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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1999) 51: 229±234 Ó Springer-Verlag 1999


M. A. Kacena á G. A. Merrell á B. Manfredi

E. E. Smith á D. M. Klaus á P. Todd

Bacterial growth in space ¯ight: logistic growth curve parameters

for Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis

Received: 27 February 1998 / Received revision: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 3 September 1998

Abstract Previous investigations have reported that laboratory conditions (Mattoni et al. 1971; Mesland
bacterial suspension cultures grow to higher stationary 1987; Mennigmann and Lange 1988; Klaus et al. 1994,
concentrations in space ¯ight than on Earth; however, 1997). Mennigmann and Lange (1988) found that
none of these investigations included extensive ground B. subtilis suspension cultures grown in space had an
controls under varied inertial conditions. This study increase in growth rate and total biomass yield. Also,
includes extensive controls and cell-growth data taken at Klaus et al. (1997) found that E. coli, cultivated in space,
several times during lag phase, log phase, and stationary had a cell population that was an average of 88% higher
phase of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. The than controls. Several of these studies were performed in
Marquardt-Levenberg, least-squares ®tting algorithm the same ¯ight hardware as used in the experiments
was used to calculate kinetic growth parameters from described below, and the E. coli strain was identical.
the logistic bacterial growth equations for space-¯ight However, Bouloc and D'Ari (1991) reported no di€er-
and control growth curves. Space-¯ight cultures grew to ences in ¯ight and ground E. coli bacterial cell biomass
higher stationary-phase concentrations and had shorter concentrations.
lag-phase durations. Also, evidence was found for in- Most of these earlier investigations did not include
creased exponential growth rate in space. extensive ground-control cultures modeling various ¯uid
and inertial conditions nor were data collected several
times throughout the growth cycle of the bacterial cul-
Introduction tures. Therefore, the current study includes both exten-
sive control culture conditions and cell-growth data
Microgravity research o€ers an opportunity to investi- taken several times throughout the growth cycle of B.
gate the relative roles of di€usion and metabolic rate in subtilis and E. coli. The space-¯ight and control data
biomass synthesis in the absence of any convective were analyzed on the basis of the logistic bacterial
forces, such as agitation which is normally provided to growth equation (Bailey and Ollis 1986). This analysis
keep cells suspended and sedimentation that moves cells technique, along with high-precision, baseline laborato-
through fresh medium but ultimately crowds them at the ry data, aids the determination of the kinetic parameters
bottom of the vessel. Therefore, the objective of this for both B. subtilis and E. coli when grown in space, even
research was to develop a complete set of experimental with limited data. According to this analysis, cultures in
growth curves for Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis space ¯ight grew to higher ®nal cell concentrations (cs)
under varying inertial conditions including microgravity. with apparently increased growth rates (l) during com-
Investigations of the growth of bacteria in space ¯ight parable exponential growth periods (te), and had ap-
have generally reported higher ®nal cell concentrations parently shorter lag periods (tl).
in space ¯ight than under normal unit-gravity (1 g)

Materials and methods

M. A. Kacena á G. A. Merrell á B. Manfredi á E. E. Smith
D. M. Klaus á P. Todd (&) Microorganisms
University of Colorado, BioServe Space Technologies,
Engineering Center, ECAE 1B-01, Campus Box 429, E. coli (ATCC 4157) and B. subtilis (ATCC 6051) were the two
Boulder, CO 80309-0429, USA bacterial strains selected because of the large pre-existing database
e-mail: and because E. coli is a gram-negative species with lower motility
Tel.: +1-303-492-5936 (compared to the B. subtilis strain used) while B. subtilis is a gram-
Fax: +1-303-492-4341 positive, highly motile species (Turnbull et al. 1990; Holt et al.

