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(CHAPTER 11 HEAT BALANCES af Cosevation of Exe it apd ty 11, Geer he Lay of Coma of Ee pel any fice of eine, mein wh 4 tamer of sore takes plac bene of «temper ce Mae Loses a en Etance Homer for the upon of hea etek Shen bnage’” witht any uaietion, wil be wed to in ‘Mt acto fie Law of Comerration of Eery tothe power ins rue mover an teased eipment—condemer, focater Teen dia ener te “The regruaie eel favoring the extraction of seam from arin for he purpose of heating te fesvater was invent by Peano ‘oat 10s bot want afl cnmeri in thi eouney atl the {ry tt "Tosser thelr (1) the reduction af em rns sree ith br by inoucing bot fedvatr rather than {Gi and (2) the icrenedeonany "The improvement of he regenera tre cee oer the Raskne eye deta the mention inthe ep of thosntgy foreach pound raced ea hat woud ave been ther where to onde “To mpartaner ofthe ea alana the dein of team power planta noi be overated Ome he npc of te sation eine, ihe proper ofthe Bol het conden, piping in fact praczaly all the mechani eqspmest—can be determined sly By iat blane, ‘The weights and at of xt of Ue meena quent {oh wed for deeming the thes of ctrl embers wl depend nthe eat‘nlanee requrenente Like the elect yen for imany of the ation aux, uch ar pope, will depend on bet Balance determinations Suc eomamie facto’ ay the adviahilty of inelacing eran equip inthe yl rte tf the etre enor” fener cn be decided ery ft ict eat balanee ave Beh made ‘Thi chaper wll del withthe methods wed inhet-slancecalels- ons and witha dscumio ofthe het balances wel a mers a8 11-2, Effect of Pressure, Temperature, and Vacuum on Cycle Efi cieney. Fig. 11-1 shows the basic equipment required in the turbine hall of powerplant, Le, the trbie, condenser, pump, aod piping. This ie wo am MEAT BALANCES Pra tL Ding of Raine rl, te Rankine cycle, and any improvements in eficiency ean be obtained for a given et of sewn eaditions only by the adition of more enip- ‘ment. Although this eye not ae today excep in the very mallet ‘of plot, ray be ue basa for determining (1) the ft of ear covditins on the eicieny of the turbine hall aod (2) the eet of a tional equipment on the eye. Tt shouldbe remembered that while the ‘ales determine inthe frat cae wil be applcale oul to the Raskine yee, Wei relative changes will apply to various arrangements of the regenerative eycle al, “Amtume thatthe Rankine Cyele Ratio (RR) and the mechanical and ectrialecieaey ofthe turbine generat are both 100%, i. the ean ‘expansion sa reveruble adiabatic proces ‘Then, for initial codons of 100-pia saturated steam leaving’ the boiler (aot shown in tho Hest= ‘balance akcth, Fig 11-1) and entering the trbie, the enthalpy wil be 187.2 Bu pr Ib and, = 16026 Bts per (1b) (F). Ifthe condenser reasre is taken as 147 pei, then the enthalpy of the seam entering the condenser wil be found on » Molle diagram to be hy I0470 Bea per Tb at the sme entropy asa the trate, Since th stata wll be oo dense to saturated water inthe condenser, the cathy of the water leaving the condeaser and entering the bole wil be hy 1801 Bia per Ib. The efiiency fr this eyte wil then be the work done by 1 Tb of ‘team passing through the turbine, divided by the heat ee the baler fort Ibof steam, of Biicine Any Roh eT 1607 na similar manner other values ma be found forthe cen as tabu lated in Table 11-1 ‘Examination of these data will lend to several important eorlisions an inerense in throitle presse results in an increase inthe ficicey of the Rankine eyele, the rate of improverent af the eficieney decreases ‘asthe preanure rine Observe in Table 11-1 that the efcieney increases 18.68 ~ 13.92 = 47636 fra doubling of he presure rom 1001 20 pis ‘but that it ierensee 22.9 — 1868 = 422% for « doubling ofthe premure Scanned with CamScanner owen PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN om “ TABLE tt panne, Tears, a Vic oF Rag mea Pa ne — Conhaer Proms] cen, | Radaot reatcein | OOS ie io pe, nei ae ie ts secre loa ne ry ome im | ie ie Breed) tems |e a from 20 10 $00 pia, Additonal inerenses in preweure would yin in swale ferences i fceey, Note at ineresnog the throte presan ‘hoinereaes te hou temperature wien saturated eoam 8 coacdend, Dochlng te ote temperature wil ot increase Uh eieney aa mack ‘a coreooding change io preware, The great improvement a ‘ency wil be ound by decreasing the condenser prsrure ‘Athaog thin irtion us bees based oa Ue theoretical eel i, for teretcally perfect tube, the reuls are indeatve of hoe th ‘woul be oud for at! pana In sme ease improvements wold be re ater practical unit. Por example, t wan noted fn the chaps ‘= trbiae (Chap. 9) that ineenn a throttle terpperatare for «pet ‘at above the attuton temperature caused 8 marked improvement 18. Base Hane A alae oe titer Arangsmenta, ‘The frat seinement in he best eater which wouceTel the addition of a wurface type of fut old eae adr yea 7 8 bled el of the trig ould be comic the condenser, Fig, 11-2. "The extracted WO Lee ey aan ae a dle if esa CSAPE wou ave bea otto te nate it te Bape fa with mt ners di da is se aes a ek aa See eis att ke soit nes ee oes Soro eee Sableoaementics Sitetaraae issn eos Sumer ebomen comes pra Sete epee fia cine soe nec rocks is oes ect ee bakatny Conger eri ease nes ere sere re el eer ie waranty tert Superetten Se foe eae Scien nee Sapeewesa mee se ieteeecmene ts Scanned with CamScanner owan PLANT THEORY AND DESION inh Te renal tl it oer bee eieny of th eel, Bu te ura yt Sea et et en ieee of th oe rae cooler will deped on the Joel eon ee oe et anna Suir Eicher Si err eta rea Trine in at ara oe or sing et iti 5 ee ea reins hr | | = Obricay, tbe e314 Dawa fr ele wih dni ppd sen, roves is knows as punping the draina choad. To thu way all he energy ofthe extraction seam in anved for the eysle. Aa might be {rPste the irprovement here in best rate over the Rankine cycle will Prot 015% more than thn forthe eyele with the draine eneaded te ‘Reopens trough the drain cooler. This eye arrangement has ‘Si Regaac that en editinal pump (a drain pomp) a rogled Face ferns tie amie suay power. Tone et Re sovemaaa eperated ad that ay fail, thor casing ‘Toe fourth basic beater arange improve n arrangement that will further te ae sapere eae ype of heater Fg 1-8 eather tas © deren raelvaamic advantages of thin eyole are tht Fe ot RY Decne of the tnnafer of heat ya deertr; on ee ha he ita ee aay be or. te desrtingcodacee rue i he per PIE Diam dnc her el In order to est grata inprovemente i heey lee, ee SSM her once te sua af ate th pk oe al eh Se ny te mnt eee the pleats feet he ar argc tb somatic, level erage Ei Te terete cyl th aun removed to he ube ft em pang nly» pata a expanas The wom he rtrd te Ener and a rent rad, april