Has Alice Cooper Sold: Burning Question and Review by Lester Bangs

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never sold out.

For their entire career

they've been too busy buying in. The very
jacket of their new album is a wallet, in line
with the record's concept -a future in which
affluent youth rules. No matter which side of
the cash register you're on, Alice Cooper is.
as Dori McMartin has said, the biggest
shopping center in the world; their nev,,
show, besides a guillotine and giant tooth-
brushes chasing teeth with Betty Grable
legs, features a solid rippling bank of neon
bulbs in a set so much like a hip boutique it's
incredible. Alice himself looks like some-
thing out of a boutique - wrapped in tinfoil
with a flower in his mouth -and if they have
been consistently calculating about selling
themselves through their entire career, the
Coopers are at least honest about it in "Bil-
lion Dollar Babies."
Unfortunately, however, in coming out of
the showbiz closet far enough to sing some-
thing like Hello Hooray ("Let the show be-
gin/I'm ready . . . ") or / Love the Dead,
they also lay the tombstone on any preten-
sions they might ever have had to living up
to those early claims of innovation and pro-
fundity. Mothers may not like to see their
fourteen -year -old daughters walk in the
front door with this record, but it is also true
that Alice Cooper is as old-fashioned as
anything in Vegas, and that it will sell pri-
marily to fourteen -year -olds because that's
who it's aimed at. Sick Things is no more
depraved than a Saturday afternoon mons-
ter movie on TV, and Alice Cooper will
quite likely fulfill a lifelong dream by ending
up as a network cartoon show. Hell, this
album's even got individual group -member
and live -action pinup punchouts, a la Donny

HAS ALICE COOPER SOLD OUT? Osmond and the Partridge Family, as well
as a big Alice Cooper Dollar Bill poster. It's
a toy through and through.
Burning question and review by Lester Bangs
A of which makes it, in the argot of
yesterday's hippies, plastic. But so what?
ANYBODY attempting to mate rock with Which is not to say that theatrical rock Artifice is fun too, and nobody knows that
traditional concepts of theatrics is. by can't be enormously powerful-certainly as well as Alice Cooper. The only downer in
definition, involved in a risky business, be- the Doors were (at their peak at least), in the whole thing is that these guys have on
cause rock is its own self-contained theater. spite of being ludicrously pretentious and occasion been a truly gutsy, slashing rock 'n'
When Jerry Lee Lewis pounded his piano juvenile. Now a band named after its leader, roll band in the classic mold. Instead of ful-
with his feet, or when Chuck Berry rocked Alice Cooper, is going much the same route filling the promise inherent in earlier works
back and duckwalked across the stage, or as the Doors-early rejection as too "far like "Killer," they have opted for becoming
even when Pete Townshend of the Who first out." cult favoritism, enormous success, the Burton -Taylor of rock - except that, un-
smashed his guitar to bits-all of these bigger and more elaborate presentations, like Liz and Dick, they haven't had a bomb
events were so dramatic on their own that dilution of original power, and now dismiss- yet. "Billion Dollar Babies" cost far more
they needed no further embellishment. This al by the youth -market cognoscenti. Alice than any of their previous albums, in spite of
is one of the things that gives rock its special Cooper has indeed, as their early defenders the fact that it's hardly what you'd call a
strength, and this is also why someone like claimed, taken rock -as -theater light years great achievement-more in the minor di-
Truman Capote can say, in his Rolling beyond where the Doors (or anybody else) versions category. But every penny spent on
Stone interview -rap with Andy Warhol. that had before. In six albums and related stage that big production and all its gilt -lined tinsel
Mick Jagger is not a singer at all, but an ac- shows they have thrown costumes, props, has paid off, because the album was gold
tor. Because rock-and-roll is basically an at- air raid sirens, wind machines, switchblade upon release. Obviously they know what
titude, a stance, a posture. knives, giant balloons, manikins, dollar bills, they're doing. Toast them, then, as supreme
So anytime somebody tries to beef it up plenty of beer, and the kitchen sink into American businessmen. And, since they're
by injecting nonmusical elements from stage their act: they exploited the current sexual - about as dangerous or truly "sick" as a Mat-
drama, extraneous "plots," or extensive identity crisis of the mass of American tel robot, buy the record for your kids.
choreography and use of props, it's bound to youth in much the same way novelist Har-
come off as rather artificial. Take the case of old Robbins might have, creating something
a group like the Doors, who were pioneers as crass, mindless, and irresistible as The ALICE COOPER: Billion Dollar Babies.
of the rock -as -theater gambit: at the begin- Besy, and in that high -geared machine they Alice Cooper, Michael Bruce, Dennis Dun-
ning of their career they were hailed by crit- cruised all the way to superstardom and mil- away, Glen Buxton, Neal Smith (vocals and
ics and record -buying kids alike as apoca- lionaire status. Now they're one of the big- instrumentals). Hello Hooray; Raped and
lyptic entities, betes noires, the last word in gest draws in the world, their current tour Freezin': Elected: Billion Dollar Babies;
the avant-garde. But by the time their third (which ties in with their latest album, "Bil- Unfinished Sweet: No More Mister Nice
album was out, even many of their formerly lion Dollar Babies") is the largest -grossing Guy; Generation Landslide; Sick Thing.s.
strongest fans were beginning to find them rock band tour in history, and most of their Mary -Ann: I Love the Dead. WARNER BROS.
just a wee bit . . . well, teenybopperish, old fans are lamenting their "sell-out." BS 2685 $5.98, ® A 2685 $8.98. OO M8
bubblegummy. What a load of crap! Alice Cooper has 2685 $6.98, M5 2685 $6.98.


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