1994). The latter could be less a€ected by inertial forces because At the appropriate intervals (approximately every 4±8 h during
swimming produces more movement than sedimentation alone. lag and stationary phases and about every 2 h during log phase),
the absorbance was measured in triplicate at 660 nm. Each culture
was used for only one measurement because the tubes had to be
Culture media completely mixed (by manual shaking and vortexing) to obtain
accurate absorbance readings. Absorbance was transformed into
All bacterial samples were cultured in Vogel-Bonner synthetic cell concentration using calibration curves. These calibration
medium E growth medium (Vogel and Bonner 1956). Prior to curves were obtained from previous experiments in which the ab-
initiation of the space-¯ight experiments, the bacterial inocula were sorbance had been measured, and then a total cell count was per-
held in minimal medium E (carbon source omitted) to minimize formed on the same culture.
metabolic activity. Then, at initiation, the bacteria in the minimal
medium E were mixed into complete medium E that contained
5 g l)1 glucose so that the ®nal concentration of glucose was ap- Experimental cultures for space ¯ight
proximately 4.3 g l)1.
The experiments were performed in the ¯uid processing apparatus
(FPA), space-¯ight quali®ed hardware that allows test-tube ex-
Baseline cultures and cell counting periments to be initiated and terminated in space (Luttges 1992).
Figure 1 illustrates the operation of the FPA and indicates how the
In separate, baseline experiments, samples were cultured in 9-ml samples were loaded. Chamber A of the FPA contained 3.5 ml
test-tubes completely ®lled with log-phase B. subtilis or E. coli cell complete medium E. To be consistent throughout the experiments,
cultures (i.e. no headspace). The baseline experiments were used as 0.5 ml minimal medium E, initially containing 5 ´ 105 cells ml)1
high-precision controls for which the Marquardt-Levenberg algo- (on the basis of hemacytometer counts as just described) of either
rithm was tested to ®t the data precisely to the growth kinetic E. coli or B. subtilis, were loaded into chamber B of the FPA.
equations discussed below. Finally, 1.5 ml absolute ethanol was placed into chamber C. All
Hemacytometer counts of high-density, log-phase stock cul- chambers were completely ®lled with liquid without headspace and
tures were determined, and the appropriate quantity of cells was were completely sealed from other oxygen sources. Therefore, all
diluted into complete medium E to give a starting concentration of oxygen received by the cells was that which was initially dissolved
5 ´ 105 cells ml)1. In Table 1 columns 2 and 3 show the various within the medium. After about 24 h the dissolved oxygen was
inertial conditions and temperatures under which E. coli and depleted (data not shown). This depletion, in the ground experi-
B. subtilis were grown in these studies. The inertial conditions in- ments (performed at 23 °C), coincided with the end portion of the
cluded static 1 g cultures in the vertical and horizontal positions at lag-phase period after which cells continued to multiply in log
both 23 °C and 37 °C, and vertical cultures that were grown on a phase and then reached saturation. Therefore, all subsequent
shaker bath (model 50, Precision Scienti®c Company, Chicago) growth was anaerobic. This information aids the interpretation of
operating at 100 oscillations min)1 and 23 °C. our growth data, since our growth rate is below that generally

Table 1 Growth parameters of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis l exponential growth rate, tl lag-phase duration, ts stationary-phase
baseline cultures grown at 23 °C or 37 °C in 9-ml test-tubes under entry, te exponential growth period. Cell concentrations were
agitation and sedimentation (above line). Growth kinetic para- measured experimentally. l, tl, ts and te were calculated by applying
meters of E. coli and B. subtilis ¯ight and ground control (static the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm to the experimental data. C
sedimentation or 1 g) cultures grown at 23 °C or 37 °C in a ¯uid control, used to compare two di€erent types of cultures. Quantities
processing apparatus (below line). cs saturation cell concentration, in parentheses indicate the percentage di€erence from the control

Bacteria Conditions T (°C) 10)6 ´ ci 10)8 ´ cs l (h)1) tl (h) ts (h) te (h)

(cells ml)1) (cells ml)1)

