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1 1. OSH Learning Circles Zamboanga (10) and Ipil (10) Oriented on OSH and current situations
QUARTER Youth Assignment in preparation for the next
session: Advocacy Material

2. OSH Bridging Leaders Zamboanga (10) and Ipil (10) Instill OSH as an advocacy
Youth Assignment: Finalize advocacy plan and

3. Preparation of OSH advocacy materials Zamboanga (10) and Ipil (10) Materials to be used for presentation in
Youth the communities and potential

4. Meeting with DOLE-IX DOLE Officials (particularly To get DOLE onboard the program and
those assigned to monitor OSH) commitment in bringing OSH to the

5. Meeting with DOLE and Other Partners DOLE Officials and Other To involve partners in the program for
Partner Agencies stronger collaboration and identify
possible counterpart

2nd 6. Meeting with LGU Concerned with DOLE Barangay Officials, Community To get the support and commitment of the
QUARTER & Partners Leaders (e.g. elders, tribe LGU and the informal leaders in the
leaders) community

7. OSH Learning Circles for Barangay Barangay Officials, Community Oriented on OSH and current situations
Officials & Community Leaders Leaders (e.g. elders, tribe

8. OSH Bridging Leaders for Barangay Barangay Officials, Community Instill OSH as an advocacy
Officials & Community Leaders Leaders (e.g. elders, tribe
3rd 9. Tara! OSHAP Tayo! Dialogue with Young Young fisherfolks and families To make young fisherfolks aware and
QUARTER Fisherfolks and Families conscious of the current reality and the
(Session 1: Reality Scanning) threats it poses both in the personal and
social level

10. Tara! OSHAP Tayo! Dialogue with Young Young fisherfolks and families To inform and educate the young
Fisherfolks and Families fisherfolks and their families about OSH in
(Session 2: OSH Introduction) the workplace and the opportunities it
offers them both in the personal and
social level

4th 11. Tara! OSHAP Tayo! Dialogue with Young Young fisherfolks and families To encourage young fisherfolks and their
QUARTER Fisherfolks and Families families to become OSH advocates
(Session 3: OSH Advocates) themselves

12. Tara! OSHAP Tayo! Dialogue with Young Young fisherfolks and families To allow young fisherfolks and their
Fisherfolks and Families families to look at OSH in a new
(Session 4: OSH and Beyond) perspective – as a way of life

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