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| | Cuarren One The Knight’s Dilemma Jong time ago in a land faraway, here lived a Jknight who thought of himself as good, kind, and loving, He did all the things that good, kind, and loving knights do. Hle fought foes who were bad, mean, and hateful, He slew deagons and rescued fair damsel in distess. When the kaighe business was slow, he had the annoying habie of rescuing, damsel ‘even if they didnt ned to be rescued, Although many ladies were gratfil to him, just ax many were Furious with him. This he accepred philosophically. Ae all, ‘one cat please everybody ‘This knighe was Famous for his armor. Ie reflected such bright rays of light thae villagers were convinced they could soe the sunrise inthe west or set in che cast ‘whenever the knight rode of to bale—which he did quite frequently. Ar the mere mention of a crusade, he ‘would eagerty don his shining armor, mount his horse, and ride off in any direction. So eager was he, in act, thar sometimes he would ride off in several dtections at once, whic was no easy fea For yeas chis knight strove to be the number one knight in all the kingdom. These was always another bate eo be won, dragon to be slain, or damsel wo be rescued. ‘The knight ad a faithful and somewhat rlerant wife, Juliet, who wrote beausful poet sid clever things, and had « penchant for wine. He also had a golden baited young son, Christopher, who he hoped ‘would grow up to be a courageous night. Juliet and Chrseopher saw litte of the knight because whenever he was noc off fighting acts, say- ing dragons, and rescuing dares, he was busy tying ‘on his armor and admiring its biliance. As ime went ‘on, the knight became so enamored of his armor that he began wearing it to dinner and often 10 bed. Fventually he didnt bother 10 take ic off at all. His Family began to forget how he looked without i ‘Occasionally Chrisopher would ask his mother ‘what his father looked like undemeath hi amor, Juliet ‘would lead the boy co the freplace and point to a por trac of the knight above it, “Theres your athe,” she swovld sy with a sigh. (One afternoon while contemplating the porcrait, Christopher ssid to his mothes, "I wish T could sce Father in person.” "Weal, you cant have everything!” snapped Juliet. She was growing impatient and frustrated ar having ‘only 2 painting to remind her of her husband's fae, and the constant clanking of armor at night bad left her exhausted from lack of sleep. Whenever the knight was home and not com- pletely preoccupied with his armor, he was usually delivering rambling monologues on his exploits. Jules and Christopher were seldom able to get a word in ‘edgewise. I they did, che Knight shut shers out, either by closing his visor or by abruply closing his eyes and going to sleep, ‘One day Juice confronted het husband. “I think you love your armor more than you love me." ‘Thats nor cue,” ssid che knight. His armor clanked loudly as he gestared with his arms, “Didsic [love you enough #0 rescue you fiom that dragon and set you up in this assy castle with wall-to- wall tones?” shat you loved,” correcced Juliet, peering through his visor so tha she could se bis eyes, “was the ides of escuing me, You realy dda love me then, and you reilly dost Fove me now." 1 do love you,” insisted the Knight, hugging her ‘dunn in his cold, stiff armor and nearly breaking her ibs. “Then cake off that armor so T ean see who you realy are” she demanded. L can take it of, Ihave to be ready co mount ry horse and ride off in any dicetion,” exphined the knight "WF you dont take off chat armor, Tm taking Christopher, gewing on my horse, and siding oue of ‘your lie.” ‘This was areal blow to the knight. He didi want Julict to leave, He did love his wife and his son and his classy castle, but he also loved his armor because it showed everyone who he was—a goed, kin, and lov- ing knight. Why couldnt Juliet se that he was all of these things? In eurmoil che knighe canked off o his study. He shought and thought. Finally he came to a decision. Continuing to wear the armor wasnt woth losing Jallee and Christopher. Reluctantly he reached up to remove his heline. Ie ida budget Hl gave ita tug. Te held fst. Dismayed, he wid lifting the visor but, als, that was stuck too He pulled on the visor again and again, to no aval “The knight paced back and forth in great agitation, How could this have happened? He could understand why the helmer was stuck since he ad not emnoved je for years, but the visor was another matter, He had opened ic reguacy eo eas and drink, Why, he had lifted ie jst that morning to enjoy his breakfase of sccambled eggs and suckling pig. Sualdenly the knight had an iden. Without telling his family where he was going, he hurried t che black smiths shop in the casle courtyard, When he artved, the smith was shaping. horseshoe with his bare hands 4 “Sih,” announced the knight, “I have a prob- fem.” “You area problem, sr,” quipped the smith with baie usual tact. ‘The knight, who nocmally enjoyed bantring, lowered. “Tin inno mood for your wisecracks right now." he bellowed. “Tm stuck in this armoz” He © samped his ste-cad foot, accidentally bringing it tb onthe mi big oe ‘The smith let out a howl and, momentarily for- ing the hight mass maser, de hi asi tng lw he dnt ith ch bors The ight Fl only 2 wings of dicomfore The heme: didi bud "Do that pin” onde she ight unaware hat the smith adele him ut of ange and pai, “Wh plewure” the smith apts bling a eaby hammer. Swinging it wat vengeance, be Brough i down squarely on the Haight heme Telit een make a det, “The igh was dsaght. The sith was by fr the srogest man inthe King. rhe coul shud the night ou of isamox who could ing ind an vey hen bis big we was coe tea arsed the night panic and pew Sympuhve. "You have atugh pli, Krigh bu dnt give up. Come buck tort ae Tin ese Sou eaghe meat he en ofa hal day” s “Ve wal” high ining ne bane ining sel he pe io sl ol gh sme mag ak Daya me te nh lee the mid doen hae ‘alfa, Iai ppl Se ped wp hel a of pipen tem" dnt ako yu yr eek ing she shoud hing eae or inn The bh fl oting Only when gy bg tipping down pte opel rd rallied He as I hip misled sea ci nt hecho ser et hin fo tog cha ig od worm fr ing tt ea ges or felt without it. * cane The big ar ap tule dt ee he wesc so ng amor ne sina He and he shag fe uy tr bt wi sce Bo dpe gee se don nfl pew Pale gh ha dn eh si furs ec ue "Senge mn te Kg inka Yucatan i a thls yl inn 6 | | ‘When the Knight reed home, Juliet shied, “Your son has nothing but a porwait for a fates, and te of talking to a visor. Lim never pushing fod through the holes ofthat wretched thing again. ve snashod my very last ution chop!” Fes not my ale F got stuck inthis atmo” the light whined. “Tad wo wea cso T would always be ready for bate. How ele could I ge nce cstles and horses for you and Chisophee?” "You didi doit for 1” argued J ie for youre” “The ksighe was sca heat dha his wife did seem to lave him anymore. And he feared that if he did get his sor of soon, Jct and Christopher relly would leave. He hd 1 ge che armor off, but he dda know how. He dismised one idea after another as being ultely 10 work. Sore ofthe plans were downright dangerous. He knew that any knight who would even thine of melting his armor of with a rrch exing ie off by jumping ico an ey moat, or basting of with cannon ws badly in need of help. Unable find ic in his ova Kingdom, the nigh decided eo search in other lands. Somewhere thee mast be someone who enous how gt this armor off he thought. OF course he would miss Juliet and Christopher and his casy castle. And he was aiid tha in his bscnce lice might find lve with another knight, one "You did willing to remove his armor a bedtime and be more of # Father to Christopher, Nevertheless, he felt he ad no cice. He had eo go, arly one moming he got onto his horse and rode away. He didtt dare look back for fear he might change his mind. On bis way out ofthe province, the Innight sopped to say good-bye to the king, wo had ben vety good to him, The king lived in a grand eas- Ae stop a hill inthe