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Table of Contents

Welcome to SignCut DRAW.................................................................................7

The program window......................................................................................8
View options.......................................................................................................9
View fill/View wire frame.................................................................................9
Work with selected colors................................................................................9
Select/deselect view all colors........................................................................10
Work with a selection of objects.....................................................................10
View & Print options......................................................................................10
Continuous color palette................................................................................10
Selecting color with the keyboard...................................................................11
Change to random color................................................................................11
Default color.................................................................................................11
Zoom options....................................................................................................12
Zoom objects................................................................................................12
Zoom sign.....................................................................................................12
Zoom to frame..............................................................................................12
Zoom out......................................................................................................12
The quick zoom boxes...................................................................................12
Scroll wheel zoom.........................................................................................13
Move view point to cursor..............................................................................13
The rulers.........................................................................................................14
The interactive help system...............................................................................15
The File menu..................................................................................................16
Open recent..................................................................................................16
Save as.........................................................................................................17
The Edit menu..................................................................................................18
Cut, copy & paste..........................................................................................18

SignCut DRAW 1
Make clone...................................................................................................19
Select all.......................................................................................................19
The View menu.................................................................................................20
View fill........................................................................................................20
Update window.............................................................................................20
Snap to guidelines.........................................................................................20
Remove all guidelines....................................................................................20
The Arrange menu............................................................................................21
Break apart...................................................................................................22
Convert to curves..........................................................................................22
Release clone................................................................................................22
The Edit tool.....................................................................................................23
Select objects...............................................................................................23
Move objects.................................................................................................23
Nudge objects...............................................................................................24
The dynamic axis..........................................................................................24
Position objects on the axis............................................................................25
Vertical dynamic axis.....................................................................................26
Angled dynamic axis......................................................................................26
Re-size and stretch........................................................................................27
Nudge rotation..............................................................................................28
Change color.................................................................................................28
Change to random color................................................................................29
Work with objects in one color.......................................................................29
Selecting objects within a group.................................................................29
Break apart...................................................................................................30
Convert Text to curves...................................................................................31
Round off corners..........................................................................................31
Numbered signs............................................................................................32

SignCut DRAW 2
Sign setup........................................................................................................33
Module edge settings.....................................................................................34
Registration marks........................................................................................35
CARD registration marks................................................................................35
CARD Long registration marks........................................................................36
REMS (Registration Mark System)...................................................................37
Registration marks for special sign mounting tables.....................................37
Using REMS in a sign.....................................................................................37
Setting up the Material......................................................................................40
Guidelines and placement..................................................................................41
The Text tool....................................................................................................43
Text in a box.................................................................................................44
Spell check...................................................................................................45
The Pen drawing tools.......................................................................................46
Lines and curves tool.....................................................................................46
Freehand tool................................................................................................48
Knife tool......................................................................................................48
Weed lines....................................................................................................49
Add shapes and symbols...................................................................................50
QR codes......................................................................................................50
Background bitmap image.............................................................................52
Adjust the look of the bitmap image...............................................................52
Straighten bitmap image................................................................................52
Crop bitmap image........................................................................................53
Re-size bitmap image....................................................................................54
Invert bitmap image......................................................................................54
Hide bitmap image........................................................................................54
Cut-able vector raster from photo...................................................................55
Add bridges...............................................................................................55
Single line raster from photo..........................................................................56
Vector graphics from image...........................................................................56
Select vectorizing colors.................................................................................59
Vectorizing settings.......................................................................................59
Vector graphics from a color logo...................................................................60

SignCut DRAW 3
Create surrounding contour around bitmap.....................................................63
Make round corners on shapes surrounding a bitmap......................................64
Adjust threshold for guide curves around the bitmap.......................................65
Adjust guide curves for colored background....................................................66
Node editing.....................................................................................................67
Standard node editing...................................................................................67
Changing the node editing contour color.........................................................67
Reposition a node on a curve.........................................................................68
View original shape.......................................................................................68
Select many nodes........................................................................................68
Reference node.............................................................................................69
Cusps & smooth nodes..................................................................................69
Lines and curves...........................................................................................70
Add and remove nodes..................................................................................70
Split nodes....................................................................................................70
Join nodes....................................................................................................71
Make sharp corner.........................................................................................71
Reduce nodes...............................................................................................71
Node snapping..............................................................................................71
Specify node distance....................................................................................72
Node editing with the dynamic axis................................................................72
Position nodes on the axis.............................................................................72
Move node on the path..................................................................................73
Extend Lines.................................................................................................73
Node editing short cut keys............................................................................74
Straighten nodes...........................................................................................75
Clone section................................................................................................77
Measurement, Dimensions and Comments.........................................................78
Reference frame............................................................................................79
Special effects..................................................................................................81
The Contour effect........................................................................................81
The Shadow effect........................................................................................83
Bending effects.............................................................................................83
The Fill effect................................................................................................84
Regular fill graphics...................................................................................84
Random fill................................................................................................85

SignCut DRAW 4
Edge fill of objects.....................................................................................87
Dashed contours...........................................................................................89
Hatch fill.......................................................................................................90
Preparing for cutting.........................................................................................93
Split graphics at material border.....................................................................94
Surrounding frames.......................................................................................95
Multiple sign documents....................................................................................99
Transfer graphics between documents..........................................................100
Cutting the sign..............................................................................................101
Lesson 1 – Create a simple sign.......................................................................102
Sign setup...................................................................................................102
Add text......................................................................................................103
Add stars....................................................................................................104
Place the graphics on the vinyl.....................................................................104
Move graphics to SignCut.............................................................................105
Lesson 2 – A more complex sign......................................................................106
Sign size and margins..................................................................................106
Arced text...................................................................................................107
Position on center of sign.............................................................................110
Save your work...........................................................................................111
Add Clipart..................................................................................................111
Add circles..................................................................................................114
Change drawing order.................................................................................115
Group objects..............................................................................................116
Align graphics on sign..................................................................................116
Create object copies....................................................................................117
Distribute objects........................................................................................118
Add contour effect.......................................................................................118
Use Punch to trim edges..............................................................................119
Put graphics on the vinyl..............................................................................121
Lesson 3 – Large format signs.........................................................................123
Divide sign into modules..............................................................................124
Lesson 4 – Advanced graphics editing..............................................................128
Adjust letter spacing....................................................................................129
Rotate graphics...........................................................................................130
Weld a script text........................................................................................131
Freehand drawing........................................................................................131
Change drawing order.................................................................................133
Group objects..............................................................................................133

SignCut DRAW 5
Bending effects...........................................................................................135
Relative re-sizing.........................................................................................136
Shadow effects............................................................................................137
Place on vinyl..............................................................................................138
Lesson 5 – Using registration marks.................................................................140
Group colors...............................................................................................142
Move graphics to material............................................................................142
Tool shortcuts.................................................................................................144
General keyboard shortcuts.............................................................................145

SignCut DRAW 6
Welcome to SignCut DRAW
Thank you for using SignCut Draw. We hope that you will find the
software both easy to use and intuitive. Before you get started with the
program, we strongly recommend that you read through this user's
guide. This will help you to understand the capabilities and ways of
operation in SignCut DRAW.

Select Settings in the Settings menu. Here you
can choose which measurement units you prefer. On
the Editing tab you set the Distance for
duplicate. This setting determines where a copy of
the selected graphics is placed when you press CTRL+D. The Nudge distance
sets the distance the selected objects will be moved when you press the arrow
keys on the keyboard. Finally the Snap angle for rotation is the angle interval
that the objects can be rotated when you press the CTRL key while rotating.
Overlap for material sets the overlap for the vinyl sheets when dividing the
sign into multiple modules.

SignCut DRAW 7
The program window
The program window is divided into several different parts. These parts have
different purposes when you are working with your sign. Some of the parts are
context sensitive which means that the contents varies depending on which tool
you are working with and what objects you have selected.

SignCut DRAW 8
View options
The view options are controlled by the buttons above
the color palette. Here you can choose how you want
to the graphics to be displayed in the work area and
which colors/layers you want to work with.

View fill/View wire frame

(SHIFT+F9) This button turns on or off the View fill option. When
View fill is turned off, you can see
intersecting contours and overlapping
objects. In the view fill mode, the graphics is
displayed as it will look when the sign is
You can view both fill colors and contours by
pressing the SHIFT key and clicking the
View fill button.

Work with selected colors

('C') In SignCut DRAW, you can choose to work with
only selected colors. The colors currently in use each
have a button above the color palette.
When you click one of these color
buttons it becomes inactive. The
deselected color are grayed and are only
drawn with outlines. The objects in
deselected colors cannot be selected or
edited. If an already inactive button is
clicked, that color once again becomes
By pressing the 'C' key you can activate
one color at a time. When you have
reached the last color and press 'C' once more, all colors become active. You can
also activate all colors with SHIFT+C.
Control click the view fill button to hide/show the objects that aren't

SignCut DRAW 9
Select/deselect view all colors
(SHIFT+C) This button selects all colors so that all graphics can
be edited. This is a fast way to activate all layers when you have
been working with only one color. If all colors are active, this
button will deactivate them.

Work with a selection of objects

('F') In SignCut DRAW, you can also choose to work with only a
selection of objects. Select the objects you want to work with and
click this button. You can make a new selection and then SHIFT-click the button
to activate the new selection. Click the button again to view all objects.

View & Print options

Click this button to set which objects should be visible, locked
and printable.
Graphics that have the eye option
checked is visible.
The printer means that the graphics
will be printed.
Click OK when you are ready.

Continuous color palette

You can toggle between the color swatch palette
type and a continuous color palette with this

SignCut DRAW 10
Selecting color with the keyboard
('V') You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard
to select color.
If you are using the continuous color palette a small
cross-hair cursor is shown.
If you are using the color swatch palette one of the
swatches become active.
You can now use the arrow keys to move the color
selector. Hit enter to select the color. The selected
objects are colored with the selected color. If no
objects are selected, the default color is changed.

Change to random color

(SHIFT+V) You can change the fill color of the selected objects to a random
color by pressing with these shortcut keys.

Default color
When you draw new objects, they will get the default color. To
change the default color, click in the palette when no objects are
If a color or several colors are activated but the default color
is not activated, new objects will be created in the first active
color. You wouldn't be able to work with the objects if they
were created in an inactive color.

SignCut DRAW 11
Zoom options
At the top of the program window you find the Zoom tools.

Zoom objects
(SHIFT+F2) By clicking this button, you will zoom in to fit the
selected objects in the window.
(F4) Zoom to all objects.
(CTRL+F4) Zooms to all objects in the active color.

Zoom sign
(SHIFT+F4) This option zooms out to display the whole sign.

Zoom to frame
(F2) Click this tool and then click and drag a box in the work area to
magnify that part of the image.
Press (SHIFT+F3) to zoom in one level.

Zoom out
(F3) Revert to previous magnification.

The quick zoom boxes

(SPACE) The quick zoom boxes are accessed by
pressing the space bar on the keyboard. When it is pressed the next box
becomes active and the program zooms in or out to the magnification specified
in the active box.
Press SHIFT+space to store the current magnification in the active
zoom memory. If you press CTRL+space, the program will also
remember the position. When a location is stored, that zoom level
text becomes bold.

SignCut DRAW 12
If you want to store your current magnification in
another zoom memory than the one currently active,
you can click the numbers of the zoom level and then
press SHIFT + spacebar to store the zoom level or CTRL + spacebar to store
both zoom level and view point.

Scroll wheel zoom

You can also use the scroll wheel of the mouse to zoom in and out of the image.
Just point with the cursor and roll the wheel.

Move view point to cursor

(Z) Point with the cursor where you want the center of the screen to be and
press 'Z' to move the current viewpoint.

SignCut DRAW 13
The rulers
The rulers above and to the left of the work
area will help you to correctly position and
re-size the graphics. The shaded parts of
the rulers shows exactly where the
currently selected objects are placed in the

When you select objects in the work

area, the rulers become shaded to
show the dimensions and position of
the selected objects.

SignCut DRAW 14
The interactive help system
To the right in the program window you
will find the help pane. Here you will find
helpful information about the tools and
functions you currently are using.

Most of the functions are described here, and

in the help texts you can find links that you
can click if you want to read more about how
to do things.
Above the help pane you
will find buttons for
navigating back and
forward and returning home to the Help
windows main page.