E. coli 1 g vertical (C) 23 0.6 ‹ 0.1 5.8 ‹ 0.2 0.148 ‹ 0.008 31 ‹ 3 76 ‹ 4 44 ‹ 5

1 g horizontal 23 0.6 ‹ 0.1 5.1 ‹ 0.2 0.15 ‹ 0.01 23 ‹ 3 69 ‹ 5 46 ‹ 6
(13%)* ()2%)* (25%)* (9%)* ()3%)*
Shaker vertical 23 0.6 ‹ 0.1 5.1 ‹ 0.3 0.15 ‹ 0.03 13 ‹ 4 62 ‹ 7 49 ‹ 8
(13%)* ()2%) (60%)* (19%)* ()11%)*
1 g vertical (C) 37 0.6 ‹ 0.1 8.3 ‹ 0.1 0.32 ‹0.03 10 ‹ 2 33 ‹ 2 23 ‹ 2
1 g horizontal 37 0.6 ‹ 0.1 7.6 ‹ 0.2 0.31 ‹ 0.04 6‹2 30 ‹ 2 24 ‹ 3
(9%)* (2%) (3%)* (8%)* ()7%)
B. subtilis 1 g vertical (C) 23 0.6 ‹ 0.2 4.7 ‹ 0.1 0.17 ‹ 0.01 29 ‹ 3 68 ‹ 4 39 ‹ 5
1 g horizontal 23 0.6 ‹ 0.2 4.2 ‹ 0.1 0.19 ‹ 0.01 32 ‹ 3 66 ‹ 4 34 ‹ 5
(11%)* ()15%)* ()8%)* (3%)* (12%)*
Shaker vertical 23 0.6 ‹ 0.2 4.7 ‹ 0.2 0.19 ‹ 0.02 30 ‹ 3 67 ‹ 5 37 ‹ 5
()3%) ()10%)* ()3%)* (1%)* (5%)
1 g vertical (C) 37 0.6 ‹ 0.2 5.9 ‹ 0.1 0.33 ‹ 0.02 10 ‹ 1 31 ‹ 2 20 ‹ 2
1 g horizontal 37 0.6 ‹ 0.2 6.4 ‹ 0.1 0.31 ‹ 0.02 9‹1 31 ‹ 2 21 ‹ 2
()9%)* (4%)* (7%) (0.04%) ()3%)

E. coli 1 g vertical (C) 37 11 ‹ 2 2.7 ‹ 0.1 0.15 ‹ 0.02 18 ‹ 4 36 ‹ 4 18 ‹ 6

Flight 37 11 ‹ 2 11.6 ‹ 0.7 0.49 ‹ 0.06 4‹1 18 ‹ 1 15 ‹ 1
()325%)* ()224%)* (79%)* (49%)* (21%)*
B. subtilis 1 g vertical (C) 23 70 ‹ 40 3‹2 0.06 ‹ 0.04 32 ‹ 11 75 ‹ 16 43 ‹19
Flight 23 70 ‹ 40 8‹1 0.07 ‹ 0.03 19 ‹ 7 55 ‹ 10 36 ‹ 13
()125%)* ()23%)* (42%)* (26%)* (14%)
1 g vertical (C) 37 13 ‹ 3 1.3 ‹ 0.3 0.27 ‹ 0.08 4‹1 24 ‹ 1 19 ‹1
Flight 37 13 ‹ 3 7.3 ‹ 0.6 0.48 ‹ 0.01 4‹1 19 ‹ 2 15 ‹ 2
()474%)* ()79%) (5%) (20%)* (23%)*
* Statistically signi®cant di€erence compared to control (Student's t-test, P < 0.05)

Scienti®c, Calif.). Inputs to the algorithm were time (t), the cor-
responding average cell density (ct), and the standard deviation of
the corresponding cell density, the inverse square of which was
used as the weighting function for each data point. Equations 1±4,
as previously published (Kacena and Todd 1997), were ®tted to
obtain the following parameters: co, the extrapolated cell density at
t ˆ 0; cs, the saturated(stationary)-phase cell density; ci, the lag-
phase cell density; and l, the exponential growth rate. After these
best-®t values had been obtained, the following three time pa-
rameters were established: tl, the lag-phase duration; ts, the sta-
tionary-phase entry time; and te, the duration of the exponential
growth phase. Errors were calculated by the propagation of the
measured errors, and signi®cance was determined by a Student's
t-test with P < 0.05.


