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Jingjing Yu, DDS* Tian Zhang†

Dan Zhao, DDS, PhD*‡ Characteristics of Endodontic

Markus Haapasalo, DDS, PhD
and Ya Shen, DDS, PhD† Emergencies during
Coronavirus Disease 2019
Outbreak in Wuhan

Introduction: In late 2019, an outbreak of a new coronavirus named severe acute respiratory
Endodontic emergencies syndrome coronavirus 2 was detected in Wuhan, China. A great percentage of patients with
consist of a significantly higher this disease developed symptoms of dry cough, malaise, and a high fever. During this time,
proportion of dental several patients requiring assessment and treatment of endodontic emergencies were
emergencies in a COVID-19 directed to the School and Hospital of Stomatology at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. We
high-risk area than normally. examined the characteristics of these patients. Methods: A total of 96 patients with a mean
Rubber dams, personal age of 42.24 6 18.32 years visited the general and emergency department of the School and
protective equipment, and Hospital of Stomatology at Wuhan University because of endodontic emergencies during the
patient screening play an peak period of February 22 to March 2, 2020. Patient information was collected and organized
important role in protecting by date of visit, sex, age, and systemic disease history. Body temperature was measured and
clinicians during the COVID-19 acquired for each patient, a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemiologic investigation
outbreak. questionnaire was given to each patient, an endodontic diagnosis was determined for the
offending tooth, and a verbal numerical rating scale (VNRS) was used to record pain levels.
Results: Of the total patient visits during this period, 50.26% of visits were for endodontic
treatment. No patients had a fever (.37.2 C). One patient with a confirmed COVID-19 history
was admitted after recovery. Three admitted patients had been exposed to confirmed or
suspected COVID-19 patients. Twelve admitted patients (12.5%) with a mean age of 62.42 6
13.77 years had a history of systemic diseases. The most common age group for endodontic
emergencies was 45–64 years (30.21%), and patients of this group showed a significantly
higher mean VNRS score compared with that of the 6- to 19-year age group and the 20- to
From the *The State Key Laboratory
34-year age group (P , .05). The majority of endodontic emergency diagnoses were diseases
Breeding Base of Basic Science of
Stomatology (Hubei-MOST) and Key of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis (53.10%). Patients who were diagnosed with symptomatic
Laboratory of Oral Biomedicine Ministry of irreversible pulpitis, symptomatic apical periodontitis, and acute apical abscess showed a
Education, School and Hospital of
significantly higher mean VNRS score than that of other groups (P , .05).
Stomatology, Wuhan University, Wuhan,
China; †Division of Endodontics, Conclusions: Endodontic emergencies, with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis being the
Department of Oral Biological and Medical most common, consist of a much higher proportion of dental emergencies in a COVID-19
Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The
high-risk area than normally. Vital pulp therapy can advantageously reduce treatment time,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada; and ‡General resulting in a reduced risk of infection for vital pulp cases. Rubber dams, personal protective
and Emergency Department, School and equipment, and patient screening are of great importance during the COVID-19 outbreak in
Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan
protecting clinicians. (J Endod 2020;46:730–735.)
University, Wuhan, China
Address requests for reprints to Dr Dan
Zhao, The State Key Laboratory Breeding
Base of Basic Science of Stomatology
Coronavirus disease 19 outbreak; endodontic emergency; epidemiologic investigation; ver-
(Hubei-MOST) and Key Laboratory of Oral
Biomedicine Ministry of Education, School bal numerical rating scale; vital pulp therapy
and Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan
University, Luoyu Road 237, Wuhan,
Hubei 430079, China. Cases of the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, the causative agent of coronavirus
E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
disease 2019 (COVID-19), were first reported in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 20191. Ever since the
emergence of these first cases, COVID-19 has become a public health crisis globally. As of March 2,
Copyright © 2020 American Association
of Endodontists.
2020, the National Health Commission of China reported 49,426 cumulative cases and 2251 deaths in the city of Wuhan2. To halt transmission, Hubei Province activated its level 2 response to public health
j.joen.2020.04.001 emergencies on January 23, 2020, and the city of Wuhan with a population exceeding 11 million was

