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Big Data and Health Care System Using Mlearning

Article · April 2020


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Rajesh Manoharan
Sanjivani College Of Engineering


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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-1S2, May 2019

Big Data and Health Care System Using

Rajesh. M, Sairam. R
which will greatly increase the amount of clinical data
Abstract: The study of different age people from different available electronically. Simultaneously, rapid progress
lifestyle, what all symptoms came for the disease, at what stage,
what measures taken to get rid of, later changes, what were the
has also been made in clinical analysis techniques to
side effects, how it decreased or increased will help in future analyze large amounts of data and to gather new
prediction of possible chance for illness in others. A System which insights from the analyses. As a result, we have
having the above details, suggestions from good and expert
unprecedented opportunities to reduce the cost of
practitioners, can be used to give warnings to people about the
possibility to get affected after 5 or 10 years and to take healthcare by using mass data[1].
pre-cautions . Combinational outcome of Descriptive, Predictive Today’s healthcare industries are moving from
and Prescriptive Data Analytics methods on past and present volume based business into value based business,
structured and unstructured Big Data can be used to predict
future after effects which should be prioritized and treated. which requires an overwork from doctors and nurses to
Suggestions can be given to people to take appointment with be more productive and efficient. This will improve
dieticians, change food habits, perform exercises, practice healthcare practice, changing individual life style and
remedial measures etc. Right step at correct time save lives, gives
happiness to families, reduces medical expenditures. The relevant
driving them into longer life, prevent diseases, illnesses
information hidden in massive amount of data are made available and infections.[13].
by the AI assistants to make better clinical decisions in the Take advantage of the massive amounts of data and
functional areas of healthcare. To make such a system, a detailed
provide right intervention to the right patient at the right
study on big data, analytics methods, health care, practicing
methods, electronic health records etc is required. A preventive time[12].
guidance and less cost expert system which is helpful for common Improving the health of patients while decreasing the
man and experts, for immediate solution and care can be costs of care. [12]
developed in future. Deep machine learning algorithms to detect
later possibility of occurrence should be developed. For this a Develop algorithms to predict the number of days a
study on Big Data and Health Care Analytics is done. patient will spend in a hospital in the next year by
making use of combination of several predictive
Index Terms: Big Data, Data Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, models.[12]
Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Volume, Velocity,
Veracity. With the adoption of EHRs and other digital tools,
much more structured and unstructured data is now
I. INTRODUCTION available to be processed and analyzed.[11]
Nowadays, a huge no: of researches focus on data Emergence of Machine Learning and Analytics
analysis or data mining for healthcare data on technical tools that can make useful inferences and predictions
details, but one of the greatest challenges is how to based on available data.[11]
develop a comprehensive healthcare system for The dramatically positive impact Analytics can have
effectively manage multisource heterogeneous on the pressures health systems face to be more
healthcare data with particular technical features. Thus, efficient and improve clinical outcomes[11].
a detailed design of intelligent healthcare systems Computing and Cloud infrastructure that allows for
assisted by data analytics make the following large quantities of data processing in real time, pushed
contributions: It proposes a unified data collection layer to the right operational and clinical decision makers at
for integrating the healthcare data from public sources the right time. A decade ago, ideas such as video calls
and personal devices. It establishes a cloud-enabled and with doctors, doctor-on-demand and Wi-Fi-enabled
data-driven platform for multisource heterogeneous blood pressure monitors were a fantasy. Today, they are
healthcare data storage and analysis for users[1]. In real — and mainstream. Both caregivers and consumers
recent years, the healthcare system in the United States are adopting these tools at a rapid pace to increase
has been rapidly adopting electronic health records, efficiency, lower costs and improve patient satisfaction.
And they are producing vast amounts of data — data
with which traditional warehouses simply cannot keep
Revised Manuscript Received on December 22, 2018. up.[11]
Rajesh M, Computer Science Department, KRS College of Engineering, Leadership of health
India., Raga Academic Solutions, Chennai, India.
Sairam R, Raga Academic Solutions, Chennai, India.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A00480581S219/19©BEIESP 208 & Sciences Publication
Big Data and Health Care System Unsing Mlearning

