Lesson 1 Industry Revolution

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Lesson 1

Industrial Revolution
One of the first chemicals to be produced in large amounts through industrial processes
was sulfuric acid. In 1736, the pharmacist Joshua Ward developed a process for its
production that involved heating saltpeter, allowing the sulfur to oxidize and combine
with water. It was the first practical production of sulphuric acid on a large scale. John
Roebuck and Samuel Garbett were the first to establish a large-scale factory in Preston
pans, Scotland, in 1749, which used leaden condensing chambers for the manufacture
of sulfuric acid.
In the early 18th century, cloth was bleached by treating it with stale urine or sour milk
and exposing it to sunlight for long periods of time, which created a severe bottleneck in
production. Sulfuric acid began to be used as a more efficient agent as well as lime by
the middle of the century, but it was the discovery of bleaching powder by Charles
Tennant that spurred the creation of the first great chemical industrial enterprise. His
powder was made by reacting chlorine with dry slaked lime and proved to be a cheap
and successful product. He opened a factory in St Rollox, north of Glasgow, and
production went from just 52 tons in 1799 to almost 10,000 tons just five years later.[3]
Soda ash was used since ancient times in the production of glass, textile, soap, and
paper, and the source of the potash had traditionally been wood ashes in Western
Europe. By the 18th century, this source was becoming uneconomical due to
deforestation, and the French Academy of Sciences offered a prize of 2400 livres for a
method to produce alkali from sea salt (sodium chloride). The Leblanc process was
patented in 1791 by Nicolas Leblanc who then built a Leblanc plant at Saint-Denis. He
was denied his prize money because of the French Revolution
However, it was in Britain that the Leblanc process really took off.William Losh built the
first soda works in Britain at the Losh, Wilson, and Bell works on the River Tyne in 1816,
but it remained on a small scale due to large tariffs on salt production until 1824. When
these tariffs were repealed, the British soda industry was able to rapidly expand. James
Muspratt's chemical works in Liverpool and Charles Tennant's complex near Glasgow
became the largest chemical production centers anywhere. By the 1870s, the British
soda output of 200,000 tons annually exceeded that of all other nations in the world
taken from Wikipedia

I. Reading Comprehension
Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions by completing
the following unfinished answers. The answers to the questions no 1 to no 9 will be
the summary of the above passage, so after finished writing the answer then
prepare yourselves for retell the summary in a group. Make sure that each member
tell at least the summary of on paragraph
1. What is one of the first chemicals to be produced in large amounts through
industrial processes?
 one of the first chemicals to be produced in large amounts through
industrial processes is…………….
2. What did the pharmacist Joshua Ward develop In 1736?
 In 1736 the pharmacist Joshua Ward develop……………………
3. Who was the first to establish a large-scale factory in Preston pans, Scotland, in
 the first to establish a large-scale factory in Preston pans, Scotland, in
1749 was………..
4. How was cloth bleached In the early 18th century?
 In the early 18th century cloth was bleached………………..
5. When did Sulfuric acid begin to be used as a more efficient agent?
 Sulfuric acid begins to be used as a more efficient agent……………
6. What is the discovery of Charles Tennant?
 the discovery of Charles Tennant is……………….
7. How did Charles Tennantmake his bleaching powder?
 Charles tenant made his bleaching powder…………………………….
8. When was Soda ash used?
 Soda ash was used……………..
9. Why was, this source was becoming uneconomical By the 18th century?
 By the 18 century, this source of products was becoming uneconomical
Exercise 1.
Students are given multiple choices to comprehend the above passage.
Ex. Sulfuric acid is (A. the first production B. the big quantity in industrial processes C.
in industrial process D. the only product in 1736 E. was produced late 1736)

Structure and Written Expression

A. Personal Pronoun:

Personal Pronoun is
To remind you what and how to use pronouns, please study further the use of
relative pronouns given bellow.

subjects objects possessive possessive

adjective pronouns
He him his his
She her her Hers.
It it its its
They Them their Theirs.
we us our ours
I me my mine
you you your yours

Exercise 1
Make sentences using the following Personal Pronoun
1. He 2. Him 3.His 4.she 5. Her
6. hers 7. It 8.They 9.Them 10. their

11. we 12. Us 13.Our 14.Ours 15. You

16. your 17. Yours 18. Me 19 my 20 mine

Exercise 2
Students are given an exercise how to use Personal Pronouns.
Choose the correct answers by blackening to the circle in the answer sheets.
1. ….. create various products of chemical (A. they B. It C. He, D. She E. him)
2. The chemist tries to complete….. job well ( A. him B. he. C. hers D. his E.

10. Speaking Practice

A. Sentence building
Complete the following sentences using your own words retell your sentences
without reading. You may put the words as subjects or objects of the sentences
you make.

Example. …..the chemical industry….

Ex 1. The chemical industry produces many chemical products for people.

Ex 2.Everyone needsa chemical industry for daily life.

1. …...chemical industry………………………
2. …...While many of the products ……………………………
3. ….. detergents, soaps and perfumes…………………………..
4. ……The consumer purchased…………………..
5. ……The industry uses………………………..
6. ……Raw material is……………………………
7. …..Chemical products………………..
8. … . basic chemical…………..
9. ….sophisticated …….
10. …..Chemical factories…………………………….

B. Telling your Opinion related to the passage

The opinion related to the subject of the passage.
Answer the following questions using your own opinions. You may write your
opinion first before telling them.

Why are you studying business administration? explain your answer.
I am studying business administration because I want to be an entrepreneur. To
be a good and successful entrepreneur, someone should know how to manage a
business, and on this campus I hope I can study a lot about how to manage a
1. The chemical industry is very important to people's life. Do you agree or not?
Explain your answers.
2. Why was the chemical industry developed first in Europe according to your
opinion? Explain your answers.
3. Please explain that chemicals can be harmful and advantageous? Give an

C. Assignment
1. Discussion about an interesting article.

a. Browse the internet and find a nice article written in English or Indonesian
related to chemical industry by searching the article in which the number of
paragraphs is as many as your group members or more so that each
member of your group can learn the paragraphs of the article in detail to
understand the meaning of the article well.
b. In the next class your group presents the article in front of the class. Each
member of the group retells the paragraphs which he or she has prepared
before without seeing the text.
c. Simulative sentence which might be helpful to create the discussion

 What does paragraph one tell about

 What does paragraph two tell bout
 What does paragraph three tell about
 What does paragraph four tell bout
 What does paragraph five tell about
 What does paragraph six tell bout

2. Discussion about an interesting video.

a. Find a good video about chemical internet, you can find on YouTube or other
sources which enable you to find a good video. Record the video and learn
the video as well as possible in order that you and each member of your
English group understand the content of the video.
b. Discuss the video with your group. Make sure that all members express
narrative comments about the video.
c. Simulative sentence which might be helpful to create the discussion

 What is your opinion about the video? the picture, the duration, the speed
of English used. etc.
 What is your comment the persons involved in this video
 What is your comment about content in the whole

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