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Eye on the A regular new series by John Hughes,
with practical ideas for observing teachers in

classroom the classroom and an observation sheet to

photocopy and use straight away.

1 Peer observation
Many language schools and their teachers unanswered questions and concerns they  Should I observe the whole lesson?
would welcome more time for have about observing other teachers. Here It may not be practical (or advisable) to
development and support. Teachers want are some of those questions with, I hope, observe the entire lesson. It’s useful to be
new ideas, new ways of doing something satisfactory answers. able to see a whole cycle of work
or to reassure themselves that the old completed and often about 45 minutes to
ways also still work really well. Typically,  What do I actually observe for? an hour is about right. If you are observing
the school can offer training sessions with In general, observing a lesson isn’t very
part of a lesson, discuss with the teacher
talks and workshops, but these take time helpful if the observer walks in with a pen
the most unobtrusive moment to arrive
and involve everyone coming together at and blank sheet of paper and takes notes
and leave. For example, arriving during a
the same time on the same day. on everything they notice. It’s better to
boardwork presentation with all the
One form of training and development have a clear focus, which is why using a
students concentrating on the teacher is
which bypasses these problems is peer form like the one on page 9 is helpful. It
not a good moment. Leaving while students
observation. In its simplest form, two guides your thinking and tries to limit your
are all busy talking in pairs and groups is.
teachers team up and observe each other focus.
teaching. Their reasons for observing each  Do I talk to the teacher about
other in the classroom will include: the lesson beforehand? Peer observation form
 Sharing ideas Not necessarily. It’s helpful to know about
the class and what the teacher has been The form on the next page is easy to
One of the best ways to get new ideas is follow even if this is your first time
to observe another teacher. Usually this is doing with them in previous lessons, but
it’s sometimes better to reduce the need observing a lesson. You simply react
because you see an activity being used to the lesson by completing the five
that you’ve never done before. Observing for lots of meetings and planning and just
go in and sit at the back. sentences. In this way, you are
another teacher at work can also help you encouraged to think about what to look
to consider fresh alternatives and new  Do I talk to the teacher about out for without the form being too
ways of doing things. the lesson afterwards? prescriptive. It doesn’t take too long to
 Promoting team spirit This is more likely than talking beforehand. complete so you won’t be spending
Many teachers feel isolated by working In fact, sentence 5 on the form on page 9 more time note-taking during your
alone, but peer observation lets you work encourages you to formulate a question observation than you are actually
with others and helps you feel more like for the teacher. How much you talk will observing. In fact, you might find that
part of a team. depend on your situation, but keep it you complete some of the sentences
informal at first. Perhaps pick a time to go once the lesson has ended. The form is
 Developing skills out for a coffee away from the school for also designed to generate discussion
Being an observer affords you time to your conversation. Even if you agree to with the observed teacher afterwards
consider problem areas of your teaching have very little discussion after the lesson, if you have time. You could talk through
and gives you the chance to see how you need to thank the teacher for letting each of your sentences together and
others might handle similar difficulties in you into the lesson and maybe photocopy discuss your observations.
the classroom. your observation form for them to read.

 Seeing students differently  What’s my relationship with the Look out for the following amongst the
Observing lessons is as much about students in the lesson? topics in later articles in this series:
observing students as the teacher. Being Even though you might be sitting quietly at ● establishing protocols between staff
freed up from the teaching role allows you the back of the classroom, it’s no good when observing
● personalised observation forms
to see students from another perspective. assuming that the students will pretend
● handling stress when being observed
you aren’t there. You may even know ● language for post-observation discussion
some of the students, so say hello. The
Questions and answers
teacher needs to tell the students,
John Hughes is a freelance
Peer observation takes very little preferably in the lesson beforehand, that teacher, trainer and author.
organisation and doesn’t require hours of there will be a visitor in the next lesson. He has worked in Austria,
teachers’ meetings. Surprisingly then, an Poland, Italy and the UK.
They need to know that they are not being
amazing number of teachers don’t take assessed (which is often a reaction) and
the opportunity to tap into this resource. that their teacher is not being assessed
Perhaps this is because of a list of
either (another common reaction).

8 • Issue 57 July 2008 • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • •

Peer observation form
As you watch the lesson, complete these sentences.

1 The first thing that strikes me about the lesson is …

2 One thing I noticed about the students is …

3 One thing I saw in this lesson which I’d like to try/use is …

4 One thing that this observation reminded me about when teaching is …

5 One question I’d like to ask the teacher afterwards is …

• • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • Issue 57 July 2008 • 9

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