Naughty ATP Case Digests Batch 1 1 10

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1. MANILA MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY V. LINSANGAN MMPCI further alleged that it cannot be held jointly and solidarily
[TOPIC FROM THE SYLLABUS] liable with Baluyot as the latter exceeded the terms of her agency,
The acts of an agent beyond the scope of his authority do not neither did MMPCI ratify Baluyot's acts. It added that it cannot be
bind the principal, unless he ratifies them, expressly or charged with making any misrepresentation, nor of having allowed
impliedly. Only the principal can ratify; the agent cannot ratify Baluyot to act as though she had full powers as the written contract
his own unauthorized acts. Moreover, the principal must have expressly stated the terms and conditions which Atty. Linsangan
knowledge of the acts he is to ratify. Ratification in agency is accepted and understood. In canceling the contract, MMPCI merely
the adoption or confirmation by one person of an act performed enforced the terms and conditions imposed therein.
on his behalf by another without authority.
CA: affirmed the decision of the trial court. It held that MMPCI is
[FACTS] considered estopped when it allowed Baluyot to act and represent
In 1984, Florencia Baluyot offered Atty. Linsangan a lot called MMPCI even beyond her authority.
Garden State at the Holy Cross Memorial Park owned by petitioner.
According to Baluyot, a former owner of a memorial lot under MMPCI filed its MR but was denied. Hence, this petition.
Contract No. 25012 was no longer interested in acquiring the lot and
had opted to sell his rights subject to reimbursement of the amounts MMPCI claims that the Court of Appeals seriously erred in
he already paid. Contract No. 25012 was for P95,000.00. Atty. disregarding the plain terms of the written contract and Atty.
Linsangan agreed and gave Baluyot P35,295.00 representing the Linsangan's failure to abide by the terms thereof, which justied its
amount to be reimbursed to the original buyer and to complete the cancellation. In addition, even assuming that Baluyot was an agent
down payment to MMPCI. of MMPCI, she clearly exceeded her authority and Atty. Linsangan
knew or should have known about this considering his status as a
In March 1985, Baluyot informed Atty. Linsangan that he would be long-practicing lawyer.
issued Contract No. 28660, a new contract covering the subject lot in
the name of the latter instead of old Contract No. 25012. Atty. Atty. Linsangan argues that he did not violate the terms and
Linsangan protested, but Baluyot assured him that he would still be conditions of the contract, and in fact faithfully performed his
paying the old price of P95,000.00 with P19,838.00 credited as full contractual obligations and complied with them in good faith for at
down payment leaving a balance of about P75,000.00. least two years.

Subsequently, Contract No. 28660 has a listed price of P132,250.00. [ISSUE/S]

Linsangan objected to the new contract price. Baluyot then executed WON MMPCI can be held jointly and soliadrily liable with
a document confirming that while the contract price is P132,250.00, Baluyot. NO.
Linsangan would pay only the original price of P95,000.00.
Linsangan signed Contract No. 28660. Then he issued 12 postdated We can answer na DILI jointly and solidarily liable and MMPCI if ma
checks of P1,800.00 each in favor of MMPCI. The next year, prove nila na either na (1) dili agent si Baluyot or (2) if agent man
Linsangan again issued 12 postdated checks in favor of MMPCI. lang ni exceed siya sa iya authority without ratification from MMPCI.
So here, agent si baluyot pero ni exceed man siya without
On May 1987, Baluyot verbally advised Linsangan that Contract No. ratification so mao ni decision sa SC.
28660 was cancelled for reasons the latter could not explain, and
presented to him another proposal for the purchase of an equivalent [HELD]
property. He refused the new proposal and insisted that Baluyot and NO. By the contract of agency, a person binds himself to render
MMPCI honor their undertaking. some service or to do something in representation or on behalf of
another, with the consent or authority of the latter. Thus, the
Because of this, Linsangan filed a complaint for breach of contract elements of agency are (i) consent, express or implied, of the parties
and damages against MMPCI. to establish the relationship; (ii) the object is the execution of a
juridical act in relation to a third person; (iii) the agent acts as a
MMPCI alleged that Contract No. 28660 was cancelled conformably representative and not for himself; and (iv) the agent acts within the
with the terms of the contract because of non- payment of scope of his authority.
arrearages. MMPCI stated that Baluyot was not an agent but an It is a settled rule that persons dealing with an agent are bound at
independent contractor, and as such was not authorized to represent their peril, if they would hold the principal liable, to ascertain not only
MMPCI or to use its name except as to the extent expressly stated in the fact of agency but also the nature and extent of authority, and in
the Agency Manager Agreement. Moreover, MMPCI was not aware case either is controverted, the burden of proof is upon them to
of the arrangements entered into by Atty. Linsangan and Baluyot, as establish it. The basis for agency is representation and a person
it in fact received a down payment and monthly installments as dealing with an agent is put upon inquiry and must discover upon his
indicated in the contract. peril the authority of the agent. If he does not make such an inquiry,
he is chargeable with knowledge of the agent's authority and his
[LOWER COURT’S RULING] ignorance of that authority will not be any excuse.
RTC: decided in favor of Linsangan and against MMPCI. The trial Atty. Linsangan should have been alerted by the fact that Baluyot
court held MMPCI and Baluyot jointly and severally liable.It found failed to effect the transfer of rights earlier promised, and was unable
that Baluyot was an agent of MMPCI and that the latter was to make good her written commitment, nor convince MMPCI to
estopped from denying this agency, having received and encashed assent thereto, as evidenced by several attempts to induce him to
the checks issued by Atty. Linsangan and given to it by Baluyot. enter into other contracts for a higher consideration.
While MMPCI insisted that Baluyot was authorized to receive only Baluyot was authorized to solicit and remit to MMPCI offers to
the down payment, it allowed her to continue to receive postdated purchase interment spaces obtained on forms provided by MMPCI.
checks from Atty. Linsangan, which it in turn consistently encashed. So yes agent siya however.
The acts of an agent beyond the scope of his authority do not bind
MMPCI appealed to the CA. It claimed that Atty. Linsangan is bound the principal, unless he ratifies them, expressly or impliedly. Only the
by the written contract with MMPCI, the terms of which were clearly principal can ratify; the agent cannot ratify his own unauthorized
set forth therein and read, understood, and signed by the former. It acts. Moreover, the principal must have knowledge of the acts he is
also alleged that Atty. Linsangan, a practicing lawyer for over to ratify. Ratification in agency is the adoption or confirmation by one
thirteen (13) years at the time he entered into the contract, is person of an act performed on his behalf by another without
presumed to know his contractual obligations and is fully aware that authority.
he cannot belatedly and unilaterally change the terms of the contract No ratification can be implied in the instant case. If MMPCI was
without the consent, much less the knowledge of the other aware of the arrangement, it would have refused the latter's check
contracting party, which was MMPCI. And in this case, MMPCI did payments for being insufficient. One who claims the benefit of an
not agree to a change in the contract and in fact implemented the estoppel on the ground that he has been misled by the
same pursuant to its clear terms. In view thereof, because of Atty. representations of another must not have been misled through his
Linsangan's delinquency, MMPCI validly cancelled the contract. own want of reasonable care and circumspection.52 Even assuming
that Atty. Linsangan was misled by MMPCI's actuations, he still
cannot invoke the principle of estoppel, as he was clearly negligent
in his dealings with Baluyot, and could have easily determined, had