He egal Vamperatr, Fig 1-4 Tee tt corer! eat pare eal shea ofr ef tn ol dwn rr. Te algo Sx ele einey i aut 15 prrage pote ANbough woul! be Beorniy pole oa he reba ele wiht the grnative tel, wou ot be email Wo Trlr, he generative (el aceite at he chet eye sever ed ia (ledvater reer, "An invacep tale west be Intl i the tare te fo the rebnalen Tis vale montana where the main op at Scanned with CamScanner = EFA se own PLANT THPORY AND DESIGN ime ST eeoemnneaa Pace et ea rear eoatielny the speertcl plana So a nae ne a tle valve la 0 11-4 Heat Rates, fn Chap. 1 eo satin boa rate ad ne tation ‘wat ate were dei is tents the fol input to the plant. Thin coset [eof ton when ltig plat that already installed. weve, als ecmry forthe devine oped th hea ate forthe plant wile ‘Tou i the dei stage. Terefore ne sall now consider the meth prelting he het rte, Tadd tothe two bat raten mentioned above, the turbine ea ‘ten of impertace 1 te turbine tpanuactarer becuse it comping ‘oe af i unrastes_ Aloha these heat ratan may be Basel ot {he herpower, te Kilowatt the more cmon ted unit and hee onreheat uni, ann he yee, per he fecatr eating the yee am hgh pray aa, aay of sear entering the eel, Hit por eataly of feedwater leaving epee, Bit pe Tb [Grow tion heat rate der from the turbine bat rae i tht it leslie the ieiiaey of the baer and accounte forthe wal 824 eas lor from the epee dut to tier lowdown, seam aud wat lest ‘heowdh valve ard pup glad tnm and draie foe from ai leo eater owdowa i rpeial, sun be taken a ving te en a aural wae EE Bnitel water at he ania the ble on oe ‘erbestd am a . i ‘he boiler outlet, IE the It ‘athe! wd em ation eat te ay be alse fo Ea C2 WU aaLancen ‘Grow sation heat ram (MH): Why = a Nesta sigur se ca ocr nce ta Soca ee hivescbawnena eh wenn reel ae 8 magnate ae Bivens caw TES oececn ernie scl wate quai staring te en, wth atte take op ala (tering he evaporatr he ease tn, a tps fer ec sda ‘inate shop spe al oe na rat, ‘det son bingtnilratToetforwary vom, Condemns eseiing pug, cn Pp, ovr Pp, {Gir led jupe code orgy puma, no ring eat fersrlatng rates nyt ei ay Dre Sa nee serena eas ost banat tte com! wie tropnson os mae pute he Aap, Te ate or cape by baring eth na ‘Tita dearer om eh eet ad Sancta pa cease peng td fa. it's nen cin ta Paap meta ort one ea ey, trae ao, pn mh tem, trie sad lain lg te ee Patera aay pomee Teta it tp ps Po oda a eT bebo beatae road edu eset ao rhe Bg i tbe metas and pei ein” Scanned with CamScanner poweR PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN ‘iy Sr Zridimaweh ae een ae ket The unit operates at steam conditions of [ebro ce a ep en is 22100 a autre Fe ot 108 Der 1 Ba goer er reno ‘Semon. Fr By (1-3) on + 30480 — (24200 + 30008107 eS (a0 0 = 200) 1470 Bape eam ee ed win etait ts rom Ba, (1-4, si ule = HAE. ie 28 ls pr met en 11, Het ate Baia Short mh of ating bl ‘eats ed my applets In overt en ely to pre Wide elk ator! Ging tee ages of da, bl Lo how ow cans ney on wate wl fet te plat oso. shel teTephased a te cly mod of mci detaining te bea tne by eaten lle eli, wl be dod ihr le scape Carin a the cl Fi. 2, 3-9, 114, or 1-8 shea rev tere wold ne ag of ration pesos tht could Bem Ihe extncion pane ul be seltced tothe eae ‘rw thn the sue enn opr nthe healer ul Be {Ge ae a the trate ester nest leaving the corer end cing the hair Th tins thre wad‘ et tse, he Seer wol beacon ‘Te atin ea are then he mie ie eli hereto wow ike tom th hin hol, , rom a oyna aso par oft Bal, fod the hea io wu a ne ota af Fg eth noe be a8 xrcon prt at i oo high ar ave thers lo Between ths tvo errs ten te at rewre ‘hat will give @ maximum ea cee en. By a ere of elclations for varying thotte 2 in rewure, throttle tee ‘Peralur,exbautprans,and numberof heaton, the ture of Pipe, HSN el See ae eM a ei ian sd way ged a = thei soos Steele tn a Sere rb ncn it mt fects ‘rte becom mean hoditeeoe in tempernare teen tO ‘easier bn Meet Gonnumln Pr ont | teat nna Pontentes Tampere aie repairs bene, 40), Heda engin men epee oe oe anh Bie Cop) frost baer nd he fae ving econ, cat it a gen. To follwing ence say be dnen om 7 ners a the suber of stager 1 The ot ie mer tage tii, the op Ineo ora nae wb a tues tempera: tence De tere nang 1 he eee Scanned with CamScanner am POWER PLANT THPORY AND DBAION tan Pe 100, Ruan in eat conmumticneained by rms laden esting Core fo trate pry mmeraace wis Pig Ta). ret Ferran sod bad in dese wis Fig 90) (Wannghcun Baste Cem) Poe 120, Yom ad nd cri ton ta lis fing ae ero i ‘athe Bans impovenct in eine ina th nerd mae of Dxting. but (orice eal fer re han sags, Po era ey Joy lane mee hao apf nate ng Seen wry Bt the bal deting that ce een ers eae a opine ren oy ae pc pte Fe "pours dot vac i ene Pegi esta a So) Scanned with CamScanner oe POWER PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN tan Ska ter a “ae 0 ‘1-8, Reduction in heat comunpton bined by cement cent seks Chiat fr acum nou by ang Pao of oedion TOE GeRiginue ee Co) i ac ban, 200 20 | z 2, = 300 700, = so i esate one, 1-2. Radon a at sxnemptn, sie by rene eben sel "lalate Tal by mine oe of eects face tem Betz Wenagooe Beste Cop} tained by erasing the thotde preanre or by inreasng the stages of fentwter Beating Values shown on thve curves would change slightly for heater arrange rmenta other than the ove ured, ut these changes would be negligible. In Ilecting the proper extraction pressures fora particular installation, due «= imprvenet + temp conse) ume na “ada verona 8) sawres 1-2, Eatin te aout tar nel erate hen et ee ‘9695 boiler ficieney, SiG0 pera chert eg ab Other daa are: Sen eB tla a a ed hein ccna iy aig ec et ‘emg deter a 1 tare wt exci the es Yo done per pound of wea dal te ca cna Tarhine output ef 7500 pl 180 = isto teeny equate te eral TAS) km, toe = HX I8590 Tho fow= TTBS ) fo the crepe, 0011 The feedmater tal teenie tie 03001 pre rom Bg, (- Toshi hea ats 16), efor the eat pee ees eso ela re 92363, the rection in at ate or fara wold be 19 an sat 122 for ve beter. ‘Tee wl be m vrs aoa ‘sper cretion fasta wl hel sn eh inlimpovenent. Tien th tte ieee ar fe eaters would be 10250 (01220118) = (epra) 4 Btu gee ot 4 696 = 48 Bau per hub eduction in gow sto eat rue The na fun saviogs wuld eal te (réiizn in bot ct) x (tte ims Bat) x (hou of operation per ya) th ema! monet sing wold be 875900 x 0 «025 ee oF the eooonilinvetent, rom a.) Assan Note that peste! problem of thee sould be mre frat least thre ‘iferent lode Scanned with CamScanner ant rimoRY AND DESIGN ten se rome PL t sand a raed lon ae (90 ie 23 F SS fox wo tho mee SF ‘So foe 1 F180 F 10 F eat at, ts pe bey Toaas Lise, Eatinution of Turbine Throttle Steam Flow. ‘The carves of Fuge 11-1, and 19 ate eal a rtimating the Uhrote ow tein preltnany sep in aking eat babar