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Duran, Fatima Medriza B.

BSN- 3B Submitted to:

Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020



In the field of nursing, nursing research is a systematic inquiry used by

nurses that validates and enhances existing knowledge and generate new
information and concepts that established our theories.


At the end of this lesson, you can:

1. Define research
2. Explain the importance of research

Topic Outline
I. Nursing Research

Try This!

Try to read some other definitions of nursing research from other authors and
answer the following question:
1. From the different definitions of nursing research, what are the common
points of view about it?

n Common Points of View
Stated that research is a studious inquiry or
examination, investigation, or experimentation
that aims to discover and interpret facts, revise
accepted theories or laws in the light of new
facts or practical applications of such new or
Webster, 1971 revised theories or laws.
Believed that nursing research is a scientific
process that validates and refines existing
knowledge and be able to come up with new
Burns and Grove information from it.
Barnes, 1964 Nursing Research is a way of dealing with
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

Nursing Research answers problems concerning
health maintenance, health delivery and health
Schlotfeldt, 1960 care.
Nursing research is not different from research
in general, although it utilizes additional tools
E. Treece and J. Treece, of measurement for those activities peculiar to
1986 nursing (e.g. clinical nursing)
Nursing Research is a systematic inquiry
designed to develop knowledge about issues of
importance to nurses, including nursing
practice, nursing education and nursing
Polit and Beck, 2006 administration.

Think Ahead!

1. What is your conceptual understanding of nursing research?

Nursing research is only one area of research, one piece of the whole
pie, so to speak. Therefore, when talking about Nursing Research, we are
talking about one type of research – that which is related to the whole of
Nursing research includes the breadth and depth of the discipline of
nursing; the rehabilitative, therapeutic and preventive aspects of nursing,
as well as the preparation of practitioners and personnel involved in the
total nursing sphere.
To sum it up, nursing research is where we generate knowledge from
previous acquired information to come up with new and innovative ways
to improve our health care and the nursing field in general.

2. Describe briefly the nature and characteristics of nursing research?

According to Polit and Beck, nursing research is systematic enquiry

designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing
profession. Systematic, because it goes through a process and enquiry
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

because it seeks to answer questions and give information. Nursing

research is scientific in nature, meaning it involves systematic
investigations that are rooted in objective reality and that aim to develop
general knowledge about natural phenomena.

Nursing research helps to expand the body of nursing knowledge. It is

beneficial to all fields of nursing, including education and administration.
With modern times also comes the modernization of knowledge, with that
nursing research also seeks to validate and refine previous nursing
knowledge and information in order to provide quality healthcare and
make it efficient cost- effective.

A nursing research must be systematic, logical, empirical and

replicable in order for it to be called a good research. Systematic,
meaning it is following a process, it must also be orderly. It should be
started with defining purposes and objectives and should end with a
solution to the problem. It must go through an objective and logical
process. It must be empirical, meaning the tools that are used to gather
data must be valid and reliable. The methodology used must be
appropriate for the research that will be conducted. Lastly, it should be
replicable, research is called research for a reason which is to refine
previous knowledge and information and expand the body of knowledge
for nursing profession, education and administration.

Read and Ponder!

Grove and Gray (2019) described nursing research as a systematic

procedure that confirms and enhance existing knowledge and creates a new
knowledge that directly and indirectly impacts clinical nursing practice.
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

Similarly, Polit and Beck (2006) came out with their definition of
nursing research as a scientific exploration intended to established
knowledge about important nursing profession issues in the nursing practice,
education, administration, and informatics.
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

See If You Can Do This!

1. Look for additional data on the emerging types of research purposes.

Research is the cornerstone of building a case, or a story. It’s the

center, the hub, and the well upon which you can draw your knowledge.
While the word research can conjure up images of stacks of books, toiling
over papers with highlighters and digging until the underneath of your
fingernails are dirty and raw, there’s a beautiful part of research that is often
overlooked; experience.
Research is what gives the researchers, storyteller, student or scientist
the means to make a conclusion. When you’ve done proper research, you’re
then able to spend time analyzing all of the moving parts, the variables and
thus make an informed observation or conclusion on the subject.

When you’re exploring the topic, you want to gather as much

evidence, experience and observation for you to begin building your
theories. By familiarizing yourself as much as possible with the subject
you’re researching you begin to have objective and subjective observations.
Exploration is the first phase of the research. The exploration aspect stokes
the curiosity of the researcher, which then brings up questions that spur into
further discovery, digging and study. The second part is built upon the desire
to better understand the subject. For the researcher, they must have a deep
yearning to find the answers, or the research can become dull and

The main purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory,

and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. Research helps
people nurture their potential and achieve goals through various
opportunities. These can be in the form of securing employment,
scholarships, training grants, project funding, business collaboration, and
budget traveling, among others.
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

Research entails both reading and writing. These two literacy functions
help enable computation and comprehension. Without these skills, it is less
likely for anyone to appreciate and get involved in research. Reading opens
the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing helps a reader use
her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea that
s/he understands.

Apart from reading and writing, listening and speaking are also integral
in conducting research. Interviews, attending knowledge-generating events,
and casual talks with anyone certainly aid in formulating research topics.
They can also facilitate the critical thinking process. Listening to experts
discuss the merits of their studies helps the listener to analyze a certain
issue and write about such analysis.

To sum it up, research long served its purpose to science and mankind
and in different forms as well. For nursing research, that is to expand the
field’s body of knowledge and to improve our healthcare system. Research
has and always will be a vital part of the nursing practice.
Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Submitted to:
Nursing Research 1 Prof. Rica Rose May Rubio
October 8, 2020

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