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Journal of Avian Biology 46: 9–17, 2015

doi: 10.1111/jav.00496
© 2014 The Authors. Journal of Avian Biology © 2014 Nordic Society Oikos
Subject Editor: Alexandre Roulin. Editor-in-Chief: Jan-Åke Nilsson. Accepted 14 July 2014

Sexual pigmentation and parental risk-taking in yellow warblers

Setophaga petechia

Andrea S. Grunst, Melissa L. Grunst and John T. Rotenberry­

A. S. Grunst (, Univ. of California, Riverside – Biology, 900 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507, USA. – M. L. Grunst,
Univ. of California, Riverside – Biology, Biology Dept, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. – J. T. Rotenberry, Univ. of Minnesota – Biological Sciences,
St Paul, MN, USA.­

Adult-directed predation risk imposes important behavioral constraints on parents and might thus alter relationships
between costly sexual ornaments and parental performance. For instance, under low predation risk, highly ornamented
individuals might display better parental performance than others, as predicted by ‘good parent’ models of sexual selec-
tion. However, under high risk of predation, highly ornamented individuals might abandon parental effort if conspicuous
to predators, or if social partners are more willing to take parental risks when paired with highly ornamented mates.
We experimentally elevated perceived adult-directed predation risk near nests to explore how carotenoid- and phaeomel-
anin-based pigmentation in both sexes relate to parental risk-taking for offspring in the yellow warbler Setophaga petechia.
Compared to other males, males with more intense carotenoid-based pigmentation maintained higher levels of paternal
effort under predation risk at highly concealed nests, but reduced nestling provisioning rate more at exposed nests. Further,
when faced with predation risk, females with more phaeomelanin-based pigmentation reduced nestling provisioning rate
less than other females, regardless of nest concealment. Females displayed higher parental effort across treatments when
paired to males with more colorful carotenoid pigmentation. However, birds did not reduce parental effort under risk
less when paired to a highly ornamented mate, suggesting that predation risk did not accentuate differential allocation.
Males did not take fewer parental risks than females. Results indicate that nest concealment modifies parental risk-taking
by males with colorful carotenoid-based pigmentation, and suggest that female melanin-based pigmentation may indicate
boldness and greater a propensity to take parental risks.

Adult-directed predation risk imposes important behavioral ornamentation may signal a willingness to take parental
constraints on parents, and might thus alter relationships risks to potential mates. A link between boldness, aggres-
between costly sexual ornaments and parental behaviors siveness and pigmentation has been particularly proposed
in a variety of alternative ways. A deficit of studies renders for melanin-based pigmentation (Ducrest et al. 2008). For
these alternatives and the behavioral processes involved instance, male great tits Parus major with large eumelanin-
poorly understood. For instance, under low levels of pre- based (black) plumage badges defend nests against predators
dation risk, highly ornamented individuals might display more vigorously than other males (Quesada and Senar 2007),
better parental performance than others, as predicted by and female tawny owls Strix aluco with darker phaeomel-
‘good parent’ models of sexual selection (Hoelzer 1989, anin-based (a reddish, cysteine-bearing form of melanin)
Hill 1991, Siefferman and Hill 2003). In contrast, under pigmentation are more aggressive towards threats to the nest
high predation risk, highly ornamented individuals might (Da Silva et  al. 2013). However, other types of coloration
abandon parental effort if vulnerable to detection or cap- have also been positively associated with boldness in the face
ture by predators (Martin and Badyaev 1996, Götmark of a predation threat, although in non-parental contexts.
and Olsson 1997, Cabido et  al. 2008). Alternatively, For instance, male guppies Poecilia reticulata with colorful
highly ornamented individuals might be more willing carotenoid-based coloration are more likely to approach
to maintain parental effort under predation risk if better cichlid predators, potentially because these individuals are
able to evade predators (Fowler-Finn and Hebets 2011), if better able to escape predators (Godin and Dugatkin 1996).
ornamentation indicates higher investment towards cur- In addition, in biparental species, predation risk might
rent reproduction rather than survival (Candolin 1998), also affect the discrepancy in parental investment between
or if ornamentation correlates with behavioral character- individuals with ‘attractive’ and ‘unattractive’ mates, and
istics such as boldness and aggressiveness (Roulin 2004, between members of a mated pair (Burley 1986, Matessi
Ducrest et al. 2008, Da Silva et al. 2013). In these latter cases, et al. 2009). The differential allocation hypothesis proposes

