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1. Branch of physics that deals with the study of the structure and properties of atomic
nucleus, its reactions and applications.
2. Branch of modern physics that studies material behavior at a very low temperature.
3. A 90 gram sample of an unknown metal at 24 deg C is placed in a insulate cup containing
40 grams of water at 100 deg C. The water cools down and the metal warms up until
thermal equilibrium is achieved at 75 deg C. Assuming all the heat lost by the water is
gained by the metal and that the cup is perfectly insulated, determine the specific heat
capacity of the unknown metal.
4. What quantity of heat is required to raise the temperature of 600.0 grams of water from
24 deg C to 100 deg C? Express the result in Joules.
5. A carpenter cuts a 20.00 cm x 30.00 cm brass plate at a temperature of 18.00 deg C. What
is the area of the plate when the temperature is increased to 170.00 deg C?
6. A 50.00 gram stone tied to a 3.00 m string is used as a pendulum. What is its period of
7. The maximum compression of an oscillating mass on a pring is 1.5m, and during one full
oscillation the spring travels at an average velocity of 3 m/s. What is the period of
8. A nickel wire 6.20 long and 2.70 x 10-5 m2 in cross sectional area stretches by the same
amount as an aluminum wire 4.00 m long and cross section 5.10 x 10 -5 m2 in cross
sectional area under a given load. What is the ratio of the Young’s modulus of nickel to
that of aluminum?
9. What is the force required to stretch a spring whose constant value is 130.0 N/m by an
amount of 450.00 mm.?
10. A 120.00 N force is applied at an angle of 20 deg C to the horizontal to move a 500.00 g
box at constant speed to a distance of 350.00 cm. Determine the amount of work done by
the applied force.
11. While playing soccer, a player of mass 45.00 kg and his opponent of mass 60.00 kg
collide with one another head – on. The two players move as one body after the collision.
The player is moving at 3.40 m/s to the right and his opponent at 5.00 m/s to the left
before collision. What is the velocity of the two players after the collision?
12. A 1,000 kg car moving at 15.00 m/s, east collided head – on with a 3,500.00 kg truck
moving at 12.00 m/s west. After the collision, the car moves at 20.00 m/s west. What is
the velocity of the truck after the collision?
13. A car has a momentum of 10,000 N.s. Calculate the car’s momentum if its velocity is
14. It is a measure of the elasticity of the collision between two objects. It is the ratio of the
differences in velocities before and after the collision,
15. Two children, with masses 25.00 kg and 30.00 kg are sitting on opposite sides of a 6.00
m seesaw. If the 25.00 kg child sits on the left end of the 2.00 kg seesaw, where must the
30.00 kg child sit in order for the seesaw to be in horizontal position?
16. A 1200 kg vehicle is rounding a curve of radius 50.00 m at a speed of 30.00 kph.
Assuming a level road, find the minimum coefficient of friction between the vehicle’s
tire and the road to permit the turn.
17. A stone tied to the end of a string is swung in a horizontal circle. If the mass of the stone
is 12.0 g, and the string is 50.0 cm, and the stone revolves at a constant speed 8 times in
10.0 seconds, what is the tension on the string?
18. A net horizontal force of 3,500 N is applied to a 1,200 kg vehicle. What will the vehicle’s
speed be after 4.00 s if it starts from rest?
19. A car is accelerating at a rate of 2.50 m/s^2. If the net force is tripled and the mass is
doubled, what is the new acceleration of the car?
20. A bicycle and its rider together have a mass of 80.00 kg. If their speed is 8.00 m/s, how
much force is needed to bring them to stop in 5.00 secs?
21. The 100 – kg mass is supported using a rope and a horizontal rod fixed to a vertical wall
which makes 37 deg. Find the tension in the string and the force exerted by the rod
assuming the weight is negligible.
22. A football player kicks off a ball into the air with an initial velocity of 30.00 m/s at an
angle of 60 deg relative to the ground. What is the position of the football after 1s?
23. A ball rolls off the edge of a 2.00 m high table with an initial velocity of 10.0 m/s. How
far from the edge of the table will the ball land?
24. A cyclist moving at 12 m/s starts to slow down when he sees danger along his path. He
stops after exactly 4.0 second. What is the distance covered by the cyclist when he stops?