SignCut DRAW 15
The File menu
In the file menu, you will find options for opening &
saving documents, importing & exporting files,
printing and starting a new sign.

This option clears your work area from any
previous graphics and lets you start from
scratch with a new sign.

(CTRL+O) Here you can open signs that you have previously saved in
SignCut DRAW.
You can also use the Open button
and select the file you wish to open.
If you SHIFT-click the Open button,
the SignCut preview dialog box will
To change the folder, click the folder
button and select a new.
When you open this dialog box,
previews for all folders are shown.
Open an image by double-clicking it.

Open recent
Here you can open signs that you recently have worked with in SignCut DRAW.
The last five files are easily accessed here.

(CTRL+S) If you previously have saved a file and named it, you can
click this option to save any changes you have made in the graphics.

SignCut DRAW 16
Save as..
Save your current sign and name the file. You can then open this file with the
Open command.

SignCut DRAW can import files that have been saved or exported from
other graphics software. Click Import and select the file you want to
import. Supported file formats are: .AI, .EPS, .SCD, .DXF, .PLT, .BMP,
Note! Not all files of some formats are supported.
If you SHIFT-click the Import button, the
SignCut preview dialog box will appear.
To change the folder, click the folder
button and select a new.
When you open this dialog box, previews
for all folders are shown.
Open an image by double-clicking it.

You can export graphics so that you can import it into other graphics
software. Click Export and enter a name for the exported file.
Supported file formats are: .AI, .EPS & .PLT.

Click this option to get a printout of your
current graphics on your printer.
In the Print dialog box you can select
how the graphics should be re-sized.

(ALT F4) Closes all of your open documents and the application.

SignCut DRAW 17
The Edit menu

The undo function is a great feature in any program.
In the Edit menu you can read which action will be
undone. Just click Undo (CTRL+Z) to correct any
mistakes you have made. You can click Undo several
times to step back in history.
If you click Undo once too much, you
can click Redo (CTRL+SHIFT+Z) to step forward and retract
the last undo-action.

(CTRL+R) Select this option to make the same action again. You can select new
objects and repeat the last editing on them too.

Cut, copy & paste

Cut (CTRL+X) will remove the graphics from the work
area and place a copy of it in the clipboard memory.
Copy (CTRL+C) will copy graphics to the clipboard but not remove it from the
work area.
Paste (CTRL+V) will place a copy of the graphics from the clipboard memory in
the programs work area.

Click Delete in the Edit menu to remove the selected graphics from your sign.
You can also press the Delete key on the keyboard.

(CTRL+D) Makes a copy of the selected object. The duplicate is placed next to
the original. You can change the distance for the duplicate in the program

SignCut DRAW 18
Make clone
(CTRL+SHIFT+D) In SignCut Draw you can create clone objects. A clone is a
duplicate of another object. The difference however, is that when you edit one of
the clones the other
objects or groups are
also changed.
When you rotate, re-
size, stretch or node
edit one of the clones,
the other will be
You can create many
clones that will remain
identical when you edit
There are some
exceptions of changes
that will not be copied
to other clones. Text
editing and some special
effects aren't distributed
to other clones.

Select all
(CTRL+A) To quickly select all objects in your sign, select this option. When you
are using the node editing tool, all nodes of the active object are selected.

SignCut DRAW 19
The View menu

View fill
(SHIFT+F9) Toggles the display to show the
graphics in wireframe mode and color fill

Update window
(CTRL+W) If for some reason the graphics isn't drawn correctly in the work
area, you can select this option to force the program to redraw the graphics.

Snap to guidelines
This setting causes objects and nodes to snap to the guidelines when you move
them. Read more in the guidelines section.

Remove all guidelines

This is a quick way to get rid of all guidelines in your image.

SignCut DRAW 20
The Arrange menu

If objects in your sign are
covered or partly covered by
other objects, you can move
them so that the objects are
drawn in a different order,
making objects appear on top of other.
Move to top (SHIFT+PgUp) places the selected object on top of all other
graphics in your sign.
Move to back (SHIFT+PgDn) puts the selected graphics behind all other
Move one step forward (CTRL+PgUp) places the selected objects on top of
the object that is closest in the drawing order.
Move one step backward (CTRL+PgDn) puts selected graphics underneath
the previous object in the drawing order.

(CTRL+G) Grouped objects are edited as
one. The whole group becomes selected
when you click one object. To group objects,
you simply select them and then select this

(CTRL+U) To divide a group into separate objects, click this option.
Note! Imported graphics are automatically grouped.

SignCut DRAW 21
(CTRL+L) When you combine objects, they also will be edited as one. The
difference from groups is that when you combine objects, they all get the same
color and inner objects become holes in the outer objects.

Break apart
(CTRL+K) This option will separate objects that have been previously
combined. The objects can then be edited separately.

Convert to curves
(CTRL+Q) If you want to be able to node edit the objects in a text, you first
must convert the text to curves.

Release clone
If you have a clone object or group you can turn it into regular graphics by
selecting Release clone here.

SignCut DRAW 22
The Edit tool
('Q') With this tool, you do most of the graphics editing. It is
used for selecting, positioning, sizing, rotation, coloring,
stretching, skewing etc.

Select objects
To select objects, simply click them with the
Edit tool.
You can select many objects by clicking and
dragging a box. All objects that are
completely surrounded by the box will
become selected.
Another way to select many objects is to
press the SHIFT key while clicking different
objects. The newly clicked objects will be
added to the selection.
When you click a group or combined objects, all of the objects become selected.
To select objects within a group, simply press the CTRL key and click.
You can select objects that lies beneath other objects by pressing the ALT key
and clicking the top objects. For every click the selection “digs” one step deeper.
Hit the 'N'-key to select the next object. SHIFT+N selects the previous.
You can deselect all objects by clicking anywhere in the work area.

Move objects
When objects are selected, eight handles are
drawn around the objects and an "x" in the
middle. You can click and drag the center "x"
mark to move the selected graphics.
You can also move graphics by clicking and
dragging the objects directly.
Right click when you are moving to create a
copy in the new position instead of moving
the objects(s). SHIFT-right-click to create a clone of the object.

SignCut DRAW 23
If you want to enter the position, you can do this in the
tool pane. In the fields for position, you can see the
current position for the center of the selected objects.
If you want to change the current center position, just enter new values and click
the Apply button.
Click the Duplicate button to create a copy in the new
position and leave the original. SHIFT-click it to create a clone.
If you for example want to place the
lower left corner of the selection in a
specific position, you can click the
lower left marker to make this the
reference point in the graphics. Then
enter the position and click Apply.
If you want to make a relative movement for the objects, you select the
Relative check-box and then enter how much the objects should be moved
from its current position and then click Apply.

Nudge objects
You can use the arrow keys to move the selected objects in your sign. In the
bottom of the program window you can see what the nudge distance is.
The nudge distance can be changed with the Page Up and Page Down keys on
your key board. You can also quickly change the nudge distance with the short
cut keys 1-6.

The dynamic axis

The dynamic axis can help you to place objects with a
specified distance and angle from a reference point.

Click and drag the dynamic axis from the ruler.

SignCut DRAW 24
To make a horizontal axis, you simply click
and drag it from the top ruler. The cursor
controls the reference point on the axis.
When you release the mouse button, the
reference point is set. The reference point
will snap to the nodes in the image. So if
you want to place the reference point at the
corner of an object, you only need to
release it near that node.

The dynamic axis can help you to position graphics.

The reference point snaps to nodes.

A vertical axis is placed in the work area in the same way, except for that you
drag this from the left hand ruler. Don't forget to position the reference point.
A tilted axis can be dragged from the top left or top right corner of the rulers.
When you have released the reference point, you can adjust the angle of the
axis by entering a new angle in the Angle box.

Position objects on the axis

When the axis and reference point is placed in the work area, you can use them
for positioning objects.
Click and drag an object, text or group to
move it. The point where you grab the
graphics will now snap to the axis when you
hover over it. In the Distance box you can
see how far the grabbing point is from the
axis reference point. Release the mouse
button where you want to place the

When you move graphics the grabbing point will snap to the axis.
In the Distance box you can see how far it is from the reference point.

SignCut DRAW 25
After you have released the graphics, you can still adjust the distance between
the grabbing point and the reference point on the
axis. Just enter a new value in the Distance box
and the selected graphics will be moved to the new

When you have released the object, you can enter a new distance.
The object is then moved along the axis to the new distance.

Vertical dynamic axis

Click and drag a vertical dynamic axis from the left ruler.
This axis can be used in the same way to place objects or
a selected node along a vertical axis.

Angled dynamic axis

Click and drag an angled dynamic axis from the top left corner
between the rulers. The cursor will snap to nodes in the image
so that you easier can place the axis where you want.

When you release the axis, you can adjust the angle of the
axis by clicking and rotating the axis as you want.
You can also set the angle by
entering it or select a predefined in
the Angle box and then click Apply.
You can now use this axis to position objects as with
the horizontal dynamic axis.

SignCut DRAW 26
Re-size and stretch
The eight handles surrounding the selected objects are used
to re-size and stretch the graphics.
Click and drag a handle to stretch the graphics. The corner
handles will re-size the objects proportionally and the side
handles will stretch or compress the graphics in its
You can also re-size and stretch the objects by entering
values in the tool pane. Just enter the new size and click
the Apply button to make the change.
When the Proportional box is checked, the other value is
calculated when you enter the width or the height.
When the Relative box is checked, you can enter how much
the selected graphics should grow.
By selecting a reference point, you fix a side, corner or the
center point and the graphics will grow or shrink in the other

If you click the selected objects once again,
rotation and skewing handles will be replace the
re-size and stretching handles. If you click and
drag one of the corner handles, the selected
graphics will be rotated accordingly.
If you press the CTRL key while rotating the
rotation will snap to specific angles. (You can set
this angle in the Settings menu. Default value is
15 degrees.)
At the center of the selected graphics you can see a small circle this is the center
of rotation. You can click and drag this circle to move the center of
rotation point.
You can see how much the graphics is rotated in the tool pane. You
can also change the rotation here and click the Apply button to
execute the rotation.

SignCut DRAW 27
Nudge rotation
You can use the arrow keys to rotate the selected objects in your
sign. Make sure that the rotation handles are visible around your
selected objects. In the bottom of the program window you can
see what the nudge angle is.
The nudge angle can be changed with the Page Up and Page Down keys on your
key board. You can also quickly change the nudge angle with the short cut keys

By clicking and dragging the side handles you will
skew the selected objects. The graphics can be
skewed both horizontally and vertically.

Change color
In the lower right corner of the program window is a color palette. Above the
color palette are some color buttons representing the
colors that currently are used in the sign.
If you want to change the color of the selected objects
to one of the colors that currently are used, you just
press the SHIFT key and click the color button you

SHIFT + click to change to one of the colors that are in use...

If you want to change the objects into a new color, you

simply click that color in the palette. The new color is
instantly added to the color buttons that are used in the

..or just click to change into a new color in the palette.

When the color palette is active, you can use the arrow keys to select color in the
palette. You can also activate the color palette with the short cu key: 'V'.

SignCut DRAW 28
Change to random color
(SHIFT+V) These shortcut keys clicks a random color, and the selected objects
are changed.

Work with objects in one color

('C') By clicking one of the used color swatches, you
are able to work with the objects in that color. You can
activate and deactivate colors by clicking the swatches.
You can activate all colors with this button.

To mirror the selected objects you simply click one of these buttons.
The graphics can be mirrored both horizontally and vertically.

(CTRL+G) When you group objects they are
treated as one entity. When you click one object
the whole group becomes selected. Click and
drag a box surrounding the objects you wish to
Click the Group button to create the

Selecting objects within a group

When you click a group with the edit tool all objects in the group will become
selected. If you want to select an object within the group, simply press the CTRL-
key and click the object. If you want to select more than one object, keep the
CTRL-key pressed and click additional objects. You can select objects from
different groups this way.
If you want to exclude an object from the selection, just CTRL-click the object
Deselect all objects by releasing the CTRL-key and click somewhere outside the

SignCut DRAW 29
The number of objects that are selected is shown in the status bar at the bottom
of the program window. The first node of each selected object is shown to
indicate the object is selected.
The selected objects can be moved, re-sized, removed, copied and you can apply
special effects on them etc.
Another way to work with parts of a multi-color group
is to click a color swatch. Only the objects in the
selected color are now displayed. You can edit these
objects without effecting the rest of the group.
When you activate all color swatches again, the objects are still

(CTRL+U) To ungroup a group you simply click the Ungroup button.
The grouped objects will then be treated as individual objects when you
edit the graphics.