he only been cautious and prudent, whether said agent was clothed
with the authority to change the terms of the principal's written Jose Araneta was referred to as defendant's agent or broker "who
contract. acts in this transaction" and who as such was to receive a
[DISPOSITION] commission of 5 %, although the commission was to be charged to
WHEREFORE, petition is GRANTED. the purchasers, while in paragraph 13 the defendant promised, in
2. GREGORIO ARANETA, INC. V. PAZ TUASON DE PATERNO consideration of Jose Araneta's services rendered to her, to assign
FACTS: to him all her right, title and interest to and in certain lots not
Respondent is the owner of the subject property located in Sta. embraced in the sales to Gregorio Araneta, Inc. or the tenants.
Mesa Manila, which was subdivided into lots. In 1940 and 1941,
Paz Tuazon obtained from Jose Vidal loans totaling P90,098, and The corporate theory aside, and granting for the nonce that Jose
constituted a first mortgage on the aforesaid property to secure the Araneta and Gregorio Araneta, Inc. were identical and that the acts
debt; and then on 1943, she obtained additional loans of P30k and of one were the acts of the other, the relation between the defendant
P20k upon the same security. and Jose Araneta did not fall within the purview of article 1459 of the
Spanish Civil Code.
In 1943 Paz Tuason decided to sell the entire property for the net
amount of P400,000 and entered into negotiations with Gregorio Tested by this standard, Jose Araneta was not an agent within
Araneta, Inc. for this purpose. The negotiations resulted to a the meaning of article 1459.
contract, called Promesa de Compra y Venta. This contract provided  By Exhibits 7 and 8 he was to be nothing more than a go-
that subject to the preferred right of the lessees and that of Jose between or middleman between the defendant and the
Vidal as mortgagee, Paz Tuason would sell to Gregorio Araneta, Inc. purchaser, bringing them together to make the contract
and the latter would buy for the said amount of P400,000 the entire themselves. There was no confidence to be betrayed.
estate. Paz Tuason and Gregorio Araneta, Inc. executed with  Jose Araneta was not authorized to make a binding
regard to the lots an absolute deed of sale. contract for the defendant.
 He was not to sell and he did not sell the defendant's
Before the execution of the deed of sale, Paz Tuason had offered to property.
Vidal the check for P143,150 in full settlement of her mortgage  He was to look for a buyer and the owner herself was to
obligation, but Vidal refused to received that check or to cancel the make, and did make, the sale.
mortgage contending that by the separate agreement before  He was not to fix the price of the sale because the price
mentioned payment of the mortgage was not to be effected totally or had been already fixed in his commission.
partially before the end of four years from April, 1943.  He was not to make the terms of payment because these,
too, were clearly specified in his commission.
Thus, Paz Tuason commenced an action against the mortgagee.  In fine, Jose Araneta was left no power or discretion
However, the action against Vidal never came on for trial and the whatsoever, which he could abuse to his advantage and to
record and the checks were destroyed during the war. This failure of the owner's prejudice.
the suit for the cancellation of Vidal's mortgage, coupled with the
destruction of the checks tendered to the mortgagee, the nullification DOCTRINE:
of the bank deposit on which those checks had been drawn, and the
tremendous rise of real estate value following the termination of the ART. 1459. The following persons can not acquire by purchase,
war, gave occasion to the breaking off of the schemes outlined. Paz even at public or judicial auction, neither in person nor by an
Tuazon, after the war, repudiated them for reasons to be set forth. agent:
Thus, this instant action by Gregorio Araneta Inc., to compel
Paz Tuason to deliver to the plaintiff a clear title to the lots (2) Agents, the property whose administration or sale may have
described in Exhibit A free from all liens and encumbrances, been entrusted to them, unless the consent of the principal
and a deed of cancellation of the mortgage to Vidal. have been given.

The principal bone of contention between Gregorio Araneta, Inc. and Manresa: [says that the] agent- in the sense there used, is one who
Paz Tuason was the validity of the deed of sale Exhibit A on which accepts another's representation to perform in his name certain acts
the suit was predicated. of more or less transcendency;

ISSUE 1: W/N THE CONTRACT WAS VALID Scaveola: the agent's incapacity to buy his principal's property rests
in the fact that the agent and the principal form one juridical person.
Scaveola further observes that the fear that greed might get the
The lower court held that the contract was invalid, that there was to better of the sentiments of loyalty and disinterestedness which
be no absolute sale to Gregorio Araneta, Inc., unless Vidal's should animate an administrator or agent, is the reason underlying
mortgage was cancelled. However, SC did not agree on lower various classes of incapacity enumerated in article 1459. And as
court’s ruling. The contemplated execution of an absolute deed of American courts commenting on similar prohibition at common law
sale was not contingent on the cancellation of Vidal's mortgage. put it, the law does not trust human nature to resist the temptations
Vidal's mortgage was not an obstacle to the sale. likely to arise of antagonism between the interest of the seller and
the buyer.
 The contract of sale Exhibit A was valid and enforceable,
but the loss of the checks for P143,150 and P12,932.61 Therefore, the ban of paragraph 2 of article 1459 connotes the idea
and invalidation of the corresponding deposit is to be of trust and confidence; the relationship does not involve
borne by the buyer, Gregorio Araneta, Inc. considerations of good faith and integrity the prohibition should not
 Paz Tuason shall pay Jose Vidal the amount of the and does not apply. To come under the prohibition, the agent must
mortgage and the stipulated interest…; be in a fiduciary with his principal.
 Vidal's mortgage is superior to the purchaser's right under
Exhibit A, which is hereby declared subject to said Two motions for reconsiderations were subsequently denied.
 Should Gregorio Araneta, Inc. be forced to pay the 3. ORIENT AIR SERVICE & HOTEL REPRESENTATIVES V. CA
mortgage, it will be subrogated to the right of the Facts:
mortgagee. American Air, an air carrier offering passenger and air cargo
transportation, entered into a General Sales Agency Agreement with
The case was remanded to the court of origin with instruction to hold Orient Air, authorizing the latter to act as its exclusive general sales
a rehearing for the purpose of liquidation. agent for the sale of air passenger transportation. Alleging that
Orient Air had reneged on its obligations under the Agreement by
ISSUE 2: W/N Jose Araneta acted as agent of Paz Tuason de failing to promptly remit the net proceeds of sales, American Air by
Paterno. itself undertook the collection of the proceeds of tickets sold
HELD: No. Jose Araneta did not act as agent of Paz Tuason. originally by Orient Air and terminated forthwith the Agreement.