that individuals paired to elaborately ornamented mates pair paternity among males expressing more melanin-based
invest more into parental effort due to high brood value, pigmentation (Yezerinac and Weatherhead 1997), and in
which might allow their mate to down-regulate effort our study population males co-expressing high levels of
(Burley 1986, Møller and Thornhill 1998, Harris and Uller both melanin- and carotenoid-based pigmentation lose less
2009, Ratikainen and Kokko 2010). For instance, male rock paternity in their social broods (Grunst and Grunst 2014).
sparrows Petronia petronia paired to females with enhanced Thus, as also reported for both carotenoid- and melanin-
sexual pigmentation engaged in higher levels of risky nest based pigmentation in other species, sexual pigmentation in
defense behavior against a weasel Mustela nivalis predator the yellow warbler may serve as a sexual signal of individual
(Matessi et al. 2009). However, males paired to females with condition (Hill 1991, Badyaev and Duckworth 2003,
enhanced ornaments did not contribute more to lower-risk Siefferman and Hill 2003, Safran and McGraw 2004, Dunn
nestling provisioning behavior (Matessi et  al. 2009), sug- et al. 2010) or genetic quality (Roulin et al. 2001, Boerner
gesting that higher costs of parental care might accentuate and Krüger 2009), in addition to making individuals
differential allocation. On the other hand, other studies conspicuous to predators. As a sexual signal, pigmentation
have found the opposite pattern. For example, male blue tits may predict both individual behavioral performance and the
Cyanistes caeruleus paired to females with reduced ultraviolet parental allocation decisions of the social mate.
reflectance invested less in nestling provisioning, but did We made specific predictions regarding how adult-
not defend nestlings against an aesculapian snake Zamenis directed predation risk would alter relationships between
longissimus at reduced intensity (Mahr et al. 2012). sexual pigmentation and the parental behavior of the focal
Birds provide good study species for exploring how the individual and social mate. First, we predicted that preda-
sexual ornamentation of focal individuals and social mates tion risk might induce a strong positive relationship between
relates to levels of parental risk-taking for offspring, since the pigmentation (either carotenoid- or melanin-based) of
biparental care is prevalent and effects of adult-directed the social mate and parental effort, by causing individuals
predation risk on parental behaviors are well documented. with low quality, or ‘unattractive’ mates to abandon paren-
High rates of visitation to a stationary nest render both tal effort. Further, we reasoned that highly pigmented birds
avian parents and nest contents conspicuous to predators might have mates more willing to take parental risks (Matessi
(Colombelli-Négrel and Kleindorfer 2010). Thus, adult- et al. 2009), and might also be highly conspicuous to preda-
directed predation risk near nests clearly accentuates the tors (Cabido et al. 2008, Journey et al. 2013), particularly
tradeoff between parental effort and adult survival, and if expressing intense carotenoid-based pigmentation, which
indeed reduces parental provisioning rates in a variety of covers the majority of the body. Thus, compared to less
avian species (Ghalambor and Martin 2000, 2001, Peluc pigmented individuals, we predicted that highly pigmented
et  al. 2008, Tilgar et  al. 2011). Further, past studies have birds might show lower levels of parental effort under preda-
documented various factors that affect parental responses to tion risk, but might show higher parental performance under
predators near avian nests, notably nest concealment (Eggers normal, low risk conditions. However, we also predicted that
et al. 2006, Peluc et al. 2008, Lima 2009). Nest concealment highly pigmented birds might be more likely to maintain
may be important to understanding how conspicuously parental effort under predation risk at highly concealed
ornamented birds respond to both adult-directed and nest nests. In addition, birds with more phaeomelanin-based
predation risk near nests, since conspicuous individuals may pigmentation might be more likely to take parental risks,
be more likely to maintain parental effort under risk if nests given a genetic correlation between phaeomelanin-based
are more concealed. pigmentation, aggression and boldness, as suggested by some
To assess whether adult-directed predation risk affects previous research (Studd and Robertson 1985a, b, Quesada
the relationship between sexual ornamentation and parental and Senar 2007, Ducrest et al. 2008). On the other hand, past
effort, we manipulated perceived adult-directed predation studies in the yellow warbler found that phaoemelanin-based
risk near nests, quantified nest concealment, and measured pigmentation positively correlated with territorial aggression but
sexual pigmentation in yellow warblers Setophaga petechia. negatively correlated with paternal effort, including nest defense
The yellow warblers is a biparental passerine with colorful against a snake (Studd and Robertson 1985a, b). This past
pigmentation and moderate sexual dichromatism. Males research suggests that highly melanic birds might display lower
express more intense carotenoid-based pigmentation and parental motivation and thus take few parental risks. Finally, we
more phaeomelanin-based breast streaking than females, predicted that females might take more parental risks than males
although considerable variation in pigmentation occurs due to higher certainty of parentage (Yezerinac and Weatherhead
within each sex (Lowther et al. 1999, Grunst et al. 2014a). 1997), and less intense coloration that would make them less
The intensity of carotenoid-based pigmentation and the conspicuous to predators (Martin and Badyaev 1996). There-
amount of phaeomelanin-based pigmentation are largely fore, greater inter-sex differences in parental effort might occur
uncorrelated in males, and positively correlate in females under predation risk than under normal conditions.
(r  0.41), but with significant independent variation. Thus,
the two pigment types may convey non-equivalent informa-
tion (Grunst et  al. 2014a). We have previously established Methods
that carotenoid- and phaeomelanin-based pigmentation are
associated with metrics of individual condition in both sexes Study system and field methods
of the yellow warbler (Grunst et al. 2014a, b), and warblers
show assortative social pairing by pigmentation (Grunst During the 2010 to 2012 breeding seasons, we studied
and Grunst 2014). Further, a past study found greater extra- yellow warblers breeding along riparian corridors at the