(CTRL+L) A combination is a bit different
from a group. Combined objects all get the
same color and inner objects will create
holes in surrounding objects. Select the
objects you wish to combine.
Click the Combine button to create a
combination of the selected graphics or use
the shortcut key CTRL+L.
The objects become combined and are
edited as one object.

Break apart
(CTRL+K) You can break apart combined graphics by clicking
the Break apart button.

SignCut DRAW 30
Convert Text to curves
(CTRL+Q) A text is handled like combined graphics in may
ways. If you want to be able to edit the individual objects of
a text, select it and click the Convert to curves button.

If you have overlapping objects in your graphics, for example script
texts, you can weld the objects so that they can be cut out the way you
Select the objects that should be welded and click the Weld button.

If you have objects that are overlapping and
want to mount these vinyl parts edge to
edge when you have cut the sign, you can
trim the edges with the punch function.
Select the graphics that should be trimmed.
The objects that cover parts of other objects
will punch holes in the underlying objects
when you click the Punch button.

Round off corners

SignCut Draw has a special feature to round off corners in your
graphics. This will make the sign easier to
weed when you have cut it. Select the
graphics that should have rounded corners
and click the Round off corners button.
Two settings for this function appears and
you can set the Distance and Angle limit
for the round off function.

SignCut DRAW 31
The Distance setting determines how far from the corner
the rounding off should start.
The Angle limit setting sets how sharp a corner must be
to become rounded off.
Click the Apply button to round off the
corners in the selected graphics.

Numbered signs
Create a complete sign. Select the objects that you have
created for the sign. The sign must contain a text with a
Click the Automatic
numbering button.
In the dialog box you set the
options for the numbering.
Enter First number for the first
sign and Last number for the last
If you want the increments
between each sign copy to
be different than 1, enter a
new increment.
The Distance is how far
apart the copies will be
placed and Min. digits are
used if you want to fill up the
numbers with zeros before
the first digit.

When you click Create, the whole

array of signs is created within the
work area.

SignCut DRAW 32
Sign setup
('W') Beneath the Edit tool is a button for activating the settings
for Signs, Modules and Registration marks. When you click this
button, the graphics in your sign becomes grayed and you
cannot edit it.

In the tools pane you select if you want to adjust the settings for Size, Modules
and Registration marks.
Every document has two tabs at the bottom of the window you
have two tabs. On the Design tab you layout the graphics of
your sign. On the Material tab you place the graphics on the
vinyl and layout the graphics as you want it to be cut color by color.


('W'...'1') When the Design tab is active, you can set up a background board.
Enter the Sign size and click the Apply button to change the size of the blue
dashed sign frame in the work area.
You can enter the top, bottom, left
and right margins of the sign. The
margins are drawn as a dashed gray
inner frame in the work area.
If you don't want to display the sign
frame when you are editing the
graphics, you can turn of the View
sign & modules option.

The sign frame is a dashed blue line and the

margins are dashed green.

You can save and name the current sign settings as a template. If
you later want to create a similar sign, you can open the template
and start working with the correct settings directly.

You can also select a sign size from the Presets drop down list.

SignCut DRAW 33
('W'...'2') If you
are working with
large format signs,
you can select to divide it
into modules (several
boards) that can be
placed next to each other
when you mount the sign.

You can divide your sign into

modules that will be cut

Enter the width and height of the modules

and click the Apply button. The sign is
divided into modules in the desired size.
When you later cut the sign, every module
will be cut separately and when you have
mounted the graphics on each board you
will have to piece them together.
The Overlap for material setting can be
changed in the settings dialog box. This is
the overlap for the graphics at the edge
between the boards.

Module edge settings

When you want to fold the edges of the sign board after you have mounted the
graphics on the sign (This is usually done if you use a special mounting table),
you can set the Edge offset for the modules.
Enter the width offset and height offset for the edges and
click Apply.
This offset must be set if you want the REMS registration
marks to be placed correctly.

SignCut DRAW 34
Registration marks
('W'...'3') You can
put Registration
marks in your sign.
The marks will be cut
in every color so that you can place them on top of each other
when you mount the sign.
Select the type of marks you want to add from the list.
Set the size and thickness of the marks and click the Apply

CARD registration marks

The CARD registration marks can be placed freely just as most other type of
registration marks. However they can be used in a special case which we will
show here.
When you have printed stickers on another machine and want to cut them with
SignCut you can insert disc registration marks in the image that you are printing.
Then open the bitmap image in SignCut
Draw. Just click the Bitmap tool and
click the Open bitmap button.

SignCut DRAW 35
When you have imported the image,
continue by clicking the Sign setup
tool and then the Reg. marks option.
Select the CARD registration mark
type. You can now click to place disc registration marks
anywhere in your sign. In this case we want to center the
discs exactly on the black circles in the bitmap so that the
cutter later can align the cutting graphics exactly on
top of the printed logo.
To place the CARD registration marks in the center of
the black circles, you simply SHIFT-click in the circle.

CARD Long registration marks

When you cut really long signs, it can be practical to divide them into parts
before you mount them.

To simplify this, SignCut DRAW has special registration marks. Click the
Sign setup tool.
Choose the Reg. marks option and select the
type CARD Long.
Enter the distance between the registration
marks and click Apply.
marks are placed
along the sign
and they are
numbered so
that it will be
easy for you to
mount the pieces
of the sign

SignCut DRAW 36
REMS (Registration Mark System)
Registration marks for special sign mounting tables
With REMS registration marks, you don't have to place the
same marks in every color. The system makes sure that
every part of the sign is positioned correctly.

When REMS registration marks are selected, you can see them vaguely in the
background. Now you can activate the registration marks by clicking them.
If you want to activate different registration marks in different
colors, you can activate one color by clicking its color swatch. You
can activate different marks for each color the position will still
become correct.
You can even activate registration marks that are partly covered by objects. The
registration marks will then be trimmed to protect the objects.
If you want the program to activate the registration marks
automatically, click the Apply button.
To deactivate all REMS marks, simply click this button.
Activate at least two registration marks for each color. Otherwise
you cant align the vinyl correctly. You can activate different marks for each color
the position will still become right.

Using REMS in a sign

Here is a large sign with several colors.

SignCut DRAW 37
We start by dividing the sign into two modules since this sign will be mounted
onto two sign boards.
Activate the Modules mode
and set the size for the
modules and click Create.

The sign is divided into the two modules, each 1000mm high and 2500mm wide.
Now, we activate the Reg. marks mode and
select REMS registration mark types.

The sign is displayed with the REMS registration marks vaguely visible in the
We will start by setting the REMS marks for the black vinyl.
Click the black color swatch to only see the black graphics.

Now, activate at least two REMS marks in each module. Use marks that are near
the graphics so that you don't need to use more vinyl than necessary.

SignCut DRAW 38
When you mount the sign place the REMS
marks at the corresponding marks on the
REMS alignment device. You can easily
calculate at what position the mark is with this
guide. The left edge shows in which row you
will find the mark and the bottom edge shows
in which column the mark is found on the
REMS alignment device.
The left edge has two 5-markings and two 1-
markings. This gives you Row=2x5+2=12.
The bottom edge has one 5-marking and three
1-markings. This means Column=5+3= 8.
Now, proceed to activate marks for the blue,
red and green vinyls.
The activated
REMS marks on
the blue vinyl.

REMS marks for

the red vinyl.

The REMS marks

activated on the
green vinyl.

When you have cut out the different vinyls you only need to place the REMS
marks correctly using the REMS alignment device to get every color in exactly
the right place.

SignCut DRAW 39
Setting up the Material
Click the Material tab to setup how the sign will be cut on the
vinyl. When you work directly on the material, you can place the
graphics exactly where you want to cut it.
Enter the Height (the roll width) of the
material you are cutting in and set the
Overlap (Used when you split objects that
are wider than the material),
and click Apply.

The material is drawn as a green

dashed frame with no right edge.

If you have designed a multi-color sign that should be cut out on different vinyl
rolls, you can make different settings for each material. Select
the color by activating it among it the color swatches.
Then, set the Height (width) for the vinyl roll and click Apply.
You can now move your graphics onto the
material exactly as you want it to be cut.

Read more about how to prepare your graphics

for cutting later in this users guide.

SignCut DRAW 40
Guidelines and placement

('E'...'1') When the Guidelines and placement tool is active,
you can place guidelines in your image.
Click and drag horizontal guidelines from the top ruler.
Click and drag vertical guidelines from the left ruler.
Angled guidelines are dragged from the top left or top right corners of the rulers.
Note! When you move the mouse cursor
close to nodes in your graphics, the
guideline will automatically snap to it.
When you have placed guidelines in the
work area, you can adjust the position
and angle for them. Click a guideline to
select it. The selected guideline becomes red.
If the Relative box is checked, you enter how much the
current guideline should be moved. If Relative is
unchecked you enter the absolute position for the guide
When you have changed the settings, you can choose to click
the Apply button to apply the new settings to the selected
guide line or you can click the Duplicate button to create a
new guideline with the new settings.
Click this button to remove the currently active guideline.
If you want to remove all the guidelines in your sign, you can
simply click the Remove all guidelines button.
When you are moving objects, texts and groups in
SignCut DRAW, the graphics bounding boxes and the
grabbing point will automatically snap to the guidelines
in the work area. And when you are editing nodes, they
will also snap to the guidelines.

SignCut DRAW 41
('E'...'2') When Align is
active, you can align objects so
that they get a common edge
or you can center them.
Select the objects, groups or texts you want to align and select which edge(s)
they should have in common.
Select if you want the objects to be aligned to
each other or to the edges or center of the
Click the Apply button when the settings are

('E'...'3') Distribute is a function
for spreading out objects with
equal distances.

Spread the objects evenly with the Distribute function.

Select the objects, texts or groups that you want to distribute and select if you
want to spread the objects evenly on the sign or within the selection area.
The two check boxes to the left will
distribute the selected graphics with
equal spaces vertically.
The top check boxes will distribute the
objects evenly horizontally.
Click the Apply button when you have
selected the distribution options you

SignCut DRAW 42
The Text tool
('R') With this tool, you can create text groups in your signs.
Click where you want to place the text and start typing on the
keyboard. When you have typed your text, you
can start changing the properties for it.
Select typeface in the Font list. When you
browse through the font list, a small preview of
the font that you are pointing at is shown in a
box next to the list.
If you right click a font in the list, your text will
temporarily change font so that you can see how
your text will look in the current font. Select the
font you want to use by left clicking it. If you
don't select a new font, your text will be reverted
to the original font.

The Letter height is the height that straight

vertical letters (for example "M") will have in the
selected typeface.
Select the text alignment with these buttons. The left, center
and right alignment only applies when you have multiple lines
in the text. The top arc and bottom arc can only be applied to
single line texts. When you have selected an arced text, don't
forget to enter the radius for the baseline circle.
You can set the Character distance if you want to
increase or decrease the spacing for the text. If you
only want to change the distance between two
characters, place the text cursor between the letters
and then change the Character distance.
Adjust the value for Line distance to increase or
decrease the line spacing of the current text.
In SignCut DRAW, you can also shear the text. Slant the
current text forward or backward by adjusting the Shear
control. You can shear selected characters in a text by
selecting them with the text cursor and then change the Shear control.

SignCut DRAW 43
Text in a box
You can also draw a box with the text tool to set the size of text. The height of
the box will become
the height of the text
and the width of the
box is the maximum
If you type a text
that is longer than the box the height will automatically shrink.

If the text is shorter than the baseline, you can click the Expand button
to grow the text to fit the baseline.

SignCut DRAW 44
Spell check
You can let SignCut Draw spell check your active text. Just type it and
click the Check spelling button.
The Check spelling dialog
appears and says that the
word “behaind” can't be found
in the dictionary. You have two
suggestions to choose from. Click the
correct word and then click the Replace
button. You can also double click the
If your word is not found in the
dictionary but it is not misspelled, you
can add the word to the dictionary by
clicking Add.
When you have gone through the whole
text, click Close to remove the dialog

SignCut DRAW 45
The Pen drawing tools
('T') There are four different tools to choose from when you have
selected the Pen tool.

