C0033 93

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Af] Pesianavin: 3-99 Standard Specification tor Concrete Aggregates hu aren her gerd ew ees ee Drm of Dente Cena he Da ade Sec ond Sand fre pea neh a ben aed ye Bra of Dee, 1 Scope 1.1 This specification defines the requirements fr grading and qualiy of fine and coarse aggregate (other than light weight or heavyweight aggregate) for use im concrete" 1.2 This specification may be used by a contractor, «concrete supplier. oF other purchaser 3s pat of the purchase document describing the matenal to be Fucnished, latory mavens fr mest coer sb Fcopnid tat for ee sft ev'in ceria ron itmay be ehiter to es see ae fede For eampie bere sees te ipo, mare tee Ua) te comieedteparing impure tha would Sa he onc arte The specie hold acenain ta teste specie ne team be made aval nthe wea ofthe wars ih ep to Fading pvc or chemvcalpoperies or comination here 1.3 This specification may also be referenced in project Ssnecifcations 10 define the quality of aggregate, the nominal ‘maxinium sizeof the aggregate, and other specific grading quirements. Those responsible for selecting the proportions for the conecete mitre shall have the fesponsiiliy of detezmining the proportions of fine and coarse agregate and the addition of blending agerepate sizes if required or approved 14 Gnas of Measurement 18.1 Wu regard (o sieve sizes and the sizeof aggregate as determined by ibe use of tesung sieves, the values ia inch-pound units are’shown for the convenience of the user, Ihowescr. the standard sieve designation shoven in pare ‘thees isthe standard value as sated in Speciation E 11 13.2 With repaid (0 other unis of measure, the valves Slated in inch pound units ae to be regarded as standard 2, Referenced Documents 21 ASTM Siandants (C29/C 29M Test Method for Unit Weight and Voids in ‘Aparepat? (C40 Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Agere fates fr Concrete! (C41 Test Method for Elec of Organi Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mona” Unt pieiou ener ehh -sse ns Oona seh gee Spsenny CN C92 dod C20 ft ana ako ST Saad Vo 08 88 Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesivm Sulfate? C147 Test Method for Materials Finer than 7Sum (No, 200) Sieve in Minerab Aggregates by Washing? 123 Test Method for Lightweight Pleces in Aggregate? © 125 Terminology Relating to Conetele and Concrete Aggregates CAM Test Method for Resistance 19 Degradation of ‘Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact i the Los Angeles Machine? (C136 Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates C12 Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Panicles in Aggregates? C227 Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-agarepate Combinations (Morta-Bar Methou)? € 289 Tesi Method for Potential Reactivity of Aggreates (Chesicat Method? © 295 Guide for Ptrograpuc Examination of Aggregates for Conerere™ 330 Specification or Lightweight Aggregate for Struc: tural Concrete? C331 Specification for Lighuweight Aguregaes for Con: czeie Masonry Unit € 332 Specification for Lightweight Aggreguies for Ins lating Concrete? C.M2 Test Method for Potential Volume Change of Cement-Aggregate Combinations? €525 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Sie Coarse Aggrezate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine? 586 Test Method for Potenisl Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks for Concrete aggregates (Rock Cyl Inder Meihod) (C637 Specification for Aggregates for Radiation Shielding Concrete? 638 Descriptive Nomenclatuse of Consttveis of Aggre: {gates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete? 666 Test Method for Resistance ef Concrete to Rapid Freczing and Thawing? 