ealeltions. Eq. (1-1 fies the eltnsip between turin at rae andthe eat fow ete Ing the urine Sie the caren of Pipe IL-7, 118 and 11-9 wey Serve ors ecle witout make o ea and water lowes, i coal Wy ing (E) uorre 115 Baie the hele fw for the 75 taie ee srt fhe reves enti er urge fete beating Seu. Fro ie pig amp, te wal empeaare r fe ‘soar il be 8 te mms asf le S40 30 eb 158 Be samen bat be 29 Bt perk ren Fa tel henner Pe) the tere tpreton wile 039% Then i vara etn il buy ‘Sele exten rbd n By G3), “yr ‘uric Hat te = 102 (1 ~ (0118 0670)} = 9108 fo eo mes, = 213500 = sur sh ~ SL pe Thi Ser compe sry tery wth the ent bet ‘setsn of S00 ber made nt es aed Prom Ba, ‘natin of eter aringeen Impection of Fg I-10 wil dow hat con fe steam fro the bles get oral eet ache ‘The hight recur tom the turbine though four bled bells rr tbe sem th rh ester 20 ote run te bt the hind heater abd wn Mi ear naLances steam tor th lt led at andthe eng vat ote tie Tews othe cede shew tte! ud aed wi te eed {ces i ed el nt aeajr dere “Te contests Bes tenp he sietar er, la ck, Artes sed hee sh id herby ame th re Soe Utell ce tens Al se ey Se et ce Den tn toe may pe Be crs en hese iy teh cet et lr bad pe ree chadang ia eons of baler peme, afer which further ree erat ett te ee ae on blr op, 800 pe nN bn let a ee an nee Th eacon ae ttt eng ft maton alin ter ee ‘ed fc on en ee heatra are dtorined 9 Org ternal diflerence for the srtce 1h ing ed a ig mt ene eater 170 mi curbs ben en 1066 rt layout and te cam Scanned with CamScanner wrony AXD DESIGN lan ony teamed ite so ei a as fatal i al we 69000 Ub pet Care the example se eet Bp Se el realy Si th i uy 2 ie lk ae rarer a ab cr of en ty pe bran th oak iy flow of water into the builer wil be 643,00 Ib per he rae to i oe nero cen can be same iy hare wafieret energy remaining ater compeesting the ait to deliver 0" Lita per tht the enedenaate, there wold be am ett tae in in a eject Wenser would be stout 815F; and with » S100 5 ~ 3588) = 13,200 ~ 5, 3104 — 2046) 50 pon be ‘Te tecpratre ofthe mature of denne acd fedwater entering ht ailer maybe food fam the erthalyy wet, oe w owen Mast TH soa 4 3800003306 3304) By = 3089 Be pero 3273 F Anh waar or igh the further wi ~ 3500 (a0 ys i os — 381 ‘As provioaly rection, the flor the ti faerie ees sug bor Sed par leaoff will ave # er calevation, The, ting By bo the se 378) = or gwo2s49 2078) atmo pete “tee ap cee OWE, |) aT matascos Forth evaporate S00867 2940) = r2emnr013 291) 5.= 1.10 per Thal sean ode edt 100. uaio phe Te reas Sa a gto le tas the waparsion 118 ho sem fore poe fone Sorat The wars ewig ha tel ber 1 856,940 Ib orb. Manne orth bre! baa, 12638, + 12am i613 WaI0z8Em + ssssMoizTO) (55+ tan + 145102108) + sanmca 6) ant = mm porte ‘To total die Sowing am hs zz btn wil 3250 + 2960+ M4310 = som Bert “Th cael forth Et eater ae mone wccpicate than the forte aes estar, ne the npr he fees rng ear ‘tbe fran until quctty of rain Being thro the antler ‘in korn but this depen onthe tamper the ote eer the heater. The eat etod wt tuner te nrjetr ener (rain solr ai eae al ton et exchange or the pape of the ealelatione Than, 8 ¢ he extraction seam, appli of the Law of Coseraton of Eaergy wil rode (10560) + seg 2108) + eonreMDD + ser surer (5, + 5090)1505) + agnor) = mz00ib porte “The drunn leasing be Bint baer = 3420+ 540 = 94,190 pb ‘The vonpraare tthe att having ht dain ciler may ow be foods sen rare 0100) + PognION — 8301180 19 BO = 61.8 Bt perth S298. Silat or he iran ender, 100600) = Bt 14 HOUND 499 Bap, or 818 F covet ueminl dierene 56 £8 deg With thee temperature, the dni Soni Ineead ofthe 10 deg are Howeve i Scanned with CamScanner 2 owen PLANT THRORY AND DESIGN Sy etoredstermining the tacts out forthe Cote LF nanamd, a atte hae wesoay De mace Cat there ae (the ied a! wed wos ln desert took reall may be are Unt ft oil al me enh tr ae ee ee dons by srming tht al the folate Beater i cae anal te ah te Fa eae ee, ant ntceetar cosets re one beat ee reece acre entering nae be egal fhe energy Tenving, “Thy fasion not tow nal sprite by tes ‘ae tat an the era! Mwai eoneton ing te wou cate multe aoing, Tease oR mene Rants = Same In ond to deere te ett by the entation fcr Bees ooh an tt See rit va eee: 4100 (898) ‘$400.70 Dus per he ne = Bt ten nus) = shina eco a i = Pe perks Bs ote tht beth he ow gate nthe ee quantiles mast ek ce ‘The fo of 10 I er ate eto shuld nt be eed wh ote sam ne a ae (he tal Sow eter he yn se he quantity arnt che a Tae tre gil as ng! TSRD be with 8. {Matting be yson Ther fh apy of the en eeog i orate cero fr leaving their tr no oo; ely te ference etree See {ro value i now, tet tute ote 2a = a re ‘Te cutput ofthe turbine may now be dternind in either of tno fal ae naamy = germs 2 ssaye"(1) apsication ofthe Law of Comervaton of nergy or (2) ‘tation Inter meth nine in he chapter om turbines (Chap 9) ‘By the ete all he energy entering ame bo ual ol Ue ee? ‘Tem arr a sg hee Tischer ements erm r cl of pp Wek ox creo be id Nave nt ben (intern on 313-28 80(13075) + 68310 12047) + 23500111885) hee a rao keto of Had her ot be + aaioioes0) 4s e(ra4) = 6900118 cnr am, ly a ann ae aay poe wl be So ee ltt hae ey Ti it 11978) + so,annuors — 12442) hte rp tecons ab Alte ht “+ 828,190(12447 ~ 1156.5) + 495,240(1156.5 — 10660) ‘ers10tes0 ars] aula = 888 “he the tp tn die ie Paes esate Mea a ‘igoke — 3 ‘eoke ke Scanned with CamScanner uEORY AND DESIGN ai rowan PLANT THEE! ay From By. (1-4), ‘ros sation best ate +1000) (1488.1) + 6000 (588.4) — 648,500) = (San se) = 10916 Bi per gro loeb From Ba (113) SE 5.1) + 000015864) — 634 000) (14 = oe ‘Os6ITLaTIY a} 459 Be per net wt the ot we inthe Bele as heating val of 14,000 Bs pe, teste cation il rcuite 1480/1400 = 0821 Ib per net kee ee ‘Toe tie: mould rage 71277 O82 +2000 = 202 tana per br eal at thin geoertor utp. 11-8, Panis Load Heat Balances. Prediction of purtil-oad po. formance by men of bt-blaoe alulatioe is equally a importa ‘iat fr fl ead. ‘The geaeral method to be fliowed ithe exe wi. {erful lot wth ne xepion—the extraction prewren have bese Tied foe ad and wil vary a te flow to ruseeding tage ef Aubin, Fig 6 In ether words, the extraction preseuree canst bitrate for all Inde but ean be elected for one load only. At oh ‘eas they willow the ls goversing turbine performace ‘Teil dence fr wurface eatery ill dorease when the lt ers. Very fe, in practice, the terial difeenoes ofthe he ‘arene oetird in value when the turbine lod hangs fro fi {three lad, o-thina wen the turbine load ebange © ‘al load eave comaidered at unity for all lee Londa. Thi a Gu for ete : tow eaperhating sane Other dele Sey Sytmeeliderenes coment a all loads on the anu Soh cTe ci atte at part Lade in nele, More mee esa oictersitig heater jrfomsance are given inthe chap #4 aia