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Unit 6 test

1 1.07 Listen to the conversation. What is Pete’s attitude to politics? (2 marks)
a He would like to introduce some new policies.
b He isn’t very interested in politics.
c He thinks that political parties are too similar.
d He doesn’t think we need any new laws.

2 Choose the correct answers. (8 marks)

1 Which of these facts is not true about Pete?
a He isn’t going to vote tomorrow.
b He hasn’t got a favourite political party.
c He lives in the UK.
d He will be eighteen next year.
2 What does Pete say about schools?
a They’re generally good.
b The holidays are too short.
c Lessons are too long and tiring.
d There are too many terms.
3 Why does he want to ban some programmes?
a Because he thinks most TV shows are stupid.
b So that people will exercise more instead.
c Because they are embarrassing.
d He wants the money for new sports facilities.
4 What else is Pete worried about?
a high taxes
b spending too much money on sport
c not having enough food for everyone
d unhealthy food

3 Complete the definitions. (10 marks)
1 Official rules are __ __ __ __.
2 A piece of coloured material that represents a country is a country’s __ __ __ __.
3 The person who leads a government department is a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
4 The money used by a country is called a country’s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 A line that divides countries is a __ __ __ __ __ __ .

4 Complete the election promises. (10 marks)

1 I’ll c______________ taxes.
2 I’ll i______________ more money in education.
3 I’ll l____________ the school-leaving age to 14.
4 I’ll b___________ heavy lorries from town centres.
5 I’ll p______________ sixteen-year-olds to drive.
Unit 6 test
Language focus
5 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of make or let, a pronoun and the verb. (6 marks)
John’s parents are very strict. They make him go to bed before 10 p.m. (go)
1 They were kind to the children. They ________________________ chocolate. (eat)
2 The teacher ____________________ extra homework, because we were noisy in class. (do)
3 Emma is tired, so I’m going to ____________________ late. (sleep)

6 Complete the first conditional sentences. Choose if or unless and use the correct form of the verbs in the
right order. (8 marks)
If / Unless this party wins, they’ll introduce new laws. (introduce / win)
1 We ___________________ late, if / unless we ___________________. (run / be)
2 Sandra ___________________ to drive if / unless her parents __________________ her. (let / learn)
3 If / Unless they _________________ harder, they __________________ their exams. (not work / fail)
4 If / Unless we _______________, the government __________________. (not change / vote)

7 Complete the second conditional sentences. Use the correct form of two of the verbs. (8 marks)
If I lost, I wouldn’t be happy. (not be / lose / win)
1 Phil ___________________ her out if he _________________ her name. (ask / know / say)
2 If they ___________________ cars, it ___________________ quieter. (be / ban / invest)
3 What job_________________ you ____________ if you _________________ a politician? (do / not be / lower)
4 Kim ___________________ healthier if she __________________ more fruit. (feel / drink / eat)

8 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. (10 marks)

I’ll feel upset if it rains after school.
1 If I have time tomorrow, __________________________________________________________.
2 If I was famous, _________________________________________________________________.
3 If I met the President, ____________________________________________________________.
4 I’ll be very happy if ______________________________________________________________.
5 I would ban ______________ if ____________________________________________________.

9 Write regrets about the past or present situations using wish. (8 marks)
I didn’t pass the exam. I wish I’d revised more.
1 It’s raining. _______________________________________
2 I lost the race. _______________________________________
3 I’ve only got one euro! _______________________________________
4 I was late for school. _______________________________________
Unit 6 test
10 Read the text. Then complete the sentence. Give two reasons. (4 marks)
Hay is called the ‘Town of books’ because ______________________________________________________________
and ______________________________________________________________________________.

11 Write true or false. Correct the false sentences. (6 marks)

1 Hay is an English town.
2 Richard Booth sold new books in the 1960s.
3 He imported books from different countries.
4 He later became the Prime Minister of Hay.
5 The Literary Festival is usually held in a school.
6 A famous politician visited Hay.

Hay-on-Wye is a small town in Wales, just on the border with England. It’s surrounded by beautiful countryside, and
close to the Black Mountains. Today Hay is known as the ‘Town of books’, and it’s a global attraction for book lovers.
The man who created this identity for the town and set up the first bookshop there is Richard Booth. Richard Booth’s
family has lived in and near the Hay area for more than a century. He opened a second-hand bookshop in the old fire
station in 1961. He bought a lot of books from abroad. He thought that if you sell books from many different countries,
customers will come from many different countries – and he was right. Today there are more than thirty bookshops in
Hay-on-Wye, including special ones for gardening lovers and children.
Richard Booth received a lot of publicity in 1977. He announced that Hay was an independent nation and that he was
the king. He said that his horse was the Prime Minister! He now lives in Germany, but his shop is still in Hay.
In the late 1970s Hay became the world’s first official Book Town and ten years later, in 1988, the first Hay Literary
Festival was held. At first, it took place in different town buildings, including the primary school, but now it is celebrated
just outside the town, because it’s too big! It’s very successful. Today about 80,000 visitors attend every year in June,
and some of the best known literary figures and celebrities give talks. In 2001 the former American President Bill Clinton
was the star speaker.
Unit 6 test
12Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
A What’s up, Li? Is something (1) ____________?
B I’m (2) ____________ so. I’ve lost that book that your sister Zara lent me! I think I left it on the beach. I wish I
(3) ______________ gone there!
A Oh no! I think that’s her favourite book.
B (4) _______________ really sorry. I _(5) ______________ realize it was her favourite!

13 Imagine that the government in your country plans to raise the school-leaving age to eighteen to reduce
unemployment. Write an opinion essay on the topic. (10 marks)

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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