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Functii ale Verbelor Modale si expresii/ cuvinte modale

chivalente pt 2

Probability/ Probabilitate
- Will (100% certain): He will be on the plane by now. (El este in avion acum cu siguranta.)
- Should (90% certain): He should be there. (El trebuie sa fie acolo.
Ought to (90% certain): She ought to be at work now. (Ea trebuie sa fie la munca acum.)
- Should have +vb.III/-ed: He should have arrived by now. (El ar fi trebuit sa soseasca de
- Ought to have + vb.III/-ed: The course ought to have started by now. (Cursul ar fi trebuit
inceapa pana acum.)
!!! ATENTIE: probabilitatea tine de asemenea cont de gradul de certitudine.
e.g. It’s 9:30 so my parents ... at work by now since they always start at 9. (E 9:30 asa ca
parintii mei sunt la munca de acum din moment ce intotdeauna incep la 9.)
a) may be b) can be c) might be d) will be
Logical assumption; deduction/ Presupuneri logice sau deductii
-Must (positive) = I’m sure/certain +vb. positive:
I’m sure you are tired after working all day. (Sunt sigur ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit
You must be tired after working all day. (Probabil ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit toata
!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb pozitiv se poate reformula cu verbul
-Can’t (negative) = I’m sure/certain + vb. negative:
I’m sure she isn’t serious. (Sunt sigur ca ea nu este serioasa.)
She can’t be serious. (Ea nu se poate sa fie serioasa.)
!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu verbul
-Couldn’t (negative) = I don’t think/ believe:
I don’t think they are on a trip. (Nu cred ca ei sunt intr-o excursie.)
They couldn’t be on a trip. (Nu se poate ca ei sa fie intr-o excursie.)
!!! Expresia I don't think/ I don't believe urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu
verbul modal COULDN'T.
e.g. That ... Mary because she hasn’t returned from her holiday abroad yet. (Nu se
sa fie Mary pentru ca nu s-a intors inca din vacanta din strainatate.)
a) mustn’t be b) shouldn’t be c) will be d) can’t be

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