Univ. of California’s Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research scored female melanin coverage on a scale of 0 to 2. A score
Laboratory (SNARL; 37°36′51′′N, 118°49′47′′W), and of zero corresponded to no melanin-based streaking, 0.5
in the adjacent Inyo National Forest. Warblers arrive on to a trace of streaking, 1 to moderate streaking (∼ 1–2%
the breeding grounds in May, and nesting occurs from mid- coverage), and 2 to heavy streaking (∼ 5% coverage).
May to early July. Pairs re-nest following nest depredation
but fledge only one clutch per season. We captured birds in Predator presentation experiment
mist nets using conspecific playback during the pre-nesting
period, or by placing nets near nests, and marked birds with We experimentally increased perceived adult-directed preda-
a United States Geological Survey (USGS) aluminum band tion risk at nests by presenting a recording and taxidermic
and colored leg bands. We located nests through behavioral mount of a sharp-shinned hawk Accipiter striatus. A decoy
observation and checked nests every 2–3 d to monitor nest and recording of a house finch Haemorhous mexicanus served
contents. After nests fledged or failed, we scored nest con- as a negative control. We manually compiled hawk and finch
cealment on a scale of 0 to 2. A score of zero indicated that recordings, such that both types of recording consisted of
the nest was 100–80% visible (exposed) when viewed from 3 min of vocalization followed by 3 min of silence. We used
2 m in front of the substrate plant, 0.5 indicated 80–60% the same recording for all experiments, but randomly
exposure, 1, 60–40% exposure, 1.5, 40–20% exposure, and used one of three hawk decoys and one of three finch
2, 20–0% exposure. decoys. We placed decoys ∼ 6–10 m from nests and ∼ 2 m
off the ground (Ghalambor and Martin 2000, 2001, Peluc
Measurement of pigmentation et  al. 2008), and projected recordings using MP3 players
placed in the vegetation next to decoys. We also recorded
We collected 5 feathers bearing carotenoid pigmentation nests without any decoy present, to assess baseline behavior.
from non-adjacent breast regions, and stored feathers in We performed recordings (baseline, hawk, finch) in ran-
closed envelopes until spectrometric analysis. We arranged domly determined order for sequential periods of ∼ 1.5 h
feathers on a black felt background (with zero reflectance), each with ∼ 10 min between recordings, using Canon 800
and then used an USB4000 spectrometer with a xenon light series camcorders with 124-min tapes. We erected cam-
source (range: 200–1100 nm; Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL, corders on tripods concealed ∼ 5 m from nests. We initiated
USA) to obtain reflectance spectra between 300–725 nm, recordings between 06:00 and 16:00 Pacific Daylight Time
across the avian visual range (Montgomerie 2006, Hegyi (PDT) due to high recording volume, and controlled for
et al. 2007, Grunst et al. 2014a). We characterized reflectance time of recording in statistical analyses. We performed the
spectra using colorimetric measurements of total reflectance experiment on day 4–7 of the nestling period. Overall, we
(brightness), saturation (chroma or spectral purity), and performed the experiment at 71 nests of 57 males and 67
hue (spectral location). Carotenoid pigmentation displays a females, but performed finch presentations only 45 times,
bimodal reflectance spectrum, with peaks of reflectance for after it became clear that they did not differ from controls
both ultraviolet and yellow (or red) light, and high absor- (Results). Further, sample sizes for analyses (Results) are
bance of blue–green light. Thus, to characterize reflectance reduced in some cases because we did not have pigmenta-
spectra, we calculated carotenoid saturation (chroma), blue tion measurements from all birds. From video-recordings,
saturation, ultraviolet saturation, average reflectance, and we determined paternal and maternal provisioning rates.
lambda 50 (a measurement of hue), as described by Anders- We distinguished the sexes based on plumage differences
son and Prager (2006). We performed a principal compo- and colored leg bands.
nent analysis to derive a single factor (PC1) descriptive of
variance in reflectance spectra (Montgomerie 2006, Hegyi Statistical analysis
et  al. 2007, Grunst et  al. 2014a). Loadings on PC1 were
0.51 for carotenoid saturation, 0.48 for ultraviolet satura- We performed linear mixed effect models (LMMs) in R
tion, 0.52 for blue saturation, 0.06 for total reflectance, 2.15.2 (packages lme4 and lmerTest) (Bates et  al. 2012,
and 0.47 for lambda 50, with an eigenvalue of 3.61 and Kuznetsova et  al. 2013), with nest, male, and female
72.5% of total variation explained. Previous studies suggest identity as random effects. We sequentially removed non-
that increasing the concentration of yellow carotenoids in significant predictors (a  0.05) from models and obtained
feathers increases lambda 50 (resulting in a shift towards final p-values using type III F-tests with Satterthwaite
orange), ultraviolet saturation, and carotenoid saturation, approximations for degrees of freedom. First, we constructed
but reduces average reflectance and blue saturation (Anders- separate LMMs to predict paternal and maternal provision-
son and Prager 2006). Thus, PC1 positively correlates with ing rate from treatment (baseline, finch, hawk), treatment
the concentration of carotenoids in feathers. We corrected order (hawk presented first or subsequently), pigmentation
for a year effect on carotenoid PC1. This correction did not of the focal bird, brood size, nestling age, nest conceal-
qualitatively alter statistical results. ment, and time of day. We included three-way interactions
Further, we used a Stylus 800 Olympus camera to take between pigmentation variables, nest concealment, and treat-
digital photographs of the front and sides of all birds. For ment, to assess whether pigmentation and nest concealment
males, we used the threshold colour function in ImageJ to combine to predict the response to predation risk near nests.
extract the percent coverage of red–brown (phaeomelanin) We also included a two-way interaction between treat-
from photographs (Schneider et al. 2012, see Grunst et al. ment and treatment order, since treatment order might
2014a for further detail). For most females, melanin cover- affect behavior primarily in the baseline recording (due to
age was too low to accurately quantify in ImageJ. Thus, we carryover effects from the predator presentation). Second,