Lines and curves tool

('T'...'1') Select the drawing tool to define curves and lines into
You can click out points that will become
connected by straight lines or curves. Click
and release the mouse button to place the
first point and then continue to click out
new points in the shape.
If you double click the segment will become a curve. And you will get a chance
to shape the curve by moving and clicking the cursor.
Another way to click out curves is to press the ALT-key and then click out points
along the thought curve. When you release the ALT-key the curve is ended and
you have the chance to adjust the handles of the curve before continuing with
the shape.

Press the Alt-key and click out points to make a curve.

When you release the Alt-key you can adjust the handles before
continuing with the shape. If you don't want the previous node
to become smooth, just press the CTRL-key when you move the

If you click near the first point the shape will become closed. You can click and
hold the button to snap the cursor to the first node or to other object ends.
when you release the paths become closed or joined.
You can also end the shape by pressing the Enter key. The shape will then
become an open object.
If you click and keep the button pressed, a cross-
hair cursor is shown. The beams automatically
snaps to nodes in your image.

SignCut DRAW 46
You can also make the drawing tool snap to nodes at a pre-set
distance. Click the Setup distance snap button.
A dialog box will appear where you can set the
snapping distances for the drawing tool. Let's start
with setting the distance to 2.00 inch and click OK.
Now, when you click and hold down the drawing
tool a circle around the cursor is shown. This circle
is exactly 2.00 inch from the cursor and it will snap
to any node in the image.

The drawing tool snaps exactly 2.00 inch away from the corner.

If you for example manually are drawing a

contour surrounding some graphics, you will
need to have another kind of snapping for sharp
corners. Take a look at this example.
Click the Setup distance snap button.
In the dialog box we make the following
settings. This means that the drawing tool will
snap to nodes at 2.00 inches distance and 90°
corners that are extensions from 2.00 inch
distance lines. Click OK when you are ready. The
corners are placed at a 2,83 inch distance.
Click and hold down the drawing tool to display
the snapping circles and cross-hair cursor. The
outer circle now represents 90° corners at 2.00
inch distance. Release the mouse button to set
the starting point of the shape.
Click and hold down the mouse button to be
able to place the next corner.
This is an easy way to position nodes where you
want them when you use the Drawing tool.

SignCut DRAW 47
Freehand tool
('T'...'2') Use this tool to click and draw shapes freely.

End the shape near the start to create a closed path.

Knife tool
('T'...'3') Click out a start point and an end point for a cutting line. If the cutting
line intersects a single contour, the object will become open and the Node
editing tool is activated.

If the cutting line cuts through one ore more objects that are selected or
grouped, the objects will be split.

SignCut DRAW 48
Weed lines
('T'...'4') With this tool you can insert weed lines into your sign. The weed lines
are cut between objects to simplify weeding. It is only possible to use this tool
when one color is active.

Select a color by clicking its color button.

Only the red graphics is now shown in color.

Use the Weed lines tool and click a start point for the line inside an
object and then click an end point inside another object where you
want the weed line to end.

Weed lines, painted in green, are created between objects in the graphics.

SignCut DRAW 49
Add shapes and symbols
('Y') You can add symbols and other shapes to your signs in
SignCut DRAW when the Shape tool is active.

You can choose from several different shapes and symbols. Select the shape you
want to add. Click and drag to place the shape in your sign. You can adjust the
settings for the shapes before or after you have drawn them in your image. You
can draw nine different basic shapes with thousands of different settings.

- Squares and rectangles ('Y'...'1').

- Circles and ellipses ('Y'...'2').
- Polygons ('Y'...'3').
- Rounded corner squares and rectangles ('Y'...'4').
- Chamfered corner squares and rectangles ('Y'...'5').
- Scalloped corner squares and rectangles ('Y'...'6').
- Stars ('Y'...'7').
- Arrows ('Y'...'8').
- QR codes ('Y'...'9').

QR codes
('Y'...'9') To add a QR code to your layout,
select the QR code shape and click out the
position for it and move the cursor and click
again to set the size. A dialog box appears
where you can enter the text for
the QR code. Check the Auto
export box to get an .eps file
containing the QR code is created
at the specified path. Click OK when
you are ready.

The QR code is created in your sign.

If you SHIFT-click the button, the QR code will be

placed in the corner of the sign outside the margin.

SignCut DRAW 50
('U') Click this tool to browse through your clip-art collections.
Click the browse button to select folder or disk where you have your
clipart. The program can read clipart files in vector .EPS format and
some .AI files. When the folder is opened, you will be able to select among the
previews to the right of the work area.
Double click the clipart image that you want to import into your sign.

When you open the dialog box, previews for all stored paths are shown.

SignCut DRAW 51
('I') Here you can import and work with bitmap images in your signs.

Background bitmap image

If you import a bitmap image into
your sign, it will be placed in the
background since it can't be cut.
Click the Bitmap tool to work with
the bitmap image. You can click to
select it and then move or rotate
the image.

Adjust the look of the bitmap image

Change the Brightness and Contrast settings to adjust the
look of the bitmap image.

Straighten bitmap image

If the image is tilted when you import
it, you can straighten it by using the
guide lines.
Drag a new guideline to a point that
should be straight and adjust the

SignCut DRAW 52
Then click the guideline again to apply.
The image will be straightened.

The tilted car is now straight.

Crop bitmap image

You can crop the bitmap
image by drawing a
rectangle or other shape
over your imported picture.

Then click the Bitmap tool and click the Crop button.

Everything outside the

rectangle will become white
in the bitmap image.

SignCut DRAW 53
Re-size bitmap image
You can click on the
bitmap and re-size it by
moving the corner
handles or move it by
clicking and dragging the
If you want to enter
values for size and
position, click this

You can now set the size

and position in these fields and click the Apply
button to execute the changes.

Invert bitmap image

Click this button to invert the bitmap image.

Hide bitmap image

Click this button to hide the bitmap image.

SignCut DRAW 54
Cut-able vector raster from photo
If you have imported a bitmap image into
the program you can convert it into a vector
line raster that can be cut.
Click the Create line raster button and
select the Wide lines option.

Select the settings you would like for your

graphics and click Create.

A line raster from the image is


Adjust the settings and click Create

again until you get an image that you
are satisfied with.

Click Close to shut down the dialog


Add bridges
You can add bridges into the raster. The
bridges can make the artwork easier
to handle when it is cut out. Check
the Add bridges option and set
how many and how wide they should
be and click Create.

When you create two bridges you will get

one at each en of the raster, If you add
more bridges they will be evenly distributed.

SignCut DRAW 55
Single line raster from photo
You can also convert a photo into a single line raster
that can be used for engraving. Click Create line
raster from bitmap.
Select the Single line option.
Set the number of lines you want and click
Adjust the settings and click Create again to
see the new result.
Click Close when you are satisfied. You can
also close the dialog box with the ESC key.

Vector graphics from image

If you have imported a bitmap image into the program you can convert into cut-
able graphics.
Click the Create vectors from bitmap button.

SignCut DRAW 56
The image is converted
into a black and white
image. If you want to
add shades of gray to
your image, click the
+button next to the
gray scale bar.

When you have added

the number of gray
scales that you want the
image is updated.

You now have the

chance to adjust the
span for each gray scale
by adjusting the borders
between the shades of

SignCut DRAW 57
The image is updated so
that you can see what the
vector graphics will look
like when it is cut.

Click this button to

vectorize all colors.
You can also vectorize
selected colors only, by
clicking the Vectorize
selected colors button.

The bitmap image is now

turned into vector graphics
(curves and lines).
You can see the resulting
graphics in the program
window and you are able
to zoom in and out to see
what the result looks like.
You now have the
opportunity to re-adjust the
gray levels and you can
also change the vectorizing
settings and try out several
options before you close
the dialog box.

SignCut DRAW 58
Select vectorizing colors
When you change the settings for vectorization the changes applies to the
selected colors.
You can simply click the gray-scale or
color you wish to work with. The
adjustments you make in the
vectorizing settings will only apply to
the selected color.
You can also select all colors with this button. The settings will then be
applied to all colors when you re-vectorize the graphics.
If you want to exclude a color from the vector
conversion, select the color and then click the
Exclude color button. The excluded color will then
not be vectorized.

Vectorizing settings
The Resolution setting re-samples the bitmap image. If
the resulting graphics become too detailed it can be a
good idea to lower the resolution. If your bitmap image is
very low res and you loose details in the resulting vector graphics you might
consider to increase the resolution of the image.

The Threshold setting can be adjusted for the selected

gray scale. You can also directly adjust this setting by
moving the borders between the gray scales
in the slider.
The Tolerance setting decides how tightly the vector
graphics should follow the bitmap edges. Higher
Tolerance setting means fewer nodes. Lower setting
means more nodes.
The Corners setting tells the program how many sharp
corners there will be in the vector graphics. When you
lower this setting more nodes will become smooth.

SignCut DRAW 59
The Size filter is used to remove noise from the image.
Increase the value to remove larger dots and objects from
the resulting vector graphics.
Every time you have altered the settings you can click Vectorize to view the
new result and then make new changes until you are satisfied with the result.
When the resulting graphics looks good click the Close button. The
ESC key will also close the dialog box.

When you convert an image into gray scale

vector graphics, the resulting graphics
should be mounted on top of each other,
layer by layer in the same order as in the gray-scales box.

Vector graphics from a color logo

Import a bitmap logo

into your SignCut DRAW

Click the Create

vectors from bitmap

SignCut DRAW 60
The Vectorize dialog is
displayed and the
bitmap image is
converted into a black
and white image.

Click the “-” button to remove black from the gray

scales box.
Now, click the “+” button for colors until you have
added all of the colors in the logo. Note that black is
now added as one of the colors.

The logo is displayed in

the window in the colors
you have added so that
you can see which parts
will be vectorized in
which color.

SignCut DRAW 61
When you are working with color
vectorizing, every color field will be
traced in one layer. The different colors
will be mounted next to each other
instead of on top of each other. There
will be holes created in the bottom
colors for the colors above. This means
that there can occur gaps between the colors. This can be avoided by vectorizing
the layers on top of each other. The same way as the gray-scale vector
conversion works.
Click the black color field (red in this logo) and
then the Make bottom color button to tell
the program that you don't want to cut holes in
the red layer for the other colors.

The yellow color should now be

mounted on top of the red
background when the graphics has
been cut out. No holes are created in
the red circle. No gaps between the
colors will occur.
Click the Vectorize all layers button to convert the bitmap into
vector graphics.
You can view the graphics in different ways by clicking the three different view
option buttons.
The first button displays the original bitmap image.
The middle button displays the pure color bitmap. Here you
can see which parts will be vectorized in what color.
The last of the view option buttons will only display the
contours of the resulting vector graphics.
When you are ready, click the Close button. The ESC key will also close the
dialog box. Your bitmap logo is now ready to be cut out. You might need to edit
the graphics depending on the quality of your original image.

SignCut DRAW 62
Create surrounding contour around bitmap
When you want to cut
out stickers you can
create a contour
surrounding the bitmap
graphics that you have

Import the bitmap image.

Now, click the Create

outline on bitmap
Surrounding the edges of the
bitmap, guide curves are created to
help you creating the contour.
If you want to draw the contour with
an offset distance from the contour,
you can adjust the Distance setting
and click the Apply button. The
guide curves are moved to the set distance.
Start drawing the contour by clicking out lines
and curves surrounding the bitmap edges. End
the line with a double click to make a curve.
The tool will snap to the guide curves.

When you click out two points on the guide

curve, that section is copied to the shape.

SignCut DRAW 63
Click outside the guide curves to continue the
shape outside the guide curves.

Click on the guide curves again to continue drawing

the shape on the guide curves.

A quick way to draw a

shape surrounding an
object is to simply double
click on a guide curve.

Make round corners on shapes surrounding a bitmap

Create rounded corners on

your shape(s) by entering
the radius and clicking

SignCut DRAW 64
Adjust threshold for guide curves around the bitmap

If the guide curves surrounding the bitmap are not placed on the edges, you
might need to adjust the threshold settings.
Click the Black & white threshold button.
Adjust the lever until the black matches the outer
contours of the bitmap.
The black and white bitmap is updated automatically.

Click the Apply button to move the guide curves to the borders.