high ene dit. Ax the knight rode across the drawbridge and into the courryand: he ‘sa the court jester sting cromleggd, playing a reed use, ‘The jeter was called Gladbag because he always ‘srsicd a beauifal ssinbow-colored bag fll with all sons of things chat made people laugh, There were strange cards that he used 10 tell peoples fortunes brightly coloed beads that he made appear and disap pat, and finny litle puppets that he used to insu is audiences. “Greetings, Gladbag,” sid the knight. "I came to say farewell 0 the king.” The jester looked up. "The king has up and gone away, To you then’ nothing he can say.” “Where bas he gone?” asked the knight. “Hes aken off on a new crusade {Ifyou wait for him, youll be delayed." ‘The knighe was disappointed that he had missed a sat ae le et eeeieptore ———— rises a Serena a ee ‘Then you! discover how to he fe.” "Meclin? The only Merlin Te ever heard of isthe {great and wise teacher af King Aethu” “Yes, yes; that’ his claim co fame ‘This Metin I know is one and che same.” “But i cant bel” exclaimed the knight. “Medlin and Arthur lived long ago.” “es ee, yer he’ alive and wel, In yooder woods the sige doth dwell,” “Bur the woods are so big." sid the knight, “How will find fim?” “One never knows be it days, weeks, or yeas ‘When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears” “Well, Tim nor going to wait for Metin tn show p. Tim going to look for hin,” the knight announced fimly. He reached down and shook Glalbag’ hand in srattude, nearly crushing the jester's fingers in his guns Gladbag yelped. The knight quickly released his hand. “Ob, soe ‘The jester rubbed his bruised fingers, “When the armors gone from you, youl feel the pain of others too.” “Tm off” boomed the knight, paying ao mind to the remark. He wheeled his horse around and, with new hope in his hear, galloped away eo find Medlin Cuarree Two In Merlin’s Woods ‘ewas no easy tak to find the wizard, The woods were Inge and seemingly endless. The poor knight rede on, day after day, night aftr night, becom- ing weaker and weaker. [As he continued, the knight vealized chere were ‘many things he did know. He had always thought of himself as very smart, bue eight now he didet fel sarc at alleyng survivin hewood, Reluctantly he admitted to himself chat he dint «even know poisonous beties from edible ones. This made eating a game of Russian roulets, Drinking was no less hazardous. The knight tied sticking hie head into a stream, but his helmet filled up with water. “Twice he almost drowned. As if that wasnt bad enough, he had been lost ever since he entered the ‘woods. He could ell north from south or eas from, ‘west. Fortunately his horse could. ‘After searching and searching in vain, the knight was quite discouraged. He still hadn't found Metlin ‘ven though he had traveled many leagues. What made hm fest worse was the fact dat he did even know hhow fara league was One morning he awoke feeling weaker than uswal and alte peut. That was the morning he found Merlin, The knighe recognized the magician at once, He was siting under a tice, clothed in along white robe. Animalk ofthe forest were gathered around him, tnd birds were perched on his shoulders and arms, ‘The knight shook his head glumly, his helmet Sauecking, How could all she animal find Merkin ip ‘esily when it was so ard for med ‘Weary he clirnbed down from his horse. “Ive been looking for you. Fe been lost for monthe * “Youve been los all your life,” coreted Mein, Ssapping off piece of carrot and sharing i withthe nearest rabbit, ‘The knight stifened. “didi cone all his way to be insulted.” “Perhaps you have always taken the truth co be an ‘nsul” said Medin, sharing the rest of the caroe with some of tine other aaimals. ‘The knight did't care for this remark either, but he was too weak from hunger and chine 1 lab back (onto his horse and ride away. He dropped his metal. cise body onto che gras and leaned back apingt a ‘ace with a clank, Medlin looked at him compasionately ‘mos fortunate, You are too weak to run” "You are “What chat supposed co mean?” snapped the Fenighe. Metin smiled. “A penon cannot run and alo learn, He muse stay in one place fora while” "The knight cused his hand and jabbed a gloved Sige at he round “Tm gringo way het only long rough lem how gon his” “Once yo lea hat you wil never again ave climb on your horse and ride off in all directions. "The lenght was too sted to question this. Some- hhow he fee comforted and fell promptly asleep, ‘When the knight awoke, Merlin and the animals were gatherod around him, He eid to sit ap but was 00 weak. Medlin held out a silver cup with a stange- Colored iin "Hee Dik i” “Who i ad the nigh sng te op splot "Nou ate 0 afaid”a Mein, "OF coun, dat on te amare ape" iy you Th gt ey a ore sto ny. “Al gh dik ori my “lag Mt "psn wo Hepskd sree pd yr he ahr dough ne af he tls oa ‘ Tins pat i Han eh king ean. “Tellica ow Mein il inp; a Tite ENIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR “why “Why nose” site ihe shrugged. He sipped the figuid ‘rough the ec The fst sis sed bites, shelter ones more pleasant, and the lst swallows quite deli, tous. Gruefl, the knight handed the cup back to Metin. ios pu eto ‘could sell lagons of ir," Seah You Matar “ar ke eta “Life,” Merlin replied, - “li Yes id he id a Soci The, Sere ned more of, ‘Was it not pleasane” a Iii at" na ‘Were quite delicious.” vee that rrr you wx ng” "Aye sp wh on apt began to accepe what your “Is i now" ‘countered Meclin, rising an eyebrow You really expece me toa = ly expe cept allthis heavy “Ah” sid Mert armor. You pus it on why? “Why now" “you were aot born with that yourself: Have you ever asked "etorted the knight, invited, His head was beginning co hurt, He wasnt used to thinking in thie mann, “Yau will be able to think more clearly once you regain your strength,” Metin explained. ‘With that, the magician clapped his hands wwice, and the squires, holding nus in their lide mouths, lined up in fae ofthe knight. Each squirrel climbed up onto-the knight® shoulder, cracked open and chewed # nut, then pushed the pieces through che Iknighes visor. The rabbits did the samme with carots, and the deer crushed roots and berves for the knight to ext, This method of feeding would never be endorsed by the health department, but what ese could a Knight who was suck in his armor in che ‘woods possibly do? "The animals fed the knight rgularhy andl Merlin gave him large cups of Life to den theough the save "The knight grew stronger, and he began to fee! more opel Bach day he asked Medlin dhe same question: “When will | get out of chs armor?” And cach day ‘Merin replied, "Patience! You have been wearing that armor for a long time. You cannot get out of it just Tike tha." (One night the animals and the knight were lsten- ing to the magician sum che leet troubadour his con his late After Mein had fnished playing "Hark. Ye the Days of Old, When Knights Were Bold and ep | i | | | | | | | | MME RMIGHET HY aLstY ARMOR bldens Were Cold” the knight te quetion long “Were you wally the teacher of King ‘ie masini up. Ve, | eagheAnhux” “Bathow can you sillbe lve Helined core ago!” “Pst sen and future ae all one when yore ‘connected tothe Source,” Metin said, “What isthe Sources” {Ic the mysetions, invisible poe eae i he otigin ofa.” The bg ws pul “dtu “Thtobcnseyaae mi ment ay You ind bout mind ee Mats won sg" be ay gad in sil nh oon And ach a” ala Metin, “egy yy in all that armor,” ee Th high oh, Then heme Sectamehing Metin bl nao ras cane tT put on this amor cae f aiid “Is that noe trued™ Re. Teese for protection when Igo in bani jo Jou Dut ie on because you were afend you ‘eel be soul hur okie,” Melina “nt everybody?” The magica shook his hed. “Whoever ait you bad to go into bate” 6 “Ud ope as a ind ad ing oven nog hy have to prove i?" re igh cape thinking about this in his usual manner of escaping things—he drified off cose. with an old The Flowing moming he evoke though Je pest To wt go ind and ling? eed Metin, ‘Sit do yu in” Matin epic . ‘hy do yo says ener question wi snorkrquesion™ : “hd wy do ou any ak