spent (Chap 8) ut proc inf the ttn load wl dereae both the x Tared aang," foricg trough the beter, te quate reer ey. The ion an pes Me — fd divetly with the mpecte volume, Be. 0 ear paLances — frente rs orci turns mae cer SS nce tami aaa Esch as tinea ota Srp inenuerigeenamie eis nd aoa he nly Uc ta can be st hat Mage fh xe ‘lon Further sett fro ‘heal be se fa ton pres eal be U4 Sin ol aa Pe. To et ante tain tee ree mee aint oa ane tna Stee eas eee ane Sp care Sen, sates sha imma ncaa nee ards Soria reat ase mess sere Soret corey see tn ree eae ee oni frou caitreae eens cece inte er eee See nee Sate nee an ra larly deterrent line et etd uh Miao eter ices ‘oe era eee ne one Serle te Records chase Rema outed aes ere peo rs hak ees i tia emp wins 2 oe Si aca fa ee Bp tg sem I ao tare hed 4 rene se? res of the id Anh proce wold not i eae el te fornia aera sth ea haem ea cen ak es oe Scanned with CamScanner 2 pear il adi the elimination o, ncmatntae slates paca en ee tac fw sages the He an wl 8 do ny waht etree ty arses Ske ahepick facturer furnished a low- feed Cs en eee a eta je cami mamaiiy ce oe cee = Serve. Ssrton mpertne at 2 Hy condenser presure app, svi 1017. Fron 1-7) the optimum temperature Hn shoe SE ‘Thay se ine hr wl e105, ad the fester oe apes Te ari peratae in ech Heater wil the feedwater oat Lenpew tum te wr ee. Te saturation tenpertes a freee Fuhr: 2M +S= 07, 1a8yoin PERU, feet em a te exten piping, the optimum eran cme ne Ahebowee ett Stnrd Turing Gneeatorn. In ode to tlt fi he naga daa, ot a th ANE ice pont tof sami sz lena of ing, cena settle 112. Ta addition to siting aaedand ‘3 cei yt atts a tan cage nea taal mea the stunt! tes ene eda a eats tte team esata tas ey al ee tthe pre ne an Set ig he ri, ral er lerinal Dae to manfactarer dn i rete ton Shae ata HS 8 10105 higher eure tree ae cum — astern wen. Soe on z Hy! (88: - E Fale 5 its i a i AMER 4 [see 5 Scanned with CamScanner aan Sp DESIGN Thy (PHEORY AND DE . \T THEO! 528 POWER PLAN ings—kilowatt, ste y other ratings eam Turbine generators at these and ee a eine uct sare obti conditions, and extraction points ces. In order to interpret a heat. Hitt. Actual Station ee Battent ahould be able to Vsti the balance diagram praperiys { aymbols on the diagram. To aid the student caulpment represen oy a him become familiar with the mare eon. in {his te sn tte 11-10 are included. ‘The eycle shown og mon cycles, Figs, 11-1 Fro. 11-11. A emall condensing power plant with mover. (Power magazine.) stam engine as the prime Fig. 11-11 is the most common arrangement used for small plants. In some cases the steam engine is replaced by a turbine. Steam used in the prime mover is condensed and fed to a contact heater. Steam for the heater is obtained from the exhaust of the pump drives which ecive steam at’ full boiler pressure, Note that the condensate enters the deaerator by way of a vent con: denser and that the system make-up is introduced into the contact heater: The cycle of Fig. 11-12 is ident location of the pumps. The surg feature of any plant although j Scanned with CamScanner HEAT BALANCES 729 he surge effects were taken care of by the sturage °r. One big difference between these two cycles, however, is the manner of deneration. ‘The oyele of Fig. 11-11 is known as a closed cycle, since air “annot enter the system except through leaks in the condenser or prime mover. tn this arrangement air is removed by the air ejector on the condenser. In the open system of Fig. 11-12, a con- siderable amount of air comes into the system with the make-up as it pressure and temperature were very section of the deacrat enters the surge tank, If the boile Fro, 11-12, A small turbine plant with drains pumped ahead. (Power magazine.) low, this might not have a deleterious effect. One way to avoid these destructive effects would be to induct the make-up into the condenser where the air would be removed by the air system on the condenser and to install large closed tanks under the condenser to accommodate the sys. tem surges. Surge-tank level is usually controlled by float valves'so that, when the water level drops to a predetermined value, more water can be brought in until the level has reached a safe maximum, Water must be pumped into the surge tank shown in Fig. 11-12. If the surge tanks discharged into the condenser, pumps would not be necessary, since the difference be. tween atmospheric pressure and that in the condenser would be suff. cient, There must also be provision on the surge tank to take care of any overflow. A condensate storage tank located at some convenient place in the plant may be used to receive the overflow from the surge tank Scanned with CamScanner 530 POWER PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN (Ch. and to supply it with make-up. 1 there are 1 . then the wee densate storage tank should be at Jeet large enough i. store enough water to fill one of the boilers after Te a eamakean inspection, repairs, etc., plus £om® capacity for surge ane coup. The next stage in the improvement of plant is Ui of Big. 1-13, ope peen emploved: @ deaerating heater and g Two stages of feed heating boilers in the station Fro, 11-13. A turbine plant with two stages of feed heating (Power magazine) closed heater with drains pumped ahead into the contact heater. The con- densate condenses the steam used by the air ejector and also provides cool- the generator. There has been much discussion about the ing water foi One advantage is advisability of using condensate for generator cooling that part of the losses in the generator are saved for the cycle, but the disadvantages are: (1) the condensate piping is more complicated and (2) the generator cooling water is at a rather high pressure: Therefore, any leaks in the cooler tubes would admit water into the generator possible serious damage. The cooling water used for most generato jal vacuum so that defective tubes do not inject water into t the top with under a ps the windings. This is accomplished by arranging the cooler a of a hydraulic loop where the pressure is less than atmospheric. Note that an economizer has been included with the boiler. The power plants depicted in Figs, 11-11, 11-12, and 1 of the basic designs used for small industrial plants and for small cen' stations. One very common addition to the industrial plant is & means 0 1-13 are typical tral Scanned with CamScanner rF Ch. 11) HEAT BALANCES 531 providing low-pressure steam for heating and processes. This steam often comes from the exhaust of the turbines; thus, the heating system or indus- rial process acts as the condenser for the system. Extreme caution must be exercised in such a plant to prevent contamination of condensate or drains returned from the process