Baseline experiments

Figure 2A illustrates the most relevant and typical E.

coli, baseline growth curves (vertical, 1 g static cultures)
at 23 °C and 37 °C and their respective ®tted curves. The
growth parameters (initial cell density, ®nal cell density,
rate of growth, lag phase duration, logarithmic growth
duration, and time of entrance into stationary phase) for
all baseline experiments were collected and evaluated.
No lysis was seen for E. coli or B. subtilis cells during
200 h. Baseline controls were performed for the fol-
lowing four reasons: (1) to model growth of both cell
Fig. 1 The ¯uid processing apparatus (FPA), a space-¯ight quali®ed
device, was used for all experiments in space and their synchronous
types under conditions similar to space ¯ight (com-
ground controls. Its function was to separate three ¯uids in the ``as pletely ®lled small containers); (2) to explore gravity
loaded'' condition. To initiate the experiment the plunger was conditions relevant to space ¯ight (particle suspension
depressed, mixing chamber B into chamber A via laminar mixing. compared to falling particles due to inertial forces),
When the experiment was to be terminated the plunger was depressed namely, orientation, agitation, and temperature (listed
once again to combine the contents of chamber C (®xative) with the
previously combined chambers A and B. For these experiments above); (3) to demonstrate a reproducible method of
chamber A contained 3.5 ml medium E supplemented with glucose. analysis that gives biologically relevant parameters, such
Chamber B contained 0.5 ml unsupplemented medium E with the as ®nal cell density (cs), rate of growth (l), lag phase
bacteria. Chamber C held 1.5 ml 100% ethyl alcohol duration (tl), logarithmic growth duration (te), and time
of entrance into stationary phase (ts) (Table 1); (4) to
reported for E. coli and because of the strict aerobic requirements establish high-precision, baseline growth curves for
of B. subtilis (Bailey and Ollis 1986). comparison to space-¯ight experiments, which are typi-
On and during space shuttle mission STS-63, bacterial cultures cally constrained to lower experimental precision owing
were subjected to various environmental conditions as described in
Table 1. Synchronous ground controls were loaded into FPA and to the limits imposed by ¯ight-quali®ed incubation
were activated and terminated at the same time (in duplicate) as the hardware. Such a systematic, quantitative investigation
corresponding ¯ight cultures. Synchronous controls were static 1 g of bacterial cell culture relevant to space-¯ight e€ects
samples in the vertical position and shaker-bath (as described has not been published previously.
above) controls (because of the large number of replicate samples
required, cultures could not be grown on an in-¯ight 1 g centri-
fuge). After predetermined periods of time, bacterial growth was
terminated by the addition of ethanol (1.5 ml added to 4.0 ml E€ects of space ¯ight
medium and cells). When the orbiter landed and the samples were
recovered, the ®xed cultures were shipped back to the laboratory in
Colorado where cell counts were performed at 400´ in a hemacy- Figure 2B±D shows the ¯ight and simultaneous
tometer, and data were recorded as cell concentration (cells ml)1). ground-control experimental growth data and ®tted
The cell concentration was the mean of at least eight independent curves for E. coli at 37 °C (Fig. 2B), B. subtilis at 37 °C
counts. (Fig. 2C), and B. subtilis at 23 °C (Fig. 2D). Because
samples prepared for ¯ight experimentation had to be
Cell growth curve analysis stored in minimal medium at their respective experi-
mental temperatures (23 °C or 37 °C) for approxi-
Cellular growth rates were analyzed quantitatively using the lo-
gistic bacterial growth equations (Bailey and Ollis 1986) and the
mately 36 h prior to launch, some cell multiplication
Marquardt-Levenberg, least-squares curve-®tting algorithm (Mar- occurred. Simulating these storage conditions in ground
quardt 1963) using the SigmaPlot scienti®c graph system (Jandel experiments with and without shaking showed the