he ane 990 sins om hen” wih night stomped off angi, cursing Metin ends “Tha Mahe aS tne bey ede re "With had the hight dropped hs badened ah magn un baly andra netomat Sent Wt do thn" be he dnd | te enri pre pede ad Ing” . oul ba le wice pipe up. “Othe a wham you sgn my one ‘The knight was stared. He peered own anda ie! sting tsi, Tas mae ‘Reape: Helwan frm view etc ee "eof haing ban ESP Png Ti eae thc iris mene Sve sy he and og ok ‘He srugled vo eco his fc, Su kenly he Blured "0 BEC his et, Sudcen (ou i amazement, “Hey... you and Tee aig shh “You've tated 1 ane Bef eee Cin very cme I cracked anu and pushed very time | “Youte answering my ; eon get Youve been around Merlin a *09 long” "And you havent been around him long enough.” ‘The squire! flicked her call at che knighe and seam- pered up the ee, ‘The knight called afer her. “Wait! What's your ‘Squite,” she called back, Then she vanished ino the topmost branches Dazed, the knight shook his head, his helmet squeaking. Had he imagined all thist He began to worry he was losing his mind, Ae chat moment, he saw ‘Merlin approsching, “Merlin, Ihave to get out af here. ‘ye started tlléng co squires” ‘Mein raised his hands and clasped chem together. “Splendid.” ‘The knighe was perplexed. “What do you mean, splendid?” “Just that, You are Becoming sensitive enough to fee the vibrations of others.” ‘The knight was obviously confused, so Merlin continued explaining, “You did not tal co the squitel jn words, but you fle he vibrations, and you trans- lated those vibrations ino words” He pasted the night fon the shouldes. “I am looking forward to the day ‘when you stare ealkng to Rowers.” ‘The knight sheugged hi off angrily “That'll be ‘he day you plant chem on my grave. I have to get out of these woods!” "Where will you go?” » KNIGIET By RUSTY ARMOR tt ® jie and Chrinopher They've been lone for coo long. I have to se ft eg. et back and cake care “How 6 70 kc of on en you caer cae! ‘of yourself?” Medlin asked, ™ aL mis een whined he felack och athena say an a a hw Jy ek fu in your tm cao at, en hk Ne lady dt 0 wat nl Tg hear of back sow de dnd an ving raed Ji son oC in hin anne ang Hed he oes st in ac pet is Hove st w hear aca Others ities ike a burden between People.” " ume yay aw nck logh fai. Suc they nul gs ne cnc. Aral Fam one oe ok tap kingdom, “Pechaps chat armor is thie ed thicker than ie appears.” “The knight thought aboue this. He eomemberad Jab edcop conn eb is ping ot ba ffm, shout te stent be neg te sts an ahs dd vet and he ia roping so sp krone “a woulde’t want me back, but certainly Christopher would,” be said aloud. “Why not send Christopher a note and ask him?” ‘The lenght agreed his was a good idea, but how ‘would he ger the note to his son? Meslin pointed to the pigeon siting on his shoulder. “Rebecca will ake it.” "She docs know whee I ive. Shes only a stupid bite” suid the knighe with disdain. “Tcan tell north from south and east from west.” snapped Rebecea, "which is more than I can say for you." "The knight quickly apologized. He was chor- ‘oughly shaken, Not only had he alked co both 2 pigeon and a squirrel, bur he had gotten both of them angty at him in the sime day. Bighearted bird that she war, Rebecca accepted the knight’ apology and. ow off with his hastily wrinen note to Christopher in er beak. “Dont coo at any strange pigeons or youll drop my not,” the knight called ater her. RRebecea ignored his choughdess remark. The knight had much to learn. ‘A week passed and Rebecca had not returned. The Ieaighe grew more and more anxious, faring she might have fallen prey to one of the hunting falcons he and ‘other knights had tained. He winced, wondering how the could have participated in sucha foul sport. Then Ihe winced again at his awful pun. When Metlin fished paying his hte snd singing tet Have Long, Cold Winer itYou Hace Shor, Cold Heit” the kaighe exresed his concer, Medlin ‘assured him by making up a happy ttle vere “The smareest pigeon who cver few Will never wind up in someones sex” A at onee a get chaterng arse fom the aie iia They were al loking skyward. Melina hs hehe looked up, High above them, rcling for a jinting, wos Rebecca. The knight supe w ie “The magician took the note fiom her hea any slanced Chrnsg ttl He told the light i wat fons Christopher, “[st me se" sid the lnight, grabbing the nore Geet His ow dopped wih a cana he senate feos in db“ blank” he exam, Whe does that mean?” “Te means,” sail Men or know enough Stunned, in sofly, “tha your son does about you to give you an answen™ the knight stood speechless for g ‘Beals exhausted and halfrowned fom the ray (Cuawron Tunes The Path of Truth SCE or Shin sy atl nl sige wl ne orc taestons ee Tent? " Task a ae ieiTa tee es cms lea SSP aie ered aoa ty Dehn rar eer 4 “Why oth” he ; igh sd moray doesn't matter to Jatice and Chris here ny atmor off or not.” by catching pn eutnoni fom a so . ‘The knight reflected on oe ‘uPpose my armor herbecome 2 muisane lugging it around, and 1 vith cng oe food. Come to thin vwhen itches” “And how fong has ib ee en since you have fle he mh ok meade rap ret, or heard a beautiful melody withour sous “gr Seng in the way?” me can handy remember” the eh i the kighe ma sah sri Mein Thaw med "People ae offen unaware ofthe path they are on.” sated Melin. "You meas this path was here, bur could sce ie” "Yes, and you can go back thar way if you want to, but it leads ta dishonesty, greed, hated, jealousy, fear, and ignorance.” ‘The knighe was indignant, “Are you saying that Tm all chose sings” "Aree, you se some of thote chi relied. He pointed to another path. Ie was narrower and very ep. “Thar looks fike a tough climb,” observed the knight ‘Medin nodded in agreement. “That” he sd is che Path of Tah, Ie grows steeper sit approaches the summit oa mountain fr in the distance” “Theknighe looked atthe tal withoo enthusiasm. “tim ne sures worth t, What wil Ihave when et to the top" "eis what you wont have” comocted Merlin, Metin "Your armor.” "The knight pondered chis. I'he returned 0 the path he had traveled before, there would be no hope ‘of removing his armor and he would probably die of loneliness and fatigue. The only way tw get the aumor of, it seemed, was ro fllow che Path of Truth, ‘bur then be might lose his life on che treacherous ‘mountainside, as THB RIGHT IW RUSTY ARMOR He looked atthe dificult path ahead. Then he Teoh down athe el eovting his boy “OK,” be said th ato “ye of Truth,” rier Babes sts ght aap ; Tg ny ry to sag nt sil Net aalig a 2 oo nino rahe ap oo 10 go on for,” me "s the kighe punked hinsel? down on a ang." think rather dic of pneumonia fiom soggy bear” he sid, hie ‘courage waning You will not have eo him. “Squicel will accompany you~ "What do you expect me to do, back" asked the nigh, ing the arduous journey “You might not be “bur you'l need me ip travel alone,” Metin cold ide squire stesng the thought of make with a smate-talkng squire, able to ride me," suid Squire, help you cat. Who else is Rebecca flew over fro (on the Knight’ shoulder een tothe top of the mou M0 nearby eee and landed “Tl go with you to0. Te ttain and I know the way.