to the boiler feed eycle. Oil or chemicals in the boiler feed may be disastrous. Special equipment should be installed to purify contaminated condensate, or in extreme cases the condensate \ should be discharged to waste and 100% make-up used for the boiler. Basically there is little, if any, difference between the industrial plant and the central station. Many industrial, ot isolated, plants are larger I | | than some central stations Then, too, many central stations supply | process steam to nearby ind x ustrial. plants or to district steam-heating mains. Of course, any small plant cannot justify several feedwater heaters regardless of whether it is an industrial plant or a central station. The proper number of heaters for any cycle can be determined only by an economic balance between savin: gs in operating costs and increased investment. The following figures show power plants that are normally thought of as being central stations. However, many industrial plants have super- posed turbines and several stages of feedwater heating. Therefore, these pictures should not be considered as portraying central stations only. Fig. 11-14 shows a method that wae used during the 1930’s to improve the economy of an old plant consisting of a low-pressure turbine, con- Fro. 11-14. Superposed plant. (Power magazine.) Scanned with CamScanner a POWER PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN (Ch. 11 denser, condensate pump, surface heater, and deaerator. When the cycle was rejuvenated, a topping turbine, new high-pressure boilers, high- Pressure boiler feed pumps, and a high-pressure surface heater were added. The superposed turbine then received its steam directly from the high-pressure boiler and exhausted into the old low-pressure unit, the boiler feed pump turbine, and the cross-over heater (so named because it receives steam from the cross-over pipe between the turbines). The cross- over heater had its drains cascaded back to the deaerator, while the low- pressure surface heater had its drains pumped ahead. Fig. 11-14 could also represent a cross-compound unit. Every effort has been made by the designers of the plant of Fig. 11-15 to produce a highly efficient station. The cycle employs reheat and five Fra. 11-15. Reheat and regenerative cycles. (Power magazine.) stages of feedwater heating. Advantage is taken of the losses in the gen- erator by using condensate in the coolers, and the drains are pumped ahead from the first two stages of the cycle. The last stages of heating are on the discharge of boiler feed pump, which necessitates the use of high-pressure heaters. Steam for the final heater is taken from the cross- over pipe before the steam enters the boiler reheater. The turbine is of the cross-compound type. ‘The reheat cycle portrayed in Fig. 11-15 has been used extensively since World War II to combat increased fuel costs. Some of the val ations of this cycle are: incorporation of the surge tank with the condense? Scanned with CamScanner fixed by the temperature 0 Cb. 11) HEAT BALANCES by having @ large condenser hotwell, use of desuperheating zones and integral drain coolers with all surface heaters, use of six to eight stages of feedwater heating, use of a deaerator with large feedwater storage capac- ity for either the second or third feedwater heater. ‘The heat-balance diagram for one of the two 80,000-kw units at the Oswego plant is shown in Fig. 11-16. Six stages of feed heating are used, three with surface heaters with integral drain coolers and three with con- tact heaters. The condensate is used for oi! and hydrogen coolers in order to reduce maintenance by eliminating the cleaning problem for these coolers and to keep the heat transfer to a maximum. Boiler feed pumps at this plant are variable-speed controlled by means of reduction gears and eddy-current electrical couplings. Note that the air ejector has three condensers, with the aftercondenser located between the heaters for the twelfth and fourteenth stages. The heat-flow diagram for this plant is shown in Fig. 11-17. Although this type of diagram has little use in design work, it is convenient for use in portraying the distribution of heat throughout the system. The cross-section of Oswego Station is shown in Fig. 11-18. ‘A heat-balance diagram for the first supercritical-pressure power plant is shown in Fig, 11-19. Pressure and temperature conditions are given on - the diagram. Note that there are seven stages of feedwater heating and two stages of steam reheating for this 125,000-kw unit. Because of the extremely high feedwater pressures involved, some 5450 psia, two boiler feed pumps and one condensate pump and one condensate booster pump are used in series to reduce the design pressures for the feedwater heaters. ‘Two sets of these pumps are required to carry full load. 11-12, Binary Cycles. In general, the efficiency of a cycle depends on the highest and lowest temperatures in the eycle. For this reason there been a steady increase in stearn pressures and temperatures over the ature, the condenser temperature, is, of course, {the available circulating water. However, the m temperature economically has been the in- n order to provide an expansion in the turbine that will produce a reasonable amount of moisture in the turbine exhaust steam (say 10 to 13% moisture). High steam pressure moa thicker wails for the piping and pressure vessels. Therelore, there has been a search for fluids that vaporize at high temperatures with cor- respondingly low pressure. Such a fluid, used in conjunetion with water, would increase the cycle area on the temperature-entropy diagram 2 fs that of water only, Fig. 11-20. The lower part of the cycle is fon % an and the upper part is for the top fluid. If the steam part ¢ os a were regenerative, the customary change would take place in the diagram. has years. The lowest temper: difficulty in increasing steal herent increase in steam pressure i Scanned with CamScanner y Fig. 11-16. Heat-balance diagram for 100,000-kw output from Oswego turbine generator. (Trans. ASME.) | NOTE :-ALL BTU VALUES ARE GIVEN MILLIONS PER HOUR rr) Fra. 11-17, “Heat-flow diagram for 900,000 lb per hr output from Oswego steam generator. (Trans. ASME.) Scanned with CamScanner SW) AAA 1-18, Crose-section of Oswego steam station. (Trons. ASME.) Fe. 0 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Coneereate © Fra. 11-19. Heat balance for supereritical-pressure plant of Ohio Power Company. (Trans. ASME.) Scanned with CamScanner Ch. 10) HEAT BALANCES s Fi. 11-20. Temperature-entropy diagram for a binary eyele. ___ The basic equipment for a binary cycle is shown in Fig. 11-21, assum- ing mercury to be the additional fluid. Note that the mercury leaves