we used separate models, constructed in the same way, to pigmentation was not associated with paternal responses
assess whether the social mate’s sexual pigmentation inter- to predation risk near nests (LMM: treatment  melanin,
acted with treatment to predict the focal individual’s provi- F1, 110  0.23, b  0.06  0.13, p  0.62), regardless of
sioning effort. Finally, to assess the relationship between sex nest concealment (treatment  melanin  nest concealment,
and parental risk-taking, we constructed an LMM to predict F1, 110  0.28, b  0.08  0.12, p  0.50). Further, nestling
parental provisioning rate from the interaction between sex, age (F1, 131  2.53, b  0.12  0.07, p  0.11) and brood
treatment, and nest concealment, with the same covariates size (F1, 78  0.23, b  0.03  0.06, p  0.62) were not sig-
included as above (but not sexual pigmentation). We square- nificantly related to paternal provisioning rate (Supplemen-
root transformed provisioning rates to normalize model tary material Appendix 1, Table A1, initial full model), but
residuals, and centered continuous predictor variables to the final model retained effects of treatment order and time
facilitate the interpretation of main effects when including of day (Table 1).
interactions in the model (Schielzeth 2010). Like males, females reduced provisioning rate under
adult-directed predation risk (Table 2, Fig. 1), and reduced
provisioning less under risk at more concealed nests (Table
Results 2). Further, females expressing more melanin-based pig-
mentation reduced provisioning rates under predation
Pigmentation of the focal individual and parental risk less than other females (Table 2, Fig. 3), and this
risk-taking effect was independent of nest concealment (LMM: treat-
ment  melanin score  nest concealment; F1, 67  1.22,
Birds did not provision nestlings at different rates during the b  0.16  0.14, p  0.27). Female carotenoid-based
negative control (finch) treatment compared to at baseline pigmentation was not related to maternal responses to
(LMM: males: t145  0.12, p  0.89, females: t145  0.17, predation risk near nests (treatment  carotenoid PC1;
p  0.26), so we collapsed baseline and negative control into F1, 65  2.47, b  –0.24  0.16 p  0.12), irrespective of
a single category. nest concealment (treatment  carotenoid PC1  nest
Males strongly reduced paternal provisioning rate under concealment, F1, 64  0.27, b  0.07  0.15, p  0.59).
adult-directed predation risk and reduced provisioning rate Nestling age (F1, 98  2.33, b  0.13  0.08, p  0.13), treat-
less under risk at highly concealed nests (Table 1, Fig. 1). ment order (F1, 110  0.001, b  0.19  0.19, p  0.98), and
Further, the effect of nest concealment on the response time of day (F1, 98  2.05, b  0.06  0.04, p  0.15) were
to the predator was stronger for males with more colorful also unrelated to maternal provisioning behavior (Supple-
carotenoid-based pigmentation than for males with less mentary material Appendix 1, Table A2, initial full model),
intense carotenoid pigmentation (significant treatment  but the final model retained a positive effect of brood size on
carotenoid PC1  nest concealment interaction, Table 1). maternal provisioning rate (Table 2).
Indeed, the treatment  nest concealment interaction was
highly significant when restricting the dataset to the most Pigmentation of the social mate and parental
intensely pigmented half of males (males with pigmenta- risk-taking
tion above the median value; F1, 58  7.28, b  0.54  0.20,
p  0.009), but was non-significant when restricting When faced with adult-directed predation risk, warblers
the dataset to the least intensely pigmented half of males with more intensely pigmented social mates did not reduce
(F1, 58  2.35, b  0.42  0.25, p  0.09). Thus, compared parental effort less than birds with less pigmented mates.
to less pigmented males, males with more intense carotenoid- Males did not maintain higher provisioning effort under
based pigmentation were more likely to maintain paternal risk when paired to females with more intense carotenoid
provisioning rates under predation risk at highly concealed pigmentation (LMM: treatment  female carotenoid PC1;
nests, but displayed large reductions in provisioning rate F1, 63  0.04, b  0.03  0.17, p  0.83;), or more mela-
under risk at highly exposed nests (Fig. 2). Male melanin nin pigmentation (treatment  female melanin score;

