Notes For Mid Term

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Fill in the Blanks

1. The loading of an operating system in the primary memory is called booting.

2. Charts are the graphical representation of data values stored in the
3. The first symbol in a flowchart is the oval.
4. A flowchart is a pictorial representation of a sequence of instructions that are
required to solve a problem.
5. Flow lines are used to connect different boxes.
6. The decision box is used for making decisions as well as comparisons.
7. All mathematical operations are put in a process box.

Answer the following

1. List out functions of Operating System?

 Booting the computer
 Loading the program in memory.
 Managing resources
 Detecting and correcting errors
 Ensuring data security
 Maintaining the internal clock
2. Explain two types of Operating System?
 Single-user Operating System: It has a single CPU and set of input and
output devices. It supports one user and only one particular job at any
point of time. Example- MS-DOS
 Multi-user Operating System: It allows more than one user to interact
with computer at a time and each user work on different programs.
Example- UNIX.
3. How to create a Chart in MS Excel?

Step 1: Select the contents of the worksheet.

Step 2: Click the ‘Insert’ button from the Ribbon area.

Step 3: Select and click the type of chart (say Column) from the chart area.

Step 4: It will show different types of column charts.

Step 5: Select the specific option from the 2-D column chart.

Step 6: The chart based on the selected range of data will be displayed on the

4. Write down the steps to edit the Chart Type?

Step 1: Right-click on the chart.

Step 2: Select ‘Change Chart Type’ from the drop-down list.

Step 3: It will display a window on the screen.

Step 4: Select an appropriate type of chart which you want to replace with the
previous one (say bar type).

Step 5: Finally, click ‘OK’.

5. What is Flowchart? What are the features of a flowchart?

Ans: A flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm and uses boxes of

different shapes.
Features of Flowchart are:

 It is an easy method to communicate.

 It is the key to correct programming.
 It clearly indicates the task.
 It helps to plan and design a new system.

6. Define Terminal Box and Decision Box? Draw their symbols.

Ans: Terminal Box- It is used at the beginning and at the end of the flowchart.

Decision Box- It is used to make a choice between two options in terms of Yes or

Terminal Box:

Decision Box:

Explain the functions

i. SUM (): This function calculates the total of all the values of the specified
cells and returns the result to the specific cell pointer.
Syntax: SUM (number1, number2, ……….)
Example: SUM (43, 61, 70) is 174.
ii. AVERAGE (): It takes all the values of the specified cells and returns the
average of cell values in the active cell.
Syntax: AVERAGE (number1, number2, ………..)
Example: AVERAGE (45, 50, 74, 71) is 60
iii. MAX (): This function returns the highest value from among the specified
cells in the active cell.
Syntax: MAX (number1, number2, ……………)
Example: MAX (83, 61, 79) is 83
iv. MIN (): This function returns the lowest value from among the specified
cells in the active cell.
Syntax: MIN (number1, number2, ………..)
Example: MIN (53, 21, 79) is 21
v. COUNT (): The count function helps you to count the number of cells
within a range of cells which have values.
Syntax: COUNT (number1, number2, ………..)
Example: COUNT (53, 21, 79, 54) is 4

Write the Algorithm

1. To go for a class picnic

 Step 1: Start
 Step 2: Make all plans for picnic
 Step 3: Decide a good place/spot for picnic
 Step 4: Arrange a vehicle to reach the destination
 Step 4: Get in vehicle and go at spot
 Step 5: Do the activities planned for picnic
 Step 6: After completing your event, get in the vehicle
 Step 7: Get back to home/school
 Step 8: Stop
2. To make tea/coffee

 Step 1: Start
 Step 2: Take teabag and put it in a cup.
 Step 3: After that take a kettle and fill it with water.
 Step 4: Now you need to boil the water.
 Step 5: Pour the boiled water in the cup and add some milk in the cup.
 Step 6: Add some sugar to the cup.
 Step 7: Finally, make sure your stir the cup and now you can drink the
 Step 8: Stop
Write the Algorithm and Flowchart
1. Accept the length of two different line segments and check whether they are
equal or unequal. Display the message accordingly

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Read length of line segment 1.

Step 3: Read length of line segment 2.

Step 4: Check whether line segment 1 is equal to line segment 2.

Step 5: If line segments are equal, then display “Line segments are equal”.
Otherwise display “Line segments are not equal”.

Step 6: Display output

Step 7: Stop

2. Accept the age of a person and check whether he/she is eligible to vote or
not. A person is eligible to vote only when he/she is 18 years or more.


 Step 1: Start
 Step 2: Input age
 Step 3: Check age value,
o if age >= 18 then go to step 4 else step 5
 Step 4:         print "Eligible to vote" and go to step 6
 Step 5:   else
 print "Not Eligible to vote"
 Step 6:  Stop

3. Accept three numbers and check whether they are ‘Pythagorean Triplets’ or
not. Display the message accordingly

 Step 1: Start
 Step 2: Get three numbers a , b , c
 Step 3: if ( (a*a + b*b) == c*c ) then
 Step 4: Display "These numbers are Pythagorean triplets. "
 Step 5: else
 Step 6: Display "Numbers are not Pythagorean triplets. "
 Step 7: end if
 Step 8: Stop

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