a . 0 .4 N
5 . How man y elec tron s are
requ ired to prod uce a
cent ers are 8 cm apa rt . Wha
t is the the force - - - '
cha rge of -6.4 uC? betw een them Iat this ~~ sitio n? c. 0 .75 N d . 0 .62 N
a. 3 x. 1 O13 a 0 .88 dyne 19 . Each of the 2 sphe res Is
posi tivel y char ged,
_ . - , __. b. 0 .76 dyne
C. 2 X 1.0 14 - c . 0 .54 dyne d . 0.43 dyne
the com bine d char ge tota llng
26 stat e. Wha t
d . 5 X 10 12 .13 . Two char ges · oL .+5 is the char ge on eact1 sphe
6 . Two equ ally cha rged bc1lls
are 3 cm apa rt in uC and -3 ue are re 1f they are
sepa rate d by a dista nce of 1 repe lled with a_fo rce of 3 dynt:
air and repe l each othe r with m . Find the spot :s whe n plac ed 4
5 a forc e of 4 x 10· alon g the line join ing the char cm apar t7
N . Wha t is the cha rge on each
ball ? ges whe re the ci. 2 --1 :ir,c _ ot a t ::.
a . ±1 nC :.-2. _,_.
net elec tric Field is zero . b. 22 and 4 stat e
a. 3.4 rn from -3 ,_I':._ c. 20 and 6 stat e d . 2 1 and 5 stat e
c. ±3 nC d . ±5 nC 20 . A poin t char ge of +24 stat
7. A 3 C char ge and a 5 b. 3 .8 m from -3 uC e is plac ed 6 cm
C cha rge are 10 m from a seco nd poin t char ge
apa rt. A 7 C cha rge is plac c . 3.4 m from 5 uC of - 12 state .
ed on a line Join ing Wha t Is the resu ltan t force on
the two char ges, x met ers d . 3.8 m from 5 uC a char ge of +3
awa y from the 3 C 14 . Two balls havi ng ma sses stat e plac ed midw ay betw een
char ge . If the 7 C is 1n equ of 50 mg and 100 a . 18 dynes
ilibr ium , Find the mg are 5 cm apa rt . If they b . 16 dyne s
valu e of x . are give n equa l : l::. d'rne s
char ges of 40 esu and 60 d . 14 dyne s
:; - -:: b . 4.43 m esu , resp ectiv ely . 21. A 5 µF capa citor is char
Wha t initia l acce lera t ion will ged so that the p .d .
c. 5 .21 m the sma ller ball
d . 5 .87 m acqu ire if the bigg er ball is not betw een Its plate s Is BOO V
. Calc ulate how
. 8 . Thre e cap acito rs of 2, 3 and free to mov e 7 long the capa citor can prov
4 uF are a. 17 .5 m/s b . 16.3 m/s ide an aver age
con nec ted in seri es witt1 a disc harg e curr ent of 2 mA.
6V batt ery. Wha t c. 19 ~ m/s
will be the volt age acro s s d . 18 .7 m/s a . 1.5s
the 4 uF capa citor 15 . Two sma ll ball s of mas se b.2 .0s
whe n the curr ent stop s? s 50 mg each are c.2 .5 s
susp end ed from the sam e poin d . 3 .0s
a. 1.24 V t by strin gs 10 22 . A wax ed pape r capa citor
b 1.29 V cm long . The sphe res are give n si has two para llel
c.1 .35V mila r plate s, each of effe ctive area
800 cm 2 If the
char ges of •equ al amo unts
9. Fou r equ al poin t cha rges of unti l the strin g s capa citan ce of the capa citor
+3 uC each are mak es 60° from each othe r Is 4,42 5 pF
plac ed at the 4 corn ers of a due to repu lsion . dete rmin e the effe ctive thick ness
squ are that Is 40 Wha t is the mag nitu de of the of the pape r
char ge of each If its rela tive perm ittiv ity Is 2
cm on a side . Find the forc
e acti ng on any ball7 .5 .
one of the char ges . a. 0 .55 mm b . 0 .50 mm
a. 51.9 stat e b . 58 .3 stat e c. 0.45 mm ,:' J 40 mm


1. Whal is the energy stored in a 3.6 uF capacitor with an applied vollllge of 15 volts?
Ans. 405 x I~ J

2. Calculate the position of the point in the neighborhood of two point charges of +50 and - 18 slotcoulombs , 61·tu-•-.. 40 cm apa rt where a
· charge wo uld e,q,enence
third no .:,orce. Th e tJtree charges l\I'C located horizontnJJy.
Ans . 60 cm from the smaller charge

3. A 20 uF capacitor is charged to a voltage of 1200 volts . IL is connected Lenninal lo terminal to an uncharged 30 uP capacit.or. What is
the resulting voltage across the capacitor?
Aiis. 480V

4. An 18 uF capacitor is connected in series to a parallel connection of a 5 uF and 7 uF capacitors. What is the equivalent capacitance of
the combination?
Ans. 7.2 uF

5. How many electrons are required to produce a charge of -6.4 uC?

A.iis. 4-x T013

6. Two equally charged balls are 3 cm apart in air and repel each other with a force of 4 x 10· N. What is the charge on each ball?

Ans. ±2 X l0-9 C

7. A 3 C charge and a 5 C charge are IO m apart. A 7 C charge is placed on a line joining the two charges, x meters away from the 3 C
charge. lfthe 7 C is in equilibrium., find the value ofx.
Ans. 4.36m

8. Three capacitors of 2,3 and 4 uF are connected in series with a 6V battery. What will be the voltage across the 4 uF capacitor when the
current stops?
Ans. 1.38 V

9. Four equal point charges of +3 uC each are placed at t11e 4 comers of a square that is 40 cm on a side. Find the force acting on any one
of the charges.
Ans. 0.97N

10. Two unlike point charges each of strength 300 statC are placed 40 cm apart in air. What is the electric field at a point midway between
the charges?
Ans. 0.375 dyne/state

11. Two similar conductors have charges of+25 and -IO stat:C respectively. They are placed in contact and then separated uritil their
centers are 8 cm apart. What is the the force between them at this position?
Ans. 0.88 dyne

12. Two balls having masses of 50 mg and 100 mg are 5 cm apart. If they are given equal charges of 40 esu and 60 esu, respectively.
What initial acceleration wiU the smaller ball acquire if the bigger ball is not free to move?
Ans. 192mls

13. Two small balls of masses 50 mg each are suspended from the same point by strings IO cm long. The spheres are given similar
charges of equal amounts until the strings makes 60° from each other due to repulsion . What is the magnitude of the charge of each ball7
Ans. 53.5 statC
J4. A parallel plate capacitor has the following values: k = 80, thickness is 0.022 inch, area= 6.25 in . What is the capacitance of the
Ans. 5113 .6pf

15. Two similar charges of 250 statC are situated on small spheres 15 cm apart. What is the electric field between the spheres?
Ans. O

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