Table 1. LMM predicting paternal provisioning rate from male carotenoid-based pigmentation, predation risk treatment, and nest concealment.

Estimate (b  SE) F DF (Denom.) p( F)

Intercepta 2.10  0.33 – –  0.001
Treatmentb 1.11  0.12 85.49 117.86  0.001
Carotenoid PC1 0.11  0.11 1.14 75.87 0.28
Nest concealment 0.001  0.10 2.96 95.29 0.08
Treatment orderc 0.35  0.15 5.04 167.86 0.02
Time 0.07  0.03 5.74 156.75 0.01
Treatment  carotenoid PC1 0.01  0.11 0.01 117.14 0.91
Treatment  nest concealment 0.33  0.11 7.94 117.10 0.005
Carotenoid PC1  nest concealment 0.12  0.10 0.11 155.24 0.73
Treatment  carotenoid PC1  concealment 0.32  0.12 6.20 117.94 0.01

­n  176 observations, 66 nests, 65 females, 56 males.

ap value from initial LMM output, not an F test.
bPredation risk treatment contrasted to baseline.
cPredation treatment first contrasted to baseline first.

Table 2. LMM predicting maternal provisioning rate from female
melanin-based pigmentation, predation risk treatment, and paternal
provisioning rate.

Estimate DF
(b  SE) F (Denom.) p( F)
Intercepta 2.24  0.25 – –  0.001
Treatmentb 0.88  0.13 45.41 72.02  0.001
Melanin score 0.08  0.13 2.44 38.55 0.12
Nest concealment 0.04  0.12 0.37 40.30 0.54
Brood size 0.22  0.08 7.54 35.17 0.009
Treatment  melanin 0.32  0.13 13.05 72.51  0.001
Treatment   0.47  0.13 5.44 72.59 0.02

n  120 observations, 45 nests, 42 females, 40 males.

ap value from initial LMM output, not an F test.
bCoefficient estimate for predation risk treatment contrasted to

Figure 1. Adult-directed predation risk reduced nestling provision- baseline.

