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Assignment 5: The seventies

Section A: The seventies years were an important time in the USA history for the resurgence of

cultural, social and political movements reflected in the music, culture, and cinema. USA was

also in an economic crisis in the seventies years as a result of the industrialization decreased;

many factories produced weapons instead of machines. It caused an increase of the

unemployment rate and a high inflation, it was called “misery index” by Jimmy Carter during his

campaign[CITATION The13 \p n.p \l 9226 ] . I also learned from this text the music, youth and

cultural expressions were associate most like with anger, violence, drugs and death in despite of

people really desire to express peace and love.

Section B: According to the video liberalism is a thinking that promotes a federal government to

guarantee the economic and military security; it is also looking for social justice [CITATION

The23 \p n.p \l 9226 ]. During his government, I consider Nixon achieved positive goals because

including the suburb population’s point of view and he implemented laws looking for the

environment care. As an example, he promoted clean air and clean water laws. It is currently so

important considering that the nature needs and deserves our respect and care, and taking care of

the environment we are taking care of us at the same time. After seeing this video, it was new for

me that Nixon defeated Humphrey just for one percent of the popular vote[CITATION The23 \p

n.p \l 9226 ].
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Section C: I was not aware about Watergate scandal and I consider that as a proof of corruption,

dishonesty and oppression because Nixon participated in some illegal practices like harassing

personalities and politicians with different ideas. It is kind of strange, because at the same time

he supported suburb population’s insights, he did not accept opinions from different people, and

it against with the principle of his government that is about inclusiveness. Once Nixon was

discovered he decided to quit, however after the scandal he would have been fired anyway. In

my opinion, nowadays there is still corruption, however American population have learned about

the previous politician’s mistakes and they hardly work for a right nation.

Section D:

“Gulf Oil Corporation, ITT, American Airlines, and other huge American corporation had made

illegal contributions, running into millions of dollars, to the Nixon campaign” [CITATION Zin \p

n.p \l 9226 ]. I found this quote informative because sometimes the society emphasizes politicians

are corrupt people, however, they do not keep in mind that there are dishonest people in all the

levels of the society, and the fighting against the corruption starts by ourselves, with good values

and education. There were many companies who got advantage of the Nixon government and

were involved in illegal acts but apparently their actions were unpunished.

“Over $10 million in government money had been used by Nixon on his private homes in San

Clemente and Key Biscayne on grounds of “security”, and he had illegally taken-with the aid of

a bit of forgery-a $576,000 tax deduction for some of his papers” [CITATION Zin \p n.p \l 9226 ].

This quote is also informative and shows how politicians take possession of public resources and

also avoid taxes, it is really awful because the society are the most affected by these actions; that

money should have been invested in education, science, health care, etc. Corruption makes

people be suspicious of politicians considering that they are in charge of public resources and
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should administrate them in the best way in order to achieve a good government and they are not

allowed to avoid taxes or steal money.

“Almost by accident, a witness told the Senate committee that President Nixon had tapes of all

personal conversations and phone conversations at the White House. Nixon at first refused to

turn over the tapes, when he finally did, they had been tampered with: eighteen and a half

minutes of one tape had been erased” [CITATION Zin \p n.p \l 9226 ]. I found this quote important

because there is lost information, it means maybe there are more covered crimes and nobody will

be able to know what else happened by that time and of course, it was unpunished. It is really

unfair considering that people trusted Nixon, he looked as a good president and everyone hoped

his government was going to be looking for the reconciliation of different insights, the guarantee

of social justice, environment health and military security. However, he never achieved the

majority of his proposes; on the contrary, his acts were a completely proof of corruption.
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The American Yawp. 07 de June de 2013. 14 de April de 2020. <


The Decline of Liberalism. January 24th 2023. <


Zinn, Howard. «History is a weapon.» s.f. A people's History of the United States. 14 de April de 2020.
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Works Cited

Pears, Richard, and Graham J. Shields. Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. Palgrave

Macmillan, 2016.

"Research Guides: MLA Citation Style Guide: 8th Edition: In-Text

Citations". Libguides.Wvu.Edu, 2018,

g=486188&p=3325207. Accessed 12 Feb 2019.

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