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Chemical vapor deposition of thin graphite films of nanometer thickness

Article  in  Carbon · September 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2007.05.028


354 1,309

4 authors:

Alexander Obraztsov Ekaterina Obraztsova

Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Academy of Sciences


Anastasia. Tyurnina Aleksey Zolotukhin

Brunel University London Picodeon Ltd Oy, Oulu, Finland


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Carbon 45 (2007) 2017–2021

Chemical vapor deposition of thin graphite

films of nanometer thickness
A.N. Obraztsov , E.A. Obraztsova b, A.V. Tyurnina b, A.A. Zolotukhin b

University of Joensuu, Joensuu 801101, Finland
Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia

Received 9 March 2007; accepted 31 May 2007

Available online 24 June 2007


Well-ordered graphite films with a thickness of a few graphene layers have been grown on Ni substrates by chemical vapor deposition
(CVD) from a mixture of hydrogen and methane activated by a DC discharge. According to Auger, Raman and scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM) data the CVD graphite film thickness is about 1.5 ± 0.5 nm. The graphene layers were perfectly adhered to the sub-
strate surface except for upthrusted ridges of a few tens of nanometers in height. STM has revealed an atomically smooth surface with the
atomic arrangement typical of graphite between the ridges. A difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of nickel and graphite is
considered as a reason for the ridge formation.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Graphene can be produced by mechanical exfoliation of

individual layers from the surface of highly oriented pyro-
Graphite is a widely used material with well-developed lytic graphite (HOPG) crystal [2–5]. Thin heteroepitaxial
synthesis methods and properties investigated in detail graphite films consisting of a few graphene layers can be
[1]. A peculiarity of graphite is its layered structure formed produced by graphitization of silicon carbide surface [6,8]
by parallel two-dimensional graphene sheets weakly cou- or dissociation of ethylene gas on Ni(1 1 1) surface in
pled by van der Waals interaction. Each graphene sheet ultra-high vacuum [9]. However, such ‘‘hand-made’’ graph-
looks like a hexagonal network of carbon atoms connected ene or heteroepitaxial thin films have relatively small lateral
by strong covalent ‘‘in-plane’’ r r bonds. The delocalized sizes and are suitable only for pure scientific studies. For
electrons appear only due to an additional p p bonding of deposition of extended films appropriate for practical
electronic orbitals oriented perpendicularly to the graphene applications a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from acti-
plane. They are responsible for the graphite electrical con- vated gaseous phase could be efficient. But up to now only
ductivity which is highly anisotropic. Recently, the uncon- rather thick graphite films with a high number of structural
ventional electric field and quantum Hall effects have been defects were deposited by CVD technique [1].
demonstrated experimentally for a single sheet of graphite– In this paper, we describe a high yield technique of
graphene [2,3]. These experiments have triggered a great deposition of the large area graphitic films with thickness
interest to the graphite films containing one or a very few of a few graphene layers. The results of structural charac-
graphene sheets [4–7], because the unusual electron behav- terization of such films are also reported.
ior is considered as a result of two-dimensional confine-
ment of charge carriers.
2. Experimental
Corresponding author. Address: Moscow State University, Moscow The graphite films were grown by chemical vapor deposition technique
119992, Russia. Fax: +7 495 939 2988. from a hydrogen–methane gas mixture activated by DC discharge. A
E-mail address: (A.N. Obraztsov). detailed description of the deposition facility and the growth method

0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2018 A.N. Obraztsov et al. / Carbon 45 (2007) 2017–2021