ing rates in both sexes. Means are back transformed and include
only replicates for which finch (negative control) presentations were sex  treatment; F1, 295  1.03, b  0.19  0.19, p  0.30),
performed (n  45). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
irrespective of nest concealment (sex  treatment  nest
concealment; F1, 295  0.02, b  0.03  0.19, p  0.87).
F1, 65  2.00, b  0.25  0.18, p  0.16), and female pig- Further, males and females did not display different levels of
mentation did not correlate with paternal provisioning rate provisioning effort across treatments, as indicated by a non-
across treatments (non-significant main effects; p  0.30; significant main effect of sex (F1, 295  0.37, b  0.03  0.11,
Supplementary material Appendix 1, Table A3, full model). p  0.54, Fig. 1; Supplementary material Appendix 1,
Similarly, male carotenoid pigmentation (treatment  male Table A5, full model).
carotenoid PC1; F1, 105  1.23, b  0.14  0.12, p  0.26)
and melanin pigmentation (treatment  male melanin
coverage; F1, 104  0.08, b  0.03  0.13, p  0.77) were Discussion
unrelated to maternal responses to predation risk (Supple-
mentary material Appendix 1, Table A4, full model). How- Our study demonstrates that sexual pigmentation in both
ever, across treatments, females provisioned nestlings at higher males and females may be associated with changes in paren-
rates when paired to males with more intense carotenoid pig- tal provisioning rates in response to adult-directed predation
mentation (LMM: F1, 51  4.13, b   0.19  0.09, p  0.04). risk near nests. Further, for males, our results suggest that
nest concealment modifies the relationship between con-
Sex and parental risk-taking spicuous carotenoid-based pigmentation and maintenance
of parental effort under predation risk. Past researchers have
Finally, sex was not related to how warblers reduced suggested a genetic correlation between melanin-based pig-
provisioning effort in response to predation risk (LMM: mentation, stress resistance, and the boldness of parents

Figure 2. Relationship between male carotenoid-based pigmentation and paternal provisioning rate (feeding trips h1, square-root trans-
formed) under predation risk versus baseline conditions at nests with low concealment (a), versus high concealment (b). Residual provision
rate (y-axis) controls for treatment order, time of day, and variation in nest concealment within the low and high concealment categories.
Shaded regions within dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals.