American Air instituted suit against Orient Air with the Court of First filed a complaint for specific performance and damages against EC
Instance of Manila, Branch 24, for Accounting with Preliminary (now the Eterton Multi-resources Corporation), FEBTC and ESAC.
Attachment or Garnishment, Mandatory Injunction and Restraining Petitioner’s Argument:
Order. Petitioners assert that there was a perfected contract of
sale, that acceptance was made known to them through real estate
Defendant Orient Air denied the material allegations of the complaint broker Marquez who does not need a written authority from the
with respect to plaintiff's entitlement to alleged unremitted amounts, Board of Directors of EC.They averred that Marquez acted merely as
contending that after application thereof to the commissions due it a broker or go-between and not as agent of the corporation; hence, it
under the Agreement, plaintiff in fact still owed Orient Air a balance was not necessary for him to be empowered as such by any written
in unpaid overriding commissions. Further, the defendant contended authority. They further claimed that an agency by estoppel was
that the actions taken by American Air in the course of terminating created when the corporation clothed Marquez with apparent
the Agreement as well as the termination itself were untenable, authority to negotiate for the sale of the properties.
Orient Air claiming that American Air's precipitous conduct had Respondent’s Argument:
occasioned prejudice to its business interests. It alleged that Marquez had no written authority from the
Board of Directors to bind it; neither were Glanville and Delsaux
Lower Court’s Rulings: authorized by its board of directors to offer the property for sale.
Trial Court: ruled in favor of Orient Air; holding the termination Since the sale involved substantially all of the corporation’s assets, it
made by the latter as affecting the GSA agreement illegal and would necessarily need the authority from the stockholders.
improper and order the plaintiff to reinstate defendant as its general
sales agent for passenger transportation in the Philippines in ISSUES:
accordance with said GSA agreement. 1. WON Marquez needed a written authority from respondent
CA: affirmed the findings of the court a quo on their material points Eternit before sale can be perfected.
but with some modifications with respect to the monetary awards 2. WON Glanville and Delsaux have the necessary authority
granted. to sell the subject properties or at the very least , were
knowingly permitted by respondent Eternit to do acts
Issue: Whether or not the CA was erred in affirming the lower within the scope of an apparent authority and thus held
court’s ruling ordering American Air to reinstate Orient Air as its them out to the public as possessing power to sell.
general sales agent.
RTC’s Ruling:
Held: It dismissed the complaint against EC and ESAC on the
YES. By affirming this ruling of the trial court, respondent appellate ground that there is no valid and binding sale between the plaintiffs
court, in effect, compels American Air to extend its personality to and said defendants. The complaint against FEBTC is likewise
Orient Air. Such would be violative of the principles and essence of dismissed for lack of cause of action. The trial court declared that
agency, defined by law as a contract whereby "a person binds since the authority of the agents/realtors was not in writing, the sale
himself to render some service or to do something in representation is void and not merely unenforceable, and as such, could not have
or on behalf of another, WITH THE CONSENT OR AUTHORITY OF been ratified by the principal. Plaintiffs could not assume that
THE LATTER." (Article 1868) defendants had agreed to sell the property without a clear
In an agent-principal relationship, the personality of the principal is authorization from the corporation concerned, that is, through
extended through the facility of the agent. In so doing, the agent, by resolutions of the Board of Directors and stockholders.
legal fiction, becomes the principal, authorized to perform all acts
which the latter would have him do. Such a relationship can only be CA’s Ruling:
effected with the consent of the principal, which must not, in any It affirmed the decision of the RTC. It ruled that Marquez,
way, be compelled by law or by any court. The Agreement itself who was a real estate broker, was a special agent within the purview
between the parties states that "either party may terminate the of Article 1874 of the New Civil Code. Under Section 23 of the
Agreement without cause by giving the other 30 days' notice by Corporation Code, he needed a special authority from EC’s board of
letter, telegram or cable." directors to bind such corporation to the sale of its properties.
Delsaux, who was merely the representative of ESAC (the majority
4. EDUARDO LITONJUA JR. V. ETERNIT CORP. stockholder of EC) had no authority to bind the latter. Moreover, the
FACTS: Litonjuas failed to prove that an agency by estoppel had been
Eternit Corporation (EC) is a corporation duly organized created between the parties.
and registered under Philippine laws. It have 8 parcels of land
located in Mandaluyong, Manila where they conduct manufacturing SC’s RULING:
operations under the name of far East Bank & Trust Company [The court before dealing with matters in connection with
(FEBTC) as trustee. 90% of the shares of stocks of EC were owned contract of agency discussed that issues raised by the petitioners
by Eteroutremer S.A Corporation (ESAC), a duly organized such as whether Marquez, Glanville and Delsaux were authorized
corporation in Belgium. Glanville, was the General Manager and by respondent EC to act as their agents relative to the sale of
President of EC while Delsaux was the Regional Director for Asia of properties of respondent EC and the boundaries of their authority as
ESAC. agents are factual in nature and cannot be raised in the Court under
When ESAC knew about the political situation in the Rule 45 of the ROC because elementary is the rule that SC is not a
Philippines, it wanted to stop its operations in the country. Adams, a trier of facts but this rule is subject to certain exceptions to which the
member of EC’s Board of Directors was instructed to dispose of the petitioners failed to establish.]
eight parcels of land where he engaged the services of Marquez so It must be stressed that when specific performance is
the properties could then be offered for sale to prospective buyers. sought of a contract made with an agent, the agency must be
Thereafter, Marquez offered the parcels of land and its established by clear, certain and specific proof.
improvements to Eduardo Litonjua, Jr. where Eduardo and his Sec. 23 of BP 68(Corporation Code), clearly states that
brother Antonio offered to buy the property for P20M. Marquez corporation may only act through its Board of Directors (BOD), or
informed Glanville of the offer made by the Litonjua’s and relayed when authorized either by is by-laws or by its board resolution,
the same to Delsaux in Belgium. Glanville telexed Delsaux inquiring through its officers and agents in the normal course of business.
for his counterproposal to the offer of the Litonjua’s. Delsaux in a While under Sec.36 of the same code provides that physical acts,
response sent in a telex to Glanville, stated that final offer was like the offering of the properties of the corporation for sale, or the
US$1M and P2.5M to cover existing obligations prior to final acceptance of a counter-offer of prospective buyers of such
liquidation. Said copy of the telex from Delsaux was furnished by properties and the execution of the deed of sale covering such
Marquez to Eduardo where the latter accepted the counterproposal. property, can be performed by the corporation only by officers or
The Litonjua’s deposited with the Security Bank & Trust agents duly authorized for the purpose by corporate by-laws or by
Company the amount of US$1M and drafted an Escrow Agreement specific acts of the board of directors. Absent such valid
to expedite the sale. However, Marquez got a cal l from Glanville delegation/authorization, the rule is that the declarations of an
and followed it up with a letter that the sale would no longer proceed individual director relating to the affairs of the corporation, but not in
because the Board agreed not to because the political situation in the course of, or connected with, the performance of authorized
the Philippines had improved. Hence, the reason why the Litonjua’s duties of such director, are not binding on the corporation.