730 Yu et al. JOE  Volume 46, Number 6, June 2020

under lockdown and remains under lockdown February 22 to March 2, 2020, were reviewed. compared with past statistics corresponding
at present3–5. In consideration of the risk dental Body temperature was acquired for each to these same dates in 2018 and 2019.
treatment may pose during the outbreak, the patient, and a COVID-19 epidemiologic
Hubei Province government suspended questionnaire was given before dental Statistical Analysis
regular dental treatments, allowing only treatment. The characteristics of patients with endodontic
emergency treatments4. Endodontic infections The questionnaire consisted of the emergency were stratified by subgroups
can cause serious pain6, and endodontic following 4 questions: including sex, age group, and diagnosis by
emergencies are considered to be an multivariate Poisson regression. The
1. Are you a confirmed or suspected COVID-
important category of dental emergencies7. independent sample t test or 1-way analysis of
19 patient who has recovered after
From January 24, 2020, all patients receiving variance was performed to compare the mean
emergency dental treatment were directed to VNRS score. VNRS scores with P set to ,.05
2. Are you a confirmed or suspected COVID-
the general and emergency department of the were used for statistical significance. All
19 patient with no symptoms?
School and Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan statistical analyses were performed with SPSS
3. Have you recently been showing COVID-19
University (WHUSS), which remained the only 20.0 software (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY).
symptoms? (optional) Such as a fever,
hospital open within Wuhan for emergency
cough, fatigue, vomiting, etc.
dental treatments until March 2, 2020. Since
4. Have you been in contact with confirmed or RESULTS
February 22, 2020, the general and
suspected COVID-19 patients recently?
emergency department began administering a Demographic patient information is shown in
COVID-19 epidemiologic investigation Patients were asked to describe their Figure 1 along with the cumulative COVID-19
questionnaire, which was of particular interest level of pain using a verbal numerical rating cases in Wuhan2. The percentage (50.26%) of
for the purposes of this study. This study scale (VNRS)6. Only patients who had endodontic emergency patients (n 5 96)
aimed to analyze the characteristics of answered the questionnaire, described their among all dental emergency patients (N 5
endodontic emergency patients at WHUSS level of pain, had their body temperature 191) is shown in Figure 2 as well as that at the
between February 22 and March 2, 2020, and measured, and received an endodontic corresponding period in 2019 (13.47%, 141/
is the first descriptive study that examines diagnosis were included in this study. 1047) and 2018 (17.96%, 178/991).
endodontic emergency dental patients at the Endodontic emergency patients who were
epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. In this included in the study had a mean age of 42.24
study, we also provided suggestions for Evaluations of Subjects 6 18.32 years, 52.08% of whom (n 5 50/96)
endodontic practice and infection control Patient information such as date of visit, sex, were male and 47.92% (n 5 46/96) were
strategies based on these novel observations. age, systemic disease history, and VNRS female. Twelve admitted patients with a mean
score were included in the study. The acquired age of 62.42 6 13.77 years had a history of
body temperatures and the COVID-19 systemic diseases, including diabetes,
MATERIALS AND METHODS epidemiologic investigation questionnaires cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. A
Selection of Subjects were reviewed. Diagnoses were based on the fever (.37.2 C) was not detected in any of the
This study was approved by the Ethics recommended consensus by the American patients who presented because of
Committee of the School and Hospital of Board of Endodontics and the American endodontic emergencies, and the results of
Stomatology at Wuhan University (project Association of Endodontics8. The number of the COVID-19 questionnaires are presented in
number: 2020B08). Patients who visited the total patient visits and the type of visits at the Table 1. One admitted patient (1.04%, 1/96)
general and emergency department at general and emergency department of had a confirmed COVID-19 history and was
WHUSS for endodontic emergencies from WHUSS during the dates studied were recovering at the time of treatment. Three

FIGURE 1 – The demographic information of patients who had visited WHUSS because of dental emergencies and the cumulative number of confirmed cases with COVID-19 in the
city of Wuhan from February 22 to March 2, 2020.

