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Modal Verbs – part 2

I. Folosirea unei expresii echivalente:

a) CAN cand exprima abilitate se poate inlocui cu -> to be able to
e.g. Prezent: I can drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)
I am able to drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)
Trecut: I was able to = managed to drive a car when I was 13. (Am fost in stare/ am
putut sa conduc o masina cand aveam 13 ani.) (eveniment realizat cu succes)
I could drive a car when I was 18. (Puteam sa conduc o masina cand aveam 18
ani.) (abilitate in general in trecut)
Prezent Perfect: I have been able to drive a car. (Am putut sa conduc o masina.)
Viitor: I will be able to drive a car. (Voi putea sa conduc o masina.)
!!! ATENTIE: Atunci cand folosim was able to inseamna ca actiunea s-a realizat cu
iar daca folosim could atunci inseamna ca exista abilitatea de a face ceva in general dar
actiunea nu s-a realizat neaparat in realitate.
e.g. She ... this mountain two years ago and now she boasts about it all the time. (Ea a
fost in stare sa urce acest munte acum doi ani si acum se lauda tot timpul.)

a) was able to climb

b) could climb
c) has been able to climb
d) can climb
He ... mountains when he was younger, that's how fit he was. (El putea sa urce munti
cand era mai tanar, atat era de in forma.)
a) was able to climb
b) could climb
c) has been able to climb
d) can climb
He ... Japanese fluently. (El poate sa vorbeasca japoneza fluent.)
a) cans speak
b) can speak
c) might speaking
d) can to speak
He ... very fast if it is quiet. (El poate sa citeasca foarte repede daca este liniste.)
a) may read
b) must read
c) can read
d) ought to read
!!! ATENTIE: can poate face negatia in doua feluri: can't sau cannot scris intr-un
cuvant. "can not" nu este corect!!!

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