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1. Look at the image and match together the firs action with the second one.

1. g 2. e 3. h 4. a 5.i 6.d 7.j 8.b 9.f 10.c

2. Match the words with a synonym.

1. A thief goes into your house through a A. Murder

2. A child steals a chocolate bar from a B. Hijacking
3. A police officer shoots and kills an C. Fraud
unarmed teenager who refused to
obey him.
4. A terrorist group takes over an D. Burglary
airplane and changes its course.
5. A dishonest lawyer charges a client for E. Shoplifting
more hours of work than he really did.

3. Complete the following receipt with these partitives or quantifiers and give it a chronological order: A bar, Some, Much, A
little bit, a pinch of.

____5___ A. Take a ____pinch of__________ white sugar and spread it on the cake to decorate it.
___1__ B. You must make a mix of flour and baking powder, and mix it while you add ___a bar____ of butter.
____3___ C. To give it texture you have to include _____a little bit____ of milk.
____2___ D. Add to the mixture __some______ eggs, not so many.
____4___ E. Shake the mix and put it into a recipient that you previously covered with butter. Not __much_____ because that
will avoid the mixture to cling.

4. Rewrite these sentences into Passive voice:

A. Maria eats a piece of cake ___A piece of cake is eaten by Maria_______________________________

B. She bought a car last month ____A car was bought last month by she_____________________________
C. I have written some poems ____Some poems have been written by me ____________________________
D. They played some songs _______Some song were played by them _______________________________
E. My mother cooks some cakes on Friday ____Some cakes are cooked on Friday by my mother____________________

5. Write an idea to complete these ones by using past perfect.

A. _____The photos had appeared___________ when I arrived there, they were granted.
B. She moved to Canada but, __she hadn’t learned english..__________________________
C. They entered into the room, _before they had heard a sound._______________________
D. ______I had watched a film___________, when the door was opened.

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