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In Republic act No.

9163 section 2 the declaration of policy, in which it stated there that the prime duty of
government is to serve and protect its citizens. In return, the citizens must oblige and it’s their responsibility to
defend the security of the state and in fulfillment so therefore the government require each citizen to render
personal trainings neither in military nor ROTC. Moving on, the government recognize the role of the youth
towards nation building it is because We the young generations is the future of our nation. With that we can
do what is right and somehow it will be for the common goods of everyone. Each of us have an ability to help
those people who are really in needs and this is actually one of our responsibility as a Filipino citizen.
Nevertheless, we the youths have a vital role in nation building that pertaining to protect and maintain our
cultural heritage that possess a development towards the country.

Recognizing the youth’s vital role in nation-building, the State shall promote civic consciousness among the
youth and shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the
youth patriotism, nationalism, and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. More so these will help
the government to build a strong nation to defend against any terrorist that may encounter along the way. In
NSTP youths are well trained to be able ready to response when there is a tragedy or calamities might occur. At
some point we the youths are strong if we are united in one goal which means to say we need to participate in
every activities or programs that the community have or been implemented. In addition, we the young
generations is a great asset to what the country’s future may be. And in order to achieve that as a youth we
should put our responsibilities into an action, in which we need to be always aware on the things that happen
in our community. And most importantly is we should stand our role that we play in nation building.
Furthermore, government must give equal opportunities to each citizen for them to be not left behind.

Graduates of the ROTC shall form part of the Citizens’ Armed Force, pursuant to Republic Act No. 7077. The
graduates are obliged to serve their community and to use the learnings that they gained during their
trainings. They are expected to share and be part of the said citizen’s armed forced to protect the nation.
Nevertheless, the graduates of NSTP they are capable of implementing some community activities or
programs that base from they have acquired. With this, other young generations would love to participate for
them to unable to enhance their skills and talents. Moreover, the graduates are highly advantage when it
terms of preparedness because they already have the knowledge and idea on how to respond or act when
there is a disaster or any phenomena. That is why as a youth we need to be active in the community including
attending seminars, orientation and other programs.

Written by: _____ Sanugan, Ivy C.

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