JOE  Volume 46, Number 6, June 2020 Endodontic Emergencies during COVID-19 in Wuhan 731
FIGURE 2 – Dental emergency patients from February 22, 2020, to March 2, 2020, and in 2019 and 2018. (A ) The total dental emergency visits by year and by type of visit. (B ) The
proportion of patients with endodontic emergency, including the endodontic (endo) first visit and endo subsequent visit.

admitted patients (3.13%, 3/96) had a history 20- to 34-year age groups (P , .05). Among WHUSS during the COVID-19 outbreak
of exposure to confirmed or suspected the patient population in this study, 97.90% (N 5 191) in our study was 18.24% of that of
COVID-19 patients recently. Two of the 3 were were first-visit patients, and the most common the corresponding periods in 2019 (n 5 1047)
health care workers, 1 of whom was the child endodontic emergency diagnosis was and 19.27% of that in 2018 (n 5 991). These
of a suspected COVID-19–positive patient. No symptomatic irreversible pulpitis (53.13% or results are consistent with that of a previous
patients reported a history of confirmed or 51/96 patients). In addition, patients with study9 that examined patient visits at the Prince
suspected asymptomatic COVID-19 or were symptomatic irreversible pulpitis, symptomatic Philip Dental Hospital in Hong Kong 10 working
showing symptoms of COVID-19. apical periodontitis, and acute apical abscess days after the severe acute respiratory
VNRS scores by sex, age, and had significantly higher reported VNRS scores syndrome outbreak in 2003, during which visits
endodontic emergencies are summarized in than any other diagnosis (P , .05). dropped to less than one fifth. The percentage
Table 2. Patients in the 45- to 64-year age of endodontic emergency patients has
group accounted for 30.02% of the total increased from 13.47% in 2019 and 17.96% in
endodontic emergency patients and showed
DISCUSSION 2018 to 50.26% during the COVID-19
significantly higher VNRS scores compared The total number of patients attending the outbreak in the study. This observed increase
with those of patients in the 6- to 19-year and general and emergency department at could be accounted for by the closing of other

