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By O.Henry
 Traversing travel across or through
 Prowling move about restlessly and stealthily
 Attics room inside
 Chafing become sore by rubbing against
 Chicory endive
 Congenial interest that are similar to one’s own
 Smiting struck by something
 Chivalric heroism
 Jew-harp musical instrument
 Monocle single eye
 Solicitously characterized by and showing interest
 Goosey foolishness and nervousness
 Pork chops A thick cut of meat from a pig
 Satyr drunken woodland gods
 Daub sticky substance
 Derision contemptuous ridicule or mockery
 Kettle container
 Serrated denoting a jagged edge
 Twilight soft growing light from the sky when sun is
below horizon
 Gust of wind speed of wind
 Fierce displaying an intense
 Flibbertigibbet excessively talking person
 Acute important
 Chivalric honorable/readiness to help the the weak and
protect women
 Clinging sticking together
 Colony a group having similar interest living in a
particular local
 Congenial compatible
 Daub a poorly painted picture
 Derision contempt
 Dissolution integration
 Duffer feit or worthless
 Flibbertigibbet an irresponsible
 Gnarled knotty and twisted
 Hermit person who live alone in alone or deluded spot
 Imp a devil’s off spring
 Mastiff powerful dog used as guard dog
 Monocle an eyeglass for one eye only
 Morbid resulted from a diseased state of mind
 Pharmacopoeia stock of drug and medicines available to doctor
 Prowling to roam about furtively
 Quaint unusual or old fashioned
 Ravager the act of violent
 Ripple movement
 Satyr Greek myth/ short horn
 Scoff to show mocking contempt
 Smite to hit or strike hard
 Solicitously filled with anxiety
"The Last Leaf" has three main characters-
Sue (connector and communicator)
Behrman (old painter)
A small character of the "busy" doctor
Short personification of the disease pneumonia.
In the Last Leaf by O. Henry we have the theme of commitment,
sacrifice, friendship, compassion, hope and dedication.
The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It
tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young artist, dying
of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. She can see an ivy plant
through the window gradually shedding its leaves, and she has taken a
thought into her head that she will die when the last leaf falls.
Apparently, it never does fall, and she survives. We learn that in reality
the vine lost all its leaves. What she thought she saw was a leaf, painted
on the wall with perfect realism, by the old artist. The old artist dies of
pneumonia contracted while being out in the wet and cold, painting the
last leaf. The old artist who saves the girl is the great Behrman.
Ultimately, however, Behrman stays out all night in a violent storm to
paint a realistic-looking leaf onto the wall outside Sue and Johnny’s
window. Seeing that the “last leaf”—which is in fact Behrman’s painting
—has seemingly survived the storm two nights in a row, John’s takes
hope and begins to recover. However, Behrman catches pneumonia from
exposure to the rain and cold, and dies a few days later. When Sue tells
John’s this, she remarks that Behrman had finally painted his
The moral is '' hope''. People have to fight any diploma to live, and the
strong weapon is hope. its basically friendship and sacrifice along with
the power of hope. Friendship has played an important role in the story-
The Last Leaf
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Submitted by: Talha Sarmad Malik

Submitted Date:20th September 2019

Topic: Summary of “THE LAST LEAF”

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