Freedom Gal 2 Vs 4

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By Lahry Sibley
Gal 2: 4 [My precaution was] because of false brethren who had
been secretly smuggled in [to the Christian brotherhood]; they had
slipped in to spy on our liberty and the freedom which we have in
Christ Jesus, that they might again bring us into bondage [under the
Law of Moses].

Please note here that there will always be those who place a strong
emphasis on rituals rather than personal experience with God. They bind
others with form, rather than inward presence where true worship
originates. This has many different disguises, most originating by “leaders”
who are led by knowledge, but not by the Holy Spirit. They are oft well
educated, and know the Bible very well. But they will treat you like poor
Samson once he was overpowered after losing his hair.

First they will bind you. Then they will blind you. Then they will put you to
the grind. The pharasees and many converted Jews were attempting to do
this in Galatia, evidently. An so the alert proposed by Paul.

Please understand, that the “law” set aside was the ceremonials surrounding
temple worship and animal sacrifice. God’s moral law, the 10
commandments, has never been set aside, and never will be. For God is the
same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes, and neither does His
law and no where in the whole Bible is man given liberty change God’s law
or to not obey God and be able to at the same time, walk in fellowship with
God. No, no, no.

So when a preacher stands and mentions obeying God is evidence of His life
within, he’s not speaking of the law of Moses, or other man made traditions
and rituals. So please do yourself a favor, and don’t call him a “legalist”. Man
can never be justified through keeping any law, or man made tradition. But
once someone has been crucified with Christ, baptized and filled with the
Holy Spirit, they WILL have a desire and will, to do God’s good pleasure.

God’s will is God’s good pleasure, and sin (transgression of God’s moral law)
is never, ever, His good pleasure. A true son/daughter of God is led
continually (as in breathing) by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit never leads
anyone into sin. No, James says we are drawn away by our own lust. That is
why Paul tells us to avoid every occasion of exciting the flesh. (deny

I had this young man working for me years ago. We traveled a lot together
testing furnaces and boilers in refineries and chemical plants. He told me of
an occasion he and his wife had while they were in the Shopping Mall. His
wife saw something on display, and said something like, “why looky there,
you’ve got to buy me one of these. I’ve been wanting one all my life.” He
told her, “how can this be, that has only been out 2 weeks”? But isn’t that
the way it works? Merchants put items on display so you will drawn in to buy
something that you were never shopping for.

Please listen to me. Sin works the same way. You go where you know you
probably should not go, or listen to what you should not be listening too, or
read something that you know may not possibly be wholesome and clean.
First thing you know, up pops something enticing and your flesh will scream

STOP!!! Stop right there. God no further. For it is exactly at this point, that
you still have the ability to resist. This is where we make our choice! Turn
and run from whatever is tempting you.

In the case of my friends wife, he happened to have more will power than
she did and protected her from not being a good steward with their personal
resources. Innocent enough, but valuable experience.

No place is more “seductive” than carnal church. You go wanting to place

trust in others. You recognize the preacher or leaders as men who were
probably of good reputation and you trust that what they will have to say is
probably true. Listen!!!

At this point, it is extremely important to listen, and know your Bible. Jesus
said, “out of the abundance of the heart, man speaks”. Listen to what they
talk about. I’m not talking about what comes out of the pulpit. I’m talking
about casual conversation.

Now the ladies are somewhat exempt here, because they will talk about
babies, grandchildren, home economics and such. We men don’t have to
worry about hearing “personal stuff” from them however. They only talk
about that in the “Ladies Room”. LOL. You men wouldn’t believe some of the
things my wife has heard in “the Ladies Room”. But listen to the men. They
will tell you what the passion of their heart is because they will talk about it
in casual conversation.

Now there are many things that truly converted men talk about that is
wholesome and enjoyable. But listen for the passion. Is it Christ? Is it their
love for God? Is it their love for their neighbor? Or is their love for that “bass
boat” with a 250 hp Mercury outboard on the back, and all the latest
electronic accessories on board and functional? I could list many other
things, but you get the idea.

In terms of Church leadership, listen to what the speaker focuses his

attention on. Is He proclaiming “how great thou art”, or “how great I art”?
There is a big difference. If the emphasis is on “this church”, “this ministry”,
“this minister”, a “nationally known minster/ministry”, “denomination”,
“talent”, “personal charisma”, and the like, RUN!!!! Why? Let’s revisit our
scripture verse…

4 [My precaution was] because of false brethren who had been

secretly smuggled in [to the Christian brotherhood]; they had
slipped in to spy on our liberty and the freedom which we have in
Christ Jesus, that they might again bring us into bondage [under the
Law of Moses].

That’s why. They will either try to bind you up with man made traditions and
religious scruples or they will try to dilute and pollute the Word of God to
excuse the lack of obedience and holiness in their own personal walk before
God. They don’t walk with Him, they walk before Him.

Brothers and sisters, in this “apostate age”, we cannot be too careful. We

must be Bereans. (Acts 17:11) We must know the Word of God. Accept no

Now please understand that even preachers are men. Only the Word of God
is without error. If someone you are hearing makes a mistake, “according to
you”, speak with them privately about it. True men of God are teachable. If
you have scriptural support for your own convictions, share it with them.
They will thank you. Maybe they have never seen that before. No one is “all
inclusive”, however informed they may be.

One the other hand, if they put you down, attempt to usurp “authority” over
you driven by “posturing”, self elevation, and the like. Excuse yourself and
keep praying and looking for the remnant Church. How will you know when
you find them? God’s Word tells us of course…..

Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to
make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The remnant church will be those believers who have been truly converted,
and faith in God alone, and obedience to God’s moral law are their guiding
light. They walk by faith and not by sight, and they delight in obeying God,
not to be saved, but because they are saved. Glory to God. They know God.
They KNOW God. They are love driven and not commandment and/or ritual
driven. Oh they obey God alright. But they want to share God, Who He is,
and give Him glory. Their focus is heavenly, and their love for God and man
is their true identity. Give God the glory, honor, and praise today. Amen?
Amen. - Lahry

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