increases longitudinally with male age (Grunst et al. 2014a,
b), and is greater in first year breeding males that are in
better condition as nestlings and at pre-breeding molt
(Grunst et  al. 2014a). Thus, carotenoid-based pigmenta-
tion may be related to quality and age-related differences
in both the ability to evade predation, and experience with
assessing predation threats (Cabido et al. 2008, Fowler-Finn
and Hebets 2011). Therefore, at concealed nests, males with
intense carotenoid pigmentation may maintain higher pro-
visioning effort under predation risk than less pigmented
males due to a better capacity to evade predation combined
with more experience with assessing how predation risk
varies with vegetation cover. In contrast, at highly exposed
nests, males with intense carotenoid pigmentation may
show large reductions in paternal effort under predation risk
because the risk of detection and depredation is too high.
Figure 3. Relationship between female melanin score and maternal Nest concealment and predation risk in combination may
provisioning rate under predation risk versus baseline conditions. thus affect the paternal benefits that females obtain from
Residual provisioning rate (Square root h1) controls for brood
size and variation in nest concealment within the low and high conspicuously pigmented males.
nest concealment categories. Shaded regions within dotted lines Notably, carotenoid-based pigmentation in yellow
represent 95% confidence intervals. warblers appears more conspicuous than melanin-based
pigmentation, which is restricted to narrow streaks on the
when defending nests against predators (Quesada and Senar breast. Thus, one might expect carotenoid rather than mela-
2007, Ducrest et  al. 2008, Boerner and Krüger 2009, van nin pigmentation to be associated with the relationship
den Brink et  al. 2012). Further, in non-parental contexts, between nest concealment and paternal responses to preda-
researchers have found that individuals with more intense tion risk near nests, in accordance with our results. However,
carotenoid-based pigmentation are bolder under predation we did not actually quantify how carotenoid-based pigmen-
risk (Godin and Dugatkin 1996), perhaps because they tation affects the conspicuousness of birds, which would
better evade predation (Cabido et al. 2008). However, con- require quantifying the contrast between background color-
spicuous coloration might also increase the risk of detec- ation and birds differing in carotenoid-based pigmentation
tion by predators, and thus induce stronger responses to (Delhey et al. 2010). Thus, our results could reflect differ-
predation threats, especially where vegetative cover is lim- ences in the capacity of males to assess how nest conceal-
ited. Indeed, a recent study documented that species with ment affects the predation threat, independent of differences
more conspicuous coloration (origin of coloration was not in conspicuousness between individuals. Future research to
considered) respond more intensely to the vocal calls of a clarify this point would be interesting.
raptor predator (the broad-winged hawk Buteo platypterus, In contrast to males, in females melanin-based pigmen-
Journey et  al. 2013). However, few studies document a tation was related to responses to predation risk, but this
relationship between sexual pigmentation and changes in relationship was independent of nest concealment. Results
parental provisioning behavior under adult-directed pre- support the hypothesis that melanin-based pigmentation
dation risk within a species, or indicate that an interaction may indicate a willingness to take parental risks (Quesada and
between nest concealment and sexual pigmentation is associ- Senar 2007, Da Silva et al. 2013), since females with more
ated with parental responses to adult-directed predation risk. melanin pigmentation reduced maternal provisioning rate
First, our results suggest that males with colorful caro- under risk less than other females. Past research has linked
tenoid-based pigmentation respond to adult-directed pre- melanin-based pigmentation with greater boldness and risk-
dation risk near nests in a fashion that depends on nest taking, and researchers have suggested a genetic correlation
concealment. Compared to less intensely pigmented males, between the two (Quesada and Senar 2007, Ducrest et  al.
males with more intense carotenoid-based pigmentation 2008, Mafli et al. 2011, Da Silva et al. 2013). Indeed, a cross
displayed greater maintenance of nestling provisioning rates fostering experiment in barn owl Tyto alba nestlings showed
under predation risk at concealed nests, but showed greater that antipredatory behavior and melanin-based pigmenta-
reductions in paternal effort under risk at highly exposed tion are correlated and heritable (van den Brink et al. 2012).
nests (Fig. 2). These results suggest that males with intense Thus, although the work in barn owls involved a eumelanin-
carotenoid pigmentation are ‘good parents’ under predation based (black) trait, phaeomelanin-based pigmentation in
risk at concealed nests, but not exposed nests. We predicted female yellow warblers may also reflect genetic differences
that highly pigmented males might display large reductions in antipredator strategy and risk responsiveness. However,
in nestling provisioning rate under predation risk because it is unclear why male melanin-based pigmentation did not
these birds (especially males) might be more conspicuous to also correlate with paternal responses to the predation threat,
predators (Martin and Badyaev 1996), and this appeared to given a genetic association between melanin pigmentation
occur at highly exposed nests. However, we also predicted and risk-taking behavior.
that highly pigmented males might be more likely to main- Alternatively, females with more melanin-based pigmen-
tain provisioning effort at concealed nests, in accordance tation might reduce provisioning under predation risk less
with results. In our population, carotenoid pigmentation than other females because melanin-based pigmentation