In this case, petitioners failed to adduce in evidence any because of this, respondent became furious and threatened
resolution of the BOD of EC empowering Marquez, Glanville or petitioner that if the accounts were not settled, a criminal case will be
Delsaux as its agents, to sell, let alone offer for sale, for and in its filed against her; that she was forced to issue eight checks
behalf, the 8 parcels of land owned by EC including the amounting to P350,000 to answer for the bounced checks of the
improvements thereon. It must be noted that while Glanville was the borrowers she referred; that prior to the issuance of the checks she
President and General Manager of respondent EC, and Adams and informed respondent that they were not sufficiently funded but the
Delsaux were members of its Board of Directors, the three acted for latter nonetheless deposited the checks and for which reason they
and in behalf of respondent ESAC, and not as duly authorized were subsequently dishonored; that respondent then threatened to
agents of respondent EC; a board resolution evincing the grant of initiate a criminal case against her for violation of Batas Pambansa
such authority is needed to bind EC to any agreement regarding the Blg. 22; that she was forced by respondent to execute an "Absolute
sale of the subject properties. Such board resolution is not a mere Deed of Sale" over her property in Bacoor, Cavite, to avoid criminal
formality but is a condition sine qua non to bind respondent EC. prosecution.
Admittedly, respondent ESAC owned 90% of the shares of stocks of
respondent EC; however, the mere fact that a corporation owns a [LOWER COURT’S RULING]
majority of the shares of stocks of another, or even all of such RTC: dismissed the complaint by the respondent. It held that the
shares of stocks, taken alone, will not justify their being treated as sale was void for lack of cause or consideration.
one corporation.
The court also agreed with the ruling of the appellate Respondent appealed to the CA.
court that Marquez had no authority to bind respondent EC to sell
the subject properties. A real estate broker is one who negotiates the CA: granted the appeal and reversed the decision of the lower court.
sale of real properties. His business, generally speaking, is only to The CA concluded that petitioner was the borrower and, in turn,
find a purchaser who is willing to buy the land upon terms fixed by would "re-lend" the amount borrowed from the respondent to her
the owner. He has no authority to bind the principal by signing a friends. Hence, the Deed of Absolute Sale was supported by a valid
contract of sale. Indeed, an authority to find a purchaser of real consideration, which is the sum of money petitioner owed
property does not include an authority to sell. respondent amounting to P405,430.00, representing both principal
Equally barren of merit is petitioners’ contention that and interest.
respondent EC is estopped to deny the existence of a principal-
agency relationship between it and Glanville or Delsaux. For an Petitioner filed her MR which was denied by the CA.
agency by estoppel to exist, the following must be established: (1)
the principal manifested a representation of the agent’s authority or Hence, this petition.
knowlingly allowed the agent to assume such authority; (2) the third
person, in good faith, relied upon such representation; (3) relying [ISSUE/S]
upon such representation, such third person has changed his WON the petitioner can be considered as a debtor of the
position to his detriment. An agency by estoppel, which is similar to respondent.
the doctrine of apparent authority, requires proof of reliance upon the
representations, and that, in turn, needs proof that the [HELD]
representations predated the action taken in reliance. Such proof is NO. Petitioner is merely an agent or representative of the
lacking in this case. Neither may respondent EC be deemed to have debtors. The basis of agency is representation. The question of
ratified the transactions between the petitioners and respondent whether an agency has been created is ordinarily a question which
ESAC, through Glanville, Delsaux and Marquez. The transactions may be established in the same way as any other fact, either by
and the various communications inter se were never submitted to direct or circumstantial evidence. The question is ultimately one of
the Board of Directors of respondent EC for ratification. intention. Agency may even be implied from the words and conduct
of the parties and the circumstances of the particular case. Though
5. JOCELYN DOLES V. MA. AURA TINA ANGELES the fact or extent of authority of the agents may not, as a general
[TOPIC FROM THE SYLLABUS] rule, be established from the declarations of the agents alone, if one
The basis of agency is representation. The question of whether an professes to act as agent for another, she may be estopped to deny
agency has been created is ordinarily a question which may be her agency both as against the asserted principal and the third
established in the same way as any other fact, either by direct or persons interested in the transaction in which he or she is engaged.
circumstantial evidence. The question is ultimately one of intention.
Agency may even be implied from the words and conduct of the In the case at bar, both petitioner and respondent have undeniably
parties and the circumstances of the particular case. Though the fact disclosed to each other that they are representing someone else,
or extent of authority of the agents may not, as a general rule, be and so both of them are estopped to deny the same.
established from the declarations of the agents alone, if one
professes to act as agent for another, she may be estopped to deny With respect to the admission of petitioner that she is "re-lending"
her agency both as against the asserted principal and the third the money loaned from respondent to other individuals for pro􏰀t, it
persons interested in the transaction in which he or she is engaged. must be stressed that the manner in which the parties designate the
relationship is not controlling. If an act done by one person in behalf
[FACTS] of another is in its essential nature one of agency, the former is the
Respondent filed with the RTC a complaint for Specific Performance agent of the latter notwithstanding he or she is not so called. 30 The
with Damages against petitioner. Respondent alleged that petitioner question is to be determined by the fact that one represents and is
was indebted to the former in the concept of a personal loan acting for another, and if relations exist which will constitute an
amounting to P405,430.00. agency, it will be an agency whether the parties understood the
exact nature of the relation or not.
Petitioner then ceded to respondent a parcel of land with an area of
42 square meters in order to satisfy her personal loan with [DISPOSITION]
respondent; that this property was mortgaged to National Home WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED.
Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) to secure petitioner's loan
in the sum of P337,050.00 with that entity. 6. WOODCHILD HOLDINGS, INC. V. ROXAS ELECTRIC AND
Petitioner, while admitting some allegations in the complaint, denied
that she borrowed money from respondent, and averred that from FACTS: Respondent Roxas Electric and Construction Co (RECCI)
June to September 1995, she referred her friends to respondent was the owner of two parcels of land in Antipolo, Rizal. The RECCI’s
whom she knew to be engaged in the business of lending money in Board of Directors approved a resolution authorizing the
exchange for personal checks through her capitalist Arsenio Pua. corporation’s president, Roberto Roxas (Roxas)…
She alleged that her friends, Romulo, Moratin, Inocencio, Jacob and
Tomelden, borrowed money from respondent and issued personal 1. To sell to petitioner Woodchild Holdings Inc., (Woodchild)
checks in payment of the loan; that the checks bounced for Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086, with an
insufficiency of funds; that despite her efforts to assist respondent to area of 7,213 square meters;
collect from the borrowers, she could no longer locate them; that,



2. To execute, sign and deliver the pertinent sales executed by Roxas for and in its behalf. As such, the respondent is
documents; and obliged to sell a portion of the lot covered by TCT No. 78085 with an
3. To receive the proceeds of the sale for and on behalf of area of 500 square meters at the price of P1,000 per square meter,
the company. based on its evidence and Articles 649 and 651 of the New Civil
In a Letter to Roxas dated June 21, 1991, Woodchild President
Jonathan Dy offered to buy the lot for P1,000/sqm or at the price of For its part, respondent posits that Roxas was not so authorized
P7,213,000. Roxas accepted Dy’s offer and less than a month later under the Resolution to impose a burden or to grant a right of way in
Roxas, as President of RECCI, as vendor, and Dy, as President of favor of the petitioner on Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, much less convey a
Woodchild, as vendee, executed a contract to sell in which RECCI portion thereof to the petitioner. Hence, the respondent was not
bound and obliged itself to sell to Dy the lot covered by TCT No. bound by such provisions contained in the deed of absolute sale.
78086 for P7,213,000. A deed of absolute sale was then issued in
favor of Woodchild.
On March 31, 1992, Wimbeco and Woodchild executed a contract PROVISIONS IN THE DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE GRANTING
for the construction of the warehouse building for P11,804,160. After TO PETITIONER BENEFICIAL USE AND A RIGHT OF WAY
the warehouse was finished, Woodcchild issued on March 21, 1993
a certificate of occupancy by the building official. HELD: NO. Respondent is not so bound.

