Hubungan Reaksi Hipersensitifitas Tipe 1 Dengan Fenomena Anafilaksis Dan Atopi - Cover

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HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................... i
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................ ii

A. Latar belakang................................................................................. 1
B. Rumusan masalah............................................................................ 2
C. Tujuan penelitian............................................................................. 2
D. Manfaat penelitian........................................................................... 2


A. Hipersensitivitas.............................................................................. 3
B. Klasifikasi Hipersensitivitas............................................................ 4
C. Penyebab Hipersensitivitas.............................................................. 7
D. Anafilaksis....................................................................................... 8
E. Atopi................................................................................................ 8


A. Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Type-1...................................................... 9
B. Kerja antibodi IgE sebagai respons terhadap antigen...................... 10
C. Mekanisme Th2 dan sel T-Helper pensekresi IL-4......................... 12
D. Reseptor FC spesifik pada sel mast................................................. 13
E. Mekanisme reaksi anafilaksis.......................................................... 15
F. Mekanisme reaksi atopik................................................................. 16


A. Kesimpulan ..................................................................................... 18

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................. iii

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