the boiler and does work in the mercury turbine. Then it passes to ite con. denser and, in giving up its remaining latent, heat, evaporates the water to nearly saturated steam. This steam is superheated in a section of the mercury boiler and is then used in a conventional steam turbine. Mercury has been found to be the most suitable medium for a binary cycle, but several others have been investigated, such as ammonia, methyl chloride, ethy! chloride, sodium dioxide, and ethyl bromide. None of these hae had any commercial success to date. The ideal fluid for use with . water in a binary cycle should have the following nine properties. G Ware Pump inary eyele. Fro, 1-21, Basic eyele arrangement for a mercury-stenm binary cf. « Scanned with Camocanner POWER PLANT THEORY.AND DESIGN * oy manip me en PESTS vem naentnaon,, Fee of wenn below room terrae 5 Choma eahty 5. Nene tote meta socal din yor planta 4 Ava bg quatre at reaoabl ot 2: Ay tet ae ent prone est ter Alhonh merery doe ot have all thee stibute, tis ore fr. able than uy of Coe id investigated. At a preaare of tot the stration temperate ia 9107, ant at 300 pot 1000 ea ‘ood onde, mreury a 8 pei wil evaporate 1200 pt With eoabe ternal ference forthe conden, Se rear is blew somber, a sacoum ayaec ie routed, The oe fenpraur of meray in about 240F, wll above operating cage, tu adit feningtrperatre in ~38 Fo thal thee dose ot colicin i the tues aed piping. ‘Tee eat of vaporiaton of merery i low (about 125 Bt per, ‘uth ter ls that have ben propos! re ala ato ger gh Sac merry isan element, ie table under ll operating codes ‘Although maeary does not eae any coroion, ita exeemely dao to wan ie snd elaborate pesatioe must be taken to prev sseape. & wetng nent, magne aad enim, met be nde oP ote fran fx vapor a the tbe wurlae, Urey rang the attr of batt te gal mereary inthe baller ‘he peo mercury varies bl eurently cota about 8 pec Ee a Plant requires $ to 10 Ib per kw, the investment coat for the Suid it about $90 per iw of combined steam und. mercury eapacity. See ti Arpaio iehemal proprio meet In addition to the disadvantages of the eost of mercury, the tubes of teczeur-steum boiler are expensive. These tuben must be made of ti! {RAN aly bei they are il exposed to Ue condensing em les OTT 90 to 1000 F, Only the superhenter and ee he eal ae he sch Rahal eer yy Dew Lae Poct™ 3H was itrodued ia thi cout i 18 tb ee et lion ya made 1 oy ltt asecrytrkine eapcyaf 1800 Ew # tbc wi un helt any, coven ‘cecaty turbine eapasity wat 10,000 kt, 10 108 *eecady and at Keary Station, each for double Po 1.22 ei cy ba id th Keay aon ge Pe Bre Hd as CogeayofSoe So, ae Scanned with CamScanner ws PoweH PLANT THEORY AND bestow tan Tamer tase hima pg nv ee peep mh oegn materials and eeu ty ener cette Rt et aaa oo ctr ny sly eerie: ae mein rn et anager ee i 11a Lectin Pampa the Cyle.Althoigh th ltt ke zat ster fod amps of 90 inpertane ast te ‘lernolytaic etl eletiains ar conare, ay have urbe et nh uy power arometa on ean oa os ad te ial vet T he Rankine eye Pasay 8 Bees mcaay tera i condone premio nese Seta lve: Pits at pra on te Mankine cyl sr rly Yay ‘illo io thal he pny the epocaog pe Wen ae mere eater heater nce the oc, a Tig 1-1 aod 1-4 he ws and pears inveve take tae wr a {Smeal avatagem In tually dae eo pare 4 oats ese th ei Serle pp sean in Chap they re isterely oF Sirah ele eae in proportion than the ain boiler feds 20 7 tthe pnp a fo Tike ta hee SPR epee heaton nd dain colons However, toe areagoattt rt cl it the alvanige of tues boneponce egaeena toe sean Ly iowa he water inthe fay a can — ave to develop more head than if the boiler feed pump wert ‘rth otc fhe wo me nea The difeercs ¥ [tiene \) 4 al rsa ae te ola ot Tigt 3 a 1-4 bt would by inpertan fr nase rans Sm ‘alta eden ing te a ai eet at ¢ ele a ‘tho outlet of each contact he ota puny must be ated a ae. Sie he wale otf fee reaming to Ge prt nthe ha, ey tat emp nly ena het {Be mbe of remmnvetved andthe cnlalat cote na nee fortiem, trl of baller fed pony va menond in Ar 3-18 and 3-1 Wale evel nth tele Gram ato ented the ps fox ke by |GEalg th ape ofthe pp er byw canta ive tog eee Mehargs Fig 1, copra bate 3.4 cine Pag na, S ma ee a ad succatly ote for fa tre pe, Al ‘pint fort entity ete hoe wa Aa sh ‘tg pny Poe to oy rae eed — det eve wae mate ag oh i md et ile ea he hae ag eH fore Fee nk a en ae mc ted pany Beis standard pri pri Ft Uebel ec fhe pon ss tee pan Scanned with CamScanner owen PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN mn uit; or there 8 100% spare capaclty. Tt thee the all eres by iat op the theze would be 0% epare cepa tr tre of ach eo ToT ie condensate UMpe RRA AY te of He tan it woul regu ull eytern flow. Note Uhat any heater ny by Sher ted pe toe ered pum is cotrlled by the tretaig Sys and tae uel lv. the pompe were to be “Tren ee mea te ann eet rear nvolve, ad becaee of the desire fr rente ee oe yeaa wate valve, the ble fed pap di Sopa iy er ven he eng en a ve fig Tc the baller feed pump acta as the contol devin for he “cendensate pump, wnee there can be Ro more oF lees water flow through thecamfenate pp than therein through the boiler feed pup (ee fort fow though texts overfow valve). But the Bow nto the ene aus may be eater of ese tan the condenente pomp flow; th, bey snot bese ssl cn the condensate level i the Sondcner heel Tus b aleed by eooderser make-up aod exces cvertow valve ‘When the it-well level i to lw, the al-eoatroled makeup male sent to nit ater frm te condennate worage tak; when the bt ‘el ert fo high the excem overfow valve perila some set to ‘rte the conden worage tank, Not tama in Fig 1-20 ar the shut-of valve andthe mana by-past sabes fr the endeaer make-up and elit valves (slr to thot fe the boi evel eotel valve). ‘Thee control valves in a moder plat ‘oui beset to that in Fg. 2-31 ence! thal the mechani! Ike? ‘ould be reper by porumatc devises. ‘Wien here isa dearator rw mung tank inthe site, the bol ed pam kc atone derstand re cont, PO feta hare thong valve or variable epee. Fig 1-26 showe a methad of condeneate pump control weer tt ‘pusap flow i= controlied by the level in the hotwell. Make-up and exo crecion valves are then controlled from low- and high-level Hoste shed oth devertor A variation of this scheme would be to control the condeneate-P09? throttling valve from deerator level and to eontrol the conden imae-p ani exo over fra het wel level se ‘re it stills third variation of Fig. 11-24 wherein the condes CUE four raven amie. "Tia may be refereed to m anil | since the condensat will ir iat » ayy. This ime acne mamedintly Pu aad ‘ill operate at a pick wh an H, easitiaton ote ‘he cntom may ott to even, ne the te vapor bubs in very low at normal condcaet (Ofcourse there wil be practically no