Dziadul Pdplan Updated

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Professional Development Plan

Name Dana Dziadul

Date: August 20, 2020

Career Goals: Continue to connect with children, be more

assertive, and improve time management
and organizational skills

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Note: This document is merely a template to help you in your personal and career growth – to help you move from “good” to “great”! Feel free to
use all or part of the elements provided. Research shows that the more planning and details you build into a de velopment plan, the more likely
you will actually stick to the plan and change for the better!

Steps in the development planning process

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Determine where
your strengths &
needs exist


Technical & Functional Competencies and

Knowledge and Skills Behaviors

Select one to three areas where

focused development would have
the most impact on achieving
your current and/or future goals

Create detailed action

plans for development

Determining where to focus your development efforts

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Where will development provide you with the greatest impact for your success?

• Consider the technical and functional knowledge and skills required for your success

• Recall prior feedback from professors, employers, family etc.,

• Determine where focused development would have the greatest impact on your ability to achieve your objectives successfully

• Consider your career/growth goals in determining which competencies would be most impactful if developed.

• Select from three areas that will be most beneficial for your development (e.g., leveraging a strength, strengthening a proficiency, or neutralizing a
weakness) and list them in the table below. Indicate with a check mark whether this is a strength, proficiency, or weakness.

I will see the greatest impact on my success by focusing development in the following areas:

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Competency/Behavior Strength Proficiency Weakness
to to
Leverage Strengthen to
1. Connecting with children

2. To be more assertive

3. Time management & Organization

Development Action Plan – Goal 1

Development Goal 1 I will improve connecting with children so that I can enrich their minds and hearts.
What do you want to change? What will result from this
change? What would success look like?

I will know that I have been successful when I can see a positive change in the child.

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Tasks/Activities Target Dates Support Needed/Barriers
When will you start/stop and To Overcome
What specific tasks/activities will you do to help reach your goal? complete each action? What help will you need and from
whom? What barriers will you likely

1. Working with children in any format ongoing Need: an opportunity to work with

Barrier: child dealing with serious

personal issues that I cannot control
and my own personal issues that affect
my emotions

2. Learning more about children and child development Now – end of career Need: books or online resources

Barriers: Money



Development Action Plan – Goal 2

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Development Goal 2 I will improve being more assertive so that I can get my thought and ideas out more thoroughly.
What do you want to change? What will result from this
change? What would success look like?

I will know that I have been successful when I share what is on my mind without much hesitancy.

Tasks/Activities Target Dates Support Needed/Barriers

When will you start/stop and To Overcome
What specific tasks/activities will you do to help reach your goal? complete each action? What help will you need and from whom?
What barriers will you likely face?

1. Obtain more leadership opportunities Next job received Need: support from co-workers and family.

Barriers: my anxiety issues

2. Have more confidence in my self ongoing Need: a judgement free environment and
support from friends and family

Barriers: anxiety and depression issues



Development Action Plan – Goal 3

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Development Goal 3 I will improve on my time management and organization skills so that I present myself in a more professional manner.
What do you want to change? What will result from this
change? What would success look like?

I will know that I have been successful when I create a routine that works well for me_.

Tasks/Activities Target Dates Support Needed/Barriers

When will you start/stop and To Overcome
What specific tasks/activities will you do to help reach your goal? complete each action? What help will you need and from whom?
What barriers will you likely face?

1. Leave myself extra time to go somewhere ongoing Needs: alarm clock /phone

Barriers: my slow pace in the morning

2. Keep planner updated ongoing Need: time to sit down and update planner

Barriers: Busy schedule and my





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Professional Goals
Short-Term Goals (1 – 3 years):

To graduate from UNC and be employed at a job related to my career path.

Midrange Goals (5 - 6 years):

Be established in my position of my job and be a part of the leadership team.

Long-Term Goals (10 years):

Run my own organization or have an advanced position.

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Inprogress Completed Notes
Description of professional development activity completed Date(s)start

1. Evaluating Families Impacted by Trauma Webinar – National 8/16/20 Yes During this webinar, the
Child Trauma Stress Network presenters discussed how
trauma presents unique
challenges for families and the
decision-making strategies to
guide assessment and
treatment for those families
effected by trauma. This
assisted with Development
Goal 1 by learning more about
how trauma effects child
development. Learning more
about this topic helped with
achieving Development Goal 2
with my new knowledge giving
me more confidence about
working with children.

2. Reducing the Risk of Child Sex Abuse Webinar – National Child 8/27/20 Yes This webinar discussed the
Trauma Stress Network primary prevention and
intervention strategies for child
sexual abuse. This assisted
with Development Goal 1 by
learning more about effects of
sexual abuse on child
development. Learning more
about this topic helped with
achieving Development Goal 2
with my new knowledge giving
me more confidence about
working with children.

3. Co-Occuring Disorders — Intellectual and Developmental 9/8/20 Yes This module examines the
Disabilities and Mental Illness Module – Texas Health and Human mental health needs of
Services individuals with IDD and what
it means to have a co-
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occurring IDD and mental
health condition. Development
Goal 1 by learning more about
child development of children
with special needs. Learning
more about this topic helped
with achieving Development
Goal 2 with my new knowledge
giving me more confidence
about working with children.

4. Created organized system within planner 8/10/20 ongoing Developing an organized

system within my planner
helped me focus on completing
assignments and other
professional and personal tasks
in a timely manner. This
helped me reach my
Development 3 Goal.


Professional Development Opportunities Completed

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