Now, Woodchild complained to Roxas (RECCI president) that the SC agrees with respondent’s postulate.
latter company’s vehicles of were parked on a portion of the property
over which Woodchild had been granted a right of way. Thus, Dy Generally, the acts of the corporate officers within the scope of their
and Roxas discussed the need of the WHI to buy a 500-square- authority are binding on the corporation. However, under Article
meter portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by TCT No. 78085 as 1910 of the New Civil Code, acts done by such officers beyond the
provided for in the deed of absolute sale. However, Roxas died soon scope of their authority cannot bind the corporation unless it has
thereafter. ratified such acts expressly or tacitly, or is estopped from denying
Woodchild wrote to RECCI requesting to purchase the lots as
provided in the deed of absolute sale. However, RECCI rejected the Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all the obligations
demand of Woodchild. And so, Woodchild filed a complaint against which the agent may have contracted within the scope of his
the RECCI with the RTC for specific performance and damages for authority.
RECCI’s unjustifiable refusal to deliver to Woodchild Holdings the
stipulated beneficial use and right of way. RECCI likewise failed to As for any obligation wherein the agent has exceeded his
eject the squatters of the premises within the stipulated time frame. power, the principal is not bound except when he ratifies it
Because of these, Woodchild suffered unrealized income of expressly or tacitly.
P300,000.00 a month or P2,100,000.00 supposed income from
rentals of the subject property for seven (7) months. Thus, contracts entered into by corporate officers beyond the scope
of authority are unenforceable against the corporation unless ratified
In its Answer, RECCI alleged that it never authorized its former by the corporation.
president, Roberto Roxas, to grant the beneficial use of any portion
of the lot, nor agreed to sell any portion thereof or create a lien or In this case, the respondent denied authorizing its then president
burden thereon. It merely authorized Roxas to sell Lot No. 491-A-3- Roberto B. Roxas to sell a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered by
B-2 covered by TCT No. 78086. As such, the grant of a right of way TCT No. 78085, and to create a lien or burden thereon. The
and the agreement to sell a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 covered petitioner was thus burdened to prove that the respondent so
by TCT No. 78085 in the said deed are ultra vires. RECCI also authorized Roxas to sell the same and to create a lien thereon.
alleged that the delay in the construction of its warehouse building
was due to the failure of the WHI’s contractor to secure a building Examining the resolution at issue, Roxas was not specifically
permit thereon. authorized by RECCI under the said resolution to grant a right of
way in favor of the petitioner on a portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1 or
RTC to agree to sell to the petitioner a portion thereof. The authority of
 Rendered judgment in favor of Woodchild. Roxas, under the resolution, to sell Lot No. 491-A-3-B-2 covered by
TCT No. 78086 did not include the authority to sell a portion of
 RECCI was estopped from disowning the apparent the adjacent lot, Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1, or to create or convey real
authority of Roxas under the May 17, 1991 Resolution of rights thereon. Neither may such authority be implied from the
its Board of Directors. authority granted to Roxas to sell Lot No. 491-A-3- B-2 to the
petitioner “on such terms and conditions which he deems most
CA reasonable and advantageous.”
 Judgment reversed.
 Under the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Under paragraph 12, Article 1878 of the New Civil Code, a special
RECCI, Roxas was merely authorized to sell the lot power of attorney is required to convey real rights over immovable
covered by TCT No. 78086, but not to grant right of way in property. In addition, Article 1358 of the New Civil Code requires that
favor of the Woodchild over a portion of the ot, or to grant contracts which have for their object the creation of real rights over
an option to the petitioner to buy a portion thereof. immovable property must appear in a public document. The
 The grant of a right of way and an option to the petitioner cannot feign ignorance of the need for Roxas to have
respondent were so lopsided in favor of the respondent been specifically authorized in writing by the Board of Directors
because the latter was authorized to fix the location as to be able to validly grant a right of way and agree to sell a
well as the price of the portion of its property to be sold to portion of Lot No. 491-A-3-B-1. The rule is that if the act of the agent
the respondent. Hence, such provisions contained in the is one which requires authority in writing, those dealing with him are
deed of absolute sale were not binding on the RECCI. charged with notice of that fact.

Before the SC, Woodchild avers that RECCI authorized Roxas to

grant a right of way over a portion of the lot in its (Woodchild) favor, ISSUE 2: W/N RESPONDENT GAVE APPARENT AUTHORITY TO
and an option for the respondent to buy a portion of the said ROXAS TO GRANT RIGHT OF WAY AND TO GRANT AN
property. When the respondent sold the property, it (respondent) OPTION TO SELL TO PETITIONER
was well aware of its obligation to provide Woodchild with a means
of ingress to or egress from the property to the Sumulong Highway, HELD: NO.
since the latter had no adequate outlet to the public highway. The
petitioner notes that the respondent’s Board of Directors never Woodchild submitted that in allowing Roxas to execute the contract
approved any resolution rejecting the deed of absolute sale to sell and the deed of absolute sale and failing to reject or
disapprove the same, RECCI thereby gave Roxas apparent authority