has been done elsewhere [10]. Our CVD system allows production of dif- tions in a multi-chamber setup equipped with a cylindrical mirror analyzer
ferent types of carbon films ranging from polycrystalline diamond to car- Riber OPS-200 (for AES), Sigma Scan GPI-300 [11] (for STM) and other
bon nanotubes. A type of the material deposited depends essentially on the instruments for the surface analysis and treatments. A basic pressure in the
methane concentration and on the substrate temperature. In this work, the setup did not exceed 2 · 10 10 Torr. A preparation of W-tips for STM
process parameters corresponding to graphite phase deposition have been measurements was made by an electrochemical etching outside and a sub-
chosen [10]: the gas mixture composition H2:CH4 = 92:8; the total gas sequent sharpening inside the vacuum chamber with Ar+-bombardment
pressure P = 80 Torr; the substrate temperature of 950 C. In these condi- [12]. The samples were investigated by AES and STM in ‘‘as grown’’ form
tions the nano-graphite meso-porous layers were deposited after 1–1.5 h (without any UHV treatments).
[10]. The deposition procedure includes pumping out the reactor chamber
by a rotary pump to the base pressure value of 10 3 Torr followed by
introduction of a pure hydrogen and ignition of DC discharge at pressure 3. Results and discussion
of about 40 Torr. Then the hydrogen pressure was increased up to 80 Torr
simultaneously with increasing the discharge current. This procedure took Our previous studies have revealed no significant differ-
about 10 min. It was followed by an introduction of the methane gas into
ence in the structure of graphite-like materials deposited on
the reactor and an increase of its content up to 8 vol%. The discharge cur-
rent was fixed at value about 0.5 A/cm2 being typical for the graphite Ni and Si substrates in CVD-process lasted 45 min or
phase formation [10]. longer [10]. For the shorter deposition times (5–10 min)
Optical emission spectra (OES) measured in DC discharge plasma have substantially different carbon materials have been grown
revealed an important role of carbon dimers C2 generated in the plasma onto substrates made from these two materials. To provide
near the substrate surface. The dimers may be considered as building
the identical conditions of CVD process for both types of
blocks for the graphite deposit [10]. In present study the deposition time
has been reduced to 5–10 min to obtain the thinner films. In our CVD sys- substrates the sets of Ni and Si wafers have been located
tem the main parameters are stabilized usually not earlier than 15 min side by side on a holder in the deposition chamber. Each
after the process starts. Thus, the process is not completely under control set consisted of four samples (10 · 10 mm). The films
during first minutes of deposition. For instance, the intensities of OES deposited onto both types of substrates looked very
peaks (including those corresponding to C2 dimers) are varied with time
smooth and continuous, but their morphologies were dif-
in contrast to the fixed values observed in case of the standard deposition
conditions [10]. However, the deposition procedure has shown surprisingly ferent. The SEM images of films grown on both substrates
good repeatability of the results despite of the incontrollable character of are shown in Fig. 1.
its initial stage. The film grown on Si substrate consists of numerous
In this work, the silicon and nickel square plates with thickness of tiny grains (more clearly seen under the higher resolution)
about 0.5 mm and lateral dimensions of 10 · 10 mm or 25 · 25 mm were
and looks more or less homogeneous over the whole sam-
used as substrates. The single crystalline silicon substrates have been pre-
pared by cutting the standard polished Si(1 0 0) wafers. The nickel sub- ple. The film deposited on Ni has a specific morphology
strates were made by cutting of the polycrystalline Ni sheets with with the smooth surface areas separated from each other
thickness of 0.5 mm produced by rolling. The substrates were treated in by out-of-plane extrusions. A typical size of the smooth
pure hydrogen DC plasma to remove the surface oxide layer before the surface regions is about 1 lm. The ridges between such
interaction with methane started.
regions form their own net on the film surface. The SEM
The CVD-deposited graphite films were studied by Raman spectros-
copy using a Fourier-transform Raman apparatus Bruker FR 1 106 with image obtained for the tilted sample (Fig. 1c) shows a for-
excitation by a YAG:Nd laser operating at wavelength 1064 nm. A special mation of the net of ridges at the boundaries of the smooth
care has been taken to avoid the material heating by laser radiation in micron-size areas. Some of the surface regions look like
course of measurements. For this purpose the Raman spectra were first swells formed by the film partially exfoliated from the sub-
measured with different laser power densities. The final level of the laser
strate. An example of such swelling is marked by arrow in
power density was chosen in the middle of the range where no temporal
changes in the line positions and shapes were observed. Raman spectra Fig. 1c. The films grown onto nickel contain also the ball-
of HOPG sample (HOPG SPI-3 GRADE supplied by SPI, West Chestr, like structures on the surface. An origin of these structures
PA 19381, USA) were recorded at the same conditions to obtain the ref- is unclear. Taking in account an absence of any non-carbon
erence data. inclusions shown by AES we suppose that these balls are
The surface morphology was studied with a scanning electron micros-
the islands of amorphous carbon.
copy (SEM) using LEO Supra 50 PV instrument and a scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM). An Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was used for The films grown have been analyzed by Raman scatter-
elemental analysis of the surface. The AES and STM measurements were ing spectroscopy. Fig. 2 shows the typical Raman spectra
carried out at room temperature under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) condi- of films grown on Si (Fig. 2(1)) and Ni (Fig. 2(2) – solid