25. Given: N = 5i – 4j + k and O = i – 4j + 8k. Find the angle between two vectors.
26. If a glass plate is placed over a magnet and iron filings are sprinkled over the glass, a
pattern will be visible. What does this pattern indicate?
a. The magnetic field
b. The electrostatic field
c. The piezoelectric effect
d. The chemical reaction of the magnet and the filings
27. Calculate the amount of energy needed to break a drop of water of diameter
0.001 meter into 1000000 droplets of equal sizes. The surface tension of water is
0.0072 N/m.
28. Two small spheres spaced 35.0cm apart   have equal charge.  How many excess
electrons must be present on each sphere if the magnitude of the force of
repulsion between them is 2.20 x 10 -21?
29. A closed surface encloses a net charge of 10 nC . What is the net electric flux
through the surface?
30. Two long straight wires carrying the same current I and separated by a
distance r exert a force F on each other. The current is increased to 4I and the
separation is reduced to r/6 . What will be the force between two wires?
31. A person stands 40 m from a flag pole. With a protractor at eye level, he finds the
angle at the top of the flag pole with the horizontal is 25.0 degrees. How high is
the flag pole? The distance from his feet to his eyes is 1.8 m. 
32. A saxophone is playing a steady note of frequency 266 Hz. The temperature in
the room is 25 C. Suppose that at some instant the varying pressure at your
eardrum is at a maximum. How far away in meters is the next pressure
33. Estimate how far away a cicada can be heard if the lowest possible audible
intensity of a sound it produces is  and the power of the
cicada's sound source is  .
34. Water is flowing in a fire hose with a velocity of 1.0 m/s and a pressure of 200000 Pa. At
the nozzle the pressure decreases to atmospheric pressure (101300 Pa), there is no
change in height. Calculate the velocity of the water exiting the nozzle. (Hint: The
density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and gravity g is 9.8 m/s2 )
35. Water sits in a large open jug at a height of 0.2m above the spigot. With what
velocity will the water leave the spigot when the spigot is opened?
36. A concrete railroad tie has a length 2.45 meters on a hot, sunny, 35°C day. What
is the length of the railroad tie in the winter when the temperature dips to -25°C?
37. An aluminum rod has a length of exactly one meter at 300K. How much longer is
it when placed in a 400°C oven?
38. Leah rolls a bowling ball of mass 7 kg and radius 10.9 cm down a lane with a
velocity of 6 m/s. Find the rotational kinetic energy of the bowling ball, assuming
it does not slip.
39. Kristine spins on a rotating pedestal with an angular velocity of 8 radians per
second. Bob throws her an exercise ball, which increases her moment of inertia
from 2 kg·m2sup> to 2.5 kg·m2. What is Angelina’s angular velocity after catching
the exercise ball?
40. In capillarity, what is expected to happen when the adhesive force is greater than the
cohesive force?
a. The liquid flows slowly c. The liquid tends to stick to the solid
b. The liquid flows freely d. All of the above
41. What is a natural unit for electron magnetic dipole moment used in atomic physics?
a. Rutherford magneton c. Bohr Magneton
b. Einstein Magneton d. Gauss Magneton
42. What do you call to an equation that relates the position of the image and the object of a
thin lens to the len’s focal length.
43. What do you call the equation used to obtain the focal length of thin lenses.
1 1 1
=(n−1)( + )
f R1 R2
44. What law states that if angle of incidence is equal to the polarizing angle, then the angle
of the reflected ray is perpendicular to the refracting ray.
45. What law states that the intensity of light that passed through the polarizer is equal to the
product of the maximum intensity and the square of the cosine of the polarizing angle.
46. These are made of long chains of hydrocarbon molecules that are aligned in a film.
47. When the sum of the external torques acting on a system of particles is zero, the total
angular momentum of the system remains constant. This statement is known as:
48. What refers to the acceleration produced when a particle moves away from its center of
49. What refers to a collision between two bodies which occurs in a very infinitesimal
interval of time during which the exert a relatively large force on each other.
50. A stationary wave pattern formed in a medium when two sets of identical wave pass
through the medium in opposite directions.

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