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Daily Activities

Every morning I wake up at half past five in the morning. Then I always do Shubuh
prayer. after that I take a shower in the bathroom. When I finished bathing, I returned to my
room and chose the clothes I would wear today. Then I wear the clothes, and wear makeup.
Then I have breakfast with my family. after finishing, around 6 o'clock I prepare to go to
college. The preparation starts from wearing a jacket, socks, masks, gloves, etc. I also
checked my motorcycle, whether it was in good condition and whether the gasoline was
sufficiently charged for the trip to campus. The preparations that I did were quite complete
because the distance between my home and the campus was quite far, about 21 kilometers,
and took about 1 hour to travel. And then I put on my shoes, checked my luggage and said
goodbye to my parents, not forgetting to kiss both of their hands.

I arrive at campus around 7 in the morning. Then I park my bike in the parking lot.
Then I head to the classroom. This morning's course is English. The lecturer is Mr. Yaddy.
English courses are held every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Before starting the class
there is always an opening ceremony. The material taught every week is to talk about tenses.
Usually Mr. Yaddy explains the material first and then discusses the house assignments he
had given last week, then gave new assignments to students. The class ends with a closing
ceremony. Then it's Time for a break, around 30 minutes before the next class. the next class
is an introduction to business. The lecturer is Mrs. Dyah. The usual activities during the
learning process are presentations and work on questions from the book. Business
introduction classes are held every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

After all classes are over I usually head to the mosque to do the Dhuhr prayer. Then I
go straight to the parking lot, and go home. Arriving at home around 2 pm, I usually change
clothes and have lunch, then go to bed. I wake up around 4 pm, then I go take a shower and
perform Asr prayer. Then at 4:30 pm until sunset, I used to fund and play with my sister.
Around 5.30 I performed the Maghrib prayer. after that I immediately have dinner with
family. Then I continued my activities by studying and doing assignments. Around 9 pm I
stopped studying and tidied my books and put them in my bag. Then I do evening prayers and
go to sleep.

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