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Revenues by division, as of 2014:[60]

Commercial aircraft (69%)

Defence and Space (21%)
Helicopters (10%)

Revenues by division, as of 2018:[61]

Commercial aircraft (74%)

Defence and Space (17%)
Helicopters (9%)

Commercial aircraft[edit]

An Airbus A330neo and a Qatar Airways Airbus A350-900 at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport

Commercial aircraf t generated 66% of total revenue f or the group in 2013. [62] The product
portf olio of such aircraf t encompasses short range models such as the A320 f amily and the
world's largest passenger airliner, the A380.

• EADS Sogerma
• Airbus Executive and Private Aviation
Airbus Transport International
Airbus Transport International is a cargo airline that operates a f leet of f ive Airbus Beluga aircraft.
The belugas carry aircraf t parts f rom f actories to f inal assembly lines. In 2020, three Airbus
Beluga XL aircraf t which can carry two A350 wings rather than one Airbus A350 wing. These will
slowly replace the f ive original belugas in the coming years.
Defence and space[edit]
The division Airbus Def ence and Space was f ormed in January 2014 as part of the group
restructuring f rom the f ormer EADS divisions Airbus Military, Astrium, and Cassidian (composed
of Cassidian Electronics – develops and manuf actures sensors, radars, avionics and electronic
warf are systems f or military and security applications, Cassidian Air Systems – develops manned
and unmanned aerial systems (UAVs), mission avionics, electronic defence and warning
systems and Cassidian Systems – provides global security systems such as command & control,
lead system integration, TETRA and TETRAPOL communication systems f or public saf ety,
industry, transportation and def ence. This line of business was the f irst one in the world to begin
f ield tests with TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS). [63]).[64]

• EADS 3 Sigma – a Hellenic company f ocused in the design, development,

production and services provision of airborne and surf ace target drone systems.
The Airbus Military division, which manuf actured tanker, transport and mission
aircraf t; Eurocopter, the world's largest helicopter supplier; Astrium, provided systems for aerial,
land, naval and civilian security applications including Ariane, Galileo and Cassidian. Through
Cassidian, EADS was a partner in the Eurof ighter consortium as well as in the missile systems
provider MBDA.
Airbus Helicopters, f ormerly known as Eurocopter, is a helicopter manuf acturing and support
company. See also: Airbus Helicopters, Inc.

• Airbus APWorks [65]
• AirBusiness Academy [66]
• Airbus Group, Inc. – (previously EADS North America) the U.S. holding company for
the North American activities of Airbus Group
• Airbus Transport International - Cargo Airline managing the transportation of Airbus
parts between dif f erent f acilities.
• APSYS [67]
• Dornier Consulting
• Premium AEROTEC[68]
• Satair
• Stelia Aerospace
• Testia
Joint ventures[edit]

Name Holding Description

Airbus Canada Limited

75% manuf acturer of Airbus A220 aircraf t
Partnership [69]

manuf acturer of Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launch

ArianeGroup 50%

Arianespace 30% launch service provider

manuf acturer of ATR 42 and ATR 72 regional

ATR 50%
aircraf t

manuf acturer of Dassault Raf ale and Dassault

Dassault Aviation 10%
Mirage 2000

Eurof ighter GmbH 46% manuf acturer of Eurof ighter Typhoon

MBDA 37.5% develops and manuf actures missiles

In September 2014 Airbus considered divesting Dassault and several other units to f ocus on
aerospace. [70] They reduced their shareholding in Dassault Aviation to 10% by the end of 2016.

The corporate management of the Airbus SE as of April 2019: [71]
Chief Executive Officer: Guillaume Faury
Executive Committee:

Member Title

Dominik Asam Chief Financial Of f icer

Thierry Baril Chief Human Resources Of f icer

Jean-Brice Dumont Executive Vice President Engineering

Bruno Even Chief Executive Of f icer Airbus Helicopters

John Harrison General Counsel

Dirk Hoke Chief Executive Of f icer Airbus Defence and Space

Julie Kitcher Executive Vice President Communications and Corporate Af f airs

Philippe Mhun Executive Vice President Programmes and Services

Christian Scherer Chief Commercial Of f icer

Michael Schöllhorn Chief Operations Of f icer

Grazia Vittadini Chief Technology Of f icer

Corporate affairs[edit]
This section needs
expansion. You can help
by adding to it. (March 2016)

The subsidiary Airbus Middle East is headquartered in the Dubai Airport Free Zone. [72] This
subsidiary opened in 2006. [73]
The subsidiary Airbus Japan K.K. (エアバス・ジャパン株式会社) is headquartered in
the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower in Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo. [74]