Fig. 1. The SEM images films grown in identical CVD conditions on Si (a) and Ni (b and c) substrates. The image (c) has been obtained with the sample
tilt of 75.
A.N. Obraztsov et al. / Carbon 45 (2007) 2017–2021 2019

On the contrary, the Raman spectrum observed for the

film deposited onto Ni substrate (Fig. 2(2) – solid line) is
very similar to that of HOPG (Fig. 2(2) – dotted line).
The most pronounced peaks in these spectra are centered
around 1582 cm 1 and 2600 cm 1. The line at 1582 cm 1
(the so-called ‘‘G’’ – ‘‘graphite’’ band) is assigned to the
one-phonon zone-center Raman scattering in graphite
[14]. Another Raman line, usually observed for graphitic
materials in the vicinity of 1350 cm 1, is labeled as ‘‘D’’-
‘‘disorder’’-induced mode. The light scattering on phonons
with non-zero k-vectors contributes to this ‘‘D’’-signal. Its
intensity increases with the number of defects in graphite
lattice. The frequency position of ‘‘D’’-band depends on
excitation wavelength. In case of excitation at 1064 nm
the band is centered on 1300 cm 1 [15,16]. For the CVD
films grown on Ni and for the HOPG sample the intensity
Fig. 2. The Raman spectra for CVD films deposited onto Si (1) and Ni (2 of this band was found in our measurements to be just
– solid curve) substrates and for HOPG sample (2 – dotted curve). The PL
slightly above the noise level. In the scale of Fig. 2, it is
background subtraction has been performed for spectrum 1. The
excitation wavelength was 1064 nm. not observable at all. While the low intensities of ‘‘D’’-
bands show a high structural perfection of both materials,
a difference in the widths of ‘‘G’’-bands may be attributed
curve) substrates. For comparison the Raman spectrum of to a relatively less ordering of the CVD film in comparison
HOPG sample has been registered (Fig. 2(2) –dotted with that of HOPG due to an existence of inhomogeneous
curve). All peaks with Raman shifts below 1000 cm 1 mechanical stress in the films.
observed in the spectrum 1 correspond to one- and two- For two-phonon Raman scattering on the same pho-
phonon Raman scattering of silicon. These lines are rather nons with non-zero k-vectors the structural defect presence
intensive because the excitation wavelength (1064 nm) pro- is not needed. As a result a corresponding Raman line
vides resonance conditions for the Raman scattering in Si. (labeled in the literature as ‘‘D*’’ or ‘‘2D’’ [7]) is more
The main fundamental Raman mode of silicon at 520 cm 1 intensive in the spectrum of perfect graphite than the
is so intensive that it is partially cut by the graph frame one-phonon ‘‘D’’-line. The intensity of ‘‘2D’’ band is
(Fig. 2). Due to the resonance conditions an intensive pho- increased with excitation wavelength due to a selective real-
toluminescence (PL) band of the silicon substrate (with ization of resonance conditions for different phonons. For
maximum around 1.08 eV) is also observed. The PL back- HOPG this band could demonstrate a double-peak struc-
ground has been subtracted for spectrum 1 (Fig. 2). ture with the excitation in a visible spectral range [7]. But
The other bands in the spectrum 1 correspond to the with the excitation at 1064 nm, used in our experiments,
first- and second-order Raman scattering in the carbon ‘‘2D’’-band of HOPG looks like a single Lorentzian cen-
film. The shapes and widths of these bands are typical of tered at 2604 cm 1 (Fig. 2(2) – dotted curve). At the same
disordered carbon. They are similar, for instance, to the time the CVD film grown on Ni demonstrates an asymmet-
bands of amorphous carbon (a-C) films deposited by a ric ‘‘2D’’ Raman band, which exhibits two features: a
magnetron sputtering [13]. shoulder centered at 2604 cm 1 (at the same frequency as