SignCut DRAW 65
Adjust guide curves for colored background
When the imported bitmap image has a colored background, the orange guide
curves will be placed on the outer rim of the entire bitmap image.

We want the guide curves to follow the text. To change the color
settings for the guide curves, click the Color amount button.
Now, click with the cursor in the image to pick the color you wish to
change the amount for. Here we click the yellow color. The bitmap now become
yellow and white.

Adjust the amount of yellow in the image with the lever to

make the graphics appear clearly.
Click Apply to create new guide curves along the edges of
the bitmap image.

SignCut DRAW 66
Node editing
('O') Activate the Node editing tool when you want to change
the shape of an object. This can be necessary when you for
example have vectorized a bitmap image.

Standard node editing

('O'...'1') The top node
editing option is for
standard node editing.
Click an object to display the control points (nodes)
of the shape. The objects are made from lines and
When you click a node next to a
curve, two more control points are
shown. These are the handles that
control the curve.
Then you can simply click and move
the nodes and handles of any object.
When you move a node at the end of a line, you can make the line snap to
horizontal and vertical position by pressing the CTRL key.
Nodes and handles can be nudged with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Changing the node editing contour color

If you are node editing with a bitmap image in the background it can sometimes
be hard to see the curves and lines.
You can change the editing colors for the contours
so they will appear more clearly. Just CTRL+click in
the color palette to select the editing color. The
Colors of the objects does not change. This color
change is only temporary to make your current node
editing easier.
The contours are now red when you are node

SignCut DRAW 67
Reposition a node on a curve
You can reposition a node on a curve without changing the
look of the curve.
Select the node you want to move.
Then press the SHIFT key plus the left arrow key or the
right arrow key depending on in which direction you want to
move the selected node. A black spot is shown at the new
position for the node. Move the spot until you have reached
the position you want for the selected node.
When you release the SHIFT key, the node is moved and
the adjacent curves are re-calculated to follow the original

View original shape

This option allows you to see how the object looked before
you started editing.

When you alter the shape by moving the nodes or

handles a gray contour is displayed. The gray line is
what the object used to look like.

Use this button to re-calculate the current shape as

the original shape.

Select many nodes

If you want to select many nodes, you can click and
drag a box surrounding the nodes you want to select,
or you can press the SHIFT key and click more nodes.

SignCut DRAW 68
Reference node
If you click a single node first and
then use SHIFT+click to select more
nodes, the first selected node
becomes a Reference node. This
node is has a little thicker contour.
Read more about how the reference
node is used below.

The bottom left node is the Reference node.

Cusps & smooth nodes

There are two types of nodes, cusps
and smooth nodes. You can make
cusps into smooth nodes and vice
versa by clicking the Make node a cusp and Make node smooth
buttons. You can also change the node type by double clicking the
Select many nodes in a row, you can simplify
the curves and lines to a smooth segment by
clicking the Make nodes smooth button.
If you press CTRL and double click on a node,
it will become symmetric. A symmetric node is
smooth and the handles on each side have the
same length.
Smooth nodes are round and cusps are square in
SignCut DRAW.

SignCut DRAW 69
Lines and curves
You can select curves and lines by clicking directly on their contour. The selected
segment is marked with a black spot.
Lines can be turned into curves and curves into lines by clicking the
Convert to line and Convert to curve buttons. You can also quickly
convert a lines to curves and curves to lines by directly double clicking
When you have many selected nodes in a row
you can convert them into a single line by just
pressing the Enter key.

You can also turn many nodes into an

absolutely horizontal or vertical line by
pressing SHIFT+Enter. If you have selected
a Reference node, the line will be aligned to it.

Add and remove nodes

You can naturally add and remove nodes too. Just click on a contour
where you want to add the node. A black spot indicates where the
new node will be placed. Click the Add node button to create a new
To remove the selected node(s), just click the Delete node button
or hit the Delete key on the keyboard.

Split nodes
You can split nodes into two by selecting it and then
pressing the Split path button.
The nodes is divided into two and the path becomes
You can also split a path with this tool where there is no
node. Just click the path where you want to split it and click
the button.

SignCut DRAW 70
Join nodes
To close an object or to join two open paths you will need to join the end nodes.
This is done simply by moving one of the nodes to the other. When the node
snaps to the other end node the paths will be joined or closed.

Make sharp corner

You can turn two nodes into one sharp corner. Select a
point between two nodes. A black spot is shown on
the path.
Click the Make corner button.
The segments are now converted into
a sharp corner.

Reduce nodes
If an object has many nodes you can
simplify the object by clicking the Reduce
nodes button.
Nodes are removed from the object
without effecting the shape too much.
If you want to reduce the number of nodes
even more, you can click the button again.
If too many nodes are removed, just click

Node snapping
The nodes can be moved around freely. You can however get
extra help when positioning the nodes.
The Node snap angles are set to None by default. If you
activate them you will display snapping lines at the specified
angles when you move the nodes. Specifying 45° means
that the cursor will snap to nodes in the angles 45°, 90°,
135°, 180°, 225°, 270°, 315° and 0°. Now it's easy to align
nodes in the image.

SignCut DRAW 71
Specify node distance
The node snap angle helped you to align nodes
but not to set the distance between them. You
can use the Distance snap to solve this. Click the
Setup distance snap button.
In the dialog box you set the distances you want
for node snapping. Click OK when you are ready.

Now, when you move a node you will see two

circles around the cursor. The circles will snap to nodes in
your image so that you can place nodes at exact distances.

Node editing with the dynamic axis

The dynamic axis can help you to place
nodes with a specified distance and
angle from a reference point. Click and
drag a dynamic axis from the ruler.
Place it on a node that you want to use
as a reference point. The reference
point will snap to the nodes in the
image. So if you want to place the
reference point at the corner of an
object, you only need to release it near that node.
A vertical axis is placed in the work area in the same way, except for that you
drag this from the left hand ruler. Don't forget to position the reference point.
A tilted axis can be dragged from the top left or top right corner of the rulers.
When you have released the reference point, you can adjust the angle of the
axis by entering a new angle in the Angle box.

Position nodes on the axis

When the axis and reference point is placed in the work area, you can use them
for positioning nodes.
Click and drag a node to move it. The
node will now snap to the axis when

SignCut DRAW 72
you hover over it. In the Distance box you can see how far the node is from
the axis reference point. Release the mouse button where you want to place the

When you move nodes they will snap to the axis.

In the Distance box you can see how far it is from the reference point.

After you have released the node, you can still adjust the distance between the
node point and the reference point on the axis. Just
enter a new value in the Distance box and the
node will be moved to the new distance.

When you have released the object, you can enter a new distance.
The object is then moved along the axis to the new distance.

Move node on the path

You can reposition a node on the path without changing the shape. Just click a
node to select it.
Now, press the SHIFT+left or right arrow keys. A black spot is moved along
the contour of the segment.
When you release the SHIFT-key the node is moved to the new position.
Note! Sometimes it is impossible to keep the same shape when the node is
moved too much.

Extend Lines
You can also move the selected node by extending the line. This naturally only
works if the node is connected to a line. This is done with the SHIFT+up & down
arrow keys.
If the selected node connects two line, you can change which line to extend by
shrinking the current line until the other starts to grow.

SignCut DRAW 73
Node editing short cut keys
Delete key Remove selected nodes
+ Insert node at selected point
Enter Toggle selected Node between cusp/smooth node
Enter Toggle selected segment between curve/line
Arrow keys Nudge selected nodes
PgUp/PgDn Change nudge distance (See the status bar)
N Select next object
SHIFT+N Select previous object
CTRL+left/right arrow keys Select the next/previous control point of the path
CTRL+SHIFT+left/right keys Select the next node on the path
CTRL+Up/Down arrow keys Include the next/previous node of the path
SHIFT+A Turn selected node to 90º corner
Tab Reverse select order for current path

SignCut DRAW 74
Straighten nodes
('O'...'2') When the Straighten
option is active you can align
many nodes at once. This is great
when you have stumbled upon
some low quality graphics.
This text does not look as it
Start by selecting nodes that
should be on the same height.
When the nodes are selected
click the Apply button.

All lines are now straight and on

the same level.

If you want you can first click

one of the nodes to make this
a reference point. This means
that all the other nodes will be
moved to the same level as the
first selected node.
Continue to do this for all
horizontal and vertical lines in the
The text will then look like this.
To fix the tilted lines we need to
set the angle of the line. This can be done in three ways.
1. If you know the angle, you can enter it.

2. You can click on a line which has the correct angle and
then click the Measure angle button.

SignCut DRAW 75
3. You can select two nodes for
example the first and last in a
line and click the Measure
angle button.

When the angle is set you can

select the nodes that should be
aligned to the same baseline.
Note that the selection frame will be
tilted to simplify the selection of
When you have selected the nodes
that should be placed on the same
base line you click Apply to make all
nodes into straight lines.

When we have fixed all the

lines the text looks like this.

If you don't feel

comfortable with, or don't
want to use the rotated
selection frame, you can
temporarily rotate the
graphics to the set angle. Just click the rotate image button to make the image
straight. When you have fixed the lines, you simply click the lower button to
restore the image rotation.

SignCut DRAW 76
Clone section
('O'...'3') When you clean up graphics
you will discover that the graphics often
contain repeated parts.
Take a look at his text. The serifs does
not look good so we edit one of them
into the correct shape.
Now we activate the Clone section
Click a spot on the contour and then press CTRL+click the
end of the segment you wish to clone. A blue section of
the object is created.
You can now move and rotate this
section to other parts of the image that
should look the same.
Click the Apply button to
clone the section to the
underlying part.
Continue until all serifs in the text are

SignCut DRAW 77
Measurement, Dimensions and
('P') Here you can measure or add dimensions and comments to your sign.

('P'...'1') When you activate the Measure
tool, you will be able to measure
distances, widths, heights and other sizes
in your sign. Click and drag a line to
measure the any distance in the graphics.
If you click and keep the mouse button
pressed, a cross axis ruler cursor is
displayed that will help you to click out
the starting point of the measurement
line. This cursor snaps to nodes in the
Now, move the cursor and click where you want the measurement line to end.
(Click and keep the button pressed to display the ruler cursor.)
Press the CTRL key if you want to
constrain the measurement line in a
horizontal or vertical direction.
The length of the line can be viewed in the
top of the program window.

SignCut DRAW 78
Reference frame
('P'...'2') If you want to be sure
that the graphics are placed at the
correct distances from the sign board borders, you can
use the reference frame.
Here we have a sign consisting of three different colors.
Click the green color swatch to activate
the green objects.
Draw a frame surrounding the
Four small green rectangles are
created on the sides of the box.
Annotations with measurements
are created so that see exactly
where you should mount the
rectangles on the sign.
Now, continue to make reference frames for
every color. Then you can place every layer
exactly where they should be.

SignCut DRAW 79
('P'...'3') The Dimensions tool works in most ways, just like the Measure tool.
But when you have drawn a measure line in your graphics annotations about the
distances are saved so that you can remember the data without having to write
it down. These annotations are naturally not cut out when your sign.
When you have measured a distance
you must now click a third time to set
the position for the measurement
annotation. The distance measured is
displayed in a non cutting layer in your

('P'...'4') You can also add comments in the non cutting layer of your sign. Here
you can add information that you might need when you have cut out the sign.
Click where you want to place the information.
A dialog box will appear where you can enter the
comment you would like to add. Click Create to add
the comment to your sign.

The comments can be

moved and re-sized like
any other group.

SignCut DRAW 80
Special effects
('A') In SignCut DRAW, you can add several special effects to the
graphics in your signs, making them more appealing and better

The Contour effect

('A'...'1') You can make up to three contours on the selected objects at once.
Activate the contours by checking their boxes. When you activate a contour, it
states Outside and the contour effect that will be created will be an outline
effect. If you click the check-box again it will change to Inside. The effect will
then be an inline effect. When you click a check box, it is toggled between
Outside, Inside and None.
Note! You have to
activate the contours in
the right order. You
cannot activate Contour
3 when Contour 2 isn't active and you cannot deactivate Contour 2 when
Contour 3 is checked.
Select if you want to keep the original objects or if they should be removed.
Enter the distance from the
selected objects for each contour
that you have activated and click
Apply to create the effect.
When you have created the
contours you can change the color
for it like any other objects.
Check the Line width option to create
an outline object with a set width for
the contour.

Check the Separate inner option if

you want to group inner objects
separately for easy removal.