® 26 ‘eingesf xia whep re Oi omaing hed Outen nici eon fig eng ont vlan sug pig Men hare ws yobs joey thal on hea ase ag an ik neg len yf hs eked fecha “Tis yw pen done Seca al Sock our pe “Toten incre “The bea prc ie ech ce an hye ee igen pag” Main i sea “Thee wil bee pines an of te cs en eno Jvc nm dope be ecg none Yo mst ite ane oo en Terman eat ew qk he i coin "he i te bane lene ne Sat Kove and te te Vi nd Dg ceo a of hm, oil in or owe ar yu fe ed hat oe ee han” Ms it ou ney 2 much in tng pisces Bis nen ca tay tat pew te ki Why cn Ts svn an hen “gud, ul ny on hepato Eo | | | | | [. cla wel Then yon ca ew he of the tie tin ogy ghee, ‘said firmly. “ seine Thigh pl pase pnt se neg aurov dep meena ene, tp an ogg Hee titan wget oe titan any of his crusades, nex ata ac ae nigh a ik hw sing o, tho ita dif bade be gh ore ah Th The gw i lamingelocrects “ion ote “cal in wth ing kaw yu Mata gue ae kn ncpen ae cnt te nn with pt Yom ae ihe Then pl he ah mt wd iss ol pa Ne Ten healed Tyee momar ing outa jaca neato: “en oncom ining oan silts y Then ede The high we sul“ = thy Stil ml “Healy apne” “Yn gig wate pre oom ang Rebecca scolded. “Lets get going,” nay ng “The knight's helmee squeaked ashe shook his head “They started out with Squite in the lead, followed. by the knight with Rebecca on his shoulder. From time to time Rebecca flew ahead and rerurned co report what ay in store. fer a few hours the knight collapsed, exhausted and sore. He wasn used 10 uaveing without his hors. Since it was almost dark anyway, Rebecca and Squirrel decided they might aswell stop for the night. Rebecca flied among the bushes and gathered some berties, which she pushed chrough the holes in the knighe visor, Squizrel went o a neaby brook and filled some walt sells with wate, which the knight drank through the staw shat Medlin had given him. "Too tired to stay awake for the muts Squire was preparing, the knight fll alep. He was awakened the next morning by the sun shining in his eyes. Unaccustomed to the glare, he squinted, His visor had neser before allowed in so such light, As he was trying co figure out the reason for this phenomenon, Squintel and Rebecca were sce ing at bir, chattering and cooing excitedly Pushing himself vo sitting poston, he suddenly realied that he could see more than he could the day before. Whats more; he could fel the coo ar against his face. His visor had broken off! How did shar hap- ‘pent he wondered. » | | | Tie KNIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR Squirrel answered his unspoken question. “Ie rusted and fll off “But how?" “From the eats you cred afer you saw your sons blank lett” Rebecca sid jubilanly, ‘The knight stopped to dhink, The sorrow he had falc was s0 deep that his armor could nor protect him from ie. Quite che contrary, his tear had actually sated to break down the ste surrounding hie. ““Thae’ i he shouted with gle, “Teas from real feelings wil release me fom my armor!” He gor to his feet faster than he had in years. “*Squiteelt Rebecca! Forsooth!” he ciel. “Let's hit che Path of Tru Rebecca and Squire were 69 overjoyed that nei- ther mentioned this was a terrible rhyme The three of them continued up the mountain, Ic was an especially fine day for the knight. Wich his visor gone, he now noticed tiny sunlit particles in the sie as they filtered through the branches of the ees Looking closely atthe faces of some robins, he saw that they didnt all look alike, He mentioned this to Rebecca, who hopped up and down, cooing meri, "Youire starting to see he diffeences in othe forms of life because youire stating to sce the differences ‘within yours” ‘The knight ued co figure out exactly what Rebecca meant. Bur he was too proud to ask, for he 30 ee ee ie eee ee ce lyk se Co doe een ee oe eee teschats orm eee eee eee eee ae » HE NIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR com think i ha anything co do wih bing “Animals accepe and uktogenet plete ie into the lock, As he tured the key, Rebecca i "We've not going in with you." ‘caught himself. He was expecting again. a i on pert cheerily, “We'll meet you on the ‘opened the door wide. eee whispered, a Cuserer Four The Castle of Silence he knight cautiously poked his head through the doorway ofthe case. His knees cembled slighty, causing his armor ro make a low metallic rare. Nor wanting 0 lok like a chicken ta pigeon and a squirel, he pulled himself cogether and walked boldly inside, closing the door behind him. For a moment he wished he hadnt left his sword with ‘Medlin, but the magician had promised there would be no dragons co slay, and the knighe casted him, He walked into the huge anteroom of the castle and looked around, A fre blazed in an enormous stone fireplace, and three rags lay om the floor: He at down fn che rag nearest the fie, Soon the knight became are of wo things about this castle: First, there seemed to be 90 door leading ‘out of the room. Second, chere was an extraordinary, cexte silence, With a start, he realized the fire wasnt even racing. The Knight had choughe of his own castle as quit, especially whenever Julie did't speak. ‘him for days ata time, but it was nothing lke this B ‘THE NIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR The Cate of Silence is well named, rethought, Never “Hello, Knight.” sind Hi aa the door.” ™ ena any door.” m ‘Stl na youll be able to see the door to the next.” " to ptr rtm “nei ae to understand.” aie ee Path myself ifT wasnt ‘trapped in this armor,” “ ee pp wt “I dont sce 4 “TH CASTLE OF SILENCE are, Then one day we get seule behind the buries and we cant get out.” ST never thought of you as being stick, King ‘Youte 50 wise.” “The king laughed rueflly, “Ihave enough wisdom to know when I'm stuck and to serurn here 0 T can learn more about mysel.” “The kenght was greatly encouraged, thinking pes- haps she king could show him the way. "Say." he began, his fice brightening, “could we go through the castle togeches? That way we wouldrit be lonely” ‘The king shook his head. “T once ered that. Ids tmue that my companions and T werent lonely because ‘we talked constantly, but when one aks ies impossible ro see the door out of this room.” Maybe we could just wall and be quiet cogethen” suggested the knight, He wast looking forward to wandering around che Castle of Silence by himself "The king shook his head again, harder this cme, No, I tied that too, Ie made the emptiness less painful, but I sill couldnt see the door out of this “Bue if you werent talking" “Being quict is more than not eking” sid the king, "I discovered char when I was with someone, 1 showed only my best image. T wouldnt let down my barsiers and allow either myself or the other person to ‘see what I was crying co ide,” Fa ‘The knight frowned, “I dont gee i? “You wil" replied the king, “when you have been ber lng enough. One must be slne to drop one’s Dismayed, the knight exclaimed, “I dont want wo ‘sy hate by myself” He amped his foot emphatically, ‘nadertely bringing ic dow on the king’ big co. ‘The king yelled in pai and hopped around, hlde ing his throbbing foot, ‘The knight was horrified. Fest the smith, now the ing. “Sor si.” th knghe sid apologetic ‘The king rubbed his toe. “Oh well. Thae aemor hts you more shan thurs me.” The, sanding el ‘he looked knowingly at che knight “I understand thar you dont wane to stay in this caste by younelt Neither did I when I fst began coming hee, but now, 1 realize that what one must do here, one must do {fone With dha, timped across the rom, adding “Tmax be on my way now” ‘The knighe was perpoted, “Where ae you going? ‘The door is over here.” “That door is only an enteance. The door to the ‘et room ison the ft wall. I inal aw i just none= “Whac do you mean you finaly saw i? Did you ‘emember where it was from the other times you were fee asked che hrighe, wondesing why the king ‘would bother to keep coming back. “One never finishes teaveling the Pach of Truth, chine cane fd eds (ond mc nde The ing ane" el soul end “Sat Pe ld ih The np ode ta him ompsons iving eos a i ig cal ny "eh yoo coe yu one ‘eng tng rs momen.