International manufacturing presence[edit]

The main Airbus factory in Blagnac is located next to Toulouse-Blagnac Airport. (43°36′44″N 1°21′47″E)

Main Airbus factory in Hamburg, Germany

Main Airbus factory in Getafe, Madrid, Spain

Airbus has several f inal assembly lines f or different models and markets. These are:

• Toulouse, France (A320, A330 f amily, A350 f amily and A380)

• Hamburg, Germany (A318, A319, A320 and A321)
• Seville, Spain (A400M)
• Tianjin, China (A319 and A320).
• Mobile, Alabama, USA — Airbus Mobile (A220, A319, A320 and A321)
• Mirabel, Canada (A220)
Airbus, however, has a number of other plants in dif ferent European locations, ref lecting its
f oundation as a consortium. An original solution to the problem of moving aircraf t parts between
the dif ferent f actories and the assembly plants is the use of the Airbus Beluga, a modif ied cargo
aircraf t capable of carrying entire sections of fuselage. Boeing adopted a similar solution with
4 adapted 747-400s to transport the components of the 787. An exception to this scheme is the
A380, whose f uselage and wings are too large f or sections to be carried by the Beluga. Large
A380 parts are brought by ship to Bordeaux, and then transported to the Toulouse assembly
plant by the Itinéraire à Grand Gabarit, a specially enlarged waterway and road route. [75]
Airbus opened an assembly plant in Tianjin, People's Republic of China f or its A320 series
airliners in 2009. [76][77][78] Airbus started constructing a $350 million component manuf acturing plant
in Harbin, China in July 2009, which will employ 1,000 people. [79][80][81] Scheduled to be operated
by the end of 2010, the 30,000 square metre plant will manuf acture composite parts and
assemble composite work-packages for the A350 XWB, A320 f amilies and f uture Airbus
programmes. Harbin Aircraf t Industry Group Corporation, Haf ei Aviation Industry Company Ltd,
AviChina Industry & Technology Company and other Chinese partners hold the 80% stake of the
plant while Airbus control the remaining 20%. [82]
North America is an important region to Airbus in terms of both aircraf t sales and suppliers. 2,000
of the total of approximately 5,300 Airbus jetliners sold by Airbus around the world, representing
every aircraf t in its product line f rom the 107-seat A318 to the 565-passenger A380, are ordered
by North American customers. According to Airbus, US contractors, supporting an estimated
120,000 jobs, earned an estimated $5.5 billion (2003) worth of business. For example, one
version of the A380 has 51% American content in terms of work share value.
Plans f or a Mobile, Alabama aircraf t assembly plant were unveiled by Airbus CEO Fabrice
Brégier f rom the Mobile Convention Centre on 2 July 2012. The plans include a $600 million
f actory at the Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley for the assembly of the A220, A319, A320
and A321 aircraf t. It could employ up to 1,000 f ull-time workers when operational. Construction
began on 8 April 2013, and became operable by 2015, [83] producing up to 50 aircraf t per year by
2017. [84][85]
In February 2019, Airbus stated that production of the A380 will end in 2021 af ter Emirates, the
biggest customer f or the plane, reduced its outstanding order f or 53 planes to just f ourteen. [86]

Financial information[edit]
This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to
ref lect recent events or newly available inf ormation. (June 2020)

Revenues by region, as of 2013:[60]

Europe (36%)
Asia-Pacific (33%)
North America (15%)
Middle East (9%)
Africa and Latin America (7%)

