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Both roosters and hens have combs and waddles, but those on the male are prominent

Rooster tail feathers are often longer, fuller, and pointed

Hen tail feathers are rounded

Both roosters and hens have spurs, but those on the male are more prominent


You can tell if a pig is a male or a female by noticing from which part of the body the urine is coming.
The stream comes from the rear end under the tail it is a female. It comes from the belly between the
legs if the pig is a male.


• Rams are larger than ewes in their size and weight.

• Rams are useful for people in many ways including as a source of meat, wool, and for working
purposes, as well. However, ewes are mainly raised for meat and milk production.

• Ewes have vulva as their externally appeared of the reproductive system while rams have their penis
and scrotum.

• The sexual maturity takes place in rams around six to eight months from birth while it happens earlier
in ewes (four to six months).

• The males usually have horns but females rarely have horns. The horned breeds in both males and
females, rams have long and curved horns while those are small and short in ewes.


A female goat has an anus and a second opening below the anus. This second opening is the vagina,
which is the opening of the birth canal through which her kids are born. Since male goats do not give
birth, they only have an anal opening and, below that, their reproductive organs.


A bull has a large football-shaped sac hanging down between his hind legs . They also have a sheath or
hairy prepuce on their underline (right in the middle of the belly and parallel to the ground; this area is
called the navel) where their penis is housed.

A cow has an udder which is a pink bag-like organ that has four teats that generates milk for a young calf
to drink. Cows typically are smooth from the head all the way down to the tailhead, with no shoulder
crests (like bulls have) and not as much muscling around the shoulders and hips like bulls do.

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