“ Lind female yu, dr Baio dt ci oc oul ee base fight teynegene oy een fonmon esas r Shee” ee WW haben reel eats if pe ‘ove eg door and pencil 3 sore dsb se hin he ht hued tr hh gh gig voto Sora Fog repel sr eta ramon hse. Al cg Uh ter nh cng i oe og thou cate Me lee ed eo salen al ny Be De x Yan ve Crank Hoa ana Hang Hn WH? evn sam edo opine fs resolve, the a rice grew cited, he stopped singing, The stillness ‘ecu overwhelming, enveloping im ia ttn dense Than’ les Only then coud he frankly adit some. thing he had never acknowledged before: He afraid 10 be alone. aaneaee Atthar moment he saw a doot in the fr wal ofthe ‘oor, He crossed over wi, lot pled ie open, and Stepped through i into another room. This chamber appeared very much like the lst, except it was some, ‘hae smaller. I too vas void of all sound, [Desiing co make himself comfortable, the knight ve. To pas the time, he {alideby ad ov hewmen be he ew: Wh ty hal a Min elon de Bow, heap sen Sie tls wo aneren fy ee a th a ef nd nf hea a $e le hn sry wages ea vey When ent ab ee himself —just as she was doing now, Mo hse Una he light Bu Nal pn th he rs he alte mac a ‘0 kp hime fom fling dn hao hin he nnd ocean the chilly silence. “I guess Pve alu bec ae uy been afi 8 Ashe spoke these words, another door became vis- ‘ble, The knight got up, opened the door, and stepped into the next room, Ie was smaller than the previous ‘one, with smaller replace and only two rugs. He sat down in fron ofthe fire and continued thinking, Soon Ine eelied that all his life he had wasted time talking about what be had done and what he was going 10 ddo. He had never enjoyed what was happening at the moment Yet another door appeared. It led eo 2 room even smaller than the last, with a tiny fireplace and only oe rug, Encouraged by his progress, the knight did some- thing he had never done before. He sat stil infront of the fire and lisened to the silence. Ie occurred to hima that for most ofhis lif, he really hadnt listened co any fone of atything, The rustle ofthe wind, dhe parer of the rain, and the sound of water running theough a ‘rook must have always been there, but he never aetu- ally beard them. Nor bad he heard Joliet when she tied to tcl him how she fle, especialy when she was sad, because it reminded the knight chat he was sad ‘00, In fact, one of the reasons he had left on his armor all the time was that it uf the sound of Julie sad voice. All he had to do was pull down his visor and he could shu her out completely, Jules must have fle very lonely salking 10 2 man ‘encased in steel—as lonely ase fl sight now siting » ‘THE RetoHeT IN aUstY ARMOR in the wall just chen, Fshaused and emodonally spe, he waded to the sor and pull is open. The ner son meng much binge chan the wall whee he kept his hon keep getting smaller,” he asked Stud he Enh eed mun He wa sheers up Wada taste "erie ne ae fom vin Cr nda. 0" win Ke “edb a i maa Bh eal pc big glk 2 on ie ‘ning hasan aa 4 ming vio nd oy bea you ‘oth of us are in trouble!” ” mie Now ht” the ghd nda, “ve la al te ea ot Reinga wor om you Now tht oth Bt hing you ay ta you there Why hat you hen pf” “Tve een mind for en conti the oe “she ie in ne een ui enough ee of weitence ee th ihe" ote th el hen poy whoa hei ord The vole plied gi, changing ne, “ou cut ea olen eveything at once Why dst you reve dp? “Aig id h nigh, Bare ant to know wa well yu” “Calle? Wino “Tea ally me ons me” “OK Calle Se” “hy Sin” ye” The hig led bis ges You must kaw Marin” he murmured, His eed wa begining to dhop fom le ee. He lord hms wo the Ao cll ht se andl Ie dep peace smb "When he kg awoke dd ow he wes He wn vate oly of hcl The at of he ‘ol seed to hve vied. A he cme mow « ‘THR KNIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR fly awake he eal tha Sqirel and Rebecca were ‘luting on his chest. “How did you get in hea?” Squirrel laughed. “Were noe in shere” “Youre out here,” Rebecca coved “The knight opened hs eyes wider ond pushed him- ‘cif up 1 siting postion. He looked around. ig §marcmen, Sure enough, he was ying on the Path of “Truth jus on the other side ofthe Castle of Silence “How did I get out of cher” Rebecca answered, “The only way possible, You hough your way ou.” AThe hase cing T rememben” dhe knight, was talking to—" He topped himself He wanted to tcl Sauie and Rebeca abou Sry, butt wait easy {0 Gin. Beds, he dhought he might have innag, ine the whole thing, He had alot co think about. The Kenghs reached up to scatch his head. Te ook him « ‘moment to reali that he was actually scratching his ‘wn scalp. He claped both of his guundted handle so Pit en. His htimer was gon! Asif the fine dine be touched his fice and his long, sraggly beand wonder, ‘Sauirctt Rebecca!” he shouted with oy "We kaow:” they said menily in unison, "You ‘us have cred again in the Casdeof Silence” did, but how could a whole helmet rust covernighe™ in ne ne oy gat Sp ee Seeeesten s ee semis ; “pe seubtec aay gut ade lt cit a iain woth coarse ae nge p wach aay Tat San me promised, che magician appeared a a ecto touees omar ati oe tehide its mses ce ee mM ng ae nat Pron ers fo ber "see yr fa You were in the Castle of Silence for 8 Mealin never filed to acound she knight. “How ‘could you know I was going to ask you that?" “Since Lknow myself, know you. We are all pare of one another” ‘The knight thoughe for « moment, “I “You will by the time you go through the Castle of Knowledge.” cm Before the knight could ask any more questions, ‘Merlin disappeared, ft } ] | i | beginning to undewand, You nan I euld fat Jan rate beciaseFn par of br "Me. That why you could xy for her a wal _ afar yourelé That was theft dine ou cd on for aneter” | The bight tld Metin he le pou The magi | Gian sed inden. "One dows nor hane ay | ud of being hua, Iisa pointes wold | for Reese ofl pod these cat fy Rebeca born with wings. You were born with hen | now youare ing juss you mee meando | “You rely know how to bing fl doom 1 Merlin.” i “Vid no mean whe don you. Yo ae ding 1h ‘very well, or you never would have met Sam." ‘he nigh wv “Then I ely i ear \ ‘him? Ir wasn't just my “imagination?” Meta chuckled. °No, Sam is rin ft a ihe ‘more real you than the one you have been calling [all thes yeas Yow aren ging ca. You sanyo Uses to your ral sé That is why tine ee [ sity wthoat your ring i” “Toa undenend™ 45 (Cuarrae Five The Castle of Knowledge he Knight, Squier, and Rebecce stared out fnce more on the Path of Truth, headed toward the Castle of Knowledge, They stopped only ice hoe ‘ip once co ext and once for the knight sens att bis seagaly beard and cut his ong is wid she sharp edge of his gauntlce. /Afervacd the ksght looked and fle much bewer, and he was more fee now than he had been belo With his helmet gone, he could eat tute withers Sauitrets help. Though he appreciated thae lifeving technique, he relly didi consider ie gracious living. [3s could ao fed hime the fs and rots he het become accustomed to, Never again would he ce Pigson or any other fowl or meat, because he realned thse in doing soe ktclly would be having bende for dinner, ust before nightfall he rio seudged over hill and {the Case of Knowledge in the distance. Ie wea laser than the Case of Ske, and it door was sg ‘01d This was che largest case the knight hed ever cen ger tan he onthe King al bul for Fale The ight sure he inp euese nl wonde whe ha dered [At dat very omer the knghs tought we mere ant oie, “The Carle of Kowa tr deigued by the uniene ifthe sue of know” . “The knight was surprised but pleased ro hear from ld yo ck” Sama on, “fel, T noe Ie” Sam ai, “Remenbes pe done wane 9p dug sha i ow doy ie me now ht Fe ha she and Fe oe px med Se "li at te Ss ae i net ue nie inky psi Papeete See SS oe eee hi a ‘The knight wondered how the wont pigeon had came mean an aya ‘The three friends walked th a tg edomay it das doe ge ce ‘sown hand. He groped around aking a he cs, Simaty torches bythe cade door oth the way, but there were any. A cate with « dor of gold and no sitll hin Thea aly say oranda pte ing inscription on the wall. fe read: . 