SignCut DRAW 81
('A'...'2') Click Punch to activate the advanced
punch settings in the tool pane. The shadow
effect will be applied to the selected objects.

You can select to punch the selected objects with Overlap, Gap or Normal (Without any overlap or

Punching with overlap and punching with gap.

('A'...'3') You can create new objects that are built fro m the
intersection of two objects or two groups. Select the objects
you want to work with and click the Intersect option.
Then click the create button to make a shape
from the intersection.

The intersecting objects are created from the areas that are
common between the two selected groups or objects.

SignCut DRAW 82
The Shadow effect
('A'...'4') Click Shadow to activate the shadow settings in the tool pane. The
shadow effect will be applied to the selected objects.
First you select the
direction of the drop
shadow by clicking
the desired options.
Then you enter the Distance for the shadow effect and click the Apply button.
The shadow effect is immediately
created and the objects are
automatically punched so that the
graphics are placed edge to edge.

When you have created the shadow, you can change the color of it like any other graphics.

Bending effects
('A'...'5') This effect will allow you to distort the selected graphics into a frame
of your choosing.
Click Bending and select
the graphics you wish to
Then select one of the pre-
defined frames available.
A frame is displayed on top of the selected graphics. If you wish, you can now
edit the curves and lines of the frame by clicking and dragging the contours of
the frame directly. You can also move the corners of the frame.
When you have a frame that looks the way you want, you just click the Apply
button to transform the selected graphics into the frame.

SignCut DRAW 83
You can use any shape in
your image as a custom
bending frame. Select the
shape and click the
Select custom frame

Then select the graphics

you want to reshape and click the Apply

The Fill effect

('A'...'6') You can use this option to fill graphics or the contours
of the graphics with objects. Start by selecting if you want to fill
inside the graphics or fill the edges.

Regular fill graphics

Select the objects you wish to use as fill and click
the Select fill object button.
Select the objects you want to fill. The software
automatically calculates and suggest settings that
are possible to use. You can naturally adjust the settings to
get the look you want.
Edge sets the distance between the fill
objects and the contours of the selected
Spacing is the distance between the fill
Scale is the scale of the fill object.
Click the Create button to apply.

SignCut DRAW 84
Random fill
Click the fill Random option.
When you are working with the
random fill option you can use several
different fill objects or fill groups. Select the first
object you wish to use as a fill object or group and
click the Select fill object button.
Now, select the next object that you want to use for fill.
To add fill objects into the fill memory you will need to
press the SHIFT key when you click the Select fill object
button. Notice that the button now has a small “+”, indicating
that you are adding fill shapes to the
Do the same thing for the rest of the
objects and groups that you wish to add
to the fill memory.
Then select the object you
wish to fill and click the
Apply button.
The ellipse is filled with the stars and
planets that we have selected as fill
objects. The positions are set randomly.
Let's take a look at the different settings
for the random fill.
The first setting is the
Edge setting. This sets the
minimum distance
between the fill objects and the ellipse
that we are filling. This setting can also be
used for clipping the fill.
Activate the Clip option and
click Apply. The fill objects
that are close to the border,
are now trimmed with the
Edge offset.

SignCut DRAW 85
The next setting is the
Count. This is the
number of fill objects
that SignCut Draw will try to fit within
the ellipse. If it can't fit any more
objects it will stop. The program tries
to use each fill object the same
number of times. This means that the
program will stop when it can't fit the
largest object in the ellipse anymore.
Check the Optimize option to allow the program to use smaller
fill objects when it's not possible to use the large ones. We also
increase the Count setting to 50, to fill up the ellipse more.
Now the ellipse only has two planets
but there are lots of more stars.
It is also possible to
allow fill objects to
overlap. Just check the
Overlap option and
click Apply. The objects can now be
overlapping in the fill.

You can also get the fill objects to change size randomly.
Adjust the Scale range value to a value that you wish to
use. We set it to 60 here. This means that the fill objects
can vary in size
from their current size to 60% of the
original size. If you enter a value larger
than 100 the sizes of the fill objects will
be between the original size up to the
percentage you have set. If the setting
is exactly 100 the sizes will not differ.
When we click Apply you can see that
the sizes of the stars and planets are

SignCut DRAW 86
The last setting is the Angle
range. Here you can tell the
program how much you want
the objects to be randomly
rotated. If you for example set
the Angle range to 30, the objects
will rotate between +30º to -30º. If
you set the range to 180, all angles are
possible. When we click Apply the fill
will look like this.

Edge fill of objects

Click the fill Edge option.
Select the object you wish to use for
fill and click the Select fill object

Select the graphics you wish to fill,

enter a Min and Max distance for the
fill object and click the Apply button.

The edges of the selected graphics

is filled with stars.

Another feature is that you can let the fill objects rotate with the slope of the
Start by selecting the fill object. When you are working with the
Fill edges option, you can use groups and texts as fill objects.

SignCut DRAW 87
Click the objects once again. You can now see the rotation
handles and the rotation center of the selection.
Now you can move the rotation center by clicking and dragging it
to a new position. Here we will place it at the center of the
baseline of the letter.
Now, click the Select fill object button.

Then select the object(s) that you wish to edge fill.

Click the Rotate
option, set the
distances and
click Apply.

The contour is now filled with rotated letters.

You can do the same thing for the whole text.

SignCut DRAW 88
Dashed contours
('A'...'7') You can let SignCut DRAW cut
selected graphics with perforated edges.
Select the graphics and click Dash on the
Effects panel.

If you select the Default

option, the software will
automatically calculate the
dash settings for you. Click
the Apply button to create the perforated
edges on the ticket.
With the Advanced setting you
can set both up and down lengths
for the knife when you cut the
Click the Apply button to change the
perforated edges.

You can also use Manual settings

which allows you to set the Up length
for the knife and the number of
spaces for the whole object.
Click the Apply button to change the
perforated edges.
Check the Dual cut
option if you want the
knife to cut twice. One
lap with solid contour to
cut through the vinyl and one lap with
the dashed lines setting to perforate the back paper of the film.

SignCut DRAW 89
Hatch fill
('A'...'8') You can let SignCut Draw fill your
graphics with hatch fill lines that can be used for
engraving or similar purposes. We start by typing
a couple of texts into the program. Then we
select one of the texts and click the Hatch

We set the Angle 1 option to 45° and

Distance 1 to 20 and click Apply.

The text objects are removed and is

replaced with 45° angled lines with the
set distance.

We select the second

text and add a second
set of lines with the
angle 0° and the
distance 10.

SignCut DRAW 90
('A'...'9') Rhinestones is a special type of crystal beads with a glue backing that
can be heat pressed onto the surface of clothing. SignCut DRAW has special
effects functions to place the rhinestones in patterns, to fill objects and to create
rhinestone contours.
SignCut Draw cuts circles in a rubber sheet where you place the beads. You then
use a heat press to fix the rhinestones to the clothing.
When you have activated the Rhinestone option you can select
between different effects for your graphics.
The Matrix option will fill the selected graphics with rows of
rhinestones. Set the size of the circles and spacing
and click the Apply button.

A Matrix fill of a heart shape.

There are are other options to fill shapes which you

might want to consider.

The Horizontal shift option will look like this.

Make sure that the circles does not intersect with

each other. If this is the case, you will need to
change the settings.

When you use the Vertical shift option, the result will look
like this.

SignCut DRAW 91
You can use the Contour
options to place the Rhinestones
along the contours of the
objects. Set the Size,
Minimum distance and
Maximum distance between
the beads and the program will
distribute them automatically
when you click Apply.
The pearls are placed
at even distances
between corners in
the graphics. You can now
manually place extra beads in
your graphics with this tool. Select the Add tool and
then click on the contour where you want to place
the extra bead.
The new bead is inserted on the segment you
clicked and the adjacent beads are moved so that
they are evenly distributed.
The Remove tool is used to reduce the
number of nodes on a segment. Just
click a segment to remove a rhinestone from it.
If you want to place a rhinestone at a specific position on the contour,
you can use the Corner tool to specify where you want to define a
corner on one of the
selected paths. When you click
with this tool a rhinestone will
be placed there but the
adjacent stones will be moved
and distributed evenly between

This is how the rhinestone pattern

will be cut.

SignCut DRAW 92
Preparing for cutting
When you have designed your sign or signs, you can activate
the Material tab and prepare the
The first time you click the
Material tab, the graphics is
transferred to the material so that
you can start working with the
cutting layout. You can at anytime
reload the graphics by clicking the
tab again when the Material tab
is active, but then all editings you
have made are lost and you have
to start from scratch with the
material layout.

Activate the color

you want to start
working with by
clicking its swatch.
Click and drag the graphics onto
the vinyl. It will snap to the
bottom and left edges of the vinyl.

This is how the graphics will be

cut on the red vinyl roll.
Continue until you have placed the
graphics in every color on its roll.
Click the material tab
again to reload the
Click it once more to
clear the material
area from all graphics.

SignCut DRAW 93
Split graphics at material border
When you cut signs that are wider than the vinyl, you can let SignCut DRAW split
your sign at the material border. The program will use the Overlap setting you
have set for the material. So when you mount the sign, be sure that you place
the parts with the correct overlap.

The Split at material border button is only available when you are
working on the material. Select the graphics and click the Split at
material border button when parts of the sign are wider than the
material. Two registration marks are automatically placed on the edge so that
you can mount the separated parts correctly. If you don't want any registration
marks, simply press the SHIFT key when you click the button.

The projecting parts can now be moved and cut anywhere on the vinyl.

The split parts are grouped so that you easily can move them without messing
up the graphics.

SignCut DRAW 94
Surrounding frames
When you make signs that are
divided into several parts you can
surround each part with a frame
so that you easily can see which
objects should be mounted
For example when you have
designed a sign that covers
several modules (boards).

When you click the Material tab

the graphics is automatically
divided into the four different

Click the color swatch you want to

start working with.

Then click the Add surrounding

frames button. Each group is
now surrounded by a frame that
will be cut out in the vinyl. This
makes it easy to see which parts
that belong to each module.

Click and drag the groups onto the

vinyl. You can even rotate them.
Place the graphics to optimize the
use of vinyl.

SignCut DRAW 95
If the groups are overlapping you can merge
the borders.
Click the Merge frames button. If it is
possible the frames will be merged.

Each area now consist of a module. To simplify the mounting you should use Registration marks.

If you for example have
made a design that you
want to cut several copies
of you can use the nesting
feature to automatically
optimize the use of vinyl.

Click the Material tab.

Enter the Height (the width

of the material). We are
using a 40” cutter in this
example. Click Apply.

SignCut DRAW 96
Now, select the pointer tool and
create as many copies of your sign
as you want to cut.

Select all objects of the sign and click the relative

position option and enter a distance that the copies
should be moved.
Click the Duplicate button until you have the
desired number of copies.

Click the Material tab.

Now, activate the red color to indicate that you are working
with the red material.

This is what the screen should look like when you are working with the red vinyl roll for this sign.

SignCut DRAW 97
Select all groups and click the Apply button for

The groups are placed so that a minimum of

vinyl is used.
Note! All graphics of the same color in a
sign/sign copy must be grouped.

Now activate the

blue material, select
all groups and click
the Apply nesting

The groups are placed on the blue vinyl.

The Distance setting sets the distance between groups on the vinyl.
The Keep straight option will only allow the graphics to be rotated in 90
degrees. If this option is unchecked the program can rotate the graphics freely to
reduce the use of material even more.
Click Apply to try out new settings.

SignCut DRAW 98
Multiple sign documents
You can work with several sign layouts at the same time in SignCut

Beneath the work area, you will find the document tabs. When
you are working with one sign only, you are working on the "A"
tab. If you want to start a new job without closing the current
document, you simply click the "+" tab to add a new tab. A
new document is created and
you can start designing a
new sign. Don't forget to
save this document under a
new file name.

A new sign is created on the “B”


If you select New in the File menu, the currently active tab will be cleared and
you can start over with the layout on that tab. This will become a new document,
so don't forget to save the new sign under a new name if you need to.
You can close the active document by clicking
the small “x” or by selecting Close in the
File menu.
Note! If you have several documents open on different tabs and close one tab.
The documents will become re-arranged so that the tabs always are in
alphabetical order. Tab A, B, C, ... and so on.

SignCut DRAW 99
Transfer graphics between documents
There is an easy way to copy graphics from one document to another. Select the
graphics that you want to copy.

