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Name: Jayson Ricohermoso

Section: CEIT 29-501P

1. Write a script creating a unit step signal

2. Write a script creating a real value exponential signal

3. Write a script creating a real value

exponential signal decaying from
4. Write a script creating a sine wave with 3 units amplitude and length of 50

1. Did you tried to copy the script and

paste it on the editor? If you did or if you
will do it,
what will happened after you tried to run the script?
It didn’t run as the matlab program didn’t register as you had to type the “ ‘ “ each
time it was required in the script.

2. What are the errors you encountered while performing the laboratory procedures?
How did you correct those errors?
I had errors with the code and the required syms extension in the matlab
program. I needed to reinstall the matlab to be able to plot graphs. It required the use of
the Heaviside Step Function.

3. What are the functions of these commands and operations:

Title - shows the title of the plotted code
Xlabel - the naming of the axis for x
Clf - (reset) deletes from the current figure all graphics objects
= - is equal setting the value of the variable.
== - returns a logical array with elements set to logical 1 ( true ) where arrays A and B
are equal: ; otherwise, the element is logical 0 ( false ). ^ does not work^ power operator
raises to the corresponding power set on another element.

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