1 var bse «tc, doug he bsg ele at ing don Sampo u. “eas ha theme on kno the lighter it will get in here,” Younon wig 8 Yo ht edna he {sified Sail ele ot agin kn found ante gowiginecipsay eS Bat Sill perturbed, the knight mumbled sarcastically Tauppose [have o figure out the answer before I get any more light.” “"Youte catching on quickly” came Sans reply, 0 ich the Knight snorted, “I dont have time to play ‘Twenty Questions. Lwane wo find my way dough this castle fart 0 Tcan get co the top of the mountain!” “Maybe what youre supposed o lean here is chat you hve al he time in the world,” suggested Rebecca. "The knight was not in a receptive mood, and he didnfe want to listen to a pigeon’s philosophy. Por a moment he consideral plunging forward into che darkness ofthe cle and blundering his way chrough. “The blackness, howeves, was quite forbidding and, without his sword, he was afraid. I seemed he had no choice but to figure out what the inscription meant. Hee sighed and sat down. He read the words agin: Have you mistken nee for love? ‘The knight knew he loved Julier and Christophe, although he had to admic chat he loved Juliet more before she began sticking her head under wine casks and emptying their contents into her mouth, Satn suid, "Yes, you Jove lier and Christopher, but done you ned them too?” “I suppose so,” granted the knight. He had needed all dhe beaury cha Jliee brought his life with her ‘quick wie and lovely pocty. He bad also needed the nice things she did, like preparing lle snacks for him take on his crusades. ~ ‘Tite NIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOR Jeli had made ateactivegamens forthe funy ty 1s ade bad prepared delicous meals for the ‘hight and bis fends. Fondly the knight recalled thr ‘eato kpc a very clean catle—and he had given her Alor of cases to Ieepeeen too. Often they had ad seni chaperone when hecanc home broke a crusade, He had left Juliet on mos of the moving she was woah car ee i cee ‘him through his armor, = * ioral ante el tw aoe re As the knight realized how unfily he Ww unily he had ereated Juliet ears flowed down his fic. Yes, he needed her ‘more than he loved het. He wished he could love hes ‘morc and nes het es, but he didn know how, Sone fx dawned on him that he needed Christopher, to, ‘ore than he loved him. A knight needed his son to go ‘out and do bate in his father's name when the father grew ok], This didnt mean the knight didnt love ‘Christopher, for he adored his sons golden-haired beauty: He also fle happy when he heard Christopher ‘ay, “Tlove you, Fathes,” bur as he had loved these things about Chrisopher, they had answered a need in im aswel, Inablinding fash, a thought strvck the knight: He ceded the love of Juliet and Christopher because he Ais lve imelf Ta fact, he needed the love ofall the damsels he had rescued and ll the people for whom he hhad fought in crusades because he ida love himsell ‘The knight eve harder as he realized that if he Aida love himself, he really couldnt love others, His need for them would gee inthe way. As he admisted this, a beautifl, right light blossomed around him where there once had been cotal darkness. A. hand touched his shoulder gently. Looking up through his ‘eats, he saw Merlin smiling down You have discovered a great crth,” che magician told the knight, “You can love others only to the extent that you love yourslé.” “But how do T begin to love myself?” the knight asked, blinking away his tears "You already have just by knowing. what you know.” esington Lb 380 N. Wiimor | i 7 Whim esr 1 know Im a foo” sobbed the knigh. “No, you know truth, Comfort, the kn died, he noticed the fi and truth is love.” igh stopped crying, As his yes ight around him. Ie was unlike cen before. Ie soemned to come ‘from nowhere, yee everywhere. Merlin echoed the knights thought. “These is frothing more beawiful than the light of af knowledge.” ‘The night peered past the light into the dark loom beyond: “Theres no datknes in this cake fa yu is there?" “No,” Metin replied, “Not anymore.” Escouaged, the knight gor to his fet, ready Sinn He thanked Metin for showing up even ‘when he had called him, “That is all ighe” assured the magician, “One dessa always know when to ak for help” And se saying, he vanished, 2 the Knigh Forged ahead, Rebeca came ying ur ofthe darkness, “Now! she suid, all aswitter. “Do have some- ‘hing o show you!" ‘oft herself she guided the koight and Squire to a huge mito. “Thats it Tha i” she end wish delight, her eyes sparkling, mii el trim tn cat sow wn on bob ik. sow hat yous oe but reluctant to look at pogetnehets beet urging he stood before the mirror and gazed ou ref To his amazement, instead of a tall ee = poorer a eee ee eu protested the knight, looking deeper es ae —— ar thats my poten, something ele hap Se ble armor 8 for such a long time that i permanent.” gh I id ide my fing Yoh “Dut I couldnt jas say everthing | fk tne ssyng and do Srrytinn | ‘would hive kad me? 2 | like doing, Nebody WS become visible and all the crusades he had Foug ae a ede ‘had slain, and all the -damsels he had Fescued—all e aN Si id uy“ art Sen wane ‘Ne needed vim ro lean what you just leamed” st lie oye” “Now ha ond bes nae ‘sang this liete tune: ee “Tefen wind Pind Thy ote ind ha cu rr? The knight was in no ie Sa or youte outa hes" he "You cant nitre Remember” 2t4id of me,” chorted Samm, “Tn yon, ‘At that point che knight gladly would have shot Jmself to shuc Sam up, but fortunately guns hada : ‘been invented yet. It seemed he was stuck with him, ‘The knight looked into the mirror again Kindness love, compassion, imelligence, end unslf ‘shes lookod back at him. Then ic dawned on him. ‘Theonly thing he had vo do to have these qualities vas ~ eels ther, for they had been his all long. ‘Avthis thoughe, the beauifl light fanned ouc and ‘grew brighter chan before. It illuminated the whole room, revealing, to the knight’ surprise, thar che castle had only one gigantic room, “Ice the standard building code for a Castle of. Knowledge,” Sam explained. "Real knowledge ist divided ingo comparements because i ll stems from fone uth.” “The knight nodded proudly in agrement. Jus at hes ready to leave, Squirrel came running up. "This castle basa courtyard with a big apple tree growing in the cencer of it” “Really? Take me to it, quickly!” said che knight caged, for he was getting quite hungry. "The knight and Rebecca followed Squire! ineo the courtyard. The sturdy boughs of che huge tee bent under the weight of the reddest, shiniest apples che Jenight had ever seen. "How do you lke them apples?” quipped Sam. ‘The knight couldnt belp bac chuckle. Then he seid ictinin ed nt dab of beside the tree: Mt one hhh pond hsb gi any has ite vivir. Sragting eden pe youd wel oer ge om ethene ‘he big gomed “Thoe iapign ‘ing harder and hander to understand.” a “No on oni de Cao Role wed Saute shook her hea into Re naa er Mt done : don't have any ambition,” eam “Neth db ig in Si ag this tree doesn’t have any cither, “ " fee “Phac’ all sighe Jenight. “But whae for trees and animals,” sad che would a person be withoue ambi “tap? Sam piped op. ‘Nov dos inks “AL oyna cores” Tae nig wed 2nd ew Mein ding behind him and he anal Te agi a ds Sabin loge be He was crying =e “tn but el yo” ie nigh “Tino eld main “Bone nek bp ound ees cote ur ig trot—thesame seb Sqr apy ak wath ae” ere human ings a Sifeca” poe he sighs "Tey ae mince Me hv mind oo” dedaed Sire, ome wc oft "Sony. ja dat human being ve ey compte ind hr mae tes want some bate led he ih Mendy pk fo os nia, “Bee than ne” "peer hn hy anes gh, “Humane ate born beswil ancet, and pera, Whar col be beter han tha” Metin Camere No, mean ay wane be ethan hy ik they ae and thy wet eee a cs ze tu omit Te sae waned oe te Bot knight in the kingdom.” falar voice I ANIGHT IY RUSTY ARMOR “Ab, yes,” said Merl i, anon om at Dlisted mind of yous ld you to ty to pet ‘were better than other knights.” eee "Whar weong with chat” ing date ne wih ha” the igh asd, gow © You 9 buy uying to become thee you could enjoy just ing?” nin tt BMS 2 all confuse,” muted the Leight “I know people need ambition, They a neteamd he cs and eae mde ine a new one. They want to You are cali ing about peoples desire tobe but if person is kind loving, compassonme, can” feat and unselisb, how could che ie tha there i more than One ind of riches-—just as there is moze then ind Fanboy sa iti rg “Som medat ani isambition, Either ie bio ikea vant gesed enya dag TMline stn Bs aphiclny itn shat ome fam th nnd ane ‘ie CASTLE OF ENOWLADGE rice castes and fne horses. However, only ambition ‘that comes from the heat can bring happiness” “\Whae’ ambition fom the heare” “Ambition from the hea is pure, Iecompetes with ro one and harms no one. In fet it serves one in such sway tha it serves thers atthe same time” “How? This is where we can learn fiom the apple tee,” Medlin ssid, gesturing above him. “Ie has become bandsome and fally mature, beating fine uit, which is gives feey to all The more apples people pik, che mare the tee grows and the more beauifil it becomes. “This tree is doing exacly whar apple ees