Then SHIFT-click the document tab that you want to copy the graphics to. If you
SHIFT-click the + tab, a new document with the selected graphics is created.
The copied graphics are grouped in the new document.

SignCut DRAW 100

Cutting the sign
('S') To cut the graphics that you have created in SignCut
DRAW you simply click the Cut button. This will transfer the
image to the SignCut cutting software where you can make
settings and cut out the graphics to produce your sign.

Note! Most settings for cutting can be made in SignCut DRAW before you move
the image to the cutting software. For example material, modules, registration
marks and nesting for minimizing the use of vinyl.

SignCut DRAW 101

Lesson 1 – Create a simple sign
Start SignCut DRAW if it not already running. If you have any current
work in your program, save it and click the New button to clear the work
area so that you have an empty document in front of you.

Sign setup
We will start by
setting the sign
size so that we
can see what the
ready sign will look like on the sign board. Click the Sign setup button.
Enter the sign size 10 by 15 inches and click Apply.

SignCut DRAW 102

Add text
Now it is time to add some graphics to your
sign. We will start by adding a couple of
texts. Click the Text tool and then click on
the sign board to place the text cursor where
you want. Then type a text on the keyboard.
When you have entered the text, you can
select typeface, adjust the size and change color for it. Select color by clicking in
the color palette in the lower right hand corner.

When you are happy with the look

of the text, you can add another
text by clicking out a new text
cursor on the sign board. Then you
change the properties of this text
until it looks the way you want.

SignCut DRAW 103

Add stars
Now we will add some stars to this sign. Click the Shapes tool.
Click and draw a star where you want to place it. Adjust the
number of points and nib ratio. You can now click and draw
additional stars that will have the same settings.

To change color of the stars, select them and then click a color in the color
palette. If you want to select a color that is already in use, SHIFT click or right
click the color button.

Place the graphics on the vinyl

The design is now ready to be cut out. But before we do that, it is
good to save your work. Click the Save button. Select in which folder
you want to store your job and name the file and click Save.
Click the Material tab.
Set the vinyl width and click Apply.

SignCut DRAW 104

To layout how each vinyl is going to be cut, you can activate
the color by clicking the swatch in the color palette. Drag the
graphics down to the vinyl. Place the graphics where you
want it to be cut. Continue until you have placed the graphics
on the vinyl for every color.

Only the graphics on the red vinyl is


Move graphics to SignCut

Now you can transfer the image to the cutting software where you can decide
how you want to cut the sign. Click the Move to SignCut button.
Note! Only the active color/vinyl is transferred to SignCut.
Activate all colors with this button.

The SignCut software opens up with the new sign and you can start
loading media for cutting the sign.

SignCut DRAW 105

Lesson 2 – A more complex sign
Now that you have become a bit acquainted with the SignCut DRAW
software, we will look at how you can use the software to make a more
complex sign with texts and clipart, using exact sizing, positioning and
special effects.

Sign size and margins

Open up the program and make sure that you have an empty work area in front
of you. We will start with setting the size for the sign board. Click the Sign
setup button and enter 15 inches for height and 36 inches for width. Then
enter 1 inch for the left margin. You can now see that all margins are changed to
1. This is practical if you want the same margins on all sides of the sign.
This time however we want the top and bottom margins to be 0.5
inches so we enter this value for these margins. Then we click the
Apply button.

This sign should be green, so we create a green rectangle on top of the board.
Select the Shapes tool. Click and draw a rectangle. Then select the lower left
corner as the reference point and enter Position 0 and 0 and Size 15 x 36
inches. Make sure that the proportional box is not checked. Then we click green
in the color palette to make the background green.

SignCut DRAW 106

Arced text
Now we select the Text tool to add some texts to our sign. When the text tool
is active, we click on the sign board and type the words "WILDERNESS PARK".
Then we change the Letter height to 2.5 inches to fit the text on the sign

SignCut DRAW 107

It is now time to select the font for the text. You probably don't have the same
fonts installed as we so just select a font that you think is appropriate for the
text "WILDENESS PARK". We choose a font called "Cancun". (You can use any
font you have available).

We want the text to be arced so we select the Upper arc text alignment
option. The text becomes arced.

SignCut DRAW 108

We don't want the text to be this much curved, so we increase the radius for the
circle arc to 50 inches.
The text looks OK now. Finally we change the text to yellow by clicking in the
color palette.

SignCut DRAW 109

To add the name of the park you click above the current text and enter "THE
MESA VERDE" on the keyboard. We want a different typeface for this text so we
select a font called "Arriba Arriba". (You can use any font you have available).
Then we decrease the Letter height for the text to 1.7 inches.

Position on center of sign

Now, we want the two texts to become centered. So we select the
Placement & guidelines tool. Select both texts by clicking and
dragging a box that surrounds them.
Now click the Center horizontal alignment option and select Sign to
indicate that the texts should be centered on the sign board. Click the Apply
button to center the texts.

SignCut DRAW 110

Save your work
Before we continue we would recommend that you save your work.
Click the Save button, name the file and click Save. It is a good
practice to save your work regularly.

Add Clipart
The next thing we want to do in this sign is to add a couple of clipart figures.
You can browse through clipart images and add them directly in SignCut DRAW.
Click the Clipart button. If you have your clipart on a CD-ROM, you should
insert the disk now. Click the Browse button and select the CD-ROM drive and
the clipart folder on the disk. If your clipart is stored in a folder on your hard
disk, you simply select the correct folder. Click OK when you have selected your
clipart folder.

SignCut DRAW 111

The different clipart images are displayed as thumbnail preview images on the
right in the program window. SignCut DRAW can import many types of .EPS &
.AI clipart files. Select the image you wish to import by double clicking it.
In this lesson we will import two clipart images. We place the eagle somewhere
in the upper right corner and the buffalo in the upper left corner. We use the
Edit tool to select the clipart groups and then we click the black color in the
palette to make the animals black.

SignCut DRAW 112

The buffalo is turned the wrong way so we select it and click the Mirror button
to turn it around.
Then we adjust the size of the animals by selecting them and clicking and
dragging one of the corner handles.

SignCut DRAW 113

Add circles
Now we will make two background circles for the animals. Select the
Shapes tool and then click the Ellipse button. Click and draw a
circle. Keep the CTRL key pressed to make the circle perfectly round.
Click and drag to move the circle on top of the buffalo. Then
SHIFT click the yellow color button to make the circle yellow.

SignCut DRAW 114

Change drawing order
The circle should be placed behind the buffalo, so we activate the Edit tool and
select the buffalo. Then click the Move object to top button.

Now we want to make an identical circle behind the eagle. Select the circle and
click Duplicate in the Edit menu. Click and move the new circle and place it on
top of the eagle. Then select the eagle and click the Move object to top button.

SignCut DRAW 115

Group objects
Click and drag a box to select both the circle and eagle and then click
the Group button. This will create a group from these two objects
and prevent you from accidentally separate them. Then we also select
the buffalo and its circle and create a group.

Align graphics on sign

Now we want to place the two groups in the signs corners. First we select the
buffalo group and activate the Placement and guidelines tool. Select the Top
and Left alignments and click the Sign option. When you click Apply, the
selected group will be placed in the upper left corner of the sign. That is 1 inch
to the left of the edge and 0.5 inches from the top since this is our settings for
the margin.
Then we select the eagle group and select the alignments Top and Right and
click Apply to place this group in the opposite top corner.

SignCut DRAW 116

Turn off the View fill option in the View menu to see that the groups are
aligned to the top left and top right corners.

Create object copies

Now we will add five stars to the sign to indicate that the
Wilderness park is a top class establishment. Activate the Shapes tool and click
the Stars button. Then click and draw a star somewhere in the lower left
corner of the sign. Adjust the Ratio until the star looks like you want and SHIFT
click the yellow color button to make the star yellow.

SignCut DRAW 117

We wanted five identical stars. To make the copies we activate the Edit
tool, select the star and then check the Relative box. Enter 5 inches in
the X Position box and click the
Make copy button four times.
Now you have five identical stars
placed 5 inches apart.
The stars should be placed on the
bottom margin of the sign, so we
select all of them by clicking and
dragging a box that surrounds all of
them and then we click the
Placement & guidelines button.
Select the Bottom alignment, click the Sign option and then click Apply.

Distribute objects
Now we want the stars to be
evenly distributed along the
bottom edge of the sign. So we
click Distribute. Then we select
the horizontal Sign distribution
and click Apply. The stars are now
spread out evenly along the
bottom of the sign.

Add contour effect

To give a bit more impact to the sign, we will add some contour effects
to the texts. Select the top text and change the color to light green, then
click the Effects button. We only want to add one contour to
the text and it should be on the outside so we only need to
check that the settings are correct and then we enter 0.25 for
the distance. This means that SignCut DRAW will create an
outline that surrounds the text
with the distance 0.25 inches.
Make sure that the Keep
original option is checked
otherwise the original text will be

SignCut DRAW 118

Then click the Apply button.
Change the color of the contour
to black by SHIFT-clicking the
black color button.
Now we also want to create
an outline effect around the
second text. We select
it and change the
outline offset to 0.15
inches and click Apply.

Change the contour

color to black by SHIFT-clicking the black color button.

We are almost ready

with the sign now, but
we will fix a couple of
things before we
transfer the graphics to
SignCut for cutting.

Use Punch to trim edges

Return to the Edit tool and turn off the View fill option by
clicking this button to see all the contours that will be cut in the
sign. You can then see that the circles in the top two corners are
intersecting with the top text of the sign.

SignCut DRAW 119

You can naturally cut the sign like this, but then you will have to
mount the layers of film on top of each other. To avoid this, you can
let SignCut DRAW trim the edges so that the graphics is mounted
edge to edge instead. Turn on the View fill option again so that
you can see which objects are placed on top of others. Now select the black
contour of the top text and then press SHIFT and click the eagle group.

When you click the Punch through bottom objects

button SignCut DRAW will trim the edges of the
yellow circle since it is drawn underneath the black

SignCut DRAW 120

If you turn off the View fill option you can see
that there are no intersecting objects now.

Just do the same Punch operation on the buffalo

circle. You can now place the vinyl layers edge to
edge when you mount the sign.

Put graphics on the vinyl

The design is now ready to be cut out. But before we do that, it is
good to save your work. Click the Save button. Select in which folder
you want to store your job and name the file and click Save.
Click the Sign setup tool and
select the Material option. Set the
vinyl width and click Apply.
Select the pointer tool and drag
the graphics down to the vinyl. Place the graphics where
you want it to be cut. Activate one vinyl color at a time and
place the graphics as you want it to be cut.

SignCut DRAW 121

This is how the different layers will be cut.

Click the Move to SignCut button to transfer the image to SignCut

for cutting the sign.

SignCut DRAW 122

Lesson 3 – Large format signs
Sometimes you have to cut signs larger than you can or want to handle.
In SignCut DRAW, you are able to divide the sign in to modules (multiple
sign boards that can be placed next to each other) which are easier to
handle when you mount the sign.

First we will start by creating a really big sign. Click the Sign setup button and
enter 80 inches for the height and 200 inches for the width of the sign and click

SignCut DRAW 123

Select the Text tool and click and type the text "BIG SALE!" change the Letter
height to 70 inches and the typeface to "Arial Bold". (You can use any font you
have available).
Now use the Edit tool and click the text. Then move and compress the
text so that it fits inside the sign board. Change the color of the text to
red by clicking in the color palette.
Click the Placement & guidelines button and select to center the text
both horizontally and vertically and click Sign so that the text will be
centered on the sign board. Click the Apply button

Divide sign into modules

Now, click the Sign setup button again so that we can divide
this sign into several modules.
Click the Modules option. Now we can
decide how large modules we want to cut
out. We enter 40 inches for the height
and 40 inches for the width and click the
Apply button.

SignCut DRAW 124

You can now see how the sign
will divided into segments that
will be cut out separately. In the
SignCut cutting software, you
can later set the overlap
between the modules so that no
gaps will appear when you
mount the pieces.

You can now see how the graphics will be split into different modules.

SignCut DRAW 125

To split the graphics into the different modules, click
the Divide sign into modules button. This will
divide the sign into the 10 modules. The modules
should later be mounted with the set overlap, 0,12”.

The dividing lines of the modules. Every module is grouped.