systems that is more technology-friendly, willing to An aging population is increasing the demand for
adopt new tools and open to adopting new technologies. expensive, critical care.
In fact, a lot of them recognize that new-world Data There is an ever-increasing shortage of qualified
Analytics is no longer optional; it’s a must-have for physicians and nurses and caregivers.
healthcare institutions to survive.[11] The move toward value-based care has increased the
Connectivity between Healthcare Analytics System need for accountability and transparency.
and Individuals (Medical Staff and Patients) These forces are turning out to be so strong and
Connectivity approaches generate powerful that many healthcare organizations are being
thoughts and ideas from connected networks of minds forced to consolidate, and this trend will continue.
and leverages prior experiences with the utilization of Efficiency is therefore at the top of agenda, and Data
technologies in our everyday life. (Siemens 2004) Analytics has an important seat at the table. In fact,
Moreover, Mc Horney (2009) has added that healthcare hospitals today face the same cost and revenue pressure
analytics is not solely regarding technology and the that retail, transportation and airlines have faced for
knowledge however; it is also regards how much years. Healthcare providers can’t keep spending their
individuals are attached to and familiar with medical way out of trouble by investing in more and more
care systems and their personal skills such as ability to infrastructure; instead, they must optimize their use of
learn and adopt such systems in their life, as different the assets currently in place. To do this, providers need
people have different attitudes and reasons for not to consistently make excellent operational decisions, as
accepting such technologies, especially older these other industries have, through Predictive
people[13]. Analytics that learn continually and use optimization
Understanding and predicting diseases require an algorithms.
aggregated approach where structured and unstructured
data stemming from a myriad of clinical and nonclinical II. BACKGROUND
modalities are utilized for a more comprehensive Big Data
perspective of the disease states. An aspect of Big Data means all kind of data ie structured,
healthcare research that has recently gained traction is semi-structure and unstructured( text form), consists of
in addressing some of the growing pains in introducing 3 Vs- Volume, Velocity and Variety, Veracity and
concepts of big data analytics to medicine. Researchers Value.
are studying the complex nature of healthcare data in 3-Vs[4]: Volume: The quantity of data generated
terms of both characteristics of the data itself and the every second is too large which could only be handled
taxonomy of analytics that can be meaningfully only by distributed systems connected by networks
performed on them[10]. brought together by softwares
Principally, to perform good data analytics, first of Velocity: The speed at which vast amount of data
all we should teach individuals how to understand and being generated, collected and analyzed.
realize the importance of dealing with such data, for Veracity: Veracity is the quality or trustworthiness of
instance how to deal with breast cancer (Hanoch 2012). data, the reliability and accuracy of the content.
However, Miron et al (2011) believe d that whatever Variety: Variety is the different types of data like
and how much our patients are educated and skilled to text, video, image etc.
provide us with the data we expect, medical Value: Value refers the worth of data being
professionals still highly need to test and clarify this extracted. In health care field based on the value of
data to consider it and keep it on record. Also, he added data, government can predict the infectious diseases to
that once when the data has been tested and give alertness among people.
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Al Variability[2]:this refers to the variations happened
Khatib et al 2015, Sydney Healthcare Data Analytics when data is taken from life cycle. To provide valuable
are clarified, we then need to find out how to change information hidden and unforeseen variables should be
an individual’s behavior, starting with parents and find out Data Science is a discipline that utilizes a
guardians who are responsible for raising their combination of computational, mathematical and
children[13]. statistical tools to acquire, analyse and process Big
Operational Efficiency Through Predictive Data.
Analytics[3] Machine Learning is a discipline under Data Science
Let’s focus on a little bit deeper: Enabling that imparts and empower
healthcare providers to do more with less time and machines that makes them
effort. This is a critical need for hospitals to remain act for themselves.
viable because of a number of forces: Data Analytics

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A00480581S219/19©BEIESP 209 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-1S2, May 2019

Analytics is the analysis of data, typically large sets outlier-prone) than the normal distribution. Data sets
of data, by the use of mathematics, statistics and with high kurtosis have heavy tails, or outliers, which
computer software. It is the science of using data to implies greater investment risk in the form of
build models that leads to better decisions that in turn occasional wild returns. Data sets with low kurtosis
add values to individuals, companies and institutions. have light tails, or lack of outliers, which implies lesser
Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals investment risk.
with the collection, organization, analysis, and
interpretation of numerical data. It is especially useful III. CONCLUSION
in drawing general conclusions about a set of data from Variance is a measurement of the span of numbers
a sample of the data[16]. This summarize a process that in a data set. The variance measures the distance each
an analyst uses to characterize a data set. If the data set number in the set is from the mean. Variance can help
depends on a sample of a larger population, then the determine the risk an investor might accept when
analyst can develop interpretations about the buying an investment.
population primarily based on the statistical outcomes
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A00480581S219/19©BEIESP 210 & Sciences Publication
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