are meant :o do—fulilling ie potential co the benefit ofall. The same applies to people when they have ambition from. the ear.” "But," objected the knight, “if st around all day iving away free apples, I wouldnt own a classy castle and beable co trade in lst yea’ hore for anew one.” "You, lke most people, want to have lors of nice things, but iis necessary o separate ned from greed.” Tell chat to wife who wants a castle in a better neighborhood,” retorted the knight with a grunt ‘Alook of amusement Mickered across Merlin fice "You could pick theve apples and sell some of them to pay for a new castle and horse. Then you could give away the apples you do not need so that others could bbe nourished.” Seshing hiss igh col gx cenhng ac “ying io myown bak seit ite. “Homes ngs ee ce they would aot have to ayn one, ro PF SM wuld and il moreover ae cpa prs oes ming around to Cy ned el 8 he ea * Std, “You mean I by having roots and Frightening, bur then agin, he had already lost every~ thing, #0 what did he have co lose? “Brom this moment on, my ambition will come from the hear” he pledged. As the knight spoke these words, both the easle and Merlin disappeared, and the knight found himself bac om the Path of Tauth with Rebecca and Squiee Running alongside the path was a sparkling brook. “Thirsey, he Knee to drink from it. When he saw his teflection in the water, he gasped. The armor that had ccvered his arms and legs had rusted and fallen way, and his beard was long once more, Evidently, the Castle of Knowledge, like the Castle of Silence, had play vicks with time. The knight contemplated this rather odd phenomenon and soon realized Merlin had been right. Time does pass quickly when one is licen- ing to oneself. He recollected how often time had dragged on and on when he was depending on others soil With all his armor gone except fr the breastplate, the knight fle lighter and youngee than he hal in years, He also found chat he liked himself beer than hae had in years Pressing forward with the brisk sep of a young, suan, he seared out for che Castle of Will and Dating, Rebecca fying above him and Squizrel scrambling at his heels Cuarren Six The Castle of Will and Daring B: dwn th next dy, the unlikely tio came to the final cate. Ie was eller than the hn wo and its walls loked thicker. Confident he wexld be able pase through this case at well she nighe immediately eared aco the deewbrdge ‘hen they were halfvay actos, the doe to the castle few open and out lumbered huge, menacing, fee breathing deagon with shiny geen soe Shocked, the hight stopped dead in his racks He bad seen some dragons in his time, hue this one beat them all Ie was enotmous, and flames roared no only ‘out ofits mouth—as was the case with any run-of- the-mill dragon —but aso out of ng eyes and cats, Ty rake mates worse, the fants were blue This dragon ‘ad 2 high bucane content. The knight automatically reached for bis sword, bue his hand fll away empey. He began to tremble. In Aces anecognizable voice, the knight called ony to Metta for help, but much to his dismay, the magician didnt appeae, ibe cone he “hat psn? Wi won he cme” signed pathy wee gd Stan ome mons “tnt oad Su eff ot he ns a, a Se — ae “Se mean otnary gos” red ; eeepc pumeeenen sie reeetaete laity Gece Summoning his sone loudest wie: be sh See = ‘tions, a knowing what to do next, the knight stalled for ee "What are you doing in the Castle of Will vet he Dagon Fe sD, Ca 1. “He's usvaly prety 6 ‘The knighe had to admit this deagon was well named. Fear and doubt were precisely what he was Feeling ac the moment. ‘The dragon raised its head high. “Tm here to ‘knock offal you smart alecks who think you can lick anybody just because you've been through the Castle of Knowledge.” Rebecca whispered in the knights ear, “Medlin ‘nce said that elPknowledge can Kill dhe Dragon of Fear and Doubs.” “Do you believe that” the knight whispered back, “ve? “Then you take on tae jolly green flane thrower!” he ried, pushing her off his shoulder. Then he whidled and quickly retrated across the drawbridge “Ho, ho, ho! bellowed the dragon criumphanty, the lat ho" neat igniting the seat of the knights ans, “Ate you quiting after youve come this far?” Suite! called our as the knighe brushed spatks from his backside “I donit know” the knight shor back, huifing and puting, “Ive become used to some litle luxuries Tike ting!” Sam chimed in, “How can you live with yourself if you donc have the will and daring to test your self. Iknowiedge?” ‘The knighe rolled his yes, "Not you again, So you belive ie co? You think ehatselPknowledge ean kill this dragon?” “Cercainly, Sel-knowledge is ruth, and you know what they say: ‘Truth is mightier than the sword.” “Tino they say that, but has anybody ever proved ic and lived?” quibbled the knight As soon as he uttered chese words, the knight remembered he didn’t need to prove anything. He ‘was hom good, kind, and loving, Therefore, he didale hhave to fel fear and doubs. The dragon was only an ilusion. He screeched co a hale so abruptly tat Squitel, ho was tight behind, almose cn into him. Turning, the knight looked back across the drawbridge. ‘The ‘monster was pawing the ground and setting fire lazily ‘to some nearby bushes, apparently to keepin practice, Realizing the dragon existed only if he believed i did, the knight rook a deep breath and slowly marched back over the drawbridge, ‘The dragon, of course, came out to meet the Knight again, snorting and spitting fie. This time, however the knight continued marching forwed. His ‘courage soon began co met, as did his beard, from the intense heat of dhe dragons fame. With a ery of far ‘and anguish, he cued once agin and can Lening out a mighty laugh, the dragon shot a stream of seating fame atthe retreating knight. With howl of psi, che knight fled across the drawbridge with Squirrel and Rebecea close behind him, Sporting 4 stvall brook, he quickly plunged his scorched seat imo the cool wate, quenching the lames witha his. Squirrel and Rebecca stood on the bank trying to comfort him. "You were very brave,” said Squirel, “Not ad for a irs uy.” added Rebecca. ‘Astonished, the knight looked up ftom where he “What do you mean fire tye" Squirrel said. manerof fact, "Youll do. beter when you go back the second time.” “The knight shook a finger angrily a is Furry com- panion. “You go back a second tim” “Remember, the dragon was only an illsion,” sid Rebecca. “And the fre coming out of its mouth? Was chat anillsion roo?” “Right,” che pigeon replied. “That was an illusion "Then why am T sitting in this brook with ‘burned behind?” demanded the knight. "Because you made the fire real by believing that the dragon i ral,” explained Rebece. “Ifyou believe the Dragon of Fear and Douibs is real, you give it the power «9 buen your behind —or anything els,” sid Squite “Theyre right." added Sam. “You have ca go back and face the dragon once and for all.” “The knight fle cornered, Ie was the agsinst one. (Or rather, ie was two and a half againse a half, for the Sam half of the knight agreed with Sqoierel and Rebecca, while the other half wanted to stayin che brook. ‘As the knight grappled with his flagging courage, hae heard Sam say, "God gave man courage. Courage gives God to man.” “The knight was Bustered, angry, ancl embarrasted. “Tim tired of igring out whac dings mean, 1d much rather just st here and forget abou i” “Look,” Sam said encouraging! “if you faze the Aragon, there's a chance ic will esuoy you, but if you dani face the dragon, i will surely destroy you.” “Decisions are simple when there's no alternative,” snapped the knight. Reluctantly he struggled to his feet, took a deep breath, and once again started across the drawbridge, ‘The dragon looked up ia disbelief This was cer tainly a stubborn fellow. “Back again?” it snorced. “Wel, sis ime Um realy going 10 make you bura!” But a different knight was marching roward the dragon now—a knight who chanted over and over, “Fear and doubt are illusions, Fear and doubt are illsions.” "The dragon hurled gigantic, ersckling lames 2 the ‘knight again and