water storage inthe conocer ot: well and all the args capacity of the nyntem mort be inthe deters One additoon! method o! condensate pump contol ie by continual recioulation, ae in Fig. 1-28, Condenser make-up and exces overtow valves are controlled from desertar lve. ‘The recirculation valve bo srranged that asthe ht-well level drop, the reaveulation valve opens Yo at more of the condensate pup discharge to rtur to the hat well; hut, there will ele fow to the detest. Part (0) of Fig U-25 shows he condenste-pump charecertie curve and breakofl curve for it [NESH; amume thatthe hl-well era conten ot to provide 8 NPE for the pump. the system requires fo correspon to point A on the ayter head curve of Fig. 1-26(b, the pump wil operate at ptt B onthe 2-1. [NPSH curve. The fow tothe deserator will be gpm 4 the pun fom will be gpm B, and the flow through the recirculation vaive wil be goa B ‘lous gpm A. Note tht the head at point 8 i ihtly higher than at Point A because of the incresed fow through the air ejector conderace ‘0d the piping up to pint 7. “Terese two wei dndvanagm te conta pm sal By us recireulation, Fig 1-25. The fw dandvantage Siew st nna ew Heh eee ant Scanned with CamScanner we TOWER PLANT THEORY AND Desay endenaer ate Hes Ca for Reesesaan sieod Yo, 11-25. Schematic pining diagram and pump eharacaiie xe Mr ecete pump control by reereustion, ote gpm A The second, and less importac, disadvanthe i htt ot va nergy transferred to the eondensate in the-air ejector conden “* reciroulated water is wasted. , ‘Note that all the above schemes of condensate PUMP SATE go, control by continuous recirculation, low Bom Protest vided for the ai ejector condenser, as shown ated dieeussion. sa tu fe 0 alt Sten of Baus ee oe chee ‘Thin is usualy Teeth by = study of te ed Peony erty eet se Reet ede omic atin of cons are the bases for extabl am {ura ed he oe of ete dt ter ‘example of Art. 11-5). Selection i . = permaertny ‘in, eco sed Pasar as lore these chr ral quate oe ‘hes, Ne ears begs at wit ffl el pana en, Fath ey ‘sn el penal et sn la ee Eze ct oy type tw ak Slum Gert Siac ear macanices 0 cin cpio tas pe ‘er aed fom te mes pete ae Se aly be ele seid to espe ate Fort pa of 1 ee {ht etn nto dT ee eet ‘septs he thea nan aman pel Mek teil der tet ete alte deg lao sd ‘by the manufacturers am len Balrcdrum dei prom fhe diam weg pre GHP), sain ete tte pom, oe pow ous ‘2 ng id mera pon wane ofS teO te ee ‘at ere me Prem i) pee pests de ‘rertn The rm ly vaherarect at etna pose ‘Seren Sg ea etn the ie tle arene, te ea pe ony fren van ef 818 to Pera paaie ratio dre cto “The rere sey ‘iver aca he on prone ote da pre wc {Bate wept ey aver apes tert an ae (ok ‘aed oat sre Bon flow tog tempt fee kop Ten ct “Te seimnie don rae hy Nbr Gan da pre seca the rare pang he rom ‘oder Ped Pomp. Pump spin saeco of orp, sold be not li rate ten mint sp pe ‘if or wat ues Te pvp bed sob bf ser on UDebeed veel tpt cnet heb a te boter SW “Contents Pay Pap opty, wot wee se mpc snaid beet at 30 pnts hs eenon tle Te bad "2a mp water nse irr main ‘aes deat pero os prvi pe 0p oro) SNPS at hee fst ppc ee eS eer Din Pronoun, eer lawl sone die pra av 18 8, 0 - Scanned with CamScanner sw * POWER PLANT THEORY AND DESION fan nl beatae 1G rater tha the maximus turbine rere mg tn ne ne Uhlan aproninstely ber fed pump tof heed with cad pane? "ent Prbably teri ore variation in selecting the capasie tees aa increta ane thn for any of the ober major peg st inne The i loan et 10% et er esr ad 10% eta of qustity based on a ‘are exces sir for {he fred f and 1056 more exces a forthe indeed. draft fo thas ven in the Bier manufactre’yguaranie na the sbealte meat ‘mum flr Ind. The we of 19 allowance on both quantity and beats ‘ncnsient with the estem head curve for foreed- and sndueday {ana Um af hone preentag ont can th fs to lit the mate ety he Bl. 1 the Tnmtation should be exined by the fee drt fa, the stanton eg be hurardosbeenste the fered dat fs ‘might suply more air to th boiler than the induced-dralt fem eon Sore deg bate the fan capacity on an allowance of 28% on ‘apc nd 59% on developed prema at 147% Oy i the Bue gua or ‘oa alo th peak loads Foran average coal, 14% CO, woeld son ‘pond to bon 3% exe ai (ee the example of Are B10), Teng the capaci aod prewure allowance iti wel io omader {he kag of sis us that noes throoghot the ean genersat 1 Iaflratin as orca hough the bie easing ad wil be peer foc anold tse of brick eming then fora modern beled or weld eal to a rome ee Bones! “Py ofthe ua Oter datas oom forthe Best Lee fe ae Laeger ts precy ee 8p SSicteaiiee ara teeta maese ines op pa I ender naw 8 ML IG an RAT saLawors te hm nc elem mere 20 though mecha det elie ak Sr Beech a sa tie aan St Sn Wore mei, ERT iat etn aoe we scent Eacraec ss Screen, Rees cy sg seca FREE peo SS a Ag inlet cht Mite dt eae pce eee ‘Sac T00 wt ae te sin pep sis ce are mcs ats a we oe 1 ot 0 eater (sag ea dae ee Tabet! eran IK tr pak indeed oa eee (OS rer pity ote 08 pou scan, hy cian ab roy rn it Oh a ‘Fay =ey, sp (©) tw be yang at be we ging 10% sem ho gay fetch pu amd te he tw ree Sar nn ae ‘ead anced 10% wr an ewan or 110 LOX 9 Der he: Carvering in volume ow 31 7 aang oem or ae by, th ed pomp ell ae ey var oe Boer 1 be main Gran proms Th, th panp-dvoed pram ed Har corretng the rewards ft te 108 ieee, eee ent te ‘a oi Ewen Bee ny ae sane HI Rettman Be mE F185 5285 = 700 ep Nd Om {har eo alr pup ew wc ed ri a ‘we tends pup. The How for ech, with 2m >was, Scanned with CamScanner 5 j ~ syn PLANT TWICE ANY DIB ™ “ el 735,000 + 500 : ‘Ou shyt, 0 5 00-0 = 1499 7 rae eet Dewar ad fort nl 4 Sika et nd ince (Chet, the aera A i Serres ih Twa ae nat sae ar a ‘na re Boat wea ine, 0 $ 10-47 + Exi'beato sews hn 130 860 ae abe rome = early pmb the ats ui exrason preset deviate {homey Jur drt deoge tran Al, it tre ere fey dm ii ron pti en rac Soman apmeatiy. Teen, show nadia 35 po e's a ped ae 98 +28 = por 00 x 231 ay 0 ‘ {a Lv-pesre tate die pressrs forthe sli wold be 15 i, sre wall biting, we marion for a owes pment tench beter lem ee ems E2031 = pa Tew, bee 0 cn provar eth bot ger peur nas sedan pve wpe ar ere ew promt bate be water sie could be objected to «mas vm fe ode Pump a hea Forel water naa [ne cintrticcrve bealbed ould be 18% (lO72a Ae 2 et. Teo, toe Spagna th wate ee At wy lw ln the dean prose wel! bw matsp Thee fo, wan cil wave, he baer fed pump sta head wen be (fab = tp ‘The rat ada deen prem wuld be 1800 pig (0) Fre Ba (8, Wr = 285 12800 70900 5 ir per fol Sri vim or te nr arin he intr, AD 883% 500 Po Tame OFT ‘othe fea he ai ba RE. SST oe, OP = Tanaas om = MSc tte At pk ee, Bextor Foal = 65000 x 110= 72h per ht ‘Te foment an epaity at om ser ‘oe rei te 2094 exces ir i the furnace amd Chom = RIE 920 8 ysecin