In October 2005 the British Ministry of Def ence warned European politicians to stop, as it sees it,
interf ering in the corporate governance of EADS. The f ormer UK Def ence Procurement
Minister Lord Drayson hinted that the UK government, a major customer f or EADS, may withhold
f uture contracts. "As a key customer, we see it as important f or EADS to move in a direction that
is f ree f rom political interf erence." [87]
On 4 April 2006, DaimlerChrysler announced its intention to reduce its shareholding f rom 30 % to
22.5 %. The company places a value of the stake at "approximately €2.0 billion." [88] Lagardère will
reduce its holding by an identical amount. However, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, a unit
of the French government, acquired 2.25 % of EADS. At issue as a result is the f act that the
German and French shareholdings are now in imbalance. [89]
On 30 August 2006, shortly af ter the stock price decline caused by the A380 delivery delays,
more than 5 % of EADS stock has been reportedly purchased by the Russian state-
owned Vneshtorgbank.[90][91] Now its share is nearly 6 %. In December 2007, Vneshtorgbank sold
EADS shares to another state-controlled bank Vneshekonombank. EADS sharers are to be
delivered by Vneshekonombank to the charter capital of JSC "United Aircraf t Corporation" in
2008. [92][93]
On 3 October 2006, shortly af ter EADS admitted further delays in the Airbus 380 programme
would cost the company 4.8 billion euros in lost earnings in 2010, EADS shares, traded on t he
Paris arm of Euronext, were suspended af ter they surpassed the 10 % loss limit. Trading
resumed later in the day with the one-day loss holding at 7 %.
In 2007, Dubai Holding acquired 3.12 % of EADS stock, making the Dubai buy-out fund one of
the largest institutional shareholders. [94]
In 2008, EADS had arms sales equivalent of $17.9 billion, which constitut ed 28 % of total
revenue. [95]
In April 2013, Daimler sold its shares in EADS. [96]
As of 22 June 2018, 73.6 % of Airbus Group stock is publicly traded on six European stock
exchanges, while the remaining 26.4 % is owned by a "Contractual Partnership". As at 26 Ap ril
2018, the partnership is owned by SOGEPA (11.1%), GZBV (11.1%) and SEPI (4.2%). SOGEPA
is owned by the French State, GZBV is majority owned by Kf W, while SEPI is a Spanish state
holding company. [97]
In April 2020, Airbus announced that it has cut aircraf t production by a third due to the Covid -19
outbreak. According to Guillaume Faury, the company was "bleeding cash at an unprecedented
speed." The recession put its survival at stake and presented the need f or deep job cuts
throughout all Airbus departments. 3,000 workers in France were involved in government-
assisted f urlough schemes. [98]

Finances[9 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

59.25 56.48 49.12 45.75 42.82 43.26 39.12 39.43 34.20 31.76
6 0 8 2 2 5 3 4 6 1

4.575 4.142 3.473 2.769 1.446 4.439 1.751 2.033 4.365 3.841
Mio. EUR

2.661 2.186 1.696 1.231 (322) 2.830 52 399 2.852 2.432
Mio. EUR

3.160 3.142 3.152 2.939 2.825 2.669 2.608 2.458 2.075 2.126
ent costs

ted net
income 1.465 1.198 1.104 584 (722) 1.613 (433) 199 1.769 1.342

per share 1,85 1,46 1,27 0,68 (0,94) 1,95 (0,56) 0,12 2,11 1,50
in EUR
per share 0,75 0,60 0,45 0,22 0,00 0,20 0,12 0,12 0,65 0,50
in EUR

Free cash
flow in
(818) 3.472 958 2.707 585 2.559 3.354 2.029 2.413 1.614

orders in 218.6 102.4 131.0 83.14 45.84 98.64 136.7 69.01 92.55 44.11
EUR 81 71 27 7 7 8 99 8 1 7

686.7 566.4 540.9 448.4 389.0 400.2 339.5 262.8 253.2 184.2
at 31.12.
34 63 78 93 67 48 32 10 35 88
in EUR

s 144.0 140.4 133.1 121.6 119.5 118.3 116.4 116.8 113.2 110.6
(number) 61 05 15 91 06 49 93 05 10 62

accounted for under IFRS; The fiscal year ends on 31/12.

Sales of military equipment in 2012 amounted to 15.4 billion US dollars. [100]

Environmental record[edit]
Airbus has committed to the "Flightpath 2050", an aviation industry plan to reduce noise, CO 2,
and NOx emissions. [101]
Airbus was the f irst aerospace business to become ISO 14001 certif ied, in January 2007; this is
a broader certif ication covering the whole organisation, not just the aircraf t it produces. [102]
In association with Honeywell and JetBlue Airbus has developed a biofuel to reduce pollution and
dependence on f ossil fuels, claiming that this has the potential to replace up to a third of the
world's aviation f uel. Algae-based biofuel absorbs carbon dioxide during growth and does not
compete with f ood production. This alternative may be commercially available by 2030 but algae
and other vegetation-based f uels are in an early stage of development and f uel-bearing algae
has been expensive to develop. [103] Airbus offers delivery flights to airlines using a 10% biof uel
blend in standard engines. The f uel does not cut carbon emissions but is free of sulphur
emissions and demonstrates that the f uel could be used in commercial f light s in unmodified
engines. [104]
In September 2020, Airbus unveiled three liquid hydrogen-f ueled "ZEROe" concept aircraf t that it
claims could become the f irst commercial zero -emission aircraf t, entering service by 2035. [105][106]

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