732 Yu et al. JOE  Volume 46, Number 6, June 2020

TABLE 1 - The Results of the COVID-19 Epidemiologic Investigation Questionnaires emergencies. Conversely, a patient with
pyogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw was found to
Variables Number Percentage have a fever (.37.2 C) but tested negative for
Confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients 1 1.04 COVID-19 by a series of diagnostic tests.
who have recovered after treatment Notably, several infections of the oral cavity
Confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients 0 0.00 could present with a fever that could confound
with no symptoms the diagnosis of COVID-19; thus, a fever alone
Patients having COVID-19 symptoms recently 0 0.00 should not be the only sign and symptom of
Patients having come in contact with confirmed 3 3.13 COVID-19 to be evaluated, and oral disease
or suspected COVID-19 patients recently
needs to be accurately diagnosed. The
COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019. diagnosis of COVID-19 is currently based on a
combination of epidemiologic information,
clinical symptoms, chest computed
facilities that were available to treat endodontic group for endodontic emergencies was 45–64 tomographic imaging findings, and laboratory
patients under normal operations and possibly years (30.21%, 29/96) in our study. tests such as on reverse-transcription
by the reduction of trauma as an indirect result Importantly, older age and the existence of polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
of the lockdown. The reduction of outdoor underlying comorbidities are associated with a respiratory tract specimens4. Sabino-Silva
activities by the lockdown may consequently poorer COVID-19 prognosis4,16,17. Because et al20 have raised important questions about
result in a decrease in trauma occurrences, patients older than 65 years represented the role saliva plays in the human-to-human
which was reportedly the chief complaint approximately 15% of all patients, care should transmission of diseases, in particular
among patients who visited the dental be exercised to avoid cross contamination. respiratory coronaviruses21,22.
emergency room of a dental hospital in Patient screening was crucial during the The incubation period of COVID-19 has
Korea10. These results highlight patient needs severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic in been estimated to be between 2 and 14 days5.
for endodontic treatment even under public 2002 and 200318. An important tool in patient It has been shown that patients with no
health emergencies. screening is the use of disease-specific symptoms or during incubation periods may
In this study, there was nearly the same questionnaires, which can differ depending on have the potential to infect others5. Positive
ratio of male to female patients for both the location at which they are used (eg, RT-PCR test results have been reported in
endodontic emergency patients (1.1:1) and all epicenter vs other sites). In this study, 4 recovered patients23. Endodontists should
dental emergency patients (1.2:1), which is in patients with a previous COVID-19 history or take appropriate measures to stay safe. During
contrast to other studies11–15 that have shown possible COVID-19 cases were identified using the COVID-19 outbreak, dentists in WHUSS
a greater percentage of male patients the questionnaire. A fever was reported to be were equipped with disposable N95 masks,
presenting with dental emergencies. However, the most common clinical symptom (98%) for gloves, caps, shoe covers, face shields, and
this discrepancy may be caused by the higher 41 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in a gowns4. From February 22, 2020, patients
proportion of endodontic emergency patients previous study19. No patient with a fever with a fever, patients who had answered “yes”
in our patient population. The largest age presented to WHUSS for endodontic to any of the 4 questions on the questionnaire,
or patients needing dental procedures
producing droplets and/or aerosols were
TABLE 2 - The VNRS (Mean 6 Standard Deviation) in Different Sex, Age Groups, and Endodontic Emergency required to undergo examination and
Diagnoses at 10 Working Days during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak treatment in an isolated clinic room with
dentists equipped with protective suits instead
Mean VNRS of gowns4. To date, no cases of COVID-19
Variables Number Percentage (%) score P value were reported among the 26 working staff
Sex ..05 members of the general and emergency
Male 50 52.10 6.24 6 1.76 department at WHUSS working during the
Female 46 47.90 6.35 6 1.78 COVID-19 outbreak. RT-PCR findings for all
Age ,.05 working staff came back negative on March
,6 years 0 0.00 NA 24, 2020. Before the beginning of the study, 9
6–19 years 11 11.50 5.09 6 1.76 working staff members at the hospital level
20–34 years 20 20.80 6.05 6 2.14
were confirmed to have COVID-19, including 3
35–44 years 20 20.80 6.7 6 1.38
45–64 years 29 30.20 6.86 6 1.53 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 administrative staff, and 1
65 years 15 15.60 6.67 6 1.35 postgraduate student4. This suggests that the
Diagnoses ,.05 safety precautions and screening measures
Diagnosis at endodontic first visit 94 97.90 enforced since February 22, 2020, were
Reversible pulpitis 8 8.30 4.25 6 1.98 effective in protecting working staff.
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis 51 53.13 7.22 6 0.70 Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis was
Symptomatic apical periodontitis 16 16.67 6.63 6 1.89 the most common endodontic emergency,
Chronic apical abscess 10 10.40 5.10 6 1.52 with a significantly high VNRS score in our
Acute apical abscess 4 4.20 7.00 6 0.00 study. Treatments for endodontic emergency
Complicated crown fracture 2 2.10 6.00 6 0.00
were challenging during the COVID-19
Dislocation of tooth 3 3.10 4.33 6 2.08
Endodontic subsequent visit 2 2.10 3.00 6 0.00 outbreak because inhalation of airborne
particles and aerosols produced during dental
NA, not applicable; VNRS, verbal numerical rating scale. procedures on patients with COVID-19 could

JOE  Volume 46, Number 6, June 2020 Endodontic Emergencies during COVID-19 in Wuhan 733
potentially expose dentists to the virus20, thus 70% of airborne particles could be reduced emergencies in a COVID-19 high-risk area
making them high-risk procedures. Reducing around a 3-ft diameter of the operational field than normally. Reducing the treatment time
treatment time and exposure control are 2 when a rubber dam is used31. In addition, a and exposure control are 2 ways to
ways the risk of infection for endodontic rubber dam is not only able to limit the diffusion significantly reduce the risk of severe acute
treatment could be reduced. For vital pulp of the aerosol but is also likely to dramatically respiratory syndrome coronavirus spreading
cases such as pulpitis, vital pulp therapy reduce or even eliminate the presence of during endodontic treatment. Vital pulp
including pulpotomy or pulp capping might be salivary components in the aerosol. therapy has the advantage of shortening the
helpful in terms of shortening the treatment Only 5 cases of traumatic dental injury treatment time. Rubber dams, personal
time. Pulpotomy has been reported to reduce including 2 cases of “complicated crown protective equipment, and patient screening
pain symptoms in nearly 90% of dental fracture” and 3 cases of “dislocation of tooth,” are of great importance during the COVID-19
emergency patients 1 day after treatment24. respectively, were diagnosed in our study. Two outbreak in protecting clinicians. Dentists
Partial pulpotomy using mineral trioxide patients made a subsequent visit for the should focus not only on the dental treatment
aggregate (MTA) sustained a good success completion of their root canal treatments. An but also patients’ psychological status during
rate (85%) over 3-year follow-ups in mature online platform for patient consultations by public health emergencies.
permanent teeth clinically diagnosed with WHUSS was made available starting February
irreversible pulpitis25, and full pulpotomy using 3, 20204. It was reported that more than 1600
MTA showed a 92.7% success rate at a 3-year patients had used this consultation platform,
follow-up for caries-exposed pulps in mature and only dental emergency cases were
permanent molar teeth26. Direct pulp capping suggested for treatment at the hospital4. Jingjing Yu: Methodology, Investigation, Data
with MTA showed a cumulative survival rate of In addition to providing endodontic curation, Project administration, Funding
85% in adult molars with carious pulpal treatment, endodontists should pay attention acquisition, Writing - original draft. Tian
exposure at 36 months27. For cases that to patients’ psychological health during the Zhang: Data curation, Formal analysis,
required root canal treatments, cone-beam COVID-19 outbreak32. Public health Software, Writing - original draft, Writing -
computed tomographic imaging and single-file emergencies may negatively impact review & editing. Dan Zhao:
systems should be considered. Besides the individuals’ mental health33. For instance, 1 Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
advantages of detecting root canal location patient in our study who had a diagnosis of curation, Visualization, Formal analysis,
and configuration28, cone-beam computed reversible pulpitis with dentin hypersensitivity Supervision, Writing - original draft. Markus
tomographic examination could avoid nausea had a high VNRS score of 8. She Haapasalo: Writing - review & editing. Ya
or vomiting for patients that may occur during demonstrated extreme anxiety and fear toward Shen: Writing - original draft, Supervision,
intraoral x-ray examination and prevent gaining a fever as a result of oral disease Validation, Writing - review & editing.
exposure to patients’ oral cavity4. During root inflammation. During the COVID-19 outbreak
canal preparation, single-file nickel-titanium period, patients may suffer from psychological
systems could be used to save working time29 stress; therefore, endodontists should not only
as well as prevent the risk of resterilization. For focus on the treatments of patients’ Supported by grants from the National Natural
any treatment that produces droplets and/or endodontic diseases but also their Science Foundation of China (grant no.
aerosols, Ather et al30 suggested a number of psychological state at times of emergency. 81901000).
preventative measures, such as the use of In conclusion, endodontic emergencies The authors deny any conflicts of
rubber dams. It has been reported that up to consist of a much higher portion of dental interest related to this study.

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