Grammar Exercises 2

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Insert the if necessary:

1. ___ youngest boy has just started going to ___ school; ___ eldest boy is at ___ college. 2. She

lives on ___ top floor of an old house. When ___ wind blows, all ___ windows rattle. 3. Do you

know ___ time? - Yes, ___ clock in ___ hall has just struck nine. - Then it isn't ___ time to go

yet. 4. He was sent to ___ prison for ___ six months for ___ shop-lifting. When ___ six months

are over he'll be released; ___ difficulty then will be to find ___ work. - Do you go to ___

prison to visit him? 5. I went to ___ school to talk to ___ headmistress. I persuaded her to let

Ann give up ___ gymnastics and take ___ ballet lessons instead. 6. ___ ballet isn't much use for

___ girls; it is much better to be able to play ___ piano. 7. I am on ___ night duty. When you go

to ___ bed, I go to ___ work. 8. He first went to ___ sea in a Swedish ship, so as well as

learning ___ navigation he had to learn ___ Swedish. 9. My mother goes to ___ church in ___

morning, and in ___ afternoon goes to visit ___ friends. 10. ___ dead no longer need ___ help.

We must concern ourselves with ___ living. We must build ___ houses and ___ schools and

___ playgrounds. 11.I`d like to see ___ Mr. Smith please - Do you mean ___ Mr. Smith who

works in ___ box office or ___ other Mr. Smith? 12. Did you come by ___ air? - No, I came by

___ sea. I had a lovely voyage on ___ Queen Elizabeth II. 13. "You can fool some of ___

people all ___ time, and all ___ people some of ___ time; but you cannot fool all ___ people all

___ time."(?A.Lincoln?)

Insert a/an if necessary:

1. We had ___ fish and ___ chips for ___ lunch. - That doesn't sound ___ very interesting

lunch. 2. My neighbour is ___ photographer; let's ask him for ___ advice about colour films. 3.

___ travel agent would give you ___ information about hotels. 4. We'd better go by ___taxi if

we can get ___ taxi at such ___ hour as 2 a.m. 4. Do you take ___ sugar in ___ coffee ? - I used

to, but now I'm on ___ diet. I'm trying to lose ___ weight. 5. I have ___ hour and ___ half for

lunch. I only have ___ half ___ hour - barely ___ time for ___ smoke and ___ cup of coffee

6. I have ___ headache and ___ sore throat. I think I've got ___ cold. - I think you're getting ___
flu. 7. I'm having ___ few friend in to ___ coffee tomorrow evening. Would you like to come? -

I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to ___ concert. 8. ___ man is ___ reasoning animal. 9. I see

that your house is built of ___ wood. Are you insured against ___ fire? 10. I'll pay you ___

hundred ___ week . It's not ___ enormous salary but after all you are ___ completely unskilled

man. 11. I hope you have ___ lovely time and ___ good weather. - But I'm not going for ___

holiday. I'm going on ___ business. 12. He broke ___ leg in ___ skiing accident. It's still in ___


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