to grant a right of way for the lot and to grant an option for RECCI to The parties acknowledged the SPA before respondent Emilio
sell a portion thereof to Woodchild. But this postulate was rejected Purugganan, Jr., who was then the Corporate Secretary of
by the SC. Absent estoppel or ratification, apparent authority Businessday, and at the same time, a notary public for Quezon City.
cannot remedy the lack of the written power required under the On 24 December 1979, petitioner was arrested by the Marcos
statement of frauds. military by virtue of an Arrest, Search and Seizure Order and
detained for allegedly committing arson. During the petitioner's
Apparent authority can rise on these two instances: detention, respondent Locsin ordered fellow respondent Purugganan
1. The principal may knowingly permit the agent to so hold to cancel the petitioner's shares in the books of the corporation and
himself out as having such authority, and in this way, the to transfer them to respondent Locsin's name.
principal becomes estopped to claim that the agent does Respondent Locsin contended that petitioner approached him and
not have such authority; requested him to sell, and, if necessary, buy petitioner's shares of
2. The principal may so clothe the agent with the indicia of stock in Businessday, to assure support for petitioner's family in the
authority as to lead a reasonably prudent person to event that something should happen to him, particularly if he was
believe that he actually has such authority. jailed, exiled or forced to go underground. At the time petitioner was
employed with Businessday, respondent Locsin was unaware that
There can be no apparent authority of an agent without acts or petitioner was part of a group, Light-a-Fire Movement, which actively
conduct on the part of the principal and such acts or conduct of the sought the overthrow of the Marcos government through an armed
principal must have been known and relied upon in good faith and as struggle. He denied that he made any arrangements to continue
a result of the exercise of reasonable prudence by a third person as paying the petitioner's salary in the event of the latter's
claimant and such must have produced a change of position to its imprisonment. In view of petitioner's previous instructions,
detriment. The apparent power of an agent is to be determined by respondent Locsin decided to buy the shares himself. However, he
the acts of the principal and not by the acts of the agent. had to borrow from Businessday the funds he used in purchasing the
shares from petitioner, and had to pay the petitioner in installments
For the principle of apparent authority to apply, the Woodchild was of P10,000.00 every 15th and 30th of each month.
burdened to prove the following:
(a) the acts of the respondent justifying belief in the agency by the Lower Court’s Rulings:
petitioner; Trial Court: dismissed the Complaint filed by the petitioner. It ruled
(b) knowledge thereof by the respondent which is sought to be held; that the sale of shares between petitioner and respondent Locsin
and, was valid. The SPA drafted by the petitioner empowered respondent
(c) reliance thereon by the petitioner consistent with ordinary care Locsin, and two other agents, to sell the shares for such price and
and prudence. under such terms and conditions that the agents may deem proper.
CA: affirmed the Decision of the trial court that there was a perfected
In the case at bar, there is no evidence on record of specific acts contract of sale. The financial condition of Businessday prevented it
made by the RECCI showing or indicating that it had full knowledge from granting any form of financial assistance in favor of the
of any representations made by Roxas to Woodchild that the RECCI petitioner, who was placed in an indefinite leave of absence, and,
had authorized him to grant to the respondent an option to buy a therefore, not entitled to any salary.
portion of the Lot.
Issue: Whether or not there was no valid sale since respondent
ISSUE 3: W/N THERE WAS RATIFICATION ON THE PART OF Locsin exceeded his authority under the SPA.
Petitioner sought to impose a strict construction of the SPA by
HELD: NO. limiting the definition of the word "absence" to a condition wherein "a
It bears stressing that RECCI sold the Lot to Woodchild, and the person disappears from his domicile, his whereabouts being
latter had taken possession of the property. As such, the respondent unknown, without leaving an agent to administer his property," citing
had the right to retain the P5,000,000, the purchase price. For an Article 381 of the Civil Code. Petitioner also puts forward that the
act of the principal to be considered as an implied ratification of an word "incapacity" would be limited to mean "minority, insanity,
unauthorized act of an agent, such act must be inconsistent with any imbecility, the state of being deaf-mute, prodigality and civil
other hypothesis than that he approved and intended to adopt what interdiction" as defined in Article 38 of the Civil Code.
had been done in his name. Petitioner's arguments are unpersuasive. It is a general rule that a
power of attorney must be strictly construed; the instrument will be
Ratification is the intentional relinquishment of a known right. held to grant only those powers that are specified, and the agent
Ratification cannot be inferred from acts that a principal has a may neither go beyond nor deviate from the power of attorney.
right to do independently of the unauthorized act of the agent. Clauses in a power of attorney that are repugnant to each other
Moreover, if a writing is required to grant an authority to do a should be reconciled so as to give effect to the instrument in
particular act, ratification of that act must also be in writing. Since accordance with its general intent or predominant purpose.
RECCI had not ratified the unauthorized acts of Roxas, the Furthermore, the instrument should always be deemed to give such
same are unenforceable. Hence, by the respondent’s retention of powers as essential or usual in effectuating the express powers.
the amount, it cannot thereby be implied that it had ratified the Among the standards the said article enumerates is that no agent
unauthorized acts of its agent, Roberto Roxas. has been appointed to administer the property. In the present case,
petitioner himself had already authorized agents to do specific acts
DISPOSITION: of administration and thus, no longer necessitated the appointment
Decision of the CA is affirmed. of one by the court. The language of the SPA clearly enumerates, as
among those acts that the agents were authorized to do, the act of
7. EDUARDO OLAGUER V. EMILIO PURUGGANAN applying the proceeds of the sale of the shares to any obligations
petitioner might have against the Businessday group of companies.
Facts: This interpretation is supported by the use of the word "and" in
Petitioner Olaguer alleges that he was the owner of 60,000 shares of enumerating the authorized acts, instead of phrases such as "only
stock of Businessday Corporation (Businessday). At the time he was for," "for the purpose of," "in order to" or any similar terms to indicate
employed with the corporation, petitioner, together with respondent that the petitioner intended that the SPA be used only for a limited
Locsin and Joaquin, was active in the political opposition against the purpose, that of paying any liabilities with the Businessday group of
Marcos dictatorship. Anticipating the possibility that petitioner would companies.
be arrested and detained by the Marcos military, Locsin, Joaquin,
and Hector Hofileña had an unwritten agreement that, in the event 8. BRITISH AIRWAYS V. CA
that petitioner was arrested, they would support the petitioner's
family by the continued payment of his salary. Petitioner also FACTS:
executed a Special Power of Attorney (SPA), appointing as his Mahtani decided to visit his relatives in Bombay, India so
attorneys-in-fact Locsin, Joaquin and Hofileña for the purpose of he obtained the services of a certain Mr. Gumar to prepare for his
selling or transferring petitioner's shares of stock with Businessday. travel plans. The latter purchased a ticket from BA. Since Ba had no