75 Practice for Sampling Agarcpates* 1D 3665 Practice for Randoms Suinpling of Construction Material E 11 Specification for Wive Citi Sieves far Testing Pur- poses! h c33 3. Terminology 3.1 For definitions of terms used inthis standard. refer to Terminology C 125 4, Ordering and Specifying Information 41 The direct pucchaser of aggregates shall include the information in 4.2 in the purchase order as applicable. A project specifier shall include in the project documents Information to desribe the aggregate to be used in the project Irom the anplieable iter in 43. PS include. in the pechase.orler fOr aggregates the following inforinavon, 38 plicable 1" Reference to this specification, 35 C 33 122 Whether the order fot fine aprregte orf coaree sygreate 12) Quantity, sm tons of metic tons (Nate 2) 2:4 When the order is for fine sparesate Whether the optional grading n 6.2 applic 13 Whether the restrition om Feacive: materials in 73 spnles 3 ln dhe cate of the sulfate soundness test (8.1) which salt isto be used. I none is stated, ether salt may be used, The appropriate limit for material finer than NO. 200 seve (Table t). If mot sated, the 3.0 % limit shall apply. 28 The appropriate limit for coat snd Hite (Table 1 If ot stated, the 1.0% mit shall apply, “4255 When the order i for coarse aggrenate 4.51 The grading (size number) (LU and Table 2), oF erate gsnding as. agreed between the purchaser and earegate supplier 412:5.2 The clas designation (11.1 and Table 3 4.253 Whether the restriction on reactive materials in V2 apie. 112.54 In the case ofthe sulfate soundness test (Table 3), isto he aed If none is sated ether salt may be whi tied aed {136 Any exceptions or additions to this specification (see Nove 1 Sone 2—The weigh shoal he deerme a8 one in the Raina ssi ining ny otra more prevent No water shouldbe ade She hme ot oading 43 Include in project specifications for aggregates the following information, 35 aplicable 31 Reference to this specification, as C33 {432 When the aggregate being described is ine apgreaate: race Rect apa mvesnd io esse Whether the ressietion on reactive material in 7.3 apni, 43.2.2 In the cage ofthe sulfate soundnes test (8.1) which salt sto be used, Ifnone ie stated, either salt may be used 14.2.3 The appropriate limit for material finer than the No, 200 seve (Table 1). Ufnot state, the 3.0 % limit shal Apply, and “632-4 The limit that applies with regard to coal and lignite (Fable 1). not sated. the 1.0 % tims shall apply. 4.3.3 When the aggregate being described is coarse spare: sate "13.3.1 The nominal maximum size or sles permite, based om thickness of section or spacing of reinforcing bats fof other criteria. In lieu of stating the nominal mavimvin five he specifier may designate an appropriate sie nomber for numbers (10 | and Table 2) Designation of size umber fo indicate.a. nominal sire shall not restrict the person fespansible for selecting proportions from combining two or fore gradings of apazepate 10 cbsain a desired. gradi, provided that the gradings are not otherwise restricted by the project specifier and the nominal maximum sie indicated by the size number fs nov exceeded, 4.33.2 The cass designation (11.1 and Table 3): 413.33 Whether the resteietion on reactive materials in 10.3 applies. {11.3 In the cate of the sulfate soundness tet (Table, which salt sto he aed, W'none is stated, either salt may be used, 103.35 The person responsible for selecting the concrete proportions if ote than the concrete producer, and THN Any exceptions oF additions to this speciation (ee Note I) FINE. AGGREGATE 5, General Character ‘5. Fine segregate shall consist of natural sand, manufac tured sand. of a combination thereo 6. Grading 6.1 Sieve snoysis—Fine apgreate, except 38 provided in 6.2.63, and 6-4, shall be graded within the following limits Seve ieecvon FI) ‘ee Ta Na 44 See ‘$310 100 Ne teen tats Io Beet ‘owns Nee tiemt| Seo Netto sem) 3810 6.2 The minimum percent shown above for material passing the No. $0 (300m) and No, 100 (180-xm) sieves may be reduced to and 0, respectively, ifthe aggregate ito be used in air-enrained conerete contsining more than 400 1 of cement per eubie yard (237 kgm) of in nonait- tenrained concrete containing more than $00 tb of cement per cubic yard (297 kya) oe if an approved mineral imistre is use Io supply the defiieney in perceat puss Thane Mewes, Airmail concrete i here eonsirrt 10 Be Conceete chotaiing, airentaining cement of an ain training spent and having am ait eoetent of more than 3%

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