You can now let the program frame each group so

that you will know which parts belong together.
Click the Add surrounding frames to groups

Surrounding frames are added around the objects of every module.

Now, we want to place the groups on the

vinyl for cutting. Click the Size option and
then the Material option.
Set the width of the vinyl and click Apply.

SignCut DRAW 126

The material where we should place the graphics is shown beneath the graphics.

We can let the software place the graphics on the vinyl automatically.
Click the Placement & guidelines tool and select the Nesting option.
Select all of the groups in your sign and set
the distance you want between the groups
on the vinyl and click Apply.

All of the groups are now placed on the vinyl so that a minimum of vinyl will be used.

Click the Move to SignCut button to transfer the image to the

cutting software where the modules of the sign will be cut.

SignCut DRAW 127

Lesson 4 – Advanced graphics editing
In this chapter we will go through the different tools in more detail and
describe how you can adjust and edit the graphics in detail.

First we setup the sign. Click Sign setup and enter 20 inches for the
height and 30 inches for the width and click the Apply button.

SignCut DRAW 128

Adjust letter spacing
Use the Text tool to click and enter a text on the sign. We type
"MEGA SHOW" and select the typeface Bodoni Bold and Letter
height 2.5 inches. (Use the most similar font you have available).

As you can see the kerning (spacing) between the letters "O" and "W" is to big
this makes the sign look unprofessional.

Use the Text tool to click and drag to select these two letters. The selected
letters become inverted. Now you can adjust the
spacing between the selected letters by adjusting the
Char. distance setting. We decrease the value to -8.
The text now looks professional.

SignCut DRAW 129

Place the text in the center of the sign by activating Placement & guidelines.
Select the text and choose vertical center and horizontal center and click the
Sign option. When you click Apply the text will be centered on the sign board.

Rotate graphics
Now we will add one more text to the sign. Use the Text tool and
click on the sign and type "Tonight!". Select a script font that looks
good. We use a font called Freehand 521. (You can use any font you
have available).

SignCut DRAW 130

With the Edit tool, we can rotate and position the new text as we
want. Click the new text twice. Rotation and skewing handles
should now be visible around the text. Click and drag a rotation
handle placed outside one of the corners of the text. Press the CTRL
key to snap the rotation angle to even 15 degree increments. Rotate the text 15
degrees and release the mouse button.
Now click and drag the text to position it close to the "MEGA SHOW" text.

Weld a script text

The "Tonight!" text is written with a script font.
Script fonts usually have overlapping objects. This
means that when you cut the sign, the objects will
cut into each other. To avoid this you can weld the
text. Select the text with the Edit tool and click the
Weld button.
The intersecting objects are joined.

Freehand drawing
We will now draw a freehand object as a background to the text.
Select the Freehand drawing tool. With this tool, you click out
lines and curves that surrounds the two texts.
Activate the distance snapping by clicking this button.

SignCut DRAW 131

In the dialog box enter the distance for the
contour and click OK.

Now, click and hold

down the mouse
button. Set the
starting point at the
correct distance and
release the mouse

Click out the next point and watch the

circle to get the right distance.

Continue to click out lines and curves

surrounding the objects. To make curves
simply double click.

SignCut DRAW 132

Change drawing order
The shape is black and covers the texts in the sign. Select the
Edit tool and click in the color palette to change the color
into purple.
To move the shape underneath the texts, you click the
Move object to bottom button.

Group objects
Now we want to group the shape and the two texts so that we
can be moved without disturbing the layout that we have created.
But before we do that, we change the color of the two texts to
make the sign more appealing. Use the Edit tool to select a text
and color it by clicking in the color palette. When you are satisfied
with the look, you click and drag a box that surrounds all of the

SignCut DRAW 133

Then click the Create group button. The grouped graphics is now treated as
one entity.

To align this group to the bottom of the sign, we click the group to
select it and then activate the Placement & guidelines mode. Select
the Bottom, Center & Sign options and click Apply to move the
group to the middle bottom of the sign.
Now we will enter a new text to the sign that we want to add some
effects to. Use the Text tool to add a text that look like this. We
have used a font called Bodoni Bold Condensed. (You can use any
font you have available).
We have then used the Edit tool to pull the handles on the sides of
the text to make it even more compressed.

SignCut DRAW 134

Bending effects
Click the Effects tool and then select Bending in the tool pane.
Here you can choose from a variety of preset effect types. In this
example we will use the Double arc top preset. When you select
the type of effect you want a frame is
drawn that shows how the graphics
will be distorted when you click the
Apply button.

You can edit the shape of

the frame by clicking and
dragging directly on the
contours of the curves or
you can node edit the
frame by clicking the corner
nodes and then move the
handles of the curves.
When you have edited the
frame as you like, click the
Apply button.

SignCut DRAW 135

Relative re-sizing
Finally we want to add a shadow effect to this new text. But since we want the
drop shadow to fall down to the right, we need to decrease the size of the text
with the same amount as the shadow expands it. For example if we want a drop
shadow that falls 0.5 inches to the right we can decrease the width of the text
with 0.5 inches. Then the text with the shadow will will be just as wide as the
text was before. You can naturally add the shadow first and then decrease the
size of the graphics but then you change the offset of the shadow since you are
shrinking the graphics.

Activate the Edit tool and select the text. Make sure that the
Proportional check-box under Size is checked. Select the upper left
corner as the reference point. This means that the selected graphics will
only grow or shrink downward or to the right. The upper left corner is
fixed. Then check the Relative box and enter -0.5 in the width box. Click Apply
to execute the size change.

SignCut DRAW 136

Shadow effects
Select the Effects tool and click the Shadow effects. Now you can
choose in which direction you want the shadow should fall. In this
case we have decided that we want a Lower right shadow so we
click this option and enter 0.25 inches and click the Apply button.

SignCut DRAW 137

Place on vinyl
Now its time to put your graphics on the vinyl, the way you want to cut it. Click
the Sign setup tool and click the material option. We are using a 24” wide
cutter so we enter the width of the roll and click Apply.

We have to place the objects of every color on a vinyl roll each. Therefore it can
be good to group the objects of every
color so that you won't move parts of
them accidentally.
Now, click the Edit tool and click the
purple color swatch. Only the purple
graphics will be visible.
Click and drag the purple background
to the lower left corner of the vinyl and
then proceed to black by clicking its
color swatch.

SignCut DRAW 138

Now, click and drag the black text to the vinyl. The black text even fits when it is
rotated. This way you can save lots of vinyl.
Then we continue to move the graphics to the gray, yellow and pink vinyl rolls.

The sign is now ready to be cut out. Click the Move to SignCut
button to prepare the graphics for cutting.

SignCut DRAW 139

Lesson 5 – Using registration marks
Registration marks are used to position the layers when you mount the
sign. The marks are cut out in every color and by placing the registration
marks on top each other you can make sure that all graphics are
positioned exactly right in your signs.

Create a new sign by selecting New. Make sure that you save any unsaved signs
before you continue. Click the Sign setup button and enter 25 inches for
height and 35 inches for the width.

SignCut DRAW 140

Create a multilayer sign by adding a text and some shapes to your work surface.
In our example we have created a sign that looks like this.
The sign consists of four
different layers that will be
cut out separately. To
simplify the mounting of the
layers when they are cut out
we will now add some
registration marks to the
sign. Click the Sign setup button and select Reg. Marks.
Select the type of registration marks you want to use. In this example we will
use the Disc registration marks. They are perfectly circular.
(The registration marks from the different cutting plotter manufacturers are
developed to work with their optical positioning systems.)

SignCut DRAW 141

Set the size that you want your registration marks. If you click the Apply, four
registration marks are placed in the corners of the sign. If you want to place the
registration marks freely you can just click to place them in the sign. Usually
three or four registration marks is enough. If you cut really long signs you can
need more.

Group colors
Click the Sign setup tool and select the Modules option. Here you click the
Split into modules & group colors button. Even if your sign only consist of
one module, this function will group your colors including the registration marks.

Move graphics to material

Now, click the Size option and then click Material. Set the width of the vinyl
rolls and click Apply to create the vinyl rolls.

SignCut DRAW 142

Click the Edit tool and click the green color swatch to activate the
green vinyl roll.

Select the green objects and place them on

the vinyl roll.

Now you continue with the blue

vinyl roll. Click the blue color
swatch. This time we have a
36” blue vinyl roll, so we go
back to the Sign setup tool
and click the Material option.
Set the Height to 36 and click Apply.
Go back to the Edit tool and move the blue graphics to
the vinyl. You can rotate the graphics to save material.
Now, continue to prepare the two other vinyl rolls for
cutting and move the graphics onto the material.

Click the Move to SignCut button to transfer the graphics to

the cutting software. Your registration marks are cut out in
every layer so that you can place them on top of each other
when you mount the vinyl layers.
It is good to use registration marks when you cut signs that contain contour
effects and shadow effects, since it then is very important that the graphics is
placed absolutely correct to avoid gaps or uneven offsets in the contour.

SignCut DRAW 143

Tool shortcuts
To enable you to work faster, SignCut DRAW has lots of shortcuts that will let you
access tools via keys on the keyboard and double click operations that will
perform common tasks. Here is a list of the shortcuts in the program.

Q - Activates the Object editing tool

W -Activates the Sign setup mode

When you have pressed “W” you can press 1, 2 or 3 within a few seconds.
1. Activates the Size mode.
2. Activates Modules mode.
3. Activates Registration marks mode.

E -Activates Placement & guidelines

When you have pressed “E” you can press 1, 2 or 3 within a few seconds.
1. Activates the Guidelines mode.
2. Activates Align mode.
3. Activates Distribute mode.

R -Activates the Text tool

T -Activates the Freehand drawing tool
When you have pressed “T” you can press 1, 2, 3 or 4 within a few seconds.
1. Activates the Lines & curves tool.
2. Activates Freehand drawing tool.
3. Activates Cut tool.
4. Activates Weed-line tool.

Y -Activates the Shapes tool

When you have pressed “Y” you can press 1 - 9 within a few seconds.
1. Rectangle tool.
2. Ellipse tool.
3. Polygon tool.
4. Rounded rectangle tool.
5. Chamfered rectangle tool.
6. Scalloped rectangle tool.
7. Star tool.
8. Arrow tool.
9. QR code tool.

U -Activates the Clipart mode

I -Activates the Node editing tool
O -Activates the Effects tools
P -Move to SignCut

SignCut DRAW 144

General keyboard shortcuts
CTRL+O Open a sign

CTRL+S Save sign



CTRL+X Cut, Delete objects & put on clipboard

CTRL+C Copy, Copy objects to the clipboard

CTRL+V Paste, Put from clipboard to sign

Delete key Remove selection from sign

CTRL+D Create duplicate

CTRL+SHIFT+D Make clone

CTRL+R Repeat action

CTRL+A Select all

CTRL+pgup Move selection one step forward

CTRL+pgdn Move selection one step backward

SHIFT+pgup Move selection to front

SHIFT+pgdn Move selection to back

CTRL+G Group selection

CTRL+U Ungroup

CTRL+L Combine selection (one color group)

CTRL+K Break apart combined objects

CTRL+Q Convert text to curves

PgUp/PgDn Change nudge dist/ nudge angle

Arrow keys Nudge / nudge rotate selected objects

N Select next object/group

SHIFT+N Select previous object/group

F Activate and work with selected objects only

V Activate color palette for keyboard control (arrow keys).

SHIFT+V Change to random color

C Activate the next color

SignCut DRAW 145

SHIFT+C Activate all colors

SHIFT+F9 Toggle View fill/View wireframe

CTRL+W Redraw graphics

Spacebar Switches between the zoom levels

SHIFT+Spacebar Stores the current zoom level

CTRL+Spacebar Stores the current zoom level & scope

F2 Zoom tool

F3 Zoom back to previous level

SHIFT+F3 Zoom in

SHIFT+F2 Zoom selected objects

F4 Zoom to all objects

CTRL+F4 Zoom to all active objects

SHIFT+F4 Zoom to sign

Z Pan to cursor

SignCut DRAW 146


© Copyright 2015 Whisqu Graphic AB. All rights reserved.

Under no circumstances will Whisqu Graphic AB be liable for incidental or

consequential damages, even if it has been notified of the possibility of such
damages. Whisqu Graphic AB reserves the right to change program specifications
without notice.

SignCut DRAW 147

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