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What is giganomics? What is a portfolio worker?

What are the benefits and disadvantages of

being a portfolio worker?  In which fields or sectors would you tend to find portfolio workers?
Giganomics combining multiples skills, talents and abilities to generate income for living. Many
"gigs" in a variety of disciplines, when worked together, can provide a livable income.
What is portfolio worker? A person who works for several different companies or
organizations at the same time:
A portfolio worker may have a variety of different clients that they offer different services to, or
they may work part-time for a company and have their own business as well.
Control: f you need a day to go to the doctor or to pick-up a family member from the airport it
is no issue. You’re the boss.
Variety: Working several positions rather than one avoids stagnation and keeps the work
Security: Strangely, having several positions can provide more security than having one. So
rather than worrying if your job is at risk you gain strength from knowing should one position
fold, you have a few others to fall back on.
Opportunities: Portfolio careers can often take you in unexpected directions bringing
opportunities that you probably never foresaw.
Personal Growth: Arguably, portfolio careers give you more opportunities for personal growth
and performance than a full time paid position.
Of course there are disadvantages.
You do not have paid sick and leave time, and you have to be actively networking to build
relationships and find work.
Often, your earnings in real terms are less.
I find a portfolio workers In service sector for example plumber or taxist

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