direct flights from Manila to Bombay, Mahtani had to take a flight to Since the instant petition was based on breach of contract
HK via PAL and upon arrival in HK he had to take a connecting flight of carriage, Mahtani can only sue BA alone, and not PAL, since the
to Bombay on board BA. latter was not a party to the contract. However, this is not to say that
Mahtani checked in at the PAL counter in MNL his 2 PAL is relieved from any liability due to any of its negligent acts. The
pieces of luggage containing his clothings and personal effects but Court recognized that a carrier (PAL), acting as an agent of another
when he arrived in Bombay he discovered that his luggage was carrier, is also liable for its own negligent acts or omission in the
missing. He was told by the BA representatives that the same might performance of its duties.
have been diverted to London. He waited for a week then finally Ba It is but logical, fair and equitable to allow BA to sue PAL
advised him to file a claim by accomplishing the “Property Irregularity for indemnification, if it is proven that the latter's negligence was the
Report”. proximate cause of Mahtani's unfortunate experience, instead of
Mahtani filed his complaint for damages and attorney’s fee totally absolving PAL from any liability.
against BA and Mr. Gumar. BA denied it stating that Mahtani did not
have a cause of action against it. Then BA, filed a third party 9. RURAL BANK OF MILAOR V. FRANCISCA OCFEMIA
complaint against PAL alleging the non-transfer of the luggage was
due to latter’s late arrival in HK, thus leaving hardly any time for the [TOPIC FROM THE SYLLABUS]
proper transfer of Mahtani’s luggage to the BA aircraft bound for A bank is liable to innocent third persons where representation is
Bombay. PAL filed an answer to the third party complaint disclaiming made in the course of its normal business by an agent like Manager
any liability. Tena, even though such agent is abusing her authority. Clearly,
Petitioner’s Argument: persons dealing with her could not be blamed for believing that she
It argued that award for compensatory damages in the was authorized to transact business for and on behalf of the bank. If
form of the sum of P7k was without basis and the respondent failed a corporation knowingly permits one of its officers or any other agent
to declare a higher valuation with respect to his luggage, a condition to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds the agent
provided in the ticket that liability for loss, delay, or damage to out to the public as possessing the power to do those acts; thus, the
baggage is limited unless a higher value is declared in advance, corporation will, as against anyone who has in good faith dealt with it
through such agent, be estopped from denying the agent's authority.
WON the CA erred in dismissing the third party complaint against [FACTS]
PAL Respondents mortgaged 5 parcels of land located in Camarines Sur
and 2 others to the petitioner as shown by the Deed of REM and
RTC’s Ruling: Promissory note. The Sps.Ocfemia were not able to redeem the
Rendered decision in favor of Mahtani ordering BA to pay mortgaged properties consisting of 7 parcels of land and so the
the former P7k for the value of 2 suit cases, $400 for the value of the mortgage was foreclosed and thereafter ownership thereof was
contents of the luggage, P50k for moral and actual damages and transferred to the petitioner. Out of the 7 parcels that were
20% for patty’s fees. It also dismissed the third party complaint foreclosed, 5 of them are in the possession of the respondents
against PAL for lack of cause of action. because these were sold by petitioner to the parents of Marife Niño
as evidenced by a Deed of Sale.
CA’s Ruling:
Affirmed the decision of the trial court. However, these 5 parcels of land have not been transferred in the
name of the parents of Marife Niño after they were sold to her
SC’s RULING: parents by the petitioner because according to the Assessor’s Office,
[Before discussing matters regarding the contract of they cannot be transferred as there is a need to have the document
agency between BA and PAL, the Court here denied BA’s claim that of sale registered with the ROD of Camarines Sur. However, the
there should have been no separate award for the luggage and the ROD informed her that the document cannot be registered without a
contents since the petitioner failed to declare a separate higher board resolution of the petitioner bank. Niño then went to the bank
valuation for the luggage , therefore its liability is limited, at most , and requested for a board resolution so that the property can be
only to the amount stated. Notwithstanding with the American transferred.
jurisprudence recognize in this jurisdiction that an air carrier is not
liable for the loss of the bag in an amount in excess of the limits
specified in the tariff , such tariff is binding on the passenger Petitioner bank refused her request for a board resolution and made
regardless of the passenger’s lack of knowledge or assent, the court many alibis. She was told that the petitioner bank had a new
ruled against blind reliance on adhesion contracts where the facts manager and it had no record of the sale. She was asked for
and circumstances justify that they should be disregarded and also additional requirements which she complied and was told to wait for
BA had waived the defense of limited liability when it failed to raise 2 weeks because the petitioner would still study the matter. After 2
timely objections regarding the actual claims and damages when the weeks, petitioner bank told her that the resolution of the board would
passenger was asked.] not be released because the bank had no records of the old
The Court did not agree with the said dismissal. manager.
Settled is the issue that the rule that carriage by plane
although performed by successive carriers is regarded as a single Hence, respondents executed an action for mandamus with
operation and that the carrier issuing the passenger’s ticket is damages. On April 10, 1996, petition was declared in default on
considered the principal party and the other carrier is merely motion of the respondents for failure to file and answer within the
subcontractors or agent. In this case, it is worth observing that the reglementary period after it was duly served with summons.
contract of air transportation was exclusively between Mahtani and
BA, the later merely endorsing the MNL to HK leg of the former’s [LOWER COURT’S RULING]
journey to PAL as it subcontractor or agent, This was evident on the RTC: granted the petition.
“Conditions of Contracts” of the ticket issued by BA. Thus, it is
undisputed that PAL in transporting Mahtani from MNL to HK acted CA: affirmed the decision of the trial court.
as agent of BA. Additionally, BA and PAL are both members of the
International Air Transport Association(IATA) wherein member [ISSUE/S]
airlines are regarded as agents of each other in the issuance of the WON the board of directors of a rural banking corporation be
tickets and other matters pertaining to their relationship. Therefore, compelled to confirm a deed of absolute sale of real property
in the instant case, the contractual relationship between BA and PAL owned by the corporation which deed of sale was executed by
is one of agency, the former being the principal, since it was the one the bank manager without prior authority of the board of
which issued the confirmed ticket, and the latter, the agent. directors of the rural banking corporation
Hence, the CA should have been cognizant of the well-
settled rule that an agent is also responsible for any negligence in [HELD]
the performance of its function and is liable for damages which the NO. The bank acknowledged, by its own acts or failure to act, the
principal may suffer by reason of its negligent act. The Court of authority of Fe S. Tena to enter into binding contracts. After the
Appeals erred when it opined that BA, being the principal, had no execution of the Deed of Sale, respondents occupied the properties
cause of action against PAL, its agent or sub-contractor. in dispute and paid the real estate taxes due thereon. If the bank
management believed that it had title to the property, it should have