Fig. 3. The STM images of the surface of graphite film grown on Ni coinciding with the atomic arrangement of an ideal single crystal of graphite (a) and
with the graphene layers stacking fault producing the moiré (b).
2020 A.N. Obraztsov et al. / Carbon 45 (2007) 2017–2021

that of HOPG) and a down-shifted main peak centered at

2560 cm 1. A similar downshift and splitting of ‘‘2D’’
Raman band have been observed and considered as a
‘‘fingerprint’’ for graphite sheets with a number of layers
from 1 to 6 [7].
The Raman spectroscopy data are in well agreement
with the direct structural studies by scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM). The low-resolution STM images of
the CVD films grown on Ni substrates are very similar to
those obtained with SEM (see Fig. 1b and c). They exhibit
a presence of the smooth regions bordered by ridges with a
typical height of 10–50 nm. The STM images with the
higher spatial resolution exhibit an atomic-scale smooth-
ness of a significant part of the smooth film surface. In
some areas we have detected STM images typical for the
atomic arrangement of a single crystal of graphite (see
Fig. 3a). In other areas we have obtained various types
of the moiré images (see Fig. 3b). The latter type of STM
images (moiré) is resulted usually from a distortion in
stacking of the graphite atomic layers [17].
The STM technique has been used also to estimate the
thickness of CVD films. For this purpose a part of the film
was scraped off the Ni substrate by STM tip in course of
scanning in the contact mode. The complete removal of
the carbon material was controlled by consequent STM
imaging of the scanned area and the surface electrical con-
ductivity measurements [18]. STM profile measurement of
the border of the scrapped region has allowed estimation
of the CVD film thickness as 1.5 ± 0.5 nm.
Additional information about the thickness of CVD film
has been obtained with AES analysis. The typical graphite-
type Auger spectra (C KLL peak) have been found for C-
covered Ni substrate. No other elements (including Ni)
have been found on the surface. Taking into account the
depth of Auger analysis for C KLL (275 eV) the minimal
thickness of the continuous graphite film can be estimated
as 1 nm [19].
Thus, AES, STM and Raman data have shown that the
films deposited by CVD method on Ni substrates have a
well-ordered crystalline graphite structure. The film thick-
ness is about 1.5 ± 0.5 nm. Taking into account a polycrys-
talline metal type of Ni substrates we can propose a
mechanism of the graphite structure formation which
includes three stages (see Fig. 4). During Stage I the nickel Fig. 4. A schematic view of three stages of the deposition process of
oxides are removed from the substrate surface due to its graphite film on Ni substrate (see comments in the text).
contact with the hydrogen plasma. The treated surface of
Ni substrate kept some roughness and a polycrystalline
structure typical for metals produced by rolling. At Stage ordered graphite structure is possible neither on Si surface
II gaseous methane is introduced into the reactor chamber nor on Ni with the surface orientation different from (1 1 1)
and forms C2 dimers in the plasma. These dimers are due to a larger lattice mismatch between the graphitic film
absorbed on the substrate surface from the activated gas growing and the substrate. In the latter case only the for-
and form different carbon structures. We assume that some mation of amorphous carbon may occur. In the former
parts of polycrystalline Ni substrate have (1 1 1) Ni atomic case the heteroepitaxial islands of graphite on Ni (1 1 1)
arrangement which is suitable for a heteroepitaxial graph- are growing in lateral directions with the time and covering
ite formation due to a very good matching of the lattice the neighboring areas. Then the separate islands meet and
parameters of nickel and graphene [9,20,21]. At the same join each other for formation of a final smooth graphite
synthesis parameters a heteroepitaxial growth of the film with a little amount of structural defects.
A.N. Obraztsov et al. / Carbon 45 (2007) 2017–2021 2021

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