Fig. 2 A Experimental data with ®tted growth curves for vertical,

Escherichia coli, baseline controls grown at 23 °C (right-hand Discussion
curve) and 37 °C (left-hand curve). These curves were chosen as
being representative of the data from all of the baseline The data point to three interesting ®ndings. (1) All space
experiments, in which growth curves of the same species at the
same temperature were visually indistinguishable. It can be seen cultures grew to higher ®nal cell density without excep-
that bacteria grown at 37 °C exhibit faster growth rates (l), shorter tion. (2) Earlier evidence for a shorter lag phase in E. coli
lag-phase periods (tl), and higher ®nal cell concentrations (cs) than appears to have been corroborated (Klaus et al. 1994,
at 23 °C. B, C, D Experimental data with ®tted growth curves for 1997; TheÂvenet et al. 1996). (3) The duration of the
space-¯ight and ground-control bacterial cultures grown at 23 °C
and 37 °C. B, C Growth of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis, respectively,
logarithmic growth phase was very similar in space-
at 37 °C. D growth of B. subtilis cultures at 23 °C. In all cases, the ¯own cultures and ground controls, suggesting that a
¯ight cultures have a faster growth rate (l), shorter lag-phase faster growth rate (l) occurred; this was dicult to
periods (tl), and higher ®nal cell concentrations (cs). All error bars measure owing to the small numbers of data points be-
on the experimental data are shown and were calculated as the tween tl and ts for establishing l. A detailed discussion
standard deviation of the mean (average cell concentration)
of each of these three ®ndings follows.

initial cell densities to be those indicated as ci in Ta-

ble 1. The growth parameters and percentage change Final cell concentration
from control samples for the space-¯ight experiments
are given in Table 1. B. subtilis cultures grown at 23 °C aboard the Space
These experiments and their analyses seem to con®rm Shuttle experienced an average 125% increase in cs
the earlier suspicion (Klaus et al. 1994; TheÂvenet et al. compared to controls. At 37 °C, the space-¯ight B. sub-
1996) that a shortened lag phase occurs in low-gravity tilis cultures grew to a stationary-phase cell density that
cultures. In all cases, ®nal cell densities (cs) were higher averaged 474% higher than that of the corresponding
in low-gravity cultures. controls. Similarly, E. coli cultures grown in micro-