aon rt an pay, Sg So erp ANSE Pea ees Ses mee ee [Th 29 ewe a ee Capty = 2AAE Ta +1 —00ns = 36000, 2000) en (ort forth pa a ad tbs te formed 02 stort, ad ene behing ou eb 13 WD og G24 12a ibe WG. Ti win oe ‘as rence wuld be LC WSC in 07,1 gab; (pa UT, mg tnd 10, 4603, % i. He ae Common oid eee wt Taleo 11.210 IL Fer eae fhe lowing nines he rie ha ‘atthe matt ht ah ta hyn hl ol at (ot the prmee op heh teeta) opr Howat St hil i ws bia Scanned with CamScanner POWER PLANT THEORY AXD DESIGN 120 1-1, Bao ined woth tu uy 29 St i dae hose THES dnd at thatthe dente opera pa Ese ise ‘AHR, Estimate the thrtde flow forthe turbines of Prob. 11-7 MAIS Batimate the thrtle flow forthe turbines of Prob. 11-8 11-14, Estimate the thotle flow forthe trbies of Prob, 1-0 11S, Estimate the three fw forthe turbines of Prob, 11-10. A116, Baimate the throttle fow for the turbines of Prob, 1-11 Dat for roe 1-17 to 1-8 ine: 600A ont opring 9 690 som gat. Mecha at ful ad ar 100 bao {ntl ear 20 ke Premue dp threugh thle ave ane Ge 845 oily. Terin pao rectin, Plot te evn fori em th aa of Fig 10 OF terial ener (TD) on open bate, 4F TD om deed et, ep Hed te ant 10 TD om acer Pid a a {Seow enperatan rei ett ad bt atin Bt hou for lad of 65000 er on the nerator. Also find percentage of Hapee™ ‘eat ver Raise ee, 1417, Open on Rankin ple Pig.) UMN One cad ater Bll pit at 7 pin at utie ange (FE 2 1118. One closed beater and dru cooler at same bleed presmure (Fit. 13) 1-20 One dove beater with din pumped bead ad at sae dP sn i) ‘AB. One open beater with sae Heed (Fig 11-5). presure (Fig. aw MEAT BALANCES ra 1-22 Teo coed beater withthe dune cascaded tothe condenser through arin cooer Hed prewar at flange are 10 pn end 180 jl 1-21. Taree dod heater withthe dain cascaded to the condenser through 1 drain cooler Bod rear at fangs ave 200 pra, $0 pn, and 80 pe. ‘Aue tat the aires we Sof the gneatr output aad thatthe bole i952% vient. Alo Bad the heat rate in Bu pero lows our 1-2, Ove ced eater and dain euler with Heed premare at fangs of (a) 0 pain and (6) 200 pia (Fig. 11-3). Use tho dat, togetar ith Pro 112, daw «curve fr ove Beater slat P.1-7(0). 11-25 Ose contact heater with ange premure a70 pi. Work by extraction factor method (Fg 11-5). 11-26 Tro ced baater and din cnr. Flange Deed promt ae 120 pin nd 14.0 pan. Work by extn actor moto A121, Same a Prob, 1-23 exept wth an evaporator reving moti tea rom the highe-pesre extract Ine and dacharing vapor a dat {othe middle baer Evaporator ree SO Tb pa Bo 00F water. Let ‘een the tes 11-28 Same at Prob, 1-8 exept tone loud. Aste 7 PTD for dria sealer, 2 TD for clowd esters, 3% premare drop for le! tiny, 100k ‘mechani owes, en 170 electra! ame Data for endo wee: 1 pi, 12908 Bea pry 34 pi, 1051.3 Be pT Opt, 12105 Bra per Tb tH ab, 9780 Bes pr ate for Probe. 1-0 to 1-8, edusoe: SOLED Lx wit operating at eam conditions o 1250 pig, 90 Fin. gabe wth rch hes o 700 kao ‘lect ames of 40 kw‘ it sued oe ofthe nine action pe, gdm cored 340 rpm; preware drop tregh thy that valve and vas fea 4% ofthe ital pre ate Jor the condom are (incaing exh ot) 1280p, 90, 14880 eu pr 30 pn, 115 Be pr 700, 108 Be per 1 pa, 1084 up Boo a, 132 Bu pb "opin Heat 8 Bp Hopes, 1240 Bt per ‘OF TD forthe open bate 3¥ TD fo the vrac bates, 5% prem op {or the ee ine and 10F TD forthe dain cose Fnd alan sod met ows, temperature prem ete, and tone heat ttm Al the ‘eeentge of improvemat i at ate ove that ofthe Rati le 1138, Operation on the Rashi ep (Fig. 1-1), (rR oe chet hater Bel pit at 0 pa the io Sage m2) 1-31, One ded hater with dein cade tothe sosdenser hugh 4 rin cove forthe same Bend prewar Prob 1-90 (Pig 1-3) 1-32 Ope cat beater with dine pumped aba for ae Na rome ss Prob 11-0 (Fe 114), Scanned with CamScanner powER PLANT THEORY AND DESIGN wn, an one cnaet tte forthe ane ed Pemure a8 Pak 1 ay wat ret te te es 88 pn ny errr an Prob. 11-34 except with aD evaporator ein tet Ta me ig co tn eb i roms te’ Seger nee secre ete tesa of fa rb rata erat ine russ oe nee Cee ee eat mtn nt fr oe, See FN ata dink rth din de cna teen te ng ce 300 pa pa ae UNS oer te oe rer one ae Areal ti Fol be ste sch rar bv tod din eri ha eed oh, Senthe mets act hae TT imean Po 1 ep pa ie eg. Des ssc ete nbanta bis te tr eae SEES ihre utes earner oer ae, SONS a Same Pte Tat nea a abel ty dec Ta ay ae 000. wal pei 109 st 8 tS he Meal al ea ese a Wt a at. Toutle htop on © Pr {lw tense anda Sot ea ricco ct tay eet top 108 Ba per ‘yan het bre brett net Sopa th fr i uae Hope tb er 1S ea taper OF TD or pn ate, 3F TD fal cd bate poe dp im, TOF TD digo da ae foe oe Desh, td te etre + Frnt ero ere pcertay proven Setar ee 41-88. Operation on the Rankine eyeie (Fig, 11-1). 1-4 One rice heater with an extrusion point at 120 pain (Fig. 1-2) 814 om mic bt al di cer we xin PY (Fe 11, 7 ‘pia, 1168 Bt pert 1-2 One nice hater wih dina yamped bead and at sme ett AX One conit banter at ame extraction preute (Fig 11-8 [HEAT BALANCES a 11-44, Tro surface baer with ihe danced to the conden thongs insoles Estacion posure are 28) pasa 8p IAS Three surface heater sith the drains caadad to the conde tarough «dri clr. Extraction preeure ae (25 pi, 102 po, and 143 pc (Cire the gom-and net station bet rts by eng 60% let efi nd ‘Sauuary powe conmumption of 48% of the enero eto 1-46, Same at Prob. 11-9 exept tht therein an evapomtor podcing ‘00 ser bof vapor tom 6OF water when rerivngntivating Henn fee {he highest presnreexrctin post and dichargngdesan sod gor Wo te tlle ater. Tae all the lowe ren the vem be from te We to he ‘sine. 1-47. Same a Prob. 1-1 exept fr «then eye. Steam avr the ar ‘wat €25 pn and return to the trite a 88 pla ‘Daa for the eanditin eure incuing eat ot 1080p, 1864 Bt per 100 pi, 13850 Be prt "700 pin 14 Bes prs (5s, 1520 Beu pr {25 a, 160 Ba per 30 pan, 1280 Ba per 385 pn 100 10 in 168 ea orb {2 pan 10 Bea pe 15 Hg by, Bu per Db 14,1309 pe 1b 11-48, Same us Prob. 11-48 exept t oneal fond. Asume tat tbe tt laa difernces and. percentge premure drops do ol lua. Canbined ‘Socal sad se mn ar 1375 ko aa forthe condition ewe: 380 ps, 1362 Bea perth ‘m0 pan 104 Br pr 100 i, 1258 Bes per 25 pi 71 Bes peri 10 i 1107 Bagh 15m Bg abe 8 Be per 1-49, Same ae Prob. LMA exet at an ernst pre of (2) $10 pn td (8) 10a. Using thse data and that ef rob 1-41, drew eure fo ot ater imine to Fig -8 11-50. Work Prcb. 1-40 by the eration actor meth St to 1-44, For ah ofthe fling problems, determine Ue entacton rewueiftar% pee dap inthe png (8 mace bate, C= tae fet bate) Scanned with CamScanner an sr nase * ony tone cna Sig arta ac ete Wacko HN. Mew forthe Qaration Power? Irene SEE iy Se me emt oe 3 2 ar mage yn egg avn sagt a earn eka ‘ca pene yO le Scanned with CamScanner

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