again, but ts ire bolts had no effect. ‘As the knight continued co approach, the dragon i | | i | ‘became smaller and smaller until ie was finally 10 bigger than a frog. Is ame extinguished, i began to spit small seeds at the knight. But these sceds—the Seeds of Doulbt didn't stop the knight either The ddagon grew even smaller. The kaight sised his arms in eeiumph, “Tve won!” he shouted In tiny voice che dragon hissed, “Perhaps this time, but Tl be back again and again to stand in your way” With that, i vanished in 2 pu of blue smoke. “Come back whenever you want," the knight called fier it mockingly. “Each time you do, I'l be stronger and youll be weaker” Rebecca landed on the knight's shoulder. "You see? I was right. SelPlnowledge cen defeat the Dragon of Fear and Doubt.” “IE you truly believed that, why didae you march ‘up to the dragon with me?” asked the knight, na longer feling inferior to his feahered fiend, Rebecca fluffed her feathers, "T didale want 0 ieee. ls your tip.” ‘Amused, the knighe continued toward the Castle cof Will and Daring. When he reached the entrance, the castle suddenly disappeared, Sam explained, “You dont have to learn will and daring, because you've just shown that you already have them.” “The night threw back hi head and laughed with pure joy: Looking ahead, he could sce the top of she ‘mountain, The path appeared to he much steeper than ied been, but ie didn’ mace Nothing could stop (Cuarrer Seven The Summit of Truth Te by inch, hand over hand, the knight climbed, is fingers cuc and bleeding from the sharp rocks ‘When he was almost ro the top, his path was blocked by 2 huge bouldes. Not surprisingly, ic had an inscip- “The night was to abated wo overcome this final Inu. How was he to daspher the inscription while nging to the side of the mount? Ie seemed impos sible, bu be knew he had to ey. Squire and Rebeca ‘were tempted © offer chee sympathy: hove, hey knew ha sympathy can weaken a human being “The knight oka deep breath, which helped clear hishead. Then he read the asta lines of he inscrp- tion aloud: “fr I anno: know the unknown if othe known I ding” Hie considered some of the knowns to which he had been clinging all his if. There was hie identity — ‘yho he thought he was and who he thought he wasnt. ‘There were his belieft—those chings he though were true and those he thought were file. And there were his judgments—the things he held as good and those lhe held as bad, ‘The knight looked up at che boulder, and a hotri- fing thought entered his mind The tock co which he ‘was clinging for deat life was also known im, ‘Would he have to let go and fll into the abys of the unknown? "Youive figured i out, Knight," said Sam, “You have to lee go." “The aight’ eyes grew wide with alarm, “What are you trying to do? Kil both of us?” he yelled at Sam “Actually, were dying right now," Sam answered calmly. “Take a look at yoursel, Youre so chin you could slip under a doos, and you're full of stress and fear” “Tim not nearly as afraid as | used to be.” “If cha’ the case then lee go—and ers.” “Trust whom" the knight retorted hotly. He wanted no more of Sami philosophy. “Is nota shor,” Sam replied, “Is an il” aa "Yes, life, the force, the universe, God— ‘whatever you want to cll.” n ‘The knight pesred over his shoulder and looked clown atthe apparently bottomless chasm below, “Let go,” Sam whispered urgently. “The knight seemed to have no choice. He was los ing stength with every passing second, and the cuts fn his fingers were geting deeper the longer he hung ‘onto the rock. Believing dha he was going to die, he lt 0. Down, down he plunged, ino the iafinite depeh of his memoric, He recalled all the things in his life for which he hhad blamed his mother, his father, his teachers, his “wife, his son, his fiends, and everyone ele, Ashe fll deeper ino the void, helt go of all the judgments that fhe had made agains them Faster and faster he plummeted, giddy as his mind descended into his heart. Then, forthe fist time, he ‘sw his life clearly, without judgment or excuses. In tha instant, he accepted fll responsibility for his lif, for dhe influence that people had had om it, and fr the events that had shaped it From this moment on, he would no longer blame his mistakes and misforcunes on anyone o¢ anything, ‘outside himself The recognition that he was the cause, not the effet, gave him anew feeling of power. He was snow unafiid ‘Ac an unfamiliar sense of calm overtook him, 3 strange thing happened. He began to fall apeand! Tnpossible ati seemed, he was falling up, up, out of the abyss! At the same time, he stil fle connected co the deepest pare of i. In fact, he fle connected to che very center of the earth. He continued filling higher and highes, knowing thar he was joined with both heaven and earth, ‘Suddenly he found himself xanding on top of the mountain. Smiling, the Knighe understood the fll meaning ofthe instiption on the boulder. He had lee go ofall hac he had feared and all vat he had known and posses. His willingness to embrace the unknown bad set him fie. Now the universe was his to experience and enjoy. "The knight stood on the mountaintop, breaching deeply. An overwhelming sense of welhbeing swept through him. le grew dizzy from the enchantment of secing, hearing, and feeling the universe all around him. Before, fea ofthe unkown had dulled his sens- «but now he was able to experience everything with breathcaking clarity. The warm of the afternoon sun, the miclady of the gentle mountain breeze, and the beaury of mazar’ shapes and colors that painted the landscape as far as his eyes could see filled him wich indescribable plesture. His heart overflowed with love—for himself, for Juliet and Christopher, for Mein, fo Squire! and Rebecca for lf self, and for she entire wondrous world Squire! and Rebecca watched the knight drop to his knees, rears of gratitude flowing from his eyes. T B early died from the tears U eft unshed, be though. The tears poured dwn his cheeks, chrough his beard, and ‘onto his breasplate. Because they cume from his heart, the tears were extraordinarily hot and quickly melted away the ist of ‘The lnight cried out with joy. No longer would he don his armor and rde off in all directions. No longer would people see the shining reflection of steel and think cha the sun was sing in the west of seting in the eat, He smiled hough his eas, unaware that a radi- ant new light now shone from him—a light fir brighter and more beausifil than his armor a its pol ished bex—sparkling like a brook, glowing like che moon, dazaing like the sun. For indeed, the knight war the brook. He war the ‘moon. Hee war the sun, He could be all these things and more, because he was one with the universe, He was love The Beginning TrastYourse to This Fun, Inepaional Book and Discover Howto Find Happiness and Seventy No Mater What Life Dishes Out The Dragon Slayer With a Heavy Heart The new book by bostaling author Harca Powers promos to be one ofthe most rnportant youl ver Tad-and one of he Most tteraining.uptting nd rmorable. ‘brings the Serenity Prayer—inhch for year hasbeen the Ign of t2step programa worldvidowte mveryone and teaches ‘Semotins things happen we wieh had. Sometimes things dont happen we wih woul. to course of ving, problems aise, BoP bg and smal. We might wish our pat had been afferent or hat we could be diferent. We stroggle though sleappointments and ‘rustatons, tosses and other part experiences. “As hard as we may ty to be song, to have a good atitude, nolo let ings get us down, we cont always succeed, We get upset. We wor. We fal stressed. We get dogressec. We get angry. We do the best we can and walt fr things fo get better so we can fel beer. In the meantime, ou hears may gro heavy... ethaps vey hey. "Thats wist happened fo Duke the Dragon Slayer. In Yack. his heart grew so heavy sth a that was wrong wth al that was no the ‘way thoul be, wih a thet was unfa, tat he Became dospeste to ligten ond et forth onthe Path of Serenity to find aut how. “Accompany Dule on Bis ife

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