gravity at 37 °C had a ®nal cell population that averaged ¯ight than on the ground. However, B. subtilis samples
325% above that of static 1 g controls. These data at 37 °C experienced essentially identical lag phases ac-
suggest either that, in space, bacteria have more favor- cording to the logistic curve ®ts; the lag phase was
able access to nutrients and better dissemination of shorter in ¯ight, but by only about 5%, which is not
waste products, owing to lack of sedimentation to the statistically signi®cant. The non-signi®cant di€erence in
bottom of the culture container (indirect gravity e€ect), lag-phase duration for B. subtilis cultured at 37 °C, may
or that low gravity causes more ecient metabolism of possibly be explained by the motility of B. subtilis cells
nutrients, and cells can multiply more often before the (compared to less motile E. coli cells grown at 37 °C) in
nutrients are exhausted (direct gravity e€ect). This dis- combination with the higher temperature (compared to
tinction was tested in other experiments. the B. subtilis cells grown at 23 °C). The exact duration
Studies using the same bacterial strains, grown in the of the lag phase for all cases, associated errors, and
same hardware modi®ed for agar cultures, and ¯own on percentage di€erence from the control (Table 1) may
the same Space Shuttle missions showed that cultures on demonstrate a shortened lag phase in E. coli (37 °C) and
solid agar substrates grew to statistically identical ®nal B. subtilis (23 °C) where the di€erences are shown to be
cell concentrations in space and on Earth (Kacena et al. signi®cant. Klaus et al. (1994, 1997) also noted a de-
1997). Therefore, it would appear that space-¯own crease in lag-phase duration for E. coli grown in space
bacteria do not have more ecient metabolic capabili- with absorbance monitoring; however, this decrease was
ties in view of a lack of enhanced growth on agar. not reported to be signi®cant. In a separate study by
The closest analogy in biotechnology practice to TheÂvenet and associates (1996), the E. coli cultures
quiescent suspension, such as occurs in microgravity, is grown in space also appeared to have a reduced lag
fed-batch fermentation. At very high glucose levels, too period. In any case, there is no evidence supporting a
much acetate and/or lactate is produced, and biomass prolonged lag period in low gravity.
synthesis is attenuated (Crabtree e€ect). When the glu-
cose concentration is held low by batch feeding, more
biomass is synthesized (Frude et al. 1994; Todd and Growth rate
Klaus 1995). Similarly, in low gravity without agitation,
the cell depletes its immediate unstirred surroundings of Growth rate determinations were very dicult in space-
glucose thereby dropping the glucose concentration to ¯ight experiments, in which data intervals exceeded 1/l.
an eventual steady-state value based on the material Nevertheless, it can be inferred, not only from the values
balance between the transport (di€usion) rate to the cell of l in the logistic curve ®ts, but also from straight lines
and the rate of substrate consumption. Indeed, when connecting ci to cs on the 37 °C growth curves for E. coli
glucose is fed to bacterial suspension cultures at a lower and B. subtilis, that both cell types grew more rapidly in
concentration than is used in single-batch fermentations, the space cultures. B. subtilis cultures at 23 °C exhibited
higher cell densities are achieved. In the absence of a signi®cantly higher growth rate, on the basis of a data
mixing, cells are expected to deplete glucose in their set with more log-phase measurements, but the di€er-
immediate environment and should therefore also be ence was not as large (23%). These data suggest that
expected to grow to higher cell densities. In the presence space-¯own, bacterial cultures grow more rapidly than
of gravity this does not occur, because cells sediment, simultaneous controls.
become overcrowded, and rapidly deplete precursor In another study, Gasset et al. (1994) examined the
pools. This appears to be con®rmed by the baseline growth of E. coli by taking absorbance measurements on
studies. Static 1 g E. coli cultures had a ®nal cell con- samples that had been terminated (by decreasing the
centration that was signi®cantly lower (13%) than temperature) at 6 assay times. They calculated the
simultaneous 1 g shaker-bath samples. It is possible that doubling time to be 46 min in ¯ight and 59 min on
the shaker samples have better access to nutrients while Earth. Also, they found that the ¯ight cultures entered
the cells are falling to the bottom of the culture vessel stationary phase 9 h earlier than did the ground sam-
(zig-zag pattern) and, once sedimented, the shaking ac- ples. They believed this was due to either a more rapid
tion allows more cell layers than just the top layers to be growth rate or a shorter lag period; but, because the
exposed to the nutrients. There was no signi®cant dif- di€erences were not considered signi®cant, they con-
ference between baseline 1 g and shaker B. subtilis cluded that space ¯ight had ``no e€ect on the growth rate
studies, probably because of the motility of B. subtilis of exponentially growing E. coli cells''. Mennigmann
cells. and Lange (1988) studied B. subtilis cultures in space
(via absorbance measurements) and found them to have
a higher growth rate and ®nal biomass yield than con-
Lag-phase duration trols. Overall, evidence has been found that is consistent
with a higher growth rate in E. coli and B. subtilis sus-
B. subtilis cultures at 23 °C had much shorter lag phases pension cultures in low gravity.
in ¯ight than on the ground, as re¯ected by a succession
of data prior to growth (Fig. 3C). At 37 °C, E. coli Acknowledgements This work was supported by NASA grant
cultures also appeared to have shorter lag phases in NAGW-1197, Achievement Rewards for College Scientists, and the

Zonta International Foundation. We would like to thank Pat Klaus D, Simske S, Todd P, Stodieck L (1997) Investigation of
Leonard, John Doyle, Dave Hanna, Doug Kacena, Sue Ellis, and space ¯ight e€ects on E. coli and a proposed model of under-
Emily Wilson for their help over a 2-year period and Mike Pecaut lying physical mechanisms. Microbiology 143: 449±455
and Elizabeth Stephenson for taking readings over the weekend Luttges MW (1992) Recognizing and optimizing ¯ight opportuni-
after Thanksgiving Day. ties with hardware and life sciences limitations. Trans Kansas
Acad Sci 95: 76±86
Marquardt DW (1963) An algorithm for least squares estimation of
non-linear parameters. J Soc Ind Appl Math 11: 431±441
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