taken some measures to prevent the infringement or invasion of its Judgment is granted in favor of Cruz. RTC ordered defendant Paule
title thereto and possession thereof. to pay the plaintiff the sum of P726,000.00 by way of actual
damages or compensation for the services rendered by him and
A bank is liable to innocent third persons where representation is damages.
made in the course of its normal business by an agent like Manager
Tena, even though such agent is abusing her authority. Clearly,  RTC found that Mendoza was duly constituted as
persons dealing with her could not be blamed for believing that she EMPCT's agent for purposes of the NIA project and that
was authorized to transact business for and on behalf of the bank. Mendoza validly contracted with CRUZ for the rental of
The bank is estopped from questioning the authority of the bank heavy equipment that was to be used therefor.
manager to enter into the contract of sale. If a corporation knowingly  Through the SPAs he executed, PAULE clothed
permits one of its officers or any other agent to act within the scope MENDOZA with apparent authority and held her out to the
of an apparent authority, it holds the agent out to the public as public as his agent; as principal, PAULE must comply with
possessing the power to do those acts; thus, the corporation will, as the obligations which MENDOZA contracted within the
against anyone who has in good faith dealt with it through such scope of her authority and for his benefit.
agent, be estopped from denying the agent's authority.  PAULE knew of the transactions which MENDOZA
entered into since at various times when she and CRUZ
Petitioner has authorized Tena to enter into the Deed of Sale. met at the EMPCT office, PAULE was present and offered
Accordingly, it has a clear legal duty to issue the board resolution no objections.
sought by respondents. Having authorized her to sell the property, it
behooves the bank to confirm the Deed of Sale so that the buyers CA’s Ruling:
may enjoy its full use. Reversed RTC’s ruling and dismissed Cruz’s complaint.
 The SPAs issued in Mendoza's favor did not grant the
[DISPOSITION] latter the authority to enter into contract with Cruz for
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. hauling services; the SPAs limit Mendoza's authority to
only represent EMPCT in its business transactions with
10. ZENAIDA MENDOZA V. EDUARDO PAULE NIA, to participate in the bidding of the project, to receive
and collect payment in behalf of EMPCT, and to perform
PARTIES such acts as may be necessary and/or required to make
Engr. Eduardo Paule: Defendant the said authority effective. Thus, the engagement of
Zenaida G. Mendoza and Manuel De la Cruz: Petitioners CRUZ's hauling services was done beyond the scope
of MENDOZA's authority.
FACTS  As for CRUZ, the CA held that he knew the limits of
Herein defendant Engr. Eduardo Paule (Paule) is the proprietor of Mendoza's authority under the SPAs yet he still transacted
E.M. Paule Construction and Trading (EMPCT). On May 24, 1999, with her. Citing Manila Memorial Park Cemetery, Inc. v.
he executed a SPA authorizing herein petitioner Zenaida Mendoza Linsangan, the appellate court declared that the principal
(Mendoza), to participate in the bidding of a National Irrigation (PAULE) may not be bound by the acts of the agent
Administration (NIA) project and to represent him in all transactions (MENDOZA) where the third person (CRUZ) transacting
related thereto, to wit: with the agent knew that the latter was acting beyond the
scope of her power or authority under the agency.
1. To represent EMPCT of which I (PAULE) am the General
2. To participate in the bidding, to secure bid bonds and other ARGUMENTS AND DEFENSES OF THE PARTIES BEFORE THE
documents pre-requisite in the bidding... SC:
3. To receive and collect payment in check in behalf of EMPCT.
4. To do and perform such acts and things that may be necessary CRUZ argues that MENDOZA was acting within the scope of her
and/or required to make the herein authority effective. authority when she hired his services as hauler of debris because
the NIA project (both Packages A-10 and B-11 of the NIA-CMIPP)
Mendoza participated in the bidding and was subsequently awarded consisted of construction of canal structures, which involved the
packages A-10 and B-11. When one Manuel de la Cruz (Cruz) clearing and disposal of waste, acts that are necessary and
learned that Mendoza is in need of heavy equipment for use in the incidental to Paule's obligation under the NIA project.
NIA project, he met up with Mendoza and Paule where they
conducted meetings and agreed for a Job Order where Cruz would MENDOZA, for her part claims, among others, that Paule may not
lease his dump trucks to EMPCT for hauling purposes. revoke her appointment as attorney-in-fact for and in behalf of
EMPCT because, as manager of their partnership in the NIA project,
But then, on Apr 27, 2000, Paule revoked the SPA he previously she was obligated to collect from NIA the funds to be used for the
issued in favor of Mendoza. Because of this, NIA refused to make payment of suppliers and contractors with whom she had earlier
payment to Mendoza on her billings. In turn, Cruz, could not be paid contracted for labor, materials and equipment.
for the rent of the dump trucks. Thus, Cruz demanded from Mendoza
and/or EMPCT the payment of the outstanding rentals amounting to  In his Comment, Paule argues that Mendoza's authority
P726,000. Cruz then filed before the RTC of Nuvea Ecija a collection under the SPAs was for the limited purpose of securing
suit with damages. the NIA project; that Mendoza was not authorized to
contract with other parties with regard to the works and
Despite that previous revocation and the suit by Cruz, on August 23, services required for the project, such as Cruz's hauling
2000, PAULE again constituted MENDOZA as his attorney-in-fact: services; that MENDOZA acted beyond her authority in
contracting with Cruz, and Paule, as principal, should not
1. To represent me (PAULE), in my capacity as General Manager of be made civilly liable to Cruz under the SPAs.
the EMPCT, in all meetings, conferences and transactions
exclusively for the construction of the projects known as Package
A10 of Schedule A and Package No. B-11. .; ISSUE: W/N MENDOZA WAS AN AGENT OF PAULE
2. To implement, execute, administer and supervise the said projects HELD: NO.
in whatever stage they are in as of to date, to collect checks and
other payments due on said projects and act as the Project Manager Records show that Paule and Mendoza entered into a
for EMPCT; PARTNERSHIP in regard to the NIA project. PAULE's contribution
3. To do and perform such acts and things that may be necessary thereto is his contractor's license and expertise, while MENDOZA
and required to make the herein power and authority effective. would provide and secure the needed funds for labor, materials and
services; deal with the suppliers and subcontractors; and in general
and together with Paule, oversee the effective implementation of the
RTC’s Ruling: project. For this, Paule would receive as his share three per cent



(3%) of the project cost while the rest of the profits shall go to If the alleged owner or partner
Mendoza. takes his agreed share of If, when earned, the profits
profits, not as owner but as an belong to all the parties as
Although the SPAs did limit Mendoza’s authority to such acts as agreed measure of common proprietors in agreed
representing EMPCT in its business transactions, the evidence compensation for his services proportions, the relation is one
shows that when Mendoza and Cruz met and discussed the lease of or the like, the relation is one of of partnership
the latter's heavy equipment for use in the project, Paule was agency.
present and interposed no objection to Mendoza's actuations. Similarities
Mendoza's actions were in accord with what she and Paule originally Both conceptions import the idea of a fiduciary relationship.
agreed upon, as to division of labor and delineation of functions
within their partnership.

Under the Civil Code, every partner is an agent of the partnership for
the purpose of its business; each one may separately execute all
acts of administration, unless a specification of their respective
duties has been agreed upon, or else it is stipulated that any one of
them shall not act without the consent of all the others.

At any rate, Paule does not have any valid cause for opposition
because his only role in the partnership is to provide his contractor's
license and expertise, while the sourcing of funds, materials, labor
and equipment has been relegated to Mendoza.

In addition, Paule reinstated Mendoza as his attorney-in-fact, this

time with broader authority, even after CRUZ has already filed his
complaint. If he truly believed that Mendoza exceeded her
authority with respect to the initial SPA, then he would not have
issued another SPA. Therefore, Cruz really had a cause of action
against Paule and Mendoza. The CA erred in dismissing Cruz's
complaint on a finding of exceeded agency. Because G.R. No.
173275 already attained finality, Paule was already adjudged to be
liable to Cruz for the transactions entered by Mendoza for the
laborers, suppliers of materials and services for use in the NIA


Since Mendoza took care of the funding and sourcing of labor,
materials and equipment for the project, it is only logical that she
controls the finances, which means that the SPAs issued to her were
necessary for the proper performance of her role in the partnership.
Without the SPAs, she could not collect from NIA, because as far as
it is concerned, EMPCT — and not the PAULE-MENDOZA
partnership — is the entity it had contracted with. Without these
payments from NIA, there would be no source of funds to complete
the project and to pay off obligations incurred.

Article 1927:
An agency cannot be revoked if a bilateral contract depends
upon it, or if it is the means of fulfilling an obligation already
contracted, or if a partner is appointed manager of a
partnership in the contract of partnership and his removal from
the management is unjustifiable.

Disposition: Petitions granted.

Agency distinguished from partnership
The most certain test of partnership as distinguished from ordinary
agency is that, an agent acts only for his principal, while a partner
acts not only for his co-partners and the partnership but also as
principal of himself.

Control by the principal
An agent must submit to the
principal’s right to control the This not applicable to the
agent’s conduct in regard to the partnership concept.
subject of the agency
Liability of the agent
A partner acting as agent for
the partnership binds not only
The ordinary agent assumes the firm members but himself
no personal liability where he as well (the partner is both an
acts within the scope of his agent and a principal at the
authority same time when engaged in
carrying on the partnership
Sharing of Profits




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