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Digital Electronics/ Digital System Design / Digital Circuits and Systems -1

Assignment 2
Note: - Copied Assignment will attract negative marking
Write on A4 sheets and after scanning convert into pdf.
Name of the file should be DE_assig_roll no.
Submission Deadline – 25th Oct. 2020 by 6 pm.
Submission platform – LMS
Q1. Implement BCD to seven segment decoder (common anode) using 4 line to
16 line decoder.

Q2. Implement Q4 of assignment 1(traffic light problem) with the help of

suitable Multiplexer.

Q3. Convert T flip flop to SR flipflop. Perform simulation for the same and
support it with circuit diagram and results. For simulation use D flipflop IC
(7474) and then convert it to T flip flop and then use this converted T flip flop.
Do not simulate for 11 condition.

Q4. For the following circuit (shift register) no external inputs are used. Assume
that 1011 stored in it (x3 = 1, x2 = 0, x1=1, x0=1). List the sequence of states
that the FFs go through as eight shift pulses are applied.

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