Elms Assessment Part 1 Instructions: Use The Numbers 1-5 To Arrange The Steps in Inserting A Youtube Video To Your Blog

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Fevie Joy E.

Rufino ABM202-A

eLMS Assessment Part 1

Use the numbers 1-5 to arrange the steps in inserting a YouTube video to your blog.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

eLMS Assessment Part 2

Write an essay about the questions below with no more than seven (7) sentences in a
 How were you able to execute and accomplish the outputs needed for the SHS Expo?
 Were you satisfied with the authentic products you made? Why?
 In what way did you benefit in implementing the SHS Expo?
 How would you possibly apply this in the future?


Before the day of expo, I expected that there are lots of requirements to do to showcase
the product that we have working on since then. I was able to accomplish the outputs that
needed applying time management to accomplish every task and requirements that are needed
for the expo. Doing it as early as it could be to make it done as soon as possible so that, before
the day of expo, there are no more worries to think and to be concern of. Expo is not an expo
without the product that we need to showcase, so we work hard in making those just to make a
satisfying taste and also to add some twist on it. I am so satisfied with the product because we
have accomplished in making the product with the twist and the flavor that we add suites in our
product well. I have benefit in implementing the SHS Expo in a way of having a great
experience where I can learn and also to have fun at the same time. The expo was the event
where I can apply what I have learned in the future. Just like on how encouraging the students
or the consumer to buy such product. I am a business student and that learning will be treasure
and keep in mind until the time comes that I will have my own business.
Novee Marie Escalada ABM202-A

eLMS Assessment Part 1

Use the numbers 1-5 to arrange the steps in inserting a YouTube video to your blog.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

eLMS Assessment Part 2

Write an essay about the questions below with no more than seven (7) sentences in a
 How were you able to execute and accomplish the outputs needed for the SHS Expo?
 Were you satisfied with the authentic products you made? Why?
 In what way did you benefit in implementing the SHS Expo?
 How would you possibly apply this in the future?

I have able to execute because I am not alone, I am with my group mates to do the
outputs. The task was easily done because we have the teamwork and unity that able us to do
anything in the right and enough time before the expo. The product we made satisfies me
because the taste of our product was good and the students or visitors said so. We’ve been
working so hard and make me proud that I have accomplished such product. The expo will
serve as the best moments in my life that will leave me lessons to be learn to apply in the future
when needed. I apply this by recalling the times that we did in the expo. All the difficulties that
we have encounter and the learning will keep in mind and apply on the future.

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