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15/01/2020 Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Comparison | Cambly Content

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Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Comparison

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Please fill in the gaps with the correct word listed below

1. Yesterday morning, he_____________ my colleague as the new manager in the staff meeting.

A) appointing

B) was appointed

C) appoints

D) appointed

2. The draft of the contract_____________ by my new employer has been more than satisfying.

A) wri en

B) was wri en

C) write

D) writing

3. We were_____________to stay away from the fire

A) asks

B) asking

C) asked

D) ask 1/5
15/01/2020 Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Comparison | Cambly Content

4. We had our house roof _____________

A) repair

B) to repair

C) repairing

D) repaired

5. I visited my aunt _____________ Germany last year

A) in

B) to

C) at

D) for

6. My sister’s birthday is _____________ October 2, and we are planning on a surprise party for her

A) for

B) on

C) in

D) with

7. We should be done with our work _____________ the time he comes back

A) from

B) to

C) for

D) by

8. This year’s company picnic was canceled due _____________ the sudden death of our president.

A) for

B) under

C) among 2/5
15/01/2020 Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Comparison | Cambly Content

D) to

9. Everyone a ended the class of a well-known professor except_____________ him

A) on

B) under

C) for

D) along

10. I have started exercising yesterday, and in a few months, all my hard work will pay_____________

A) out

B) off

C) in

D) with

11. The lady_____________ white shoes, is buying some groceries.

A) on

B) for

C) out

D) in

12. This bag looks like the most_____________ one

A) expensive

B) more expensive

C) expensivest

D) most expensive

13. This book is _____________ than the other one

A) interesting

B) more interesting 3/5
15/01/2020 Grammar: Tenses, Prepositions, Comparison | Cambly Content

C) most interesting

D) the most interesting

14. The car we wanted to buy was not as _____________ as this one

A) good

B) be er

C) the be er

D) best

15. Our president made the _____________ decision.

A) most brilliant

B) brilliantest

C) brilliant

D) as brilliant as

16. The merger of Newton Bank and the Bank of California means they will become _____________ in
the country.

A) big bank

B) bigger bank

C) the bigger bank

D) the biggest bank

17. On Monday, Palmolive Co., Ltd announced that they _____________ one of their competitors.

A) acquire

B) acquires

C) acquired

D) had been acquired

18. The sales figures _____________ dramatically since Mr. Robertson was hired. 4/5
15/01/2020 g y Prepositions, Comparison | Cambly Content
Grammar: Tenses,

A) have been increasing

B) had been increasing

C) will be increasing

D) is increasing

19. Yesterday, Replay Co., Ltd and Adidas Corp _____________ to form the largest organization in
the industry.

A) merge

B) would merge

C) has merged

D) had merged

20. If I had money, I _____________ a house.

A) will buy

B) buy

C) would buy

D) bought

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