is related to individual quality, a better capacity to evade also respond more to predators near nests than females if
predation, and greater parental motivation. Indeed, in our males pursue a reproductive strategy focused on multiple
population, females with more phaeomelanin pigmenta- mating rather than parental care (Kokko 1998, Magrath
tion are in better condition at pre-breeding molt and are and Komdeur 2003), and have low certainty of parentage
less likely to be first year breeders (Grunst et al. 2014a), (Yezerinac et  al. 1996, Yezerinac and Weatherhead 1997).
and phaeomelanin pigmentation has also been associ- The high rate of extra-pair paternity in our study popula-
ated with metrics of individual quality in species such as tion renders this later hypothesis particularly feasible (30.7%
barn swallows Hirundo rustica (Safran and McGraw 2004, of nestlings are extra-pair offspring, Grunst and Grunst
Galván and Møller 2013, but see Saino et  al. 2013) and 2014). However, previous studies have also found that
barn owls Tyto alba (Roulin et  al. 2008). Further, past male yellow warblers do not provide less parental care than
studies in eastern bluebirds Sialia sialia and barn owls females, despite high rates of extra-pair paternity, potentially
have associated phaeomelanin-based pigmentation with due to relatively low between-season survival rates (Yezerinac
greater parental effort (Roulin et al. 2001, Siefferman and et  al. 1996, Lozano and Lemon 1996). We hypothesized
Hill 2003), although past research in male yellow warblers that higher costs of parental care under predation risk could
found a contrary result (Studd and Robertson 1985a, b, induce parental differences between the sexes. However,
but see Lozano and Lemon 1996). equal parental effort under baseline conditions suggests that
Our results were contrary to the prediction that predation the two sexes have equivalent investments in the social brood.
risk might accentuate differential allocation (Matessi et  al. Males and females might thus weight costs to survival against
2009), since neither males nor females showed greater main- parental care in a similar fashion under predation risk.
tenance of parental effort under predation risk when paired Finally, our study involved parental risk-taking under
to highly pigmented mates. Increasing parental risk-taking an adult-directed predation risk, whereas others have also
when paired to a highly ornamented mate could be adaptive considered responses to nest predation risk (Ghalambor
if ornamentation positively correlates with offspring genetic and Martin 2000, Peluc et al. 2008). Given nest predation
or phenotypic quality (Burley 1986), or if individuals risk risk, parents reduce provisioning rate at exposed nests
abandonment by ‘attractive’ partners by not taking paren- more than at concealed nests, but to prevent nest detection
tal risk (Matessi et  al. 2009). However, our results suggest (Ghalambor and Martin 2000), rather than depredation of
that differential allocation is not particularly strong under the adult. Thus, the interaction between male carotenoid-
increased risk to the adult (Mahr et al. 2012), which might based pigmentation, nest concealment, and nest visitation
indeed be expected if acute risks to survival lower variance rate might have been similar if we had presented a predator
in parental effort. On the other hand, we found some sup- that only targets nests, instead of the sharp-shinned hawk.
port for the idea that birds adjust levels of parental effort to On the other hand, the relationship between melanin-based
the ornamentation of their mates, as predicted by the dif- pigmentation and maternal provisioning rate under adult-
ferential allocation hypothesis (Burley 1986, Ratikainen and directed predation risk might arise because highly melanic
Kokko 2010). Specifically, females paired to males with more females are less sensitivity to highly stressful situations
intense carotenoid-based pigmentation provisioned nestlings (Almasi et  al. 2008, Ducrest et  al. 2008). Thus, this rela-
at higher rates across treatments. However, as a caveat, this tionship might not be present under a nest predation threat,
result might also reflect superior territory or mate quality which does not pose a direct threat to the adult and might
among males with more intense carotenoid pigmentation thus be less stressful.
(Sheldon 2000), particularly since warblers assortatively pair In summary, our results suggest that both carotenoid-
by both carotenoid- and melanin-based pigmentation in our and melanin-based pigmentation may be associated with
study population (Grunst and Grunst 2014). parental responses to adult-directed predation risk near
Our results also did not suggest differential parental risk- nests. The relationship between male carotenoid-based
taking by males and females (Michl et al. 2000). Males and pigmentation and paternal provisioning under predation
females did not take different levels of parental risk even risk depended on nest concealment, with highly pigmented
at highly exposed nests, and also did not provide different males maintaining higher levels of nestling provisioning
levels of parental care at baseline. We predicted that males under predation risk only at highly concealed nests. Thus,
might provide less parental care than females under preda- our results suggest that nest concealment and predation risk
tion risk. First, under a predation threat, males might take interact to determine the paternal benefits that females receive
less parental risk than females because more colorful sexual from males with intense carotenoid-based pigmentation. In
pigmentation makes them more conspicuous and vulner- contrast, females with more melanin-based pigmentation
able to predation (Zuk and Kulluru 1998, Stuart-Fox et al. showed greater maintenance of provisioning effort under
2003, Journey et al. 2013, but see Bókony et al. 2008). It is predation risk irrespective of nest concealment, suggesting
unclear why greater conspicuousness of males did not lead that female melanin-based pigmentation is associated with a
to lower provisioning rates under predation risk in compari- willingness to take parental risks. Finally, neither males nor
son to females, especially at highly exposed nests. However, females maintained higher parental effort under predation
this result might arise due to variance in coloration within risk when paired to a highly pigmented mate, despite an
the sexes (Grunst et  al. 2014a), because males risk losing overall positive association between maternal provisioning
social mates by not demonstrating comparable willingness rate and male carotenoid pigmentation. Therefore, in this
to take parental risks (Matessi et  al. 2009), or if males are species, differential allocation does not appear to be accentu-
overall less risk sensitive than females (Breitwisch and Hudak ated by predation risk, but the sexual pigmentation of focal
1989, Ensminger and Westneat 2012). Further, males might individuals is associated with parental risk-taking.

Acknowledgements – We thank the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Ducrest, A.-L., Keller, L. and Roulin, A. 2008. Pleiotropy in the
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Supplementary material (Appendix JAV-00496 at www.). Appendix 1.


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