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Business English (Advanced) Course Outline

1) Networking

 Introductions yourself and describing your current project

 Active listening
 Small talk
 How to avoid causing offence

2) Presentations

 Organizing a presentation (effective openings, signposting, ending a

 Preparation and delivery techniques
 Joint presentations
 Giving an impromptu presentation
 How to deal with questions and interruptions
 Voice and visuals

3) Meetings

 Setting the agenda

 Taking the minutes and keeping control
 Getting your point across
 Chairing a meeting
 Managing the discussion and sharing ideas
 Brain storming and problem solving in a meeting

4) Conference calls

 Taking part in telephone conference calls

 Taking part in video-conference calls
 Communication strategies in a telephone call (checking facts, checking for
understanding, asking for clarification, dealing with misunderstanding)

5) Negotiations

 Presenting your organization at the beginning of a negotiation

 The five stages of a negotiation
 Negotiation styles
 Closing the negotiation and reaching an agreement
 Dealing with last-minute problems/ conflicts
Business English (Advanced) Course Outline

6) Email writing practice

 How to write an effective subject line

 Structuring your emails
 Writing complete and concise messages
 Avoiding redundancy
 Review: POWER writing process

7) Report writing

 Structure of a report
 Using diagrams
 Describing trends
 Editing and proofreading advice
 Using plain English- Writing clearly and concisely

8) Grammar review and practice

 Tenses
 Active vs. passive
 Modal verbs

9) Practice